Corporate Coaching Referral Services:
1 to 1 Coaching Network™
Our mission
is your success:
we provide a FREE SEARCH to find the best qualified, specialist executive /
coach to meet your needs.
The search for the 'right coach' for your learning, development and/or change
needs can be time consuming, frustrating and costly - especially if the wrong
coach is matched with your personnel. We can speed up the
to you. Our online
free referral service is the world's leading business coaching search facility.
All coaches on our global register
are professionally trained,
mentored, Certified Master Coaches.
The Network provides businesses access
to corporate coaching support, services and resources
an "on-demand"
International Panel of external, specialist, qualified Master Coaches.
All member coaches are professional certified coaches
possess advanced corporate coaching skills and techniques that ensure measurable
The Coaching Network can put your
key people on the success track that will build the bridge between where you are
as an organization today, and where you want to be tomorrow.
It used to be that
organizations would have external executive coaches only work with troubled,
derailing executives. Today,
however, executive coaching is a mainstream practice that helps even the
most productive, well-adjusted executives articulate their vision, meet new
challenges, and influence the organization’s direction. The Network can help
your executives develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes
that your organization requires to thrive and succeed.
of our Corporate Coaching Network:
- are experienced change and learning
- maintain a high level of knowledge in the field and remain current on
theory and practice, models, tools and methods.
- specialize in the area of high yield personal development of key
- maximize the intelligence, talent and skills of your people.
- construct highly personalized developmental plans for people to
acquire lasting skills and competencies necessary
to raise their performance levels to new heights and to
better manage their careers and lives.
- have strategies for supporting and referring their clients to more
appropriate resources.