Content: Coaching 360 degree feedback assessment, Performance Coaching, performance coach, performance management, 360 degree feedback, performance feedback coaching, performance coaching and business, 20/20 Insight, 20/20, multi-source feedback coaching, 360,  coaching, 360 degree feedback, 360-degree feedback, 360 feedback, multi-source feedback, 360,  manager as coach, performance feedback coaching and coaching skills, performance management and executive coaching, 360, 360 degree feedback assessment, 360 degree feedback, 360 feedback, 360 degree feedback, 360-degree feedback 360 feedback, multi-rater feedback, teams, 360 degree feedback, performance feedback assessment and coaching




Certified Master Coach Course - Some Introductory Notes:
360 Degree Feedback and Performance Coaching

360 Degree Feedback, Assessment and Performance Coaching

 -360 Degree Feedback Performance Coaching Best Practices in the Workplace ©

 360 degree Feedback -extracts from new book 'Behavioral Coaching'
 by Zeus and Skiffington -published by McGraw-Hill, New York

360-degree feedback as a Behavioral Change Instrument.

The popular
360-degree feedback process,
also known as a multi-rater or multi-source feedback or multi-source assessment, is a way of measuring behaviors. Input is included from those surrounding an employee eg; subordinates, supervisors, colleagues and even customers, suppliers or other interested stakeholders. It also includes  self-assessment. 

Unfortunately the 360 degree process has many detractors.
Despite its growing popularity, a number of issues emerge in its use and implementation. These include:

What competencies should be assessed and measured? And who decides?
Who should provide feedback?
How should raters be selected?
How many individuals ensure a reliable and valid set of observations about another individual?
Should 360-degree feedback be used for development or just appraisal purposes?
Should the individuals providing feedback be identified? 

360 degree Multi-rater feedback can raise more questions than answers.

Research suggests that disagreement between rater groups is very common and that confusing results usually create challenges for individual development.

That said, one claimed benefit of 360-degree feedback is that it reflects the varying perspectives of different rater groups. However, that too can be a problem. For example when one group views a highly rated competency as effective behavior, while another group may see as problematic. 

The key bottom-line question is -do leaders change their behavior after training, and if they do, does it last?

Surveys have found that change in behavior is not an immediate or lasting result after 360 Feedback and resultant training. For, only use of evidence-based behavioral change models can sustainable, measurable behavioral change be achieved.

How to gain valuable information about 360-degree feedback, coaching and other professional development tools that will enable you to implement genuine personal behavior change in your organization.        

The Behavioral Coaching Institute's fast-tracked Certified Master Coach Course (Self-Study, Campus and Distance Learning Format) meets the critical needs for business and executive coaches and other professional people developers to be trained and mentored in the use of the latest validated, reliable psychology-based behavioral change models, tools and techniques.
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Content: 360 assessment  coaching, 360 degree feedback assessment, 360-degree feedback, 360 feedback, 20/20 Insight  coaching, 20/20 Insight GOLD, multi-source feedback assessment  coaching, 360, 360 degree feedback, 360-degree feedback, 360 feedback, multi-source feedback, 360, 360 degree feedback  coaching, 360-degree feedback 360 feedback, multi-rater feedback assessment, teams, coaching