Cont: - Content: Management Coaching -Manager as Coach, Leadership Coaching, Employee Coaching, Manager Coach, Leader Coaching, Coaching Culture, Manager as Coach, Employee Coaching, business coaching management, coaching managers, leadership coaching, management coaching programs, coaching tools, manager, management coaching

Latest Management Coaching Articles:
Dr Skiffington's 'Manager as Coach' -Manual/Course -available for licence  
     Strategic Global Partnerships with Dr Skiffington and
the Behavioral Coaching Institute
     Evidence Based Approach to Coaching 
     Evidence Based Coaching versus Belief Coaching 
     Benefits of organizational coaching and some case studies
     Change - are we truly specialist change agents?
      Some general misconceptions about coaching




Turning your managers and leaders into coaches to coach themselves and their staff. 
Management Coaching - Manager as Coach, Leadership Coaching and Coaching Culture -

The future will challenge corporations to surpass both current and predictable levels of performance and productivity. With reinvention, reengineering, reorganizations and right-sizing, organizations are experiencing massive, relentless change as individuals and as an organism. To meet this challenge will require new possibilities for leadership development and organizational effectiveness. Organizations in the midst of today's changes need coaching at the executive and the manager level to effectively communicate and facilitate where the organization is and where it is headed. In addition to educational development and experience, long-term successful leaders need honest, objective feedback.

Management Coaching
Coaching is also needed today more than ever as a critical tool for successfully engineering organizational change. Change is essential for an organization to grow and adapt to today's rapidly shifting marketplace, but people and organizations are naturally resistant to change. Coaching can facilitate productive change in persons, teams, and systems by enabling leaders, managers, and employees to uncover potential that might otherwise go untapped.

Successful companies focus on the ‘measurables’ of performance, such as profit, productivity and customer satisfaction. Yet there is a growing recognition that world-class organizations recognize that these measurements are the outcome of performance rather than the cause. They tend to focus on leadership practices, cultural factors and the learning and development practices that drive performance.

Coaching is not a fashionable alternative vehicle of managerial control.  Leaders do not have time or capacity to control anymore. They have to empower, to delegate to create a culture of responsibility and self-generated actions. Coaching and leadership, in many ways are synonymous.  Both work through relationships, through dialogue and work towards possibilities and growth.  It is not simply a matter of learning techniques. Coaching is not a technique. It involves a way of viewing the world, relationships and the organization.

Coaching then is a distinct way of communicating, relating and acting based on the commitments of human beings to accomplish more than has previously been accomplished. It is about breakthroughs - about producing unprecedented results in organizations and work in any field. Coaching is about working with people to show them new possibilities and assist them in taking actions previously not obvious to them. Coaching is the capability to alter or shift the structures of interpretation, the context, the ground of being within which people normally operate. In this sense, introducing coaching competencies into an organization is a very powerful strategy for modifying or creating a culture which is more adaptable to change and growth. 

Coaching provides an answer to some new challenges facing today's leaders.....
How do I know if my commitments and actions are aligned?
How do I sustain momentum?
I am committed to learning and development but I need to find more time for reflection about what I do and what I really care about.
As a leader, I need to commit to do things I do not know how to do.
As a leader I need to be listening beyond what is actually said. I need to be listening in a new way if I want to gain access to new possibilities. But how do I do this? What is missing for me to achieve a breakthrough?
What new competencies should I be learning?

However, organizations are not investing enough in helping their managers/leaders develop cutting-edge coaching skills -with some significant bottom-line consequences.
In a recent large industry-wide study it was found that most managers reported that they were confident in their ability to coach. However, the study showed that the managers'/leaders' skills levels as coaches were typically poor and that as a consequence they were not nearly as effective in their coaching as they believe themselves to be. Often times, they believed that coaching consisted of providing 1-to-1 instructional feedback to their staff members on what to do in a given situation -but, that's not coaching, it's managing or counselling. A well-trained Manager/Leader as Coach supports their staff by using advanced developmental and learning tools and providing them with personalized self-coaching strategies to achieve sustainable results. 

Management Coaching -Benefits
Training senior managers to coach produces breakthroughs in their capacity to meet today's organizational challenges and to empower others in their work environment. Managers learn that by being a coach they can modify or create an organizational culture that is more adaptable to change and open to new possibilities.

Managers as a Coach learn how to:











Some More Organizational Benefits:


Managers obtain a clearer sense of their commitments and those of their organization, in a way that increases alignment, enrolls people in new possibilities, reduces waste and achieves measurable gains in individual and organizational effectiveness.


Managers become more competent in generating and maintaining effective relationships, both professional and personal, resulting in increased levels of trust and accountability in the organization.


Managers expand their understanding of organizational and interpersonal dynamics (including moods and recurring patterns of behaviour and culture) in ways that enable them to empower themselves and others to achieve results.


Managers will be able to help others expand their levels of responsibility and their capacity for initiative and action, resulting in people taking greater risks to produce results aligned with departmental vision and leadership.


Managers become more effective as a manager and leader by understanding and adopting the proven principles of coaching and empowerment.


Managers will begin to develop the kind of unity and team spirit that enable powerful work relationships to achieve unprecedented results.


Some Leadership Challenges where coaching is invaluable:


  1. Corporate financial health and fiscal responsibilities.
    1. Consistent financial returns are more difficult to get in a highly competitive global market
    2. Strategic alliances to leverage financial resources
    3. Insuring your organization is a compelling place to work to attract and retain high quality human capital
  2. Organizational Change and Chaos
    1. Handling the speed of chaos. Staying ahead instead of up with
    2. Potential mergers, acquisitions, and sizing issues
    3. Accelerated change causing turbulence
    4. Succession planning and implementation
  3. Managing myriad details
    1. Resourcing time to manage details
    2. Leadership challenges (team, collaborative approaches, board responsibility)
    3. Clarity of vision and focus and buy in from the troops
    4. Daily and long term agendas
  4. Performance Issues (Self and Team)
    1. Managing stress and burnout issues
    2. No longer challenged
    3. Blind spots
    4. Performance in the job
    5. Building relationships
    6. Missing skills and/or competencies (content skills: strategic and implementation, effective management and process skills: communication, facilitation, relating, presence)
  5. Balance of personal and professional life
    1. Lonely at top, no one to talk to, no truth saying or feedback
    2. Career/Leadership development (mature leaders, emerging leaders, star "fast trackers" and independent contractors)
    3. Shift from technical to management to leadership to fostering leadership
    4. Personal mid-career transition
    5. Balance of life (never enough hours)
    6. Balance of multiple intelligences (Head, Heart and Feet)
    7. Self-care


Manager as Coach
In the new economy it isn’t sufficient to have supervisory and management skills. The most successful managers understand that in an environment of teamwork and empowerment coaching skills are an essential skill set. The new contract between the worker and the organization assumes the employee will be given development opportunities.

To retain the brightest and the best the manager needs competence in developing people, evoking excellence and creating a culture of continuous learning.

Leadership Coaching
We need more leaders if we are going to succeed at creating a tomorrow that sustains us.  And we need leaders who have committed to internal mastery, who know themselves and bring their best selves forward on a daily basis. Here is where coaching comes in.  To develop yourself as a leader, you need to continually develop yourself as a person – someone who has not yet tapped all of his or her potential, someone who still has many qualities to bring forward.  Leadership coaching will help you to…

  • expand your leadership skills, knowing that the skills that have allowed you to get to where you are may not be enough to sustain you as you move forward in your career
  • lead from a breakthrough mentality vs. maintaining the status quo mentality
  • find new and productive ways to manage the interpersonal aspects of leading others
  • find powerful ways to influence others, whether up, down, or across
  • create leaders around you
  • create a vital sense of purpose and act in accordance with your values
  • find ways out of the distractions and urgencies of daily work, and ways into working, living, being and “leading on purpose”
  • manage transitions, new responsibilities, and celebrate successes
  • offer your most authentic, talented self to your peers, subordinates, and organization
Benefits of Creating a Coaching Culture
  • clearer vision and buy-in by employees
  • better matches between employees and their jobs
  • increased productivity
  • creative business breakthroughs
  • more success at new ventures
  • greater employee retention
  • greater focus on priorities
  • more productive relationships, internally and externally
  • sharper sense of organizational “being” and competitive advantage
  • decreased stress, increased morale

Note: One of the first published case studies (Mold, 1951) on the effect of coaching was on Managers as Coach. The case study focused on creating a coaching culture and involved each manager being coached by his/her superior. The program objectives, including the manager's exploring and accepting their emotional competencies, such as fear and aggression, were all met.

According to NASA: -
"In every field of human endeavor in which performance is key, coaching is integral to helping shift an individual's mindset, approaches, and behaviors to ensure more effective action and greater business success. It's all about company and employee strengthening and growth. In their new groundbreaking text book, Zeus and Skiffington outline some of the key benefits of organizational coaching ..and the types of executive coaching." -Your Strengths are the Paths to Excellence. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -Report. Issue 24. Dec 2002. -E. Saxinger (NASA Work/Life Program Manager)

- 'Manager/Leader as Coach' -Workshop Training Manual 
-for In-house and external Trainers, Consultants, Coaches etc
-Licensed users are able to re-brand the course (contains over 30 extensive modules) with their own name and re-format the material to create short seminars or workshops or longer certificate courses etc more..

The best private, customized coach training for your Organization!
Onsite training is a cost-effective, efficient, and convenient way to train your employees. By customizing the coach training to meet your needs, you can ensure that everyone in your coaching team is on the same page and uses the same coaching methodologies and shares the same knowledge about the latest coaching technologies and practice trends etc.

Courses can be conducted at your facility, our facility, or another location of your choice. Training is delivered in a format that best meets the needs of your organization, whether that's week days or weekends.

The Master Coach course content surpasses that of any comparative course -in any terms. Dr Skiffington (the course facilitator) has the international experience to answer your most challenging issues and is able to facilitate hands-on learning interactions that relate to your specific organizational and cultural needs.

Bring 'World-best standard' Coaching into your company -for Human Resource and Leadership Development Executives

Let's face it. As a HR or L & D Manager, running your own coaching programs can sometimes be unnerving. It's comforting to have the support of others who've experienced the same problems, concerns and issues … and the same opportunities. 

Whether you are just getting started or in the middle of a program design or already have a coaching program that is generating positive results -if you become a Project Support Member with Dr Skiffington you have your own coaching mentor and resource provider to guide you through the steps of establishing and managing a 'world-best standard' organizational coaching program.

To learn more simply complete the online 'Registration of Interest Form' and tick Project Support to set-up a time to chat with us.

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Content: Management Coaching -Manager as Coach, Leadership Coaching, Employee Coaching, Manager Coach, Coaching Management, Leader Coaching, Coaching Culture, Management Coaching, Manager as Coach, Employee Coaching, business coaching management, coaching managers, leadership coaching, management coaching programs, coaching tools, manager, management coaching