Content : Manager as Coach, Employee Coaching,
Mentor, HR Coaching, Leader as
Coach, Manager Coach,
Manager as Coach, Leader as
Coach, Manager Coach, Manager as Coach,, HR Coaching, Manager Coach, Mentor
Page 2.
For License Page
for License to
Graduates of
the Institute's Master Coach
join the Course Licensing
Program a person needs to become a 'subject-matter expert'
professional coaching by
first completing the Institute's Certified Master Coach Course.
World Class Educational Products
-looking to build a
larger client base and a
significant additional income stream
- who require their Managers and Leaders
provide best industry standard coaching.
Crisis in Mainstream Workplace Coaching....All
Managers are coaching in varying degrees, but very few are using valid coaching technology or
the means to ensure their initiatives are accountable... and are generating sustainable results and clear productivity or profitability investment gains." -HR
These are the same acclaimed, proven
courses BCI's expert Faculty have personally delivered
to a select / elite number of Fortune 500 and major Government clients around the world... |
Background Notes: |
dilemma of the Driver/Sponsor of coaching initiatives inside an
are responsible for the introduction of a coaching culture
or program but realise you first require a proven
educational coaching platform to: 1) obtain senior
management buy-in and, 2) have senior management through to
line management understand how coaching can best work for
them and the organisation overall.
The educational
coaching program 'Manager / Leader as Coach' provides all managers and leaders with the skills and
understanding of how both the informal and
formal models of
coaching can work for them and their people. This invaluable
educational course is also the ideal platform for any planned roll-out of
a structured, formal
coaching program and/or the establishment of a coaching
dilemma of the new external coach: |
external coach first requires
working knowledge of a prospective client's:
organizational culture,
structure and
the people dynamics and the strengths and
weaknesses of the management team etc. Without
this inside information/knowledge a coach is working in a
small dark room and can only talk in vague generalities. Any
new coach also needs the opportunity and time to establish
his/her professionalism and their ability to successfully work
with the client's management.
A general, educational
coaching program (such as the proven 'Manager
as Coach' Program) has provided many of our graduates the
ideal, "first-up" program to quickly open the door of
opportunity. The
first few sessions of an introductory-level, educational
engagement is typically used as a
discovery and networking process -allowing the coach to meet and
listen with as many Managers/Leaders as
These first exploratory steps need to
be taken before the coach can really prioritize the most
critical issues and present a solid case for follow-on
specialist coaching services such
or group coaching. This informed proposal can then
be submitted to
either: a) the initial gatekeeper/decision maker who has
now established a trusting, professional
relationship with the coach or, b) one of the
Managers/Leaders who has had the opportunity
to establish a working relationship with the coach via the 'Manager as
Coach' Course and has decided to become a program sponsor
or driver and introduce specialist coaching programs
into his/her workplace.
than 80% of organisations use coaching to develop their staff
according to a recent survey (EWB 2009 ).
However, less than 5% have formally trained their managers in
the use of the latest coaching workplace
practices. The
national survey found;
that coaching and mentoring skills were passed on by a trickle
effect as senior managers worked with middle managers and middle
managers with their juniors. While,
organizations had their managers undertake some short courses
(internal or external) -the Managers
were typically
taught out-dated coaching practices."
Crisis in Mainstream Workplace Coaching....All Managers are
coaching in varying
degrees, but very few are using valid coaching technology or the
means to ensure their
initiatives are accountable
or are generating sustainable results and clear productivity or
profitability investment gains." -HR
Magazine |
The licensee obtains the right to re-brand the licensed course
with their own name, add any additional material and re-format the
course to create short (2 to 4 hour) seminars or workshops
(half-day) or longer certificate courses (4 Days or more) etc. |
Certified Manager / Leader as Coach
Course #3.0
** Three Course Manuals:
1) Trainer's Manual (containing extensive Course Presenter Notes), 2)
Participant's Manual and
3) a Resource Manual
are expected to coach workers every day
nine out 10 firms expect their managers to deliver coaching as
part of their day-to-day
work, according to
a new survey by the Institute of Personnel and
The vast majority of employers believe coaching can deliver
tangible benefits to both individuals
and organisations, said
the Institute. The majority of employers planned to
increase the use of
coaching over the next
few years, it added. The research also found that coaching provided
by a
manager or supervisor
is becoming increasingly popular as the value of sustainable
on the job
learning is recognised in
the workplace. However, research also suggests that if
coaching is to
deliver these significant benefits,
employers need to ensure that their line managers are provided
with up-to-date
Manager-as-Coach training to be able to deliver the results."
& Development. -. Management Issues News |
Who are the Course Participants?
- Managers
or Leaders or other individuals who are interested
in developing coaching skills to use in their specific profession.
This course is suitable for both: 1) an organization's Managers and
Leaders and,
2) Service Providers eg; Real Estate Agents, CPA's,
Financial Advisors and other professionals.
The later group use the
learnt knowledge and skills to provide coaching as a part their
traditional services eg; as a trusted specialist advisor they coach/
guide their clients through strategic planning and related personal
management issues.
Course Description:
matter how much we “thrive on chaos” and jump “into the
vortex,” new habits/learning/behavior take time to develop. Every
person changes at their own rate and we can't speed that up.
The world around us is changing faster than ever, but people
are not. Clearly, we are in need of an adaptive, personalized change
and growth tool to empower our
Managers/Leaders to
deliver ongoing, real, sustainable results to build
and corporate futures upon.
The Manager / Leader as Coach plays a critical role for
organizational development and improved business results - whether
the focus is reducing unwanted turnover, inducting new employees or
those transitioning to leadership roles, providing access and skill
enhancement to targeted groups, or accelerating the development of the best and brightest. And while coaching
may occur spontaneously with positive results, its benefits are too
important to be left to chance. A well-defined process, support
structure, and validated techniques and tools are required to ensure
reliability, sustainability, and broad-based impact.
A manager or leader or professional
coach is expected to
get the very best from the people they work with. And, much of that success will
depend on their ability to help people develop the skills
needed to improve performance levels. But coaching performance is
more than skill enhancement – it is targeting growth paths,
motivating, addressing behavior challenges – all with end goal of
shaping and fine tuning individual or group performance to help the
organizations realize its strategic objectives.
Managers/Leaders/Supervisors/Team Leaders believe they are
providing performance oriented coaching by simply providing
positional technical skills training and feedback.
Many recent studies have shown that “Technical Skills”
(our natural skills and learnt skills through training and
experience) only represent at best 20% of the input into our performance.
The remaining 80% which affects our performance comes from
our "Personal Skills" (those crucial other elements
such as our thinking and our behavioral aspects -such
as: Ability to choose or make a decision, Assertiveness,
Authenticity, Commitment to grow, Concentration, Emotional
stability, Enthusiasm, Judgment, Energy level, Resourcefulness, Honesty,
Integrity, Open-mindedness, Optimism, Persistence, Performing
well under stress, Reliability, Self-confidence,
Self-control, Self-reliance, Self-respect, Initiative or drive
etc). Few Managers/Leaders understand just how deep
rooted their own behavior patterns are, let alone how to positively
change them in other people.
Peak performance coaching
tools and techniques.
To create lasting performance change
it is necessary to first understand the positive and negative
influence that a person's Personal Skills has on the
execution of their Technical Skills. Only when we fully understand
a person's behavioral patterns and create positive self-managing
coaching strategies can we assist a person to create lasting performance
Coaching for sustainable learning
acquisition and behavioral change (versus old forms of traditional
coaching) -is a vital function through which executives and managers
learn how to "lead" their people to outstanding
productivity, morale, commitment, creativity and teamwork. Some
other results include: lowered destructive conflicts and a higher
constructive challenge, more productive inclusive outcomes; increased
openness and greater levels of creativity, problem-solving and
intellectual curiosity.
In this
workshop, participants learn the latest and best practices for building,
developing coaching initiatives that deliver
long-term, maximum results for
both individuals and organizations.
as Coach / Leader as Coach:
- Course Objectives
-Integrating Coaching Skills into a Leadership Role
Transformational leadership requires new ways
of communicating with those you work with. Coaching skills are
essential. This workshop is for any leader or manager who wishes to
incorporate coaching skills into their existing leadership roles.
Who Should Attend?
Leaders who desire to empower, equip, encourage, and support others.
- Team leaders
- Field directors
- Area directors
- Regional leaders etc
Participant's (Managers / Leaders) are shown how to:
- enhance their
management and leadership skills
- understand how
coaching can work for them
- define best
industry practice standards of coaching
- select the appropriate
coaching models of practice in their role as a
- learn a step
by step proven, process of coaching in the workplace that
best suits them
- practice
their coaching skills in relevant role-plays
- benchmark their own
coaching initiatives against the industry leaders
- best deal with some
of the key challenges that a manager/leader coach must confront
- participants are
also shown how to increase their interpersonal and communication
skills, problem solving skills and
motivation and self-confidence,
acquire better team cohesion and improve their bottom line results
- plus lots of
industry insider information, case studies, resources etc
Plus -How to:
- Improve employee performance and
well-being by creating an environment that promotes learning and
- Enable employees to build upon their
strengths and improve areas of weakness
- Address performance issues in a
manner that gets employees back on track – fast
- Build trusting and constructive
- Provide meaningful motivation –
understand which motivational strategies work, which don’t and
- Build the competency level of a
workforce in alignment with organizational goals
Some Further Benefits
- Identify organizational policies,
practices, and cultural factors that support successful coaching
- How to tie your coaching to your
organization's strategic objectives
- Obtain a wealth of tools and sample
documents to organize, launch, support, and sustain a proven
coaching framework
- How to utilize a scorecard of
measures for evaluating your coaching's effectiveness and growth
- How to leverage critical enablers --
and avoid critical derailers -- of effective coaching
-Comprehensive Experiential Learning
30 Modules. Each module is
complete in itself so that trainers can choose which modules they
want to present.
Each module contains:
1) Clear Objectives established at the beginning of each module,
2) Detailed Facilitator's Notes -a step-by-step guide to
introduce the topic and a commentary to accompany each point
on the material,
3) Multiple Learning Activities for the participant to
engage in, such as:
role plays, case discussions, self-assessments
4) Facilitator's Notes -to conduct and
debrief the learning activity.
Example Modules...
Coaching -
its core elements
What coaching is not
: Coaching Education - What to tell your staff
: Coaching Skills
: Coaching and Managing -Recognizing
your strengths as a Manager
: Informal Coaching – a model
and when to use it
: The Managers Toolkit of Techniques -and how to use
: Exercises –Coaching Skills Practice
: The Critical Qualities of a Successful Manager Coach
How the Manager can employ Behavioral Coaching
: The Managers Toolkit of Behavioral Coaching Models and
: Coaching for everyone?
: Who to Coach – Contractual Coaching
: The Assessment Toolkit
: Feedback Structure and Guidelines
: Coaching Dialogue -that works
: Goals and Action Planning Maps
: First (and Second) Coaching Sessions -the structure and
: Ongoing Coaching Sessions
(A Cycle)
How to work with Self-Limiting Beliefs -within a short timeframe
: How to work with Emotions
: More Exercises -eg: Observation Exercise –Coaching Skills
: The Last
: How to Evaluate Coaching
: Latest Team Coaching Strategies
: Dealing with any Barriers to Coaching
: How to determine Commitment Levels -and manage
: Strategies dealing with Coachee Reluctance etc..
: The Critical Maintenance
Measures to construct -beyond the workshop
: Relevant Case Studies and lots more....
by External Providers -Some Financial Case
1) M.K (a coach in private/solo practice)
-provides the
'Manager/Leader as Coach' Course to an increasingly active
client base of only 4 medium sized businesses in the
manufacturing sector. These businesses became her clients
through the successful marketing of the 'Course'. The below figures
exclude the additional earnings from flow-on coaching services.
Yearly Gross Revenue:
Ist Year -$38,500. 2nd Year -$74,350. 3rd
Year -$112,600
2) JW shares a
practice with one other partner.
-With the Manager and Leader as Coach Course JW obtained a large
private Hospital Group as a new client. The Hospital Group had a
long history of poor employee satisfaction ratings and ongoing
employee issues. With two of her staff JW conducts the
Manager as Coach Program for all of the Group's managers and
leaders. To help drive the coaching culture throughout the
organization, the first group that completed the course included the
entire executive staff and key department heads.
In less than eighteen months since
establishing the coaching/education program the results are impressive:
staff rating of their Managers has improved by 24%; there has been a
28% reduction in management turnover and resultant new hires
associated costs; patient satisfaction ratings rose by 12% and there
has been a 35% reduction in the number of employee complaints and
issues. In particular, the program has improved the standard and
performance of the leadership and management personnel and helped unite
and provide focus to a very diverse workforce. The positive effects of
coaching have clearly made a difference throughout all levels and
within all the departments of the Group.
By February 2005, nearly 348 managers and leaders have completed
the ongoing Manager as Coach Course -returning the partners an
income of over $175,000.
3) BC Consulting
(with 2 licensed consultants/users)
- delivers the 'Certified Professional Coach' Course to a new
and existing client base as an additional educational service.
Yearly Gross Revenue:
1st Year -$135,000. 2nd Year -$210,000
Through the
many licensed graduates work with their clients around
the world --the enormous value of the above Courses has been validated time and time again. The
a) For external providers -an invaluable first-level service to
obtain new clients and a powerful income-generator.
b) For In-House Users/Organizations - a core
management/leadership development program that generates
substantial, measurable bottom-line and strategic benefits
across the organization.
Licensing Guidelines
Course -User
Any person who conducts the course must be
a registered licensed user. A license holder obtains the right
to deliver the Manuals (according to the terms/length of
their license). The license also grants the user the right to
deliver the course to as many people as they wish (within a
defined territory) and keep 100% of the revenues (ie; there is
no royalty fee). Note: The graduate is also assigned the right
to re-brand and re-format the course material.
The primary
holder/acquirer of the License of Use is in the name of an
organization or business entity. The secondary rights of the
license (the right to deliver/teach the course) is only granted
to nominated registered graduates of the Institute's Master
Coach Course. All authorized instructors names are listed on a
Licensed Facilitators Registry maintained and updated by the
Behavioral Coaching Institute.
License Checklist:
1. Attribution
The licensee must include attribution to Dr
Skiffington, Perry Zeus and BCI as the source and owner of all
copyrighted materials/program/trademarks. Example:
"Copyright (year) by Behavioral Coaching Institute. All
rights reserved."
2. Modification
You may adapt and add supplementary materials to
fit the needs of your market/users without permission.
Course Fees charged
by License Holder
You may set your own fee structure depending on the needs and
requirements of the market you intend to serve.
4. Individual License
-Certifying/Permitting Use by others
The license is issued to an individual and only that
person has the license, not their company, business
partners -you do not have the right to permit others to teach the
material. Any user of the Course must be specifically
trained and licensed by us.
5. Posting to a website
You may post the list of course modules headings
on your website (as per this site) as long as BCI's
copyright/attribution is on the page.
6. eCourses, eZines, eBroadcasting, book/ebooks
Your license does not give you the right to
repackage, broadcast or rebroadcast the courses concepts, forms,
program tools or any material in the program in email, ezine or
ecourse format nor in any book/ebooks you are writing.
7. Duration of use
2 Years, 4 Years or 8 Years -subject to renewal
and conditions of use.
8. Logos
You may not use or personalize or modify any BCI or
1to1 logo without permission.
9. Translations
Permission is required for any translation of our
course material.
From time to time, we upgrade the materials or content
of our
programs. These upgrades are optional and are
available for a fee.
1 1.
Some situations which will cause withdrawal of a license.
a. If you harm the
Institute's or Dr Skiffington's name or trading
names or brand through non-delivery, illegal activity or
non ethical
behavior etc.
b. You adapt materials and do not include the copyright/BCI
attribution line on each page.
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Page 1 - Courses for License |
Content: Manager as Coach, Leader
as Coach, Management Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Manager Coach, Mentor,
Coach, Leadership Coach, Manager as Coach, Leader as Coach, Mentor, Management
Coaching, Manager Coach, Leadership Coaching, Manager Coach, Employee
Coaching, Team Coaching, Group Coaching, Supervisor Coaching, Employee
Coaching, Mentor, Team Coaching,