Note: Potential distance learners need to ascertain whether the format for an
online coach training course is matched appropriately to the nature of
the course content. When studying subject matter such as
understanding the principles and benefits of coaching, the course
demands will be different than if the content includes learning to
administer and interpret assessments tools and specialist coaching
techniques. The learner who enrols in the traditional TeleClass may
obtain basic skill development, but, no real time supervision of skill practice. It
follows that the online format with one-to-one specialist, mentoring is
today's preferred
learning platform.
mentoring (pre or post-course)
via a 1-to-1 (face-to-face) Format (one facilitator and one
student only)
-In Coach training, for most students, the relationship is the thing.
A solid,
trusting relationship needs to be established between the Mentor
and the student. The Mentor’s ability to
establishing a successful working relationship with
the learner, modelling, discussing personal issues and concerns, managing
counter transference, and skill building are critical elements of the learning equation.
learning also means the Mentor can sight any visible cues and
barriers that impede learning and produce the highest level of
participant satisfaction and accomplishment.
People work and learn more effectively in a
positive, intimate and emotionally supportive environment.
Accelerated learning techniques can take anxiety and competition out of
the learning environment and replace them with positive energy, positive speaking
and genuine collaboration. Using '
' techniques (face-to-face)
simply means the Mentor can
accelerate the learning process by working with an individual's
preferred learning style. By optimizing the available time, learning is
accomplished in a much shorter time.
research suggests that professional skills development courses, such as
coach training, best require a face-to-face connection versus the
"traditional teleclass approach" (voice and email). This personal connection provides:
- a genuine interactive learning environment
- a lively, focused discussion
- the unique opportunity for the learner to spend time developing their
own personal skill set and business needs versus a prescribed "packaged" approach to
- the opportunity to question, learn and practice new skills in
a safe, supportive and highly constructive atmosphere
Videoconferencing -the new proven educational delivery platform for
coach training:
Videoconferencing is now a proven distance learning delivery
Today, most people use a computer that has a video camera. This
provides students with the opportunity to learn by participating in
a 2-way face-to-face communication platform. Furthermore, a
Course Mentor can be brought to classes in remote or otherwise
isolated places with students from all over the
world. Videoconferencing is a totally interactive medium as students
are able to explore, communicate, analyze and share information and
ideas with one another.
BCI's Virtual Campus (VC) is a student-centered global web of
educational services.
BCI's Virtual Campus coordinates and supports all distance learning
at the Institute. Virtual Campus is a campus without walls. Our
programs are not limited to one physical location but delivered
across the globe via the Internet. The Virtual Campus's core mission
is to deliver accelerated, customized professional development
courses in people development to busy, professionals across the
globe using the latest proven learning technology. Today, we have
served the needs of individuals, groups, and organizations from over
60 countries.
immersion role-plays, relevant 'hands-on' case-studies via
vital behavioral-based change models, tools and techniques and
assessment instruments a professional coach requires are only available
to coaches trained by an instructor who is also a licensed
clinical psychologist.
The Institute's
invitational, fast-tracked
Master Coach Course (conducted around the world via 1-to1
videoconference) meets the critical needs for
busy new and experienced coaches to be trained (via
immersion role-plays
and relevant
'hands-on' case-studies) in the use of validated,
proven behavioral change models tools and techniques. Read
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