-World's first professional coach training course.
Established 1994.












 Master Coach Course
 -E-Learning Format
 Courses For
 For Graduate
 About us  -Graduates




-Financial Assistance (F.A.) Application

    "The most prestigious distinction in professional coaching today ICC Accredited MASTER COACH CERTIFICATION RECOGNIZED GLOBALLY for over 25 years" -HR Review    

Contents: executive coaching course, executive coach certification, master coach course,

executive coaching certification course

Master Certified Coach Course  Place -F.A. Program




-Workplace, Life and Executive Coaching
  Full Certification

For individuals who require a course place at a price they can afford!!

Before our MCC Financial Assistance Program, obtaining a limited MCC course place was a difficult process. Just to get your name put on our waiting list required references and a high level of professional people development experience. While obtaining a Scholarship place was even more remote as only one in 20 applicants are successful.

The MCC Financial Assistance Program cuts through the red tape of the application process and permits applicants to set their own affordable course rate.

Having one set course rate fee for all people across a diverse range of economic, regional zones of the world financially discriminates against many persons. The Institute has listened to our student-client needs (over 1,600 clients in 60 countries) and now provide a small number of regional Master Coach Certification course places (E-Format/ Self-Study) available for persons who have a limited budget.

    Each month we allocate 1 course place per region for individuals who require a level of financial assistance.
Each applicant is notified within 24 hours of submitting their application if they were successful or otherwise in acquiring a place
A successful applicant is required to make payment (bank transfer/wire) within 3 days to secure the place or else it is offered to the next qualified person.
The E-Format (Self-Study) course place provides full MCC Certification and is the same as the campus course place except for the price. The average Financial Assistance course place is around $us700 compared to $us3,450 for the campus course.
  Note: Depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style, it generally takes 28-36 hours to complete the course content.

The world recognized certification course includes:

Comprehensive E-Course Manuals
Online Modules containing exercises (and answers). With Optional Video Support
Coaches Practice Package (Forms, Sample Client Contracts, Marketing templates, Checklists etc)

Regional Group To Interact With Other Coaches
Optional Practice Role Play Sessions
Access to the world’s best coach trainers – All Faculty members have a PhD and an international, successful coaching background
Flexible learning (no set course completion time) -plus training exercises relating to your coaching needs


No additional costs and no required add-ons eg; post course mentoring hours!!

Use of Certified Master Coach Logo
Use of prestigious International Coaching Council (ICC) membership logo
Use of ICC Gold Seal Coaching Services Badge

Professional Coach Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages).
Value $us1,295.00
  .Submit below FA Form to have your application registered!  



MCC Course F.A.
(Financial Assistance) Form

BCI’s Graduate School of Master Coaches
      Global Distance Learning Division

For Course Content -click here..


                              Step 1.   - Nominate the Course Rate. 
Step 2. - To ensure your bid is processed, fully complete the Personal Details Section then Submit.
                       We will reply within 24 hours!!


Master Certified Coach Course

  - Using Coaching as a Framework of Learning with proprietary, proven Models of Behavioral Change (employing the latest: evidence-based change technology from the fields of neuroscience and brain-based learning) to achieve sustainable, measurable quick results.

  *The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Master Coach Certifications available via the Accelerated
               Credentialing Program Format.

                      Full Certificate Course - Same course content / certification as Campus Course.
  No fixed starting or completion date. Automatically Receive Certification when you
                          complete your Self-Study!!
Graduates also gain the prestigious ICC Gold Seal Accredited Coaching Services badge.    

Do not request a course rate / price unless you are able and
                  willing to pay (by bank transfer) for it.

. Yes! Please accept my below nominated Course Rate Request for a place!
(E-Learning : 2 to 3 weeks private, casual study).

   Yes! As a Bonus -if my Course Offer is successful, I also wish to receive, at no extra cost,
         the Professional Coach Toolkit and Resources Library
(over 300 pages).
         Value $us1,295.00

  * Minimum Acceptable Offer per region (to cover enrolment process, materials, registration and certification costs).
Africa 499
Asia 699
Australasia 699
Caribbean 599
Central America 599
Europe 699
Middle East 699
North America 699
Oceania 599
South America 599


       Note: 1.Course payment by Bank wire or internet banking only.
. Students can
begin and end their Self Paced, Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) component at their time of choosing. Duration: typically 2 to 3 weeks part-time home study.
4. No assessment or post-course supervision. No additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of this Form).
5. The Master Coach Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
6. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).
BONUS: The course also qualifies the graduate to apply for a CourseWare License to deliver the Institute's renowned 'Manager/Leader as Coach' or/and 'Certified Professional Coach' Course in their region

    The Master Coach Certificate. At the end of the program the M.C.C Certificate is issued and the graduate's name is
       then listed on the internet via the global Master Coach Register administered by the International Coaching Council (ICC)

       -plus the graduate automatically gains prestigious ICC membership..

.Note: The Institute’s copyrighted course material / intellectual property cannot be redistributed, copied or used to form
        any other training program.



.Yes! -Please find my below details and present my BID to the Institute's Review Panel.


     - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses?   
  Google Search ,  Google Ad, Other Dr Perry Zeus's text books (required reading at Harvard, Oxford, Toronto, Sydney, Beijing and JFK Universities)  

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

            > Please re-enter your address to
      ensure it is correct >
Email Personal  

  Email Business:

Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I am looking to use Behavioral     Change Models :   

- Internally (inside my organization). - Externally (in a practice).

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?

     - Referral eg; Affiliate, CMC Graduate, BCI Partner etc -Yes  > Details:





                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2018. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division