-World's first professional coach training course.
                                    Established 1994.











Dr Zeus's

 Master Coach Course
 Coaching  -E-Learning
 Courses For
 For Graduate
 About us  -Graduates
 Message Board
  for Course

Contents: executive coaching course, executive coach certification, master coach course, executive coaching certified course,


  Question: What does Sony,  GE,  McKinsey & Co, Citibank,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute,  Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,  BP Shell Global,  Toyota,  US Department of Defence,  Saudia Aramco, World Vision,  University Hospital Birmingham, University of Washington Foster School of Business, Petroleo Brasileiro,  Woolworths,  IBM,  Ras Gas Qatar,  Rio Tinto,  Microsoft,  Modern Gulf Institute (Oman) have in common?

They are just a few of the many companies and institutions around the world that have enrolled their people in the Institute's courses sold by our Licensed Territorial Partners!


Select the Course Format to suit your learning style and budget!

"By far the best executive coaching course at the best price available anywhere in the world!!"
-Harvard Business Coaching Review, 2018


Do you need to build a business model that is scalable and attracts clients?

  Dr. Perry Zeus (Founder of our Institute and our Graduate Schools, author of multiple best selling, coaching text books published in 12 languages, developer of courses and self-development methodology incorporating the latest advances in neuroscience and brain-based learning as used by many of the world's top 100 performance driven organizations.)

Over 30 years ago now Perry Zeus established the world's first professional coach training school.

coach training brand is an established world leader in its field and he is cited as a primary "originator and influencer"*1 in the development of the modern coaching discipline.

Perry now provides his globally recognized business brand name, proven coaching methodology and a repeatable business framework to qualified individuals helping them establish world-best standard coaching practices. 

. *1'Grounded Theory of the Roots and Emergence of Coaching' by Dr. V Brock 2009. International University of Professional Studies.



Master Certified Coach Course
Workplace and Executive Coaching.
 -Fast-tracked Blended-Learning with Full Certification

The traditional one size fits all learning approach to coach training has become outdated. Meantime, learning and development (L&D) departments and private practitioners alike are constantly looking for ways to maximize their return on training investment.  

With this in mind, it follows that this especially designed executive certification course incorporates the below key learning needs of the modern day professional, busy executive coach:

Personalized learning experience -people learn at different rates and in different ways.

The blended, flexible training approach of this special program format is adaptive to the student’s learning style and  helps learners train at their own pace and retain the knowledge much more effectively.

2.  Bite-sized learninglearning modules (workplace and executive coaching) need to adapt to suit the fast-paced world we now live in. And they need to be available anytime.   

3. ''MM'-learning, or 'Mobile Mentor' Support optional support on mobile devices  means professional people developers can gain that vital information or intervention guidance from their tutor/mentor when it is required.

4 Access to the world’s best talent – technology transcends borders making learning accessible, regardless of time zone and location. Our E-Learning platform provides high-quality content delivered by the world's leading experts on behavioral change coaching. (Note: All Faculty members have a PhD and an international, successful coaching background).

5.  Customized training exercises -our students also require practical coaching exercises relating to their own workplace and executive coaching needs that they can discuss and practice with their tutors / mentors.



    Course Fee Quotation Form 

BCI’s Graduate School of Master Coaches
      Global Distance Learning Division

For Course Content < click here..


                              Step 1.   - U-Select the Course Learning Components. 
Step 2. - Next, complete the Personal Details Section then Submit. We will reply within 24 hours!!.             

                       Blended-Learning Format - Master Certified Coach Course .
                                                          -  Scholarships available 
  - Using Coaching as a Framework of Learning with proprietary, proven Models of Behavioral Change (employing the latest: evidence-based change technology from the fields of neuroscience and brain-based learning) to achieve sustainable, measurable quick results. Note: The Behavioral Change Models are only available through this course.

  *The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Master Coach Certifications available via the Accelerated
               Credentialing Program Format.

 Bonus: Graduates gain the prestigious ICC Gold Seal Accredited Coaching Services.
*Currently only 2 places left in this Semester Intake!* 
                    -  Full Certificate Course - Same course content / certification as Campus Course.
                      -   No fixed starting or completion date. Automatically Receive Certification when you
                          complete your Self-Study!!
                      -  Course Content page

     . Select below Self Study Course Rates or Request a Quote
 - (E-Learning - 2 or 3 weeks private, casual study at home).
-   Corporate Course Rate: $us1,895.00 (Business pays for course).
- Optional telephone interview / call with Dr Zeus.-Yes!
                  - Standard, Personal Course Rate: $us1,495.00 (Applicant pays for course).
- Optional telephone interview / call with Dr Zeus. -Yes!
              - Special Scholarship Course Rate: $us1,195.00
-If you have not already received an 'Offer of Scholarship' from us please provide
                             a 'Need' Statement (on below Form).
Maximum 2 Scholarships per country
                             (including USA) per semester.

       YES! I Request a Quote based upon my below 'profile' category..
Select your professional / personal category and complete below Form
to receive a Customized Course Fee Quote (within the following
                  24 hours)!

              Require Financial Assistance
               Apply for Regional Scholarship
               Individual (no corporate financial support)
               Small Business Owner
               Hospital / Health professional
Yes! As a Sign-Up Bonus -I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional
        Coach Practice Toolkit and Resources Library
(over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00

 . Plus  2. Optional  -
Videoconference: 1-to-1 (one tutor, one student) focused learning
                                          eg; role-playing of selected behavioral change models, focused course
                                          content learning etc..
 -  # of Days: 1.  2. 3. 4. ($us795 per day)
Plus Post-course Mentoring -Mobile Mentor Support: 1-to-1 (one
                                        tutor, one student) eg;
obtain vital information, intervention planning
                                        assistance, second opinion or trouble-shooting help etc.

# of Hours: 1. 2. 3. 4. ($us135 per hour)

           BONUS: The course also qualifies the graduate to apply for a CourseWare License to deliver the
                              Institute's renowned 'Manager/Leader as Coach' or/and 'Certified Professional Coach'
                              Course in their region.

       Note: 1.Each application is subject to a review criteria and judgment of merit by the Institute's Selection Panel. Selection results are final and no discussion will be entered into other than with a successful applicant.
. Course payment by bank wire, internet banking or credit card.
. Students can
begin and end their Self Paced, Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) component at their time of choosing. Duration: typically 2 to 3 weeks part-time home study.
4. No assessment or post-course supervision / additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of this Form).
5. The Master Coach Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
6. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).

    The Master Coach Certificate. At the end of the program the M.C.C Certificate is issued and the graduate's name is
       then listed on the global Master Coach Register administered by the International Coaching Council (ICC)
-plus the
       graduate automatically gains prestigious ICC membership..

.Note: The Institute’s copyrighted course material / intellectual property cannot be redistributed, copied or used to form
        any other training program.



.Yes! -Please submit my application to the Institute's Selection Panel


      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses?   
           Google Search ,  Google Ad, Other  

Dr Perry Zeus's books
   - Yes, I have read one of Dr Zeus's books eg; such as the introductory-level text book 'Behavioral Coaching -How to build sustainable personal and organizational strength' (Publisher; McGraw-Hill, New York). 
Note: Coaching can be different things to different people. This best selling book is required reading in over 100 renowned, international higher learning institutions (eg; Harvard, Oxford, Toronto, Sydney, Beijing and JFK Universities etc) -who provide business-related degree courses, such as MBA and Psychology degree courses containing a coaching component.

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

            > Please re-enter your address to
      ensure it is correct >
Email Personal  

  Email Business:

Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I am looking to use Behavioral     Change Models :   

- Internally (inside my organization). - Externally (in a practice).

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


Applying for a Scholarship / Financial Assistance?
- If so, please provide a statement as to the reason/s why..


     - References (Biz or Personal): -Yes > Name/Contact Details:

     - Referral eg; Affiliate Code, CMC Graduate, BCI Partner etc -Yes  > Details:





                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2018. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division