Contents: coach mastery course, executive
coaching, executive coach course, workplace coaching, executive
coach, coaching business, executive coach training, master coach course,
coaching services, executive coach class, master class
- A
challenging Course to transform experienced coaches into exceptional
executive coaches.
- A unique
opportunity for in-depth development for individuals seeking to be at
the top of their field.
Every year the Behavioral Coaching Institute conducts a special, advanced professional
development course. The Coach
Mastery Series is a 3-day course conducted in two
key learning hubs (USA and Asia) where coaches gather to deepen their
coaching practice, building and further developing the knowledge and skills gained through the
Master Coach programme and their post-course experiences of working with clients
and internal colleagues.
In the last
year we received an unprecedented demand for
entry into this elite program.
Given the large amount of requests for entry already received, we have
decided to open the course for enrolment by invitation (via
the below Pre-Course Registration Form)
a limited time only
The widespread call for such
a program reflects the
growing maturity of the professional workplace coaching discipline,
including the reality in the marketplace that corporations are
looking for coaches who are not just good but are outstanding and
possess advanced behavioral change knowledge, skills and toolkit
that separates them others..
For over twenty years the Behavioral Coaching Institute has been at the forefront of niche, elite
coach training with a focus on achieving sustainable, measurable
behavioral change. The Coach Mastery Series is another element that
differentiates the Institute from other providers
and gives graduates a clear market edge.
NOTE: Spaces are strictly limited
in this
special Coach Mastery Series.
As part of our
commitment to support the ongoing
professional development of
our graduates, the
Coach Mastery series will also enhance the invitee's
by also providing an environment for networking, benchmarking and dialogue
with other successful peers/recent graduates.
The Behavioral Coaching
Annual, Elite
Master Class for select graduates/individuals:
The latest behavioral change knowledge, skills development and the
understanding of current professional practice issues are all key
aspects of training to
an elite coaching practitioner.
Special Note:
Master Classes
are also used by our Institute to identify the 'best-of-the-best' to
join our International Coaching Panel
-comprising specialist
graduates to work with some of our global corporate clients on the
various local and international contracts on offer.
The Coach Mastery Series (CMS)
is a specialist hands-on workshop designed to
allow the graduate obtain the latest scientific coaching methodology
and achieve mastery of specific elite practitioner skills and
techniques. The workshops are built around role-plays and
exercises focusing
on the use of set coaching sessional skill sets and scenarios. The
workshops are also a means for graduates to keep up-to-date with
cutting-edge coaching techniques, trends and issues and benchmark their own
continuing development with a group of like-minded, experienced
-Selection Process and
1. Submission of the below Registration Form by a graduate.
2. A BCI regional Course
Facilitator can recommend a nominated person to the Institute's Board
approval to join the Masterclass.
Upon approval each selected person
is contacted and is required to make full payment of the course fee to secure a limited place. In fairness to all
applicants, if a selected person is unable to make payment within 7
days that place is then offered to the next qualified applicant in
the queue.
Conducted at BCI's two regional hubs -
Singapore and New York
Provided by the Institute's Regional Course
Facilitation Team.
(Note: Subject to change without notice)
Course Content:
During the Coach Mastery Series (CMS) we examine
three coaching themes most asked for by our graduates in the
previous year. For each
theme, we focus on:
- the underlying theory and empirical support on
the latest advanced coaching methodology
- learning how to use advanced knowledge and skills via deep
immersion practical exercises eg:. participants will break into dyads
or triads to obtain in depth 'hands-on' experience
of the theories/concepts and themes introduced.
- debating and having dialogue about questions which are often not
asked by coaches working solo or in small groups.
The 3-day intensive workshop covers three
primary themes.
The Three Themes for
the Coach Mastery Series will be:
Coaching and
Today, advanced 21st Century Coaching
(learning/change) works in two fundamental ways:
A. Behaviorally -The
software/our skill sets
--focuses on the how to use the latest, cutting-edge, validated, neuro-behavioral methodology and tools
B. Biologically: The hardware/the brain
--focuses on the ways we can best physically
change/re-wire the brain. Recent studies by behavioral
neuroscientists now provide us a clear scientific explanation as to
the process of change and how a person can train their brain through
the use of neuro-cognitive mental exercises to enhance their performance
How to increase
higher level Mental Skills and even Intelligence!
This unique learning module shows how through guided coaching a
person is now able to change their brain's physical structure, alter
mind's perceptual experiences and effect changes in behavior,
expectations and choices etc. By engaging in targeted, structured
exercises the coachee is now able to develop key cognitive skills to
enhance their capacity to succeed.
This "hand-on" module guides you
how to use valid and proven exercises designed to increase a person's
cognitive functions -such as: processing information more quickly and
effectively, improved decision-making processes -complete more
decision cycles per fixed unit of time, increasing IQ, performing
multiple tasks simultaneously (multi-tasking), retrieving and acting
on information more quickly and efficiently, learning new information
more easily, increasing the power of attention, concentration and
awareness, reducing anxiety -being able to concentrate in the presence
of distractions and developing faster physical reflexes and sharper
visual discrimination.
cutting-edge exercises can by used by all coaches with all clients
(whatever the type of intervention they are engaged in -from remedial
to developmental etc) to enhance their ability to succeed both in
their professional and personal lives. These remarkable, new tools
open a wider marketplace of practice for professional people
Coaching High
For coaches who wish to work with high
achievers, this theme will provide an accelerated insight into
coaching elite professionals. For coaches who work with high
achievers already, the theme will serve to increase your
coaching impact and personal effectiveness in working with
This theme will focus on coaching high
achievers including CEOs, high potential individuals and clients
who wish to accelerate their professional success in a short space
of time as an explicit goal for coaching. The theme explores how
to work with these types of clients and answers the question 'is the coaching relationship and dynamics with high achievers similar
to that in existence with other clients? Also to be included
will be; discussions about critical program design features, case
studies of coaching impact compared and contrasted and, strategies
explored for best implementing the programs. The goal of 'Being of
value to clients' is explored. What does coaching 'value' signify
for a high achiever? How is 'value' measured by high achievers who
embark on coaching? How should this awareness influence how we
work as coaches with groups of high potential individuals?
Key support mechanisms and various success
measures will also be explored and practical suggestions provided
to help you design interventions for both maximum ‘payback’ and
rapid ‘payforward’ which will grab the attention of key
stakeholders and sponsors in a business. These and many other
practices and questions will be explored, debated and answered
through guided role plays, interactive discussions and modelled
coaching sessions.
Transformational Coaching for Managers and Leaders.
Transformational coaching processes are
vital for coaches looking to develop the capacity in leaders to
create a healthy, positive and empowering workplace environment.
The advanced, coaching processes are also necessary leadership
tools to create a high-performance, feedback-rich culture.
Creating coaching environments with powerful feedback
infrastructures will be explored and designed.
Today's sophisticated coach (as the "advisor-coach") is required
to instruct management/leadership in the use of coaching tools
and processes to help them solve their day-to-day myriad people
and business issues.
Transformational Coaching Techniques and models use the future
as its context and allow the master coach to create an
environment of discipline and structure by which the client can
generate the actions necessary to realize that future. The
techniques and practices discussed in this series will include
behavioral exercises for the individual client as well as larger
groups. Emphasis will be placed on the power of
contextualization and using actionable processes to enhance
client outcomes. Most important for the busy leader, these
processes enable leaders to "walk the talk" and generate
unprecedented results through and in others. These coaching
skills will explored via experiential exercises, modelled
coaching sessions and opportunities to experience first hand the
process and power if transformational coaching.
Contents: executive
coaching, executive coach , workplace coaching, executive
coach, coaching business, executive coach training, business coaching services,
coaching services, executive coach class, master class |