Contents:, PRIVATE COACHING,1to1 COACHING, COACHING, 1to1 coaching, private mentoring session, coach training, executive coaching business, private mentoring, coaching, healing session with Dr Zeus, Dr Perry Zeus, mentor, Dr Zeus Healer, executive coaching, perry zeus, healing, advisory services, consulting services, private session, coaching, mentoring, dr perry zeus, people development, coaching and mentoring, master coach course, dr perry zeus


- over 7,000 graduates in 60+ countries worldwide





Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive / Workplace Coaching Course  
  Energy Psychology Life Coaching Course
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Behavioral Health / Workplace Course
  Quantum Bioenergetics Therapy Course
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses   Organizational Neuropsychology 
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Wellness Coaching Course 
  NeuroCoaching Course   

 Private Coaching / Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Sports Psychology Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  Group Coach Training


“Dr Perry Zeus is internationally acknowledged
as an elder statesman and authority in the coaching
 and mentoring disciplines.”

‘Grounded Theory of the Roots and Emergence of Coaching.'
- International University of Professional Studies.






“..Everyone has as purpose, a destiny.  
Life is about trying to fulfil the potential
— the destiny that exists in each of us.."

- Dr Perry Zeus


1to1 Coach Training with Dr Zeus  >>






After 30 years of 1to1 private training and coaching around the world,
 Perry has mastered the art of distance helping clients in over 60 countries.



    Dr Perry Zeus (Faculty Head and Institute's Founder)
  - Author of several best-selling books (on people development, change and how to build successful people development programs) translated in 12 languages.
- Acknowledged as one of the Founders of the modern coaching discipline.
-Internationally recognized as the Father of Behavioral (Change) Coaching.
- Founder of the Behavioral Coaching Institute (1994).


My extensive people development credentials were gained along the path that took me to get to where I am and who I am today.

Over the last 40 years I managed to use what free time I had available to coach, mentor and train a few, select number of private clients to overcome some situational bumps or just help them power boost their life.

Today, I am less focused on my career and able to share more time, and what I have learnt, with a small number of disparate, international clients to help them in their journey.

For over 30 years I have guided individuals, on a 1to1 basis (hence the domain name of this website), who desire to unlock their full potential and bypass any roadblocks in their path.

If you are committed to taking action then let's have a conversation about where you are at, where you want to be and how I can help.

As part of my Private, One-to-One, Tele-Sessions you will:
Receive private counsel, guidance and teaching.
Gain personal positioning and leverage: the development of ‘what’s next’ in your personal development and the tools to drive success.
Accountability and Encouragement: resources to support and reinforce learning; a personal guide to help walk you through, step-by-step, how to build a desired future, set new strategic directions and plans etc.

1. Private 1to1 Sessions are limited to persons who: are committed to being the best they can be in what they do and desire a customized, confidential development program.

2. Some 1to1 Private (in-person) weekends are available during the course of the year (individually or with a small team -2 to 4 persons). Private, meet-up days are held at a rainforest retreat on the Gold Coast, Australia.


Meeting yourself where you truly are..and see life problems as hidden messages.

My coaching sessions focus on facilitating a client’s process to discover the life directions he/she needs to move in.

I help clients uncover the meaning and purpose of their concerns and use this awareness for growth. I don’t use a there’s something “wrong” and needs to be “fixed” approach.  And, I do not view clients to be carrying some kind of problematic mental or emotional disorder as might be subscribed by traditional counseling. I consider life simply about the process of personal growth.

I look forward to meeting you!

If you are committed and serious about yourself and what you do, fill out the form below. Once I have checked your personal and professional details, and know a little about you, we can can schedule a time to talk about where you are at, your needs and wants, and see if we both agree this is a good fit and if I have the available time for us to work together.


We become without a foundation when we lose consciousness of and trust in the atomic world of energy which is ultimately what we ourselves are.

The symptoms of an individual’s malaise can be considered part of the psyche’s attempt at healing. To eliminate the symptom without understanding it would be to ignore an essential aspect of a person’s psyche.

Healing is not the same as being cured. The development of a renewed, more resilient life force is the key to best manage life's obstacles. 
A “cure” in the traditional sense can only be a temporary solution. Life will never be free of chaos and challenges and true healing does not consist in just getting rid of symptoms or the ailment, but rather in the development of the capacity to provide solutions to overcome the mental and physical challenges that arise. Healing comes only from what leads a person beyond themselves.
To know who we are, to achieve a state of health and resilience, we must learn to go beyond ourselves.

News!! Due to the number of requests for my 1to1, private Bioenergetic self-healing videoconference sessions I will be available to teach the Science and Art of 'Self-Healing' for 3 new private clients this semester. This is strictly limited according to a prospective client's level of need.



Perry Zeus








    Every person faces a time they need a Guide,
Coach or Mentor!
Want to Work Together?

This Semester Only -closes shortly!!





A 60 minute power session - the perfect sounding board !


The perfect development program for exploration and discovering what's
 next !


Providing the insight, processes, tools, platform and connections to shift momentum for rapid change.

  1 x 60 minute Discovery Session
kick-off session


  Private Sessions


1 x 60 minute session


4 x 60 minute sessions

  6 x 60 minute sessions
  Signed Copy of Perry's book - "Behavioral Coaching" in your name.  



  Action Plan      


  6 Month Personal Action Plan          

  Email Access Throughout the Program      




Standard: $us560
This Month: $us360


This Month: $us1250


This Month: $us1750


Register for private, customized,
1to1 Power Sessions
 with Dr Perry Zeus today!


 Coaching / Mentoring Application Form

All fields are required.

-Yes!  I wish to speak to Dr Perry Zeus regards
 1to1 private sessions and what that entails!




First Name

   Last Name 


Tel #'s: Direct Line

     Cell #' :


Email -Personal:

   Business : 

Phone Number:
Address: Country:
Profession:   How many years?


Type of Coaching:
Executive / Business
  Quantum Energy Life Coaching
What are you looking to achieve though coaching?
  Tell me briefly about your career and/or practice, specialization and what you’ve achieved up until now ..  
  Why do you think Dr Zeus can help you move forward?
  What are your 2 biggest priorities?
  What are your targets for success?
Some background notes and session goals..
  I’m most interested in:

Mentoring Coaching Bioenergetic Self-Healing Session  
This Month's Limited Special Rates: 

1 Introductory Power Session @ $us360
4 Ignite Sessions @ $us1250
6 Unleash Sessions @ $us1750

1to1, Private, One or Two Day Meet at Rainforest Retreat in the Gold Coast, Australia (25 mins from international Gold Coast airport. Price on application.).

Other (explain) 
  On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to overcoming any limitations?

Additional Notes: 



Please Note: The Institute's Office will contact you within 24 hours of
receiving your Application Form and set a telephone appointment
with Dr Zeus to confirm your booking request.




Perry Zeus's Bio See: Institute's Faculty  | HOME PAGE

Contents:   Contents: mentoring services, coaching services, consulting, executive coaching, Dr Perry Zeus, mentor, advisory services, consulting services, corporate coaching services, business coach , private, mentoring, Dr Perry Zeus, coaching, coaching network, executive coaching, coaching coach, executive coaching services, private mentoring, executive coach
Certification |Courses Content 1 Books etc |Coaching Tools| | Articles/News

Coaching or Mentoring