Bioenergetics Self Healing Therapy Courses:
- Internationally recognized Diploma
and Master Certified Practitioner
Credentialing Courses
emotion coaching
program, emotion coaching |
Self-paced Study
hours) -
No assessment. Full Certification.
- No fixed commencement or completion time..
science-based, healing courses
are easy-to-learn and
the methodology easy-to-use!! |
Course Modules / Content Below Page |
The Quantum Energy Self Healing and our Mind / Body
Connection with the Universe. |
Quantum Energy Healers / Therapists
direct and support clients how they
can self-heal through using levels
of their consciousness to shift
their bodies electromagnetic energy
and access vital information /
knowledge carried by quantum energy
to support healing.
The human body is
a magnificent quantum physics phenomenon.
We have now
been handed the keys to our
physical well-being thanks to today's
revolutionary quantum physics.
Quantum physics shows that the Quantum Energy
Field contains the atomic building blocks of the
matter in our physical world.
All physical objects, including ourselves, are
an expression of this energy.
world is fundamentally governed by quantum
ENERGY rules.
Our reality
has two levels, the one in which we seem to
exist, and another associated with the Quantum
Energy Field.
We are connected as a part of the Quantum Energy
Field in and around us through our consciousness - the power enabling us to
heal ourselves.
Consciousness is the ultimate healing power
behind all healing practices. When we are
able to direct our higher level of conscious
awareness (life force), positive mental
energy and emotional energy we are able
promote powerful, lasting healing.
Quantum Energy Healing is a
groundbreaking fusion of quantum physics and
the behavioral sciences. This exciting field
exploits the latest science to achieve
rapid 'hands-off' healing.
Quantum Energy Healing is not just
revolutionizing therapy but also traditional
medicine and health related services. |
Quantum Life -Making a Quantum Leap! |
A Quantum Life is
all about
taking control of
your destiny, unlocking the potential within
yourself and leading a healthier, more fulfilling life. |
These very special courses provide the
methodology and tools how we can help all people use their
The Science - A Snapshot: |
Two worlds: The
Physical world of matter and the invisible
atomic world. At
the subatomic level, everything is energy.
Atoms from stars and novas drifted through space
for millions, billions of
years, before finally coming together under the action of gravity, to form the Earth
and everything on it - including, ultimately,
us. |
The atoms
in your body are as old as the solar system
Your atomic Self is all bound together by the
quantum rules that govern the entire Universe. |
The atom is 99.999996 per cent energy.
Everything physical in our life is not solid matter,
it’s fields of energy or frequency patterns of
information. This energy force gives objects the
appearance of being solid when illuminated by light.
Quantum physics clearly demonstrates that
there is no empty space in a human cell, but
rather an energy field of possibility /
potential and that
interaction of consciousness with the quantum
world of electrons can impact reality. |
Quantum Physics also informs us that Energy
cannot be destroyed only transformed,
reformatted. Fundamentally, we are universal
energy that is able to transform itself via self
awareness and life change (body and mind). |
Energy carries information!
Information is the building block of the
universe. According to the latest research, the
visible universe / cosmos may contain roughly 6
x 10^80 — or 600 million trillion trillion
trillion trillion trillion trillion — bits of
At the atomic level our physical, biological
self is constructed of energy, vibrations,
wavelengths, frequencies -a relay system of
information connected to and a part of the
universe's quantum energy field, the source of
all life form, matter. Our super consciousness
is our conduit to the "universal consciousness"
/ Infinite Quantum Energy Field where all
knowledge, the past, present and future is
carried within the form of energy. This
expansive sea of information is available to
transform our minds and bodies. |
The Bottom Line:
The Science.
Today's quantum physics research clearly shows us that
consciousness is not a disembodied concept but an omnipresent
energy force
operating in multidimensional space (the
universal Quantum Energy field in and
around us)
where time does not
'Quantum Downloading'
Consciousness Is a Quantum System that
has the power to help
materialize a desired future.
Quantum Energy Field is a "field of
possibilities" that contains multiple,
possible future states.
Quantum physics has shown
to the Quantum Energy Field (in and
around us) and help download a
desired, physical health outcome
The Art.
We all need to learn how to
access and manage our personal Quantum Energy
(potential health) and the
spectrum of future health possibilities
available to us.
These unique Quantum Energy Healing Courses
provide you the language, roadmap and tools to
guide others how to actualize remarkable
physical and mental health changes.
Dr Zeus's powerful, easy-to-follow
courses provide factual, practical
knowledge and tools for transformative,
healing, therapy, health, well-being. |
This very special healing course is about how to help
people rapidly recreate their health status through the
atoms of their body."
-ICC Report 2024 |
"Our life is
like riding a wave of energy as it unfolds
all within conscious awareness.
We live through our body and mind but really are dancing
with the energy of the universe to the beat of consciousness."
-Dr Perry Zeus |
emotion focused
coaching course, emotion coaching, emotion course,
emotion coaching, emotion,
emotion coaching course
A 24-2:
evidence based psychological approach..
Perry Zeus's internationally recognized courses
provide easy-to-learn and easy-to-use blueprints
and tools for 21st century healing. The basic
foundations of Perry's courses are provided by
the seminal work of Carl Jung and Nikola Tesla.
Today, Perry is acknowledged as a
leading world authority in the use of
revolutionary tools from quantum physics and
neuroscience to
heal the mind and body.
unique courses are both an opportunity to
acquire cutting-edge tools and learn the
underlying psychology and quantum physics
research that deliver transformative life change
as well as how-to manuals of building and
managing a practice.
Quantum Physics informs us everything is energy
and everything is connected within a field of
is an intelligent sense in everything that is
linked to the physiological structure of the
universe. The consciousness that gives life to
man is an “entity” of a higher order. It is the
Intelligent Principle of being, yet its intimate
nature is unknown. Today's modern Quantum
Physics is continuing to discover its actions on
all matter through its atomic correlation.
Quantum physics research has shown that the
human body has two energy fields. The bodies
electromagnetic field and the quantum energy
field which constituents all matter and space.
All matter is in fact 99.999999% energy and only
.0000001% matter.
The energies used in mind healing therapies,
from the “sea of atomic energy,” permeates
everything including man. Hence, the ease of
affecting cells and organic tissues.
Consciousness, the intelligent principle of the
universe, is life itself. Thus, in healing
therapies, what rebuilds the cell and the
consequent restoration of the sick person’s
health is the patient’s consciousness.
Consciousness is the
ultimate healing power behind all healing
When we are able to direct our higher level of
conscious awareness (life force), positive
mental energy and emotional energy we are able
promote healing.
Numerous research findings confirm that
successful healing outcomes, no matter the type
of healing employed, depend upon the level of
higher order consciousnesses employed.
-Positive, healing Quantum Energy and
Electromagnetic Energy can flow to the area of
the mind and body where awareness directs it
-Creating lasting,
meaningful changes in our well-being and health
involves changing energy patterns.
Note: This very special,
science-based Masters-level course uses the
latest evidence-based, proven methodology. |
" What the universe is and what you can be requires
a quantum answer." |
- Quantum Science has
proven everything that exists in this world is made up of
IMAGINE you could see through everything around
you and see that it is made of atoms and
quarks -a fast-moving point of energy
and the building blocks of
all visible matter in the universe. Quarks
excitations of quantum fields that fill all of
the layers of reality, and this is how
physicists understand the universe.
What we thought was
material is actually mental. Local realism is a
mental maze which we try to navigate.
Humans have never seen the world
and be handed the keys to their own future as we now
have, thanks to today's revolutionary quantum physics.
The physical material world (“actuality”) with events
in the consciousness-independent world (“reality”).
Everything we identify and measure as
“material” is actually a mental construct.
What quantum physics
scientists discovered is nothing less than astonishing!
At the very core of our human bodies, we are NOT essentially
a group of chemical reactions, but a being of coordinated
charges within a Quantum Energy Field.
According to quantum physicists, the world splits into the
two aspects we perceive as mind and matter.
At the quantum level, all matter collapses into
energy — the smallest particle dissolves into just energy.
Everything that exists in the universe, at
it’s most basic atomic form, is just
a form of energy.
Matter is simply energy in a different state.
You are an electric field — a giant
electric field which holds your atoms together, and
which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits
of yourself.
is not made of something but it can be transformed into
very different forms.
energy and it's information is not lost or
destroyed, it is regenerated and reformatted over
and over again.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed,
but can be transformed,
from the kinetic energy of waterfalls, to electric
energy, to heat or again to kinetic energy using an
electric engine, to
human potential health energy,
and so on.
In the same way, mass is not made of anything and is
a form of energy.
This is profound because it means that if you
can influence energy, you can change matter and
Everything is potential..
Energy shifts occur
with changes in levels of consciousness.
Quantum physics shows us that
can influence the appearance of subatomic particles
and actualize a "possible" reality.
At the atomic level particles exist as pure potential when they are in a
wave state and not being observed. They are
potentially “every-thing” when not observed or
“some-thing” when they are observed.
Collapse of the wave function
At the atomic level it can be best explained
when we try to observe an electron, which
acts in multiple states at the same time eg;
both 'here' and 'there' simultaneously. It's
only once we look at where it is that it
will settle down into one or the other. This
makes quantum physics all about
probabilities. We can only say which future
state an object is most likely to be in once
we observe it in action. In other words, the
very act of our looking determines the
This has profound ramifications !!
course uniquely provides the tools how to help
clients use their super consciousness to actualize
a positive healing outcome
that exists as a "possibility" in the quantum sea of
unlimited possibilities.
is all about possibilities
In Short, Energy is Life!
- And, the energy source we use directly affects
the quality of our existence!!
Coaching + Harnessing the
Power of Quantum Science
= endless possibilities |
learning how to Master Energy in and around us!
A new paradigm for "Self-Healing" as directed by a
qualified Quantum Energy Healer / Therapist.
How to help clients actualize their health potential
they need, what they desire.. |
Learning how to use the discoveries of quantum
physics to access the body’s own intelligence
and self-healing abilities.
We are born with the natural ability to
self-correct and heal.
bodies and immune systems work on autopilot
without conscious thought or direction. Think of
how broken bones mend, cuts heal, or how a cold
is better after a few days of good rest. Quantum
Energy Healing will help bring a client's mind
and body to a higher energetic resonance to help
facilitate optimal healing for mind, body, and
These powerful Quantum Mind Healing courses go
well beyond theory, giving you easy-to-use
techniques, exercises, and precise explanations
of vital methodologies that will enable you to
guide clients how to eliminate countless health
With applications beyond physical healing,
Quantum Mind Healing can also help people
overcome long-term emotional and behavioral
problems that prevent them from living to their
greatest potential.
How to
teach people to use their
Energy Field (our bodies energy
Students acquire
the methodology how to help clients align their behaviors
with intentions and rapidly build required levels of
Self awareness, emotional energy balance, and a clear,
open mind to realize a desired
future by harnessing their quantum field of energy.
Quantum physics instructs us that emotional
energies are
derived from our perceptions of reality.
Graduates learn how to guide clients heal
using their electromagnetic energy field (our
bodies energy field -see below)
and quantum energy on a physical level
as well as
on a mental level -such as: to
enhance performance, state of mind,
fear, anxiety, stress, trauma, depression and anger. In
revolutionary life change methodology has
an unlimited range of applications.
Teaching, guiding and supporting Clients how
to access the Quantum Energy Field in and
around them.
The Language of Quantum Energy Metaprogramming -empowering our life code to
rewrite itself.
What is the Quantum Energy Field
and Superposition?
Superposition is a fundamental
attribute of the quantum energy
field that allows for the
possibility of quantum
parallelism -the condition in
which an object can exist in
multiple states / subspaces or
configurations simultaneously.
The Quantum Field is a sub-atomic
world full of endless potential
states; multiple dimensional
subspaces spinning in synchronicity
that hold an infinite number of
possible representations of
alternate better versions of
ourselves in desired future
Each of us has the power
through our super consciousness and
associated actions to actualize a
desired, probable future.
Quantum physics provides the key to
how consciousness works!
- Our consciousness and the
quantum field are interconnected
through quantum entanglement.
At any
given moment, there’s a cloud of
quantum activity associated with
consciousness. When
we move to a heightened state of
consciousness we are dealing with
quantum-level consciousness that is
across all time levels. This means
our consciousness is connecting or
entangling with the universe's
quantum energy field outside our
quantum infinite energy potential
uses visualization, perceptual
awareness and metacognition during
movement through conscious levels to
enable an
ultra-rapid energy fluctuation
that orchestrates
brain binding with the quantum energy
field and the creation of a new reality. |
Quantum Physics demonstrates that
without a conscious observer
quantum states remain uncertain and that
consciousness plays a vital role in
collapsing this uncertainty into
It's about perspectives.
Humans share the same perspective,
the same view on reality, how we see the
world. So, how would we know other
perspectives / alternate realities exist
unless we’re able to flick between
different realities.
The world measured and ultimately
predicted by physics is the world of
The universe is a mental construct
displayed on the screen of perception
on which images, thoughts, feelings, sounds are
Consciousness is the silent witness.
a subspace of a future outcome /
result from the Quantum Field
into reality is like going to
the cinema where you can choose
the ending of the movie while
watching it or
watching your life as a movie,
where you can select how each
scene plays out."
-Dr Perry Zeus |
perspective or point of view
subsequently changes as we learn to unfold
a desired subspace into our physical
singular, perspective frame by frame
rate of the human mind is so low in
speed compared to the manifold frame
rate contained in the infinite
Quantum Space where all possible
equations reside in the
quanta/atomic invisible world. The
universe is operating at like 100
million billion frames — while we
watch our life movie at say; 100
frames per second. Note: We can
never see the
true frame of reference in the
universe because of the speed of
light (299,792,458
metres per second).
Our infinite health potential energy. In simple, practical terms,
a client directed by their Certified Master
Healer is all able to
the Quantum
Field's energy potentiality that we are part of
and acting in us.
using their levels of consciousness they can
construct a desired quantum self-image and
quantum future-image.
Essentially they are
creating a better, healthier version of themself.
Of course,
spiritual teachers of all times have told us
that God is in you. That said, quantum physics discovery
of the science for the invisible Quantum
world alongside the development of new
neuropsychological change methodology redefines the
Natural Health Science playing field.
Healing Bottom Line:
You are already connected to the quantum
field, whether you realize it or not. There
are infinite potentials for healing to
people in ways you may have never imagined.
We become disconnected from our higher
awareness, inner truth, and each
other. We become convinced that the
programs know what is best for our
health, healing, and lifestyles. We forget
about our innate ability to heal and our
connection with Consciousness.
The Quantum Universe is energy communicating
within a field of Consciousness.
Consciousness is infinite awareness that is
ever-present. Consciousness is the Source
for all quantum possibilities including
Quantum energy
healing capitalizes on today's
revolutionary quantum science and tools enabling
us to process health changes in rapid, novel
Energy is
health potential and the vehicle for
solution how to best understand Consciousness
and it's connection to the Quantum Energy Field
requires a “psychophysical" approach to the
relationship between mental/mind and
physical/matter processes. To this end our
course includes relevant new research findings
from the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience
and neuropsychology.
In order to help
people move to how they wish to be we must
help them to become observers and designers
of their particular ways of being.
The need for trained specialist healers / instructors /
therapists to teach people how to use the latest,
science-based Quantum Energy Self
Healing Change Models and Tools.
The Present and our Future
Today's rapidly changing world is putting
unprecedented demands on us. Increasingly, people are simply
not reacting very well to the quantum overload of life
The modern world is in the grip
of a crisis of self-identification and meaning. More and
more people (of all ages and positions) are becoming
emotionally drained, stressed,
tense, anxious, overwhelmed, lost in over thinking, worried,
depressed, alienated and becoming run-down through low
resilience levels etc.
are all signs
that the brain-mind-body connection is being weakened by
loss of energy and disrupted circadian rhythms.
One World
Today's revolution in understanding the way our
consciousness works and the nature of consciousness. The
mysterious nature of consciousness has profound importance, with
human well-being, productivity, creativity and existential,
medical and spiritual implications.
physics has now shown:
1. Consciousness is not separate from the physical world, but
rather is an integral part of it.
2. Consciousness arises from the fundamental structure of the
universe itself.
Consciousness is not generated by the brain
nor is it a by-product of the brain. However, our conscious
experience first begins in the brain.
More and more consciousness researchers, brain scientists,
psychologists, and psychiatrists uphold the concept that
Consciousness exists beyond the brain.
The brain is a macroscopic quantum system that is
connected to the universal consciousness / quantum field., yet
most people have only been taught how to use it exclusively as a
biochemical system.
There’s a fundamental part of reality that is not
just mind (e.g. thoughts) nor just matter (e.g. physical
For two decades Carl
Jung (1875-1961) searched for a "unifying element" to mind and matter. In
his last years, Jung came to the conclusion that the psyche is
not a product of the brain and is not located within the skull;
it is part of and in harmony with the one-universe (one world) "deeper,
non-material reality".
Carl Jung referred to this fundamental reality as
the “unus mundus” or the “one world'.
Today, quantum
physics informs us our brain' s quantum-system functions enables
us to receive information not only from our eyes and ears, but
directly from the wider world with which we are “entangled”—nonlocally
connected deeper,
Note: Human
consciousness is not static, fixed once and for all. It’s the
product of a long evolutionary development -and is capable of
further development.
" Dr Zeus's comprehensive course is full
of case studies, tools and invaluable
knowledge that is presented in a
practical, easy way to understand. It's
everything I need, plus more! "
Dr Phyllis Rogers |
Quantum Mind
or Quantum Consciousness -―the ultimate reality!
Accessing the Quantum
Energy Field
When accessing the quantum field our mind is elevated to
becoming a co-creator of an evolving psycho-physical
reality / physical universe.
The Quantum Energy Field has two roles; on the
one hand describing how things are, and on the other
describing what we know about how things are and about
how they might be.
Life is a game of chance. Consciousness
is a significant aspect of reality that can direct
physical dynamics by providing choices.
this new science / methodology,
our consciousness enables a “transcendent function”
through which a person can connect with both physical
and metaphysical realities.
The brain-mind-body
relationship between conscious thoughts and physical
The evolved physical brain, according to
neurophysiologists, is not a deterministic machine. The
science of the mind-brain system informs us that choices
can be made on analyzing alternate paths. The
brain becomes a mixture of different developing
possibilities until the super consciousness awareness
state is reached where, clarity and new information is
obtained by our conscious mind which then jumps to new
forms/understanding and a choice occurs of action and
Using new octaves of
-Consciousness Expansion
Accessing the Quantum Field by our
superconscious state (our highest level of
consciousness) connects us to a higher state of being
and functioning. This is the
space where rapid physical and mental transformation occurs.
It is a source of limitless
health potential.
Quantum-Higher level Self (Q Self -our personal Energy
All humans have quantum resonances.
achieve optimum success in our lives we need to have our
consciousness field resonating in harmony with the
quantum field we are a part of. To also maximize our
health we need to build a more harmonious relation with
our quantum self (not just our physical self) and the
quantum cosmos field. |
Aligning a clear energy signature to effect a different
Q Self is in contact with our superconscious section of
the mind (an expanded state of consciousness), which is
untouched by the conscious or the subconscious thoughts,
away from memory and intellect, it observes our
cognitive mind aware
and conscious. The superconscious is directly
connected to the quantum cosmos field to transmit and
receive its
aware energy.
The superconscious
state is the ignored state of mind that is also the
source of all creativity and limitless, unique
impulses of intelligence, instinct, and intuitive
Re-running old mental programming of the past
will not facilitate change or create better circumstances.
Living from the past by the aid of
our memory and our five senses changes nothing, because they
will continue to give us the same operating patterns and
therefore keep on materializing the same reality.
reality only materializes when we observe it and feel it.
Moving through layers of consciousness.
Quantum Energy Practitioner directs their client through
role-play how to use powerful, short Experiential
Q Exercises that empowers them to self-coach themselves
and move through levels of consciousness to reveal
awareness/clarity on their state of well-being and what to do to
maximize their life health potential.
superconscious and conscious perceptual awareness
clients can
project and see themselves in the healthy reality they desire, and
feeling the emotions that come with that reality, they can
create a field of energy around them that can materialize
that reality.
Creating a Desired Future.
-Helping a Client receive guidance and self-knowledge
from their Higher Self and the Quantum Field.
guided role-play, using selected health case scenarios, the Quantum
Energy Healer directs the client through different layers of
consciousness and time (from the present, past and future
and back to the present).
negative to positive health experiences, via
Visualization and Self-Dialogue, are so sensory that when a
person comes out of it, they already begin to feel like a
healthier, better version of themselves because they have already lived
it/experienced a healthy state with all
their senses.
one with the unified Energy Field (where everything is
connected as per
Einstein’s Unified Field Theory).
Note: Energy is eternal and just changes form.
As we raise our energy levels, we open the
door to to becoming one with the unified field.
This energy, in turn, attracts more of the same positive,
healthy and strong energy,
It’s important to remember that the power of
the mind is just one piece of the puzzle.
We also need to
take follow-on action in the physical world to actuate our
health desires into fruition. By combining the power of our
thoughts and emotions with purposeful action, we can create
the healthy life we truly want. |
We are the creators of our own destiny,
and our choices influence not only our life but also the
lives of those around us. When we acknowledge that
concept and pair it with quantum thinking techniques, we
can elevate our mindset and approach change with an open
and empowered mind; this is the power of conscious
choice. |
Flexing quantum muscles to realize
'Health Potential'
This process of changing a mindset helps a
person become more self-aware and understand where they really
are in the stage of their life and what they need to do for
a happier, healthier life.
Unlocking the
power of Quantum Energy leads to a place of boundless
possibility, where a person can be fully invested in
themself, their life and their path forward.
Copyright: Dr
Perry Zeus |
The practice of
observing Self.
Self-observation is the first step of using
Quantum energy forces to create our desired
If you do not engage in the exercise of observing
your Self, you will have your Self observed for
you, by people around you and your environment.
You will be without a personal compass to guide
you. |
Quantum Healing,
Quantum Medicine, Quantum Health.
A common misconception is the belief
that matter emits a field of energy.
However, quantum physics conversely
shows us there is an invisible field
of energy that creates matter. It
follows that if you can change the
energy field then you can change
matter. This is a key principle
underlying the use of quantum energy
for healing and health improvement. |
Consciousness, the
intelligent principle of
the universe, is life
itself. Thus, in mind
energy healing, what
rebuilds the cell and
the consequent
restoration of the sick
person’s health is the
patient’s consciousness.
When we are able to
direct our higher level
of conscious awareness
(life force), positive
mental energy and
emotional energy we are
able to promote healing.
Humans are more than our
physical field of organs
and tissues. We have the
capacity to reconnect
with our bodies vibrating
electromagnetic field
and the quantum energy
field, which
constituents all matter
and space (including
so we can
maintain homeostasis
stability of all body
Traditional medicine is
based on a biochemical exchange.
In quantum medicine, it
is the communication of
energy and quantum
energy information between the
cells that can affect
our health.
Self Healing Session:
Energy underlies one‘s basic health, well-being and symptomology.
The healing process first
involves identifying any
overpowering emotions
negatively affecting the
client that are subduing
their conscious will and
impacting their health /
well-being status.
The second part of the
healing process involves
guiding the client through
levels of consciousness
and connecting to the
universal Quantum Energy
Field and their
Electromagnetic Energy Field
to access the necessary
Aware Energy to affect
positive change.
The client typically
experiences a profound sense
of meaning and connection to
something greater than
themselves. Some of the
client's symptoms could even
serve as a doorway into this
transcending realm,
motivating them to embark on
a spiritual Quest on the
meaning of life and the
infinite. In essence, the
of this quest or journey
also becomes a form of
therapy, providing release
from the constraints of
their recent Past Self and
attached limiting
disposition to a Present
(happier and healthier
-mentally and/or physically)
This unique course translates the latest science research in quantum
energy into simple, actionable strategies for achieving individual
optimum mental health and
enhanced physical wellbeing.
Quantum Energy Self-Healing
is a third wave psychological approach (looking forward and not
backward) to achieving sustainable, positive change in a short time
The operating principles of Quantum
Energy Self Healing
have been developed over recent years primarily from the field of
evidence based psychology, neuroscience and quantum science.
For over 25 years, Dr Zeus's Institute
(see below page) has been internationally recognized
as the leader in building the next generation of science-based,
change models and tools. |
TM |
"The highly attractive aspect of the tools presented
in the course is that they are easy-to-learn, only
require a very brief amount of time to practice
daily by a client and can produce quick,
transforming results"
-D. Tyson (Dual Cert. Graduate)
"Revolutionary Tools for Transformational
Health and Well-being Change." |
The Course's proprietary
Q Codes allow you
to tap and ultimately move energy that
you need and
effect a new reality.
Creating a
new healthier, stronger version of themselves.
Moving energy imbalances is the KEY to
unlocking our BRAIN-MIND-BODY connection. When a client
learns to access and move energy in an intentional way,
through using the Q Energy Codes, they can create a real and
lasting shift in their life into life mastery.
True life mastery and realizing our full
health potential is about becoming fully intentional with our
Q Energy Codes are a set of proven principles and practices
from Quantum Physics and the Applied Behavioral Sciences.
Energy Codes will help your clients build the
new neurocircuitry to sustain their truer, better, healthier Self — activating
their higher brain centers, creative wavelengths and mind
and body energy.
Q Codes build the neurocircuitry to sustain this new
identity through activating the key brain centers for
generating higher level thinking and understanding. Clients
frequently report that they develop
an ability to “know” before the evidence appears in the
physical world.
In each course module, Dr Zeus provides
easy-to-follow steps that equips you with a complete
understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you
need to help your clients activate their Healing Energy Codes within
just two transformational sessions.
Course Objectives:
By gaining a limited place in this special course, you will
How to use proven, cutting-edge Quantum Healing Energy Change Models
and Transform the lives of people!
Learn how to use evidence-based and research-tested life
change models
that leads to greater life satisfaction.
Advanced Course Methodology
includes the below Q Energy Tools:
Dr Perry Zeus's Q-Neuro Xperiential X-ercises™:
Q Code™
Zeus's Q-Neuro Xperiential X-ercises ™
- for the Brain and Mind.
Utilizing Zeus's Q-Neuro Metacognition
X-ercises ™
(Deep level / subconscious Metacognition Role-playing incorporating
Direct Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive Memory Reconstitution
and Mindfulness).
Self-Transformational Cognitive Neuroplasticity
Models are experiential in nature and also integrate
components of:
Behavioral change therapy
Mindfulness based cognitive restructuring
Emotional realignment therapy
Transpersonal discovery
The Psychology of Selves
Positive Memory Reconstitution
and, the following
key psychological principles and techniques : Self-actualization,
Self-Concept, Self Esteem, Self Identity and Working in the
Conscious, Unconscious and Super Consciousness Zone, Direct
Visualization. |
NOTE: Carl Gustav Jung’s revolutionary views of the human
mind are in perfect agreement with the discoveries of Quantum
Physics, which, during the last century, also came as a shock,
because they revealed the fundamental errors of Classical
Physics and led to a radical change in the Western view of the
world. |
Carl-Gustav Jung’s Analytical Psychology, embodied in the
archetype structure, leads us to the view that there is a part
of the world that we can’t see, a realm of reality that doesn’t
consist of material things but of non-material forms. These
forms are real even though they are invisible, because they have
the potential to appear in our mind and act in it.
This view of the world is identical with the ontology of Quantum
Physics and is the foundational basis of Quantum Energy
"Helping clients create a
field of
expanded possibility -accessing their highest potential and mode
of living." -Dr P. Zeus
Healing Bottom Line: There is a “new alliance”
between QUANTUM SCIENCE and Natural Health
Science that is now
taking place. We place our students at the
forefront in the Natural Health field by
providing them with world-best-class,
cutting-edge, proven change models and tools
that can help all people (no matter their age or
position) transform their life by building a
better, healthier future. |
"My clients range from 7 to 70 and come from all walks of
life. All have significantly improved their quality of life
from participating in my training programs using the quantum
tools and best practices from your course!"
Jess Alexander (Dual Certificate Graduate)
or Campus Format
No assessment. Full Certification.
No fixed commencement or completion time.. |
Master Certified Energy Practitioner. Healing
Graduates receive MCEP Certification and are entitled
to use the post-nominal letters
(Approx'. 36 hours study time) |
→ The Master Certified Course contains the Healing Fundamentals
plus healing in the Electromagentic Field, Quantum Psychology and Healing in the Quantum
Field (QF) via the Superconsciousness Mind. |
Quantum Energy
Graduates receive the Quantum Energy
Therapist Diploma
and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters
"Dip QET."
(Approx'. 42 hours study time) |
→ EXCLUSIVE: The Diploma Course includes 1-to-1 Videoconference Practice
Management and/or Case Management Training and Mentoring with Dr
Perry Zeus. |
50% theory,
50% practice (practice in this sense incorporates
Quantum Energy Healing and Self-Healing, including
practitioner self awareness, personal development,
professional issues and reflection, communication skills
should act as a bench mark for best practice and form a
template which is sufficient in itself but which leaves
room for expansion by practitioner for its inclusion
with various Healing and Health Care modalities.
Some below example Tools, Techniques and Knowledge content,
Case Studies etc:
Master Energy Practitioner SKILLS
→ Professional
→ Becoming a Professional Change Agent
→ Some Core Identities and Competencies of the Quantum
Master Healer
→ Your Practitioner Style
→ Planning the Healing Session
→ Dialogue, Questioning and Listening Skills
→ Establishing an environment of Trust
→ Dealing with Transference and Counter-transference
→ How the client's psychological and emotional balance, as
well as diet and lifestyle can affect outcome
→ Healing Models
→ Healing Sessional Structure and Program Map
→ The intervention CYCLE
→ Types of Evaluation
→ Follow-up
→ Steps to building a customized
Holistic, Quantum
Healing Program.
Working with ENERGY: the
SCIENCE -And why it works!
→ Mind States
→Types of Mindsets
→ Neuroscience and Train the Brain
→ The High-Performance Mind
→ Self-Integration, Self-Discovery
→ Neurogenesis
→ Behavioral Neuroscience
→ We are what we think
→ Emotions, Feelings
→ The Brain's Limbic System
→ Brain-Based Learning
→ How to release entrapped Energy in the Body
→ Heart and Brain relationship
→ How to establish an Energy Healing Group Program
→ Well-Being
→ Establishing a Health and Healing Energy Fitness Program
→ Maslow, Self-actualization and Transformation
→ Psychophysiology
→ Physiology or Psycho-physical (Mind and Body)
→ Body Awareness
→ Mind-Body relaxation and Mindset awareness
→ Whole System Mind-Body Approach
→ The Need to use the Observer-Self
→ Deliberative Thinking and Witnessing Awareness
→ Meditation
→ Mindfulness
→ Reframing
→ How to Anchor States of Mind
→ Putting it all Together
→ Steps to accessing the Quantum Energy Field
- The Q Healing Framework, Q
Code, Change Models,
X-ercises and Case Studies
→ The
Science: Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Quantum Physics
→ Quantum
Energy Psychology
→ Quantum
Medicine, Health, Healing
→ Biohacking
→ Quantum Physics provides us a Key to Self-Change
→ Subjective Well-being
→ Mindset Compass
→ Enhancing our State of Being
How to become who you want to
→ Harnessing the EGO
How to override Self-Limiting Beliefs
→ How to fulfil our Health Potential
How to be On Purpose with our lives
→ Self-Efficacy
→ Peak Performance Quantum Healing -Building Resilience
→ Vagus Nerve -a key to Well-Being
→ Mediation and Mindfulness Gut-directed therapy
→ Transpersonal Discovery
→ Transcending the Ego
→ How to exchange maladaptive
Negative Emotions and attached Fear
→ How to use advanced
Visualization techniques to build a desired
better future health state
→ How to enhance
-the key intelligence factor for great success
How to help people overcome
- the most destabilizing, negative force that affects
How to work with the Future Self,
Past Self & Present Self to build a better
How to help people attain true self-realization
-"the secret of our life."
How to build Strong Neural Pathways
- the key to increasing Critical Thinking Skills and Intelligence
How to increase mental energy
→ How to manage Consciousness in the Driver’s Seat
additional Quantum Consciousness material
PLUS optional,
private, 1to1, videoconference Post-Course Mentoring
with Dr Zeus)
Energy Psychology Life/Work Coaching Modules
PLUS NeuroCoaching Change Models
and tools to be added to your tailored made
Course Library.
Value: $us1,500.00 |
your healing craft becomes your healing business..

Plus a
Professional Healer and Coaching Practice Toolkit and Resources
(over 300 pages)
- Value $us1,295.00 |
proven marketing strategies - reference materials (important case
studies, articles, papers)
practice guides, study materials and resource
Specialties and how to find yours
Developing a Practice Philosophy
you don't necessarily need university degrees in psychology,
counselling or medicine
to build a successful practice using the telehealth (video)
service delivery model
Rating best Software packages to use for Communication, Admin,
Data Collection etc.
to use foundation seminars and workshops
to respond to the most common client situations
to refer clients to specialist medical and psychological
practitioners if need be
to establish commitment, trust and intimacy with your clients
Drafting and Proposing the Contract of Services
Preparing efficient and effective results based sessions
How to design, implement and measure successful programs
to prepare, design and conduct a coaching session
Starting the Session
Do’s and Don’ts
structure of the client conversation
to develop your Practitioner Style with your clients
Producing Measurable Results and How to measure the results
Notes, Case Studies, Example Interventions and Exercises..
The tradition continues.. the Institute’s Harvard and
Oxford Faculty members constantly update these unique
training programs with the latest Applied Natural Health science
methodology. |
presented in the course is also used by researchers and clinicians
at over 100 institutions worldwide including: |
referred in: |
Message from Dr Perry Zeus (Institute's
Founder and author of several best-selling
books on Life
Change).. |
Recognition and Awards:
- Acknowledged by the International Coaching Council (ICC) and
International Coach Federation (ICF) as one of the founders and
pioneers of the modern coaching disciple and top Master Trainers
in the world.
- Recipient of numerous
awards for his contributions to the training
profession, including the ICF Lifetime
Achievement Award.
- Featured in Forbes Magazine
as one of the "Top 10 Most Influential
Coaches in the World." |
Quantum Energy Healing is the culmination of the
past 30 years searching for the most effective way to
help a client change their
health potential.
When I established the Institute in 1994 my goal was
to develop an elite training school providing
world best-class life change
methodology. Today, my Faculty Team and I are proud
to be the acknowledged world leaders in our field.
Through the ongoing extensive research and
development program by our Faculty Team Members (together with
our Global Partners) we are able
to provide a Quantum Energy Healing Toolkit for our
students containing the most current, scientifically
proven set of powerful tools, techniques and
best-practices available." |
Quantum Medicine, Health & Healing -Some Science > |
Please Note:
The content of this website and courses is not intended to
be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or
other qualified health provider with any questions you may
have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard
professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because
of something you have heard in this course. |
QEC Quantum
Course, QUANTUM Coach Course, quantum coaching certification Coach
Course, QEC coaching and emotion coaching course contents, Emotion
Course Master Coach Course content, health coaching course, Wellness
coaching quantum course, QEC Coaching Emotion Course, emotion course
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Emotion Course Coaching Program, Certified Quantum Coach Course, QEC
Emotional Health Coach Course |