Content: energy and emotion, energy coaching, coaching and emotions, emotional change, energy coach training, course, coaching emotions, energy, coaching, emotional management, intelligent emotions is the workplace, energy coaching course, behavior and emotions, change emotions, energy and emotion coach training course, emotional intelligence coaching, coach training course, emotions is the workplace, fear, behavior change model, change emotions, manage emotions, executive coaching, business coaching, emotional intelligence coaching skills, energy and emotion coaching, emotional change, coaching emotions, 








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Quantum Energy Coach Training Course
- Course Notes: Master Certified Coach and Diploma Levels
Quantum ENERGY Coaching assists clients towards change through education of their emotional reactivity.

Your clients learn to understand their emotions, rather than trying to escape, control or dissociate from them. Emotions inform us of our current experience and regulating emotions increases our emotional intelligence.

Quantum Coaching is a powerful, short-term coaching approach that assists clients through uncertainty by encouraging them to look within and become a witness and better manager of their behavioral patterns resulting in increased self-awareness around performance, well-being, stress and reactivity. Your clients can expect a powerful coaching program that typically consists of just eight to 12 sessions held once a week that generates lasting, highly beneficial outcomes.

Quantum Coaching delivers a vital connection that provides clients with a strong, structured platform of safety and support we all need to grow, risk, develop, and explore the world. Using a traditional coaching approach, the nervous system is often aroused, and people can be pitched into vigilance for danger, avoidance of risk, and a sense of helplessness.

Upgrading emotional, physical and mental health.

Learn how to help clients better manage challenging situations thereby increasing their potential by building a bridge from who and where they are - to who and where they want to be.

Quantum Coaching is also influenced by other psychological theories including ...Jung, Gestalt, Client Centred, Mindfulness, Narrative, process oriented and Systemic counselling.

At this very moment, people everywhere around us are searching for ways to align themselves with a deeper purpose and fulfilling life.  

Transformational Quantum Coaching The key point is that quantum thinking requires viewing a situation from multiple perspectives  — to place yourself in the world of possibilities by choosing the best suited emotion and thought rather than taking action you may later regret.  

Rewiring the mind and enhancing energetic frequency. 

The energetic charge of the emotions we experience on a day to day basis play a large role in dictating the quality of our life. This unique course provides the tools to help people change the way they feel by recognizing and exchanging key powerful, negative energy flows emanating from emotions driving their thoughts and results.


Rapid transformational change within 14 days.

When your clients unlock the Positive Energy Powers within themselves and have learned how to manage positive energy through even the most challenging day, their experience of the world will immediately become profoundly more vivid, exciting and fulfilling in every way.  

And from that moment forward, they will…

  • Have more clarity about exactly what to do and which direction to go to best achieve their goals
  • Be able to accomplish more in less time without experiencing the levels of overwhelm they do now
  • Begin to attract the right people and resources to help them  make real progress on the projects that mean the most to you
  • Be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing
  • No longer feel trapped within themself, and be able to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them and in the world

Research has shown that human behavior can’t be fully explained by traditional or “classical” psychology.  A new research field called “quantum thinking or quantum cognition” has arisen within the area of cognitive sciences.   

Though our lives can feel predictable at times, when we zoom in to the quantum level, nothing can be assumed or predicted because things change instantaneously. Quantum thinking applies that same concept to everyday life, challenging us to consider all possible outcomes of a situation rather than defaulting to our usual—and frequently limiting—way of acting..  

The field of Quantum Science has proven everything that exists in this world is made up of energy. From things that are seen, like people, objects and plants, to things that cannot be seen, like air, gravity, and emotions…everything that exists in the universe, at it’s most basic form, is just energy.  

Emotions are energy. Thoughts are energy. Energy has weight and movement. Emotions and thoughts have weight and movement.



 Energy Coach Training Course Modules





















 - Regulating Emotions and associated Brain Wave Activity

















  Read More> Behavioral Coaching Methodology and Tools for Managing Emotions in the Workplace


  Certified Master Coach Course - Some Introductory Notes :
          Intelligent Emotion Management by Coaching :

Intelligent Management of Emotions via Coaching in
the Workplace

-The need for better coach training in the use of psychological
methodologies to better deal with emotions in the workplace

Intelligent Management of Emotions -extracts from  book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and
Skiffington -published by McGraw-Hill, New York)

Emotions do not just effect organizations but contribute to their structure. In fact a great deal of leadership is actually about emotion management. Organizations are emotional places, organizations and businesses use emotions to motivate employees to perform. Various events in organizations create emotions and affect an employee's sense of satisfaction or well-being. Our sense of organizational identity is connected to how we feel. Emotions are also essential to inspirational leadership. However, emotions can harm employees, affect how they react to pressures and be the cause of low productivity and poor results.

Today, through the use of cutting-edge behavioral change models and techniques, negative emotions can be reframed to become a positive force to produce lasting beneficial results.

Moods and emotions affect our selection and the quality of our actions.
Emotions are a part of our everyday existence as they move through the body, affecting our state-of-mind, performance, health and energy. Some recent research even suggests that all decisions are emotionally based, and that logic is used to provide a rational explanation for whatever decision is taken. 

It is important to distinguish between moods and emotions. Emotions are responses to specific events however moods are long term emotions people can find themselves in, such as pessimism, optimism, melancholy, resentment and anxiety. Moods have a major bearing on a person's emotional response to what is happening around them. They underpin a person's morale, their desire for improvement, their commitment to the process of change, their ability to problem-solve and their creative and innovative thinking.

Emotional management skills are necessary to reach an optimum productive state. 
Current research shows that by acquiring emotional management skills and techniques managers and leaders can more readily create positive and productive results in every aspect of their lives.

Emotional responsibility and Emotional leadership.
In a workplace dominated by the emphasis on rational and logical thinking, the role of emotions in decision-making and effective action has been often neglected. Many managers and leaders become victims of their emotions and regard their moods and emotions as things which just "happen". 

So how does management expect their employees to manage their emotions in the workplace?
According to the latest research management and many employees do not want their co-workers to express any type of strong emotion -- positive or negative. The research found that the only "appropriate" way to manage negative emotions at work was for employees to hide or "mask" their emotions. Positive emotions are also needed to be expressed in moderation, according to those surveyed.

Emotion management is not something that is typically taught at work. Most organizations have traditionally focused on teaching logical and rational thinking and have neglected emotional learning in their development programs. As such, to learn what is and is not appropriate, most employees learn to manage their emotions by observing others in the workplace. However, in the last few years many executive / organizational coaches (trained in the use of psychological-based methodologies) have been increasingly called upon to develop specialist programs in this arena. These coaches are typically working with leaders to: a) help them better understand the impact that their moods and emotions have on their behaviour, relationships and performance and, b) providing them with techniques to better manage them and create productive emotional spaces. It follows that other people developers are now seeking a better understanding of how to work with emotions in the workplace.

Some aspects of Emotion that People Developers need to understand:

  • How to help individuals better balance the physical, mental and emotional aspects of their working and home life
  • Characteristics of emotional well-being
  • How to help people maintain emotional composure on the job and maximize work relationships!
  • How to help people better express emotions through assertiveness and communication skills -communicating or controlling? Understanding assertive communication
  • How to better create emotional honesty and positive emotional energy
  • How to help people control their negative emotions and achieve positive interaction in teams and work groups 
  • The connection between emotions and workplace stress
  • -Understanding Stress:
    • How to interpret the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress
    • How to identify Aspects of Personal and Professional Lifestyles in Relation to a person's Management of Emotional Well-Being
  • Better understand feelings and emotional well-being: Perception and defence mechanisms at work:
  • Self-awareness and what triggers reactions
  • How to assess What a person is Feeling and Why they are Feeling That Way
  • How to identify Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
  • How to analyze Behavior Patterns
How to locate and change Negative Emotions that exists in every work environment -which left unchanged, can even cripple an organization:
  • Negative emotions affects an individual's ability to focus confidently on producing creative and productive work/results.
  • Understand that negative emotions (that can even strip people of their self esteem and disconnect them from their work) is an inevitable part of organized life.
  • Know how to train managers to recognize their own emotional condition and manage it -and be able to read and deal with the emotional state of others.
  • Know how to train managers to help their people frame emotions in constructive ways or by changing the view of their experiences, helping staff create workable solutions and create positive pursuits. Managers also need to learn how to lead by the example they set eg; how to deal with their own emotional issues in positive ways that can inspire others.
  • Many managers with strong technical skills and low "people skills" get promoted regardless of this deficit. These professionals can make poor managers unless they are held accountable for their behavior and are provided behavior-based coaching on how to to prevent or deal with their emotional issues.

The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Fast-tracked Master Coach training Program takes an Emotion-focused coaching approach.

People live in a constant process of trying to make sense of, control and manage their emotions. In an Emotion-focused coaching approach emotion is seen as foundational in the construction of the self and is a key determinant of self-organization. Personal meaning and growth can be achieved through the exploration and re-organization of our emotional experiences. Within this framework approach people become aware of how they process emotion and how they can generate alternative emotional responses. 

Emotion-focused coaching is a collaborative effort (with a trained practitioner/coach) to help clients use their emotions intelligently to solve their problems and reach their goals. The approach uses a range of empirically proven behavioral change models and techniques that can produce sustainable change in a relatively short time frame.

The Certified Master Coach Course -elite training in the use of evidence-based psychological methodologies:

Many vital behavior-based change models, tools and techniques and assessment instruments a professional people developer requires to work with emotions are only available via the
The Behavioral Coaching Institute's fast-tracked, Certified Master Coach Course (Self-Study, Campus or Distance Learning format).  Read More >.... 

© Behavioral Coaching Institute

   ".. this unique course shows that rather than controlling or
avoiding emotions, clients can learn from their emotions
 and bodily reactions and begin to act sensibly on them
Professional people developers are taught how to help
 their clients (in a short time frame) change their emotion
 in ways that are appropriate to context. This is rarely taught..
Dr B. Fitzgibbons (Course Graduate)



It is very difficult to avoid the fear that is presently within us and around us. More people will be harmed because of what fear does to them than because of the pandemic and associated recession.

A growing number of people are being psychologically plunged into a domain where they begin to question everything. Many people feel like they are in a psychological prison. The lost sense of freedom, the ability to freely roam and move is a form of acute psychological suffering.

The emotion fear is the most dangerous virus in our world. When people are hurled into a state of anxiety, chaos and distress they require psychological anchoring. People need to understand this fear and learn how to manage it. Fear can cause untold damage, not just mentally, but also to the body and immune system which becomes weakened and affects our health.

The High Performance Behavioral Coach is uniquely qualified to provide a psychological handle for people to hold onto.

Man has always had to deal with confrontational change pressing uncertainty upon us. It is human to enjoy fear a little bit. It makes us feel alive, just us many enjoy watching disaster and horror movies.

We all need to understand this attraction to fear within us; without understanding it we cannot understand the psychology of fear and its hold on us.

We need to remove the attraction to fear to wake up our unconsciousness.

In a heightened state of fear a contagion of negativity can take over completely. You won't even know when you have lost control over your fear. Then fear can do anything to you. In such an extreme situation some people even become fearful of living.

Fear is a kind of self-hypnosis and causes chemical changes in the body. By repeating the same idea again and again, this chemical change can sometimes be so poisonous that it can also take over your life.

High Performance Behavioral Coaches are uniquely qualified to guide people how to prevent negative energy to consume them. While many people fall into the whirlpool of irrational, negative energy those people sitting in a lifeboat with their high performance behavioral coach can be protected from the fallout.

The arrival of death and loss of jobs / financial security around us spells fear of the inevitable.

Hope, Resilience and a Brighter Future
We all need to take this opportunity to rethink the purpose of our life. To construct a deeper, better understanding of the meaning of our life and level of consciousness. With a
High Performance Behavioral Coach as a guide people can quickly move from a place of fear to a self-transformational journey of a new, positive way of being, a new way of living life to fulfil their potential and destiny. To become who they can be, to achieve what they can do.

See: The Institute's Fast-tracked, Accredited, Online High Performance Behavioral Coach Course >

Managing Emotional Contagion in Workplace
    Mental / Behavioral Coaching Interventions
  Behavioral Coaching. 1.
The need to improve mental health offerings into the
workplace and places of study.
Organizational Holistic Approach to providing Total Personal Care and Support... .Read More..
  Behavioral Health Coaching. 2.
The need to take a Brain-Mind-Body approach in the
workplace and schools.
  People’s financial health is suffering. 3
Recent surveys confirm that many people are becoming emotionally injured about the economic impact...
Read More







- Via Videoconference or In-Person at your Venue.
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Content: emotional intelligence coaching, psychology, fear and pandemic coaching, emotional management, emotions is the workplace, pandemic and fear, behavior change model, change emotions, manage emotions and fear, executive coaching, business coaching, emotional intelligence coaching skills, coaching and emotions, behavioral model, emotional change, coaching emotions, emotional intelligence coaching, executive coaching, business coaching, emotional intelligence coaching skills, coaching and emotions, behavioral model, emotional change, coaching emotions, psychology, coaching, emotional management, emotions is the workplace, coaching research, behavior change model, change emotions, manage emotions, recession and fear and pandemic