Content: recession, stress and poor leadership, global recession,
coaching, stress and leadership performance, executive coaching, stress
and executive
coaching, coaching and poor leadership performance, behavioral change, coaching
performance, psychology,
recession and stress,,
global recession, stress and poor leadership, mangers stress and leadership
performance, stress and executive coaching, stress and recession, coaching and poor leadership performance, behavioral change,
stress, coaching
performance, psychology,
coaching, recession and layoff survivors, downsizing , layoff effects,
mangers, recession
and stress executive coaching, leadership performance,
Master Coach Course - Some
Introductory Notes - EXECUTIVE Coaching Stress and Recession:
Stressed-out Executives / Managers are making
poor decisions in difficult times.
-The Recession and need for
executive coach
training in the use of psychological methodologies to better deal with stress in the
workplace and improve leadership
(includes extracts from text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
Executive Coaching, the Recession and Workplace Executive / Leadership Stress -
With a difficult world economy many businesses are now experiencing low leadership performance.
Many businesses are now under threat from the poor psychological state
of their stressed managers during the global recession. It's simple
human nature that stressed executives are more inclined to make wrong
decisions that can end-up ultimately damaging their business
productivity and progress.
When people are stressed the mechanisms in
the brain that provide insight and a broader perspective simply shut
down. This can lead to executives making decisions that are driven by
their short term survival but are not in the company's strategic
During a recession, in
times of stress, managers and leaders need behavioral-focused, executive
coaching, to learn
how to control their stress levels and trust their intuition to make meaningful decisions based on what
is important for their business in the long term.
Stress restructures the
brain as confirmed recently in the Journal of Neuroscience.
Stress harms the brain and body in profound ways. On the cellular level,
stress causes physical changes in synapses.
Stress alters brain function by modifying the structure and function of
neurons. In this study, the researchers showed that a single exposure to
an acute stress triggered a retraction of fine brain processes
affecting, thinking, decision-making etc.
Moods and emotions affect
our selection and the quality of our actions.
Emotions are a part of our everyday existence as they move through the
body, affecting our state-of-mind, performance, health and energy.
Some recent research even suggests that all decisions are emotionally
based, and that logic is used to provide a rational explanation for
whatever decision is taken.
Workplace Stress Executive / Leadership - Coaching
Emotional management skills are necessary to
reach an optimum productive state.
Current research shows that by acquiring emotional management skills and
techniques managers and leaders can more readily create positive and
productive results in every aspect of their lives. In a workplace
dominated by the emphasis on rational and logical thinking, the role of
stress/emotions in decision-making and effective action has been often
Senior managers judgment re: promotion and hiring -can even become
skewed, with directors more likely to promote and employ the wrong kind
of managers. In a contracting business environment (read: stressful
times), directors tend to choose managers whose strength is coordinating
activities and resources to ensure company targets are reached. However,
studies clearly show that employees (who are also victims of stress
during recessionary times) respond best in these uncertain times to
leaders who can adopt an inspiring vision to temper staff anxiety and
are also able to create productive emotional spaces
to maximize work relationships.
It is well known the demonstrated effect that layoff has on workers.
But, present research clearly demonstrates,
layoff survivors are
themselves not immune to the negative effects of downsizing and
experience declines in work performance and quality of life.
Research shows that the symptoms of layoff survivor's syndrome are
highly correlated with workers' perceptions of downsizing. Declining
job satisfaction and job commitment caused by layoffs ultimately
result in productivity declines. This is an unintended consequence of
Workplace Stress - Executive Coaching
- Behavior based coaching can uniquely affect positive
behavioral change impacting business results.
Only behavior based coaching can have a positive effect on
valued behaviors e.g; leadership behaviors which positively
influence outcomes such as employee commitment, engagement and
organisational climate, which directly affect performance and
productivity levels associated with superior business performance.
Leaders need to better understand their feelings and
emotional well-being to
achieve positive interaction in teams and work groups.
developers who have been professionally trained and certified to use
behavior based coaching models, tools and techniques are uniquely
able to help Managers and Leaders:
to maintain emotional composure on
the job and maximize work relationships, gain self-awareness
and what triggers reactions, how to identify and analyze Behavior
Patterns associated with stressful events and how to best manage
thoughts, feelings and behaviors associated with stressful
situations etc..
History has taught companies to 'survive and thrive' during
tough market conditions it is essential for them to develop
high-performing leaders across the entire organization.
Leading think tanks now estimate that, during tough economic
conditions, companies that best manage their human capital assets well
will outperform those who that don't by between 30 and 50 per cent.
Some of today's successful companies who don't perform well in the
human capital development scoreboard will be eventually brought to
their knees. Poor development choices eventually convert to poor
strategic and bottom-line decision making, loss of revenue and market
share, competitive disadvantage, higher production costs, brand risk
Behavioral Coaching
Institute's Master Certified Coach
and Diploma Courses -elite
training in the use of evidence-based psychological methodologies:
The Institute's
Master Coach Course (Self-Study,
Distance Learning Format) meets the critical needs for
internal and external people developers to be trained in the use of validated,
reliable psychology-based tools and techniques to enhance leadership
effectiveness and business results. Read
More >....
Behavioral Coaching Institute
Accelerated Distance Learning!
Our fast-tracked courses enable to fit study
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Course to fit your
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Content: recession, stress and executive coaching and poor leadership performance, behavioral change,
stress, coaching
performance, psychology,
coaching, recession and layoff survivors, downsizing , layoff effects, recession
coaching, leadership performance, recession, stress and poor leadership, global recession, coaching,
stress and leadership performance, executive coaching, coaching
performance, psychology, coaching,
global recession, stress and poor leadership, stress and leadership
performance, stress and executive coachings, stress and leadership
coaching, coaching and poor leadership performance, behavioral change,,
executive coaching and stress and recession ,