Contents: what is Emotional Exhaustion, emotional burn-out, energy coaching, energy coaching course coaching, emotional exhaustion coaching,  burn-out coaching and energy coaching in workplace, energy and Psychology, Energy Coach Training Course, Emotional Exhaustion burn-out coaching course, energy coaching in workplace, burnout coaching, psychology and Emotional Exhaustion, emotional fatigue, emotion regulation and energy coaching, coaching, behavioral change, psychology, energy, workplace exhaustion  and workplace energy coach training course, emotion fatigue,






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  Quantum Energy Coach Training Course
- Course Notes: Master Certified Coach and Diploma Levels
"We are not just comprised of physical bodies, but we are also “composed of energy fields.” 

Yes, we are actually made up of different "bodies" layered one on top of the other, varying in terms of the density of their energy. The ground level is our physical body, with the emotional, mental and spiritual ascending from there. Although the subtler bodies cannot be seen, they are most certainly felt, just as we intuitively feel another person’s happiness or anger.  

Emotions – embodied in the emotional body – are key to our health.
For example, if we continually carry hate or resentment, an energy block will form in our system, creating aberrant energy patterns that may result in psychological or physical manifestations of pain or illness. Traumatic stress especially registers in the emotional body, resulting in blockages and obstructions, suffering and distress.

All the negative emotions: anxiety, shame, guilt fear, anger; all can lead to a stressed, distorted, clogged energy field. Even emotions that we try to get rid of don’t go away. If we don’t effectively exchange negative emotions such as shame or guilt, our attempt to push them away will actually push them deeper into our energy fields. These negative emotions will then form a blockage that can disrupt the healthy flow of energy. Eventually, illness in the body may manifest. The source of the problem is an energy obstruction or aberration.

Rewiring the mind and enhancing energetic frequency. 

The energetic charge of the emotions we experience on a day to day basis play a large role in dictating the quality of our life. This unique course provides the tools to help people change the way they feel by recognizing and exchanging key powerful, negative energy flows emanating from emotions driving their thoughts and results.

How will my clients benefit by my enrolment in this Energy Course?

You will learn how to coach clients to transform effortlessly through learning to “think energy” and manage their life force.  
You will be provided the science and art of how to unlock Quantum Energy. Identifying life's obstacles and opportunities, paving the way for personal growth. 
You will acquire am easy-to-follow development roadmap and tools to teach clients how to regulate their energy empowering them to clear the static, noise, and resistance from inside them and around them and experience greater awareness, perspective / clarity, order, improved emotion regulation, enhanced well-being and health.
Some Benefits -by coaching people how to tap into and build their energy reservoir Includes:
- embracing a life of purpose;
- enhanced productivity;
- overall profound transformation;
- opening gates to their imagination;
- enhancing positive;
- acquiring new knowledge and skills rapidly;
- enhanced inspiration and creativity levels;
- accomplishing more at new peak energy levels;
- constructive energy attracts people and opportunities to them; ,
- better management of physical and emotional issues;
- accelerating the healing process.  
Coaching Bottom line:
This powerful, unique, leading-edge coach training course will enable you to help clients, quickly and easily, establish their true self and unlock their potential and the required energy levels to sustain them through the challenges of life.




 Course Modules








- Using a Brain-Mind-Body Approach






“Empowering people to move to a desired state of well-being, health and productivity”

  'How to help a clients suffering from EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION - as covered in the Institute's NEURO-BEHAVIORAL, INVITATIONAL COACH TRAINING COURSES:

Fast-tracked E-Learning with Full Certification.
- No required ADD-ON coaching or mentoring training
- No set Starting or Completion time

Extracts from Course Module: How to prevent and manage Emotional Exhaustion using the right, validated NEURO-BEHAVIORAL coaching tools to help people feel better and be better in both their personal and professional lives.
  "Learn how,  you can help your client (in just 3 short coaching sessions) 'self-regulate' to prevent Emotional Exhaustion."  



Numerous workplace wellness studies have confirmed that there are three interrelated elements to the burnout we are now seeing: 1) emotional or physical exhaustion; 2) a sense of being disconnected from work or family; 3) a feeling of being less effective.

Each of the above Burnout elements feeds into the others. It is difficult to be engaged when we are exhausted. Exhaustion undermines effectiveness, which in turn hurts our morale. Burnout can result from feeling disconnected from work or family and friends. We need engagement in all aspects of our lives in order to be at our best.

If we are to help employees to be engaged we need to have a new conversation about well-being in the workplace. And that means addressing two longstanding stigmas head-on - 1) talking about mental health at work and, 2)  breaking the code of silence between employers and employees not to discuss personal issues at work.

Fortunately, the pandemic has started to chip away at this outdated 'unspoken agreement' as more and more organizations begin to have coaching conversations with their people that take a holistic approach.

We cannot expect employees to thrive professionally when they are struggling personally. A holistic approach to well-being demands that we take a whole life approach and be attentive to the needs of the whole person.

Most persons will have experienced periods of emotional exhaustion or some level of burnout..

Feeling excessively tired after work, devoid of much energy, irritable, feeling down, de-motivated, change in appetite? You may have burnout..

People experiencing emotional exhaustion often feel like they have no power or control over what happens in life. They may feel “stuck” or “trapped” in a situation.

Lack of energy, poor sleep, and decreased motivation can make it difficult to overcome emotional exhaustion. Over time, this chronic, stressed-out state can cause permanent damage to your health.

Anyone experiencing long-term stress can become emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed. In difficult times, emotional exhaustion can sneak up on you.

Vital or Emotional Exhaustion, commonly referred to as burnout syndrome, is typically caused by prolonged stress at work or home or both. It differs from depression, which is characterized by poor self-esteem, guilt, dark / grey emotions and feelings.

Negative affect on Performance
There is evidence that chronic (persistent) stress can actually rewire your brain. Prolonged stress means less activity in the parts of the brain that handles higher-order tasks — for example, the prefrontal cortex — and more activity in the primitive parts of their brain, such as the amygdala (your emotional control / fight or flight center). When the brain when it is under a lot of stress it is focused on producing alot of neutralizing neural activity that builds negative energy networks in the brain, and the part of the brain tasked with more complex thought takes a back seat -and hence performance, critical analysis, decision-making, creativity levels etc drop away.

Employers whose employees are stressed out and emotionally exhausted will begin to notice changes in job performance and overall team morale. For example, they might start to notice that their employees have:
- failure to meet deadlines, lower commitment to the organization, more absences, high turnover rate etc

Some causes of emotional exhaustion?
Experiencing some daily stress and anxiety is normal, but over time, chronic stress can take a toll on the body. Emotional exhaustion is caused by a long period of stress.

What triggers emotional exhaustion differs from person to person. What might be stressful for one person can be completely manageable for another person.

Some common triggers of emotional exhaustion include:
- high-pressure jobs
- study or project demands
- working long hours or working in a position you dislike
- relationship problems
- financial stress
- having a baby and raising children
- prolonged divorce proceedings
- death of a family member or friend
- living with a chronic illness or injury
- being a caregiver for a loved one.

Psychological and Physiological harm can be caused in people who suffer from exhaustion that goes unchecked.

A recent study published (Jan. 2023) in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology showed persons with the high levels of vital exhaustion were at a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation compared to those with little to no evidence of vital exhaustion.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of heart arrhythmia. It is estimated that 17 million people in Europe and 10 million people in the US will have this condition by next year, increasing their risk for heart attack, stroke, and death.

Psychological distress has been suggested as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation. Until now, the specific association between vital exhaustion and atrial fibrillation had not been evaluated.


It is already known that
exhaustion increases one’s risk for cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. The importance of avoiding exhaustion through careful attention to – and management of – personal stress levels as a way to help preserve overall cardiovascular health cannot be overstated.


THE KEY = Emotional Self-Regulation and working with the power of Theta

- What solutions individuals can implement to better cope with and manage to control the tonic stressors that surround them.

Neuro Self-Transformational Change Model
The key to success in any HOLISTIC coaching intervention is the selection of the appropriate brain-mind Change Model. The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s internationally recognized Coach training courses meets the critical needs for practitioners to be trained in the use of a range of validated, evidence-based, neuro-behavioral change models, tools and techniques with a user-friendly, coaching delivery model THAT TAKES A WHOLE LIFE and WHOLE BODY APPROACH..

The ability, to flexibly control one’s own emotions and cognition is broadly defined as self-regulation. Effective self-regulation skills function as buffers against stressors and build resilience in multiple domains.

The Institute’s invitational, courses include; easy-to-follow, accelerated, step-by-step, intervention protocols and an extensive, proprietary ToolKit. Measured, sustainable positive results are typically generated within just three, short coaching sessions.

See Course Details>




Neuro-Behavioral Coach Training Courses
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Contents: Contents: what is Emotional Exhaustion, emotion regulation and pandemic coaching, behavioral change, psychology, burn-out coaching, workplace exhaustion  and workplace covid coaching, covid-burnout coaching, psychology and Emotional Exhaustion, covid fatigue, pandemic fatigue,.covid burn-out, covid coaching, coaching course coaching, pandemic exhaustion coaching,  covid  burn-out coaching and coaching in workplace, pandemic and Psychology, Emotional Exhaustion burn-out coaching course, covid-burnout coaching in workplace,