Contents: Energy Wellness Coaching Course, ANXIETY coaching, ANXIETY COURSE,  Anxiety Wellbeing, Anxiety Coaching model, Energy Wellness coach Course, ANXIETY COACH COURSE, Certified Anxiety Coach Course, Master Coach Course in Anxiety, wellness coaching course contents, Energy and Anxiety and health coaching, Energy wellness coach training course, Health and Wellbeing, ANXIETY COACH coaching, Certified Anxiety Coach Course, energy, wellness coach course, wellness coach course, certified wellness energy coach course, Energy Coaching Course.







Dr Perry Zeus's  




     Diploma and Master Coach Courses - CONTENT.

   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

    Executive Coaching Course 
   Kids & Parents Life Coaching Course 
  COURSES   High Performance Behavioral Coaching 
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate    Advanced Corporate Coaching Course 
   LICENSING BCI Courses    Energy Wellness Coaching Course   Enrol Form
   Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus    NeuroCoaching Course   
   Articles    Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program

Contact Faculty

   Group Coach Training

 Course Overview and Contents of the Diploma in


Energy Wellness Coaching



The purpose in life is to find a mode of wellbeing
that is so positively powerful that it overwhelms the
 struggle along life’s journey.





Certification Program










Globally recognized certification for busy professionals involved in
people development..





This unique course provides you with the required training and certification to become a professional recognized Health and Wellness Coach.







Our students in over 60 countries have been provided the blueprint for building a highly successful practice in helping clients reach their optimal wellbeing goals – based on the most simple, evidence-based, wellness energy protocol available.

  The Two Primary Laws of Quantum Energy Physics.

Note: Quantum physics has been proven time and time again and is now taught in schools and universities around the world.

1. Quantum physics shows us that atomic and subatomic particles (the structure of all matter) is composed of electromagnetic energy (in our bodies) and quantum energy (in and around us).

2. An individual’s consciousness can affect the potential future state of their subatomic particles and inturn their material, real-world reality.


Your body, brain, mind and spirit/soul is energy at different vibrations, wavelengths.
The ultimate layer, highest form of energy inside you is consciousness.

If all these energies function in harmony, you are healthy and well. When these energies do not function in harmony and accord you are ill, unhealthy, unwell, unbalanced.

Human beings have the innate capacity to experience and comprehend this energy from which we are constructed.

We all need to learn how to manage these energies via our 'aware' super consciousness (our highest level of consciousness and our primary energy / life force).


Coaching Bottom Line:
A person requires 'aware consciousness' and the right secondary levels of energy (source and balance) in and around them to successfully materialize desired future wellness outcomes.


  What is Wellbeing?
Well-being -how well people feel and function can be measured by our body's energy levels which affect our every day. Major behavioral symptoms of decreased wellbeing include: anxiety, negative emotions, poor self-regulation, resilience and stress tolerance.

Energy is Life!
And, the energy source we use directly affects the quality of our existence!!
This unique Masters-level course shows coaches how to help people create energy reserves and balance and build up the necessary brain-mind-body architecture and perspective to be healthier, happier and fulfil their potential in all facets of their life.

What quantum physics scientists discovered is nothing less than astonishing! At the very core of our human bodies, we are NOT essentially a group of chemical reactions, but a being of coordinated electromagnetic charges within a Quantum Energy Field.

uantum physicists have shown us that the world splits into the two aspects we perceive as mind and matter.
At the quantum level, all matter collapses into energy — the smallest particle dissolves into just energy.

Mass is just one form of energy. From things that are seen, like people, objects and plants, to things that cannot be seen, like air, gravity, and everything that exists in the universe, at it’s most basic atomic form, is just a form of energy.

Matter is simply energy in a different state. We are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds our atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of ourself.

Everything is energy!

At the subatomic level, energy is the very fabric of all matter.
The atom is 99.999996 per cent energy
. Everything physical in our life is not solid matter, it’s fields of energy or frequency patterns of information.

We cannot expect people to thrive and excel when their well being is been negatively affected by the quality of the energy they are sourcing.




Energy Wellness based Coaching Model





The Science of Wellbeing -with supportive empirical evidence.
In today's challenging world providing proven, scientific validated neuro-energy self-change models to raise well-being levels consistently and permanently is absolutely critical to any wellness change effort's success.

Achieving Optimal Functioning.
Quantum Energy, Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

Various recent studies have confirmed that the continued need for personal and professional assistance in wellness change efforts tells us that despite the proliferation of advice and information, people’s needs are not being met.

The art and practice of the therapeutic science of human Energy coupled with neuroscience and neuropsychology provides us a remarkable array of next-generation specific, actionable, easy-to-learn brain-mind-body tools to effect transformative and enduring wellness and behavioral health.

Using the advance, latest science of Quantum Physics and not conventional, outdated or scientifically unproven wellness practices and tools.

Quantum Physics instructs us that our very being is energy in motion and together with our unique energy frequency signature determines what we perceive and experience in our life. 

-Not to be confused with an object's or a person's aura (light or electromagnetic energy field that radiates around us).

Everything material is always emitting specific patterns of quantum energy (or signature) and information in the "invisible quantum world". Our physical body too has organized patterns of quantum energy and information, that is unified with everything else in the quantum energy field in and around us.  

Examples of How We Sense It: - The way you feel when someone is watching you.
- Or, the way your friend feels in a private meeting as opposed to your solitude is his/her energy signature.  

Every being and thing in the physical world has a unique energy signature.    

When we change our level of consciousness we change our Energy Signature at that moment. Our level of consciousness, at any given time, uses the brain to express a state of mind.

First Principle of Quantum Physics:

Recovery, relapse, and recurrence.
Research Studies have found that most clients of wellness interventions that exclude Energy Psychology Coaching experience a recurrence of symptoms within a year.

The Science of Wellbeing -with supportive empirical evidence.
In today's challenging world providing proven, scientific validated neuro-energy self-change models to raise well-being levels consistently and permanently is absolutely critical to any wellness change effort's success.



Acquire the evidence-based tools and the learn the steps how to empower clients to use levels of their consciousness to change aspects of their body and their life including health,
anxiety, stress, fulfilling their potential, happiness, future success including money, sex, weight, relationships -in fact the applications are unlimited!

Changing the bodies electromagnetic energy holding thoughts, feelings, and emotions allowing client's to perceive and manage their life, body, relationships with clarity and ease.

QE Consciousness Life Coaching Blueprint - obtain a scientifically proven set of life-changing techniques, tools and processes designed to empower clients to create the life they desire.

Empowering Clients -students also learn how to support client's to use an easy-to-follow step-by-step, self-coaching process to become more consciously aware and in control in everyday life and how to dissipate any barriers in their life's journey.

In wellness therapies, what rebuilds the brain-mind-body continuum and the consequent re-balance is the person’s consciousness. Indeed, consciousness is life itself.
Numerous research findings confirm that successful wellness outcomes depend upon the level of higher order consciousnesses employed. Consciousness is the ultimate therapeutic power behind all wellness practices.

Happier and Healthier clients.
Professional people developers now realize that if they want to get ahead of the competition in today’s challenging environment, they need more than yesterday's outdated, coaching / training models to ensure their client's optimum wellness and health.


When we are able to direct our higher level of conscious awareness (life force), positive mental energy and emotional energy we are able re-set and permanently enhance our well-being.

This special course provides scientifically proven, Next-Gen, Science-based Energy Coaching Models that boosts people’s well-being levels, creativity, intuition, IQ, EQ, smart decision making and output levels well beyond yesterday's, old school counselling, therapy, training and generic coaching approach.

Enrol today and embark on a life changing journey toward conscious energy management!





" Quantum Energy Coaching Programs are quickly
 becoming the next-generation well-being strategy."



  " With faculty members from respected universities,
such as Harvard and Oxford,
anyone who doesn’t
 have this certification is not providing the best
 available coaching to their client
Dr. Greg Roper (Graduate)




Our Global Client Portfolio includes private practitioners in over 60 countries and many of the world's leading organizations who have built Corporate Wellness Programs based on our Success Practice Blueprint:






    Fast-tracked E-Learning (30-40 hours) with Full Certification!!

As this course is for qualified professionals there is:
No required Add-on coach training or mentoring hours
No assessment
No set Starting or Completion time -Self-paced learning

2024 Average annual salary range

Wellness Practitioner / Coach -Entry Level

$AUD 97,000–$148,000        -  Jooble
$USD 55,000–$85,000          -
  Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter
Apply for an invitation to join the course today !
Limited Places!
  Difference between science-based coaching and generic mental or cognitive coaching.

It is important to note that whole person, science-based, wellness coaching is a blanket term incorporating whole brain, mind, body approach. Whereas mental / cognitive coaching focuses on the mind only and first level coaching just focuses on the body.  

The course's proven, brain-mind-body intervention models incorporate the latest, evidence-based methodologies and best practices from Applied Quantum Physics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology. This scientific, holistic approach is all about producing sustainable, measurable wellness change results.



We are all predisposed to stress, worry, anxiety and depression. Once we accept that we all struggle, then we can understand that wellness strategies do not come naturally. Raising a resilient culture involves making the effort to teach everyone scientifically validated, wellness strategies at work, in schools, and in the home.

We live in highly challenging times. There is a unique window of opportunity in time for people developers to provide easy-to-use energy focused neuropsychological wellness programs to all persons to help them thrive and excel in both the good and not-so good times ahead.

Empowering people to be healthier, happier, more creative and productive!
Energy Wellness Coach conducting Group Coaching.

A.24-6, 2024:
 HOW TO BECOME A CERTIFIED ENERGY WELLNESS  MANAGEMENT PRACTITIONER. (Working with Anxiety, Stress, Mental and Physical Health etc)
Using a TELE-COACHING and/or IN-PERSON client service delivery model.

Level 1: Master Certified Coach in Energy Management.
Level 2: DIPLOMA in Energy Management.
Level 3: Dual Certificate Course (above 2 Courses).

Empowering people to be healthier, happier, more creative and productive!

The Institute's unique, easy to follow, Science-Based Coaching Models provides you the scientifically proven, intervention methodology and tools that enhances individual and group health, resilience, well-being, productivity, IQ, EQ, creativity and intuition.

ThIs very special course also complements qualifications / experience in: Education, Exercise Physiology / Sport Science / Health / Medicine, Nutrition or Injury Prevention and Safety.



This special ICC accredited course draws from the Applied Sciences -Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Neuropsychology -ALSO Medicine and other health allied fields.

Practitioners can be: professional people developers who have their own existing private practice, are part of a group practice (in-house or external) or plan to start-up a practice.

Entry into training has been, historically, via many different routes. Usually, students are actively involved in people development with many students having completed specialist training in other related disciplines.

Recruitment from a heterogeneous pool of applicants has been a strength of Wellness Coaching given its broad base within the field of employment. It also addresses the need for diversity in recruitment from a variety of backgrounds.

On completion of the course, students will be able to:
Identify and anticipate recommend a systematic approach for client assessment and management.

Utilize knowledge from specialized, proven disciplines in the application of effective people development programs.

Demonstrate effective consultation and communication processes.

Implement customized, individual or group growth-oriented, self-development programs.

Implement education and information programs to promote a more productive, healthy and happier environment.

Provide case support to individuals in emotional need and deliver 'anti-stress' programs for all.

Students will also have the opportunity to gain crucial lifelong learning and transferable generic skill and knowledge sets and be able to apply them to a range of employment opportunities and life situations to complement their disciplinary base.

All students will have an opportunity to complete authentic learning tasks via case study examination, practical exercises and support when required (during or post-course).

Professional Recognition
The accredited, Master Coach and Diploma courses are recognized world-wide plus graduates automatically become members of the International Coaching Council (the world's leading professional coaching accreditation body).

Partial Scholarships
The Institute understands that some people may need a helping hand and are proud to offer regional scholarship programs that can help them pay for the Dual Certificate course fee.

Students undertake core subjects in the areas of: professional and personal skills required to be a successful practitioner; understand the underlying science to the advanced intervention and wellness and health change models, tools and techniques and, learn best-practice intervention planning and skills. This will you enhance your career advancement opportunities as a highly employable specialist across both the private and public sectors.

Which department am I in?
School of Health and Applied Sciences.

Study options
- Casual / part-time study (aprox’ 35-60 hours).
- As this is an invitational, Fast-track course for qualified professionals there is no assessment and no set starting or completion time.

COURSE STRUCTURE (See below page)

How to Apply / Course Fees
See below page link...


  "All my clients have significantly improved their quality of life from participating in my Energy Wellness coaching programs using the tools and best practices from your invaluable course!"
- H. Jenson (Graduate)

→ Diploma in Energy Management Coaching graduates receive a Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip Wellness"
LEVEL 1. Master Certified Coach Certification:

The Foundational SKILLS
→ Professional Coaching
→ Becoming a Wellness Change Agent
→ Some Core Identities and Competencies of the Wellness Master Coach
→ Your Coaching Style
→ Planning the Coaching Session
→ Dialogue, Questioning and Listening Skills
→ Establishing an environment of Trust
→ Dealing with Transference and Counter-transference
→ Skills Coaching Model
→ Behavioral Coaching Structure and Program Map
→ The Behavioral intervention CYCLE
→ Types of Evaluation
→ Follow-up
Steps to building a Energy Wellness Program for the individual or group.

The Models and Tools underlying Science -Why it works!
→ Quantum Energy, Neuropsychology and the Brain
→ Achieving, sustainable, desirable Healthy Change
→ Building the Energy-Neuropsychological Change Bridge
→ Managing the Fear of Change
→ Building towards SELF-Integration
→ The Study of Personality
→ Personality Development
→ Function of Energy and Behavior
→ The evolution of the Brain
→ The Brain's Limbic System
→ How to establish new cells in the Brain
→ Creating Energy for High Performance Pursuits
→ How to train people to function in a zone of optimal well-being
→ How to replace negative, repressed Emotions
→ How to achieve Emotional Competence
→ How to release entrapped Energy in the Body
→ Heart and Brain relationship
→ Managing Energy, Emotions and Feelings
→ Health and individual performance
→ How to establish an enhanced Mental Fitness Program
→ Energy, Body and Brain connection
→ The Need to use the Observer-Self
→ Deliberative Thinking and Witnessing Awareness
→ Consciousness and Changing Brain through Energy, Meditation and Mindfulness
→ Mindfulness and Positive Energy Psychology
→ Difficulty of Changing Beliefs
→ Cognitive Restructuring
→ How to Anchor States of Mind
→ Becoming a Health and Wellness Change Agent.
→ How to build and manage a thriving practice.


LEVEL 2. Diploma in Behavior (Health and Wellness):
The Coaching Framework, Change Models, Neuro X-ercises and Case Studies
Wellness - Energy Psychology
→ Biohacking
→ Desired Future Change Model
How to change our energy levels to become who you want to be
→ How to fulfil our Potential
→ How to replace Fearful, Negative Emotions
→ Optimum Wellbeing Coaching -Boosting health & productivity
→ How to use advanced Visualization techniques to build a healthier, brighter future
Working with Energy Renewal, Stress and Pain
How to help people overcome Anxiety
- the most destabilizing, negative force that affects everyone.
How to enhance Intuition
- the key intelligence factor for great success
How to work with the Past Self & Present Self to build a better tomorrow
How to help people attain true self-realization
   -"the secret of our life."

How to build Strong Neural and Energy Pathways
   - the key to increasing Critical Thinking Skills and Intelligence

How to increase mental acuity, IQ and EQ
→ Consciousness is in the Driver’s Seat
→ Methods of altering Consciousness


  • proven marketing strategies (for practices and in-house programs)
    - reference materials (important case studies, articles, papers) 
    - practice guides, study materials and resource listings

  • Specialties and how to find yours

  • Developing a Practice Philosophy

  • Why you don't necessarily need university degrees in psychology, counselling or medicine

  • How to build a successful practice using the telehealth (video) service delivery model

  • Rating best Software packages to use for Communication, Admin, Data Collection etc.

  • How to use foundation seminars and workshops

  • How to respond to the most common client situations

  • How to refer clients to specialist medical and psychological practitioners if need be

  • How to establish commitment, trust and intimacy with your clients

  • Drafting and Proposing the Contract of Services

  • Preparing efficient and effective results based sessions

  • How to design, implement and measure successful programs

  • How to prepare, design and conduct a coaching session

  • Starting the Session

  • Do’s and Don’ts

  • The structure of the client conversation

  • How to develop your Practitioner Style with your clients

  • Producing Measurable Results and How to measure the results

  • ...and Guide Notes, Case Studies, Example Interventions and Exercises..

LEVEL 3. Dual Certificate Course -combines content of above 2 Courses.


Dr Perry Zeus
- Behavioral Coaching Institute Founder and Faculty Head.
Dr Perry Zeus has published more than 2,000 pages, advancing and defining the modern understanding of the coaching discipline. His now-classic book, Behavioral Coaching (first published 15 years ago) help transform the coaching profession into how we know it today.

Dr Zeus has developed neuro-behavioral interventions and tools that are used in over 60 countries; taught coaching psychology to psychologists, clinicians, physicians, lawyers, government officers, politicians, and to people in business; worked with CEO’s of major companies; helped his clinical clients manage the triumphs and lows of life; served as an advisor to senior management in major hospitals, learning institutions, law firms and government departments; and, facilitated courses to more than 5,000 people across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.







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into Course



Request Tel. Interview for:
License Use of Course and Certification







Fast-tracked, Self-Study in the privacy and comfort of home 



Request to speak to a
 Faculty Member !


     - Course Registration details..  - read more.




     Diploma and Master Coach Courses - CONTENT.

   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

     Executive Coaching Course  Enrol
  COURSES   High Performance Behavioral Coaching 
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate    Advanced Corporate Coaching Course  Enrol
   LICENSING BCI Courses    Wellness Coaching Course   Enrol
   Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus    NeuroCoaching Course    Enrol
   Articles    Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program

Contact Faculty

   Group Coach Training

Home | Faculty | Neuro Self-Transformation Behavioral Change Models | Course Registration of Interest Form




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