Contents: how to change a childs behavior, CHILD COACHING, child Behavior, Coaching, child coach certification, CHILD behavior COACH COURSE, CHILD Certified Coach Course, Youth Coaching, Children Coach Certification, Children Coaching Course, child behavior course, Certified Child Behavior Coach Course, Kids Behavior Coaching Course, become a child coach, how to change a childs behavior, Children Coaching Course, Child Behavior Coach Course, Child Behavior Coaching,









 Worldwide Alumni: over 7,000 graduates in 60+ countries


  Other Courses


- Course Rates

- Including Course
Licensing Rights






Course Content and
Registration Form (below page)


We work with our students




How to quickly and permanently
 change a young person's behavior


Youth / Child Behavior Coach Training Program


Fast-Tracked E-Learning ..


Masters level child behavior coaching..



Learn how to change a child's behavior with the latest, proven behavioral sciences methodology

We pride ourselves in uniquely delivering breakthrough, next generation, behavioral change science in the form of an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use child behavior toolkit that produces rapid, sustainable results.

Dr Perry Zeus
(BCI Founder & Faculty Head)



For many children, the pressures of academic performance, social change, social dynamics and personal identity can be overwhelming.
Coupled with the growing influence of social media and the added impact of the pandemic, these pressures have contributed to a rise in mental health struggles among students, with rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts escalating among pre-teens and teens.
        As independently verified by ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google, Amazon and Microsoft) - the Behavioral Coaching Institute is a long established, successful business with revenue of $us7 mill + and employs over 35 people worldwide.    



  Child Behavior Coaching Future Building Program

Developing Behavior Flexibility: -empowering children to become the best version of themselves.

 - Helping all children / young people move from where they are now to who they are capable of being, so they can consistently express the best version of themself each day, enhance their behavior repertoire and well-being, perform under pressure, and become resistant to stress, sabotaging negative emotions and limiting mindsets.

Students in this special, invitational, child coach training program learn how to coach children to use highly effective and proven neuro-behavioral techniques to build sustainable, optimal behavior outcomes and a richer, more happier and healthier life.

APPLY TODAY!! (See below Page)
- Limited Places Available





evel 1
: Master Certified Child Coach
Level 2: Advanced DIPLOMA in Child / Youth Behavior and Parent Coaching
Level 3: Dual Certificate Course for Professionals (above 2 Courses). Graduates automatically become a member of the International Coaching Council (ICC).




  Certified Master Child Coach    
Graduates receive a Certificate, badge and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "M.C.C. Behavior"    

    Diploma in Child Behavior Coaching
Graduates receive a Diploma, badge and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior"

  Dual Certificate Course in Child Behavior and Parent Coaching
Graduates receive above 2 Certificates & associated badges, plus 3 attached badges and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior" and "M.C.C.''

Course Overview >  






The Institute’s 'whole child future program' provided our family team a powerful framework to build an open, trusting, caring relationship with our clients that provided deep foundations for their wellness, psychological safety and a brighter more secure future.
- Pat Evans, ICM Coaching Group


  This invaluable credentialing and toolkit behavior program throws open the doors to the latest, scientifically proven ways of working with families. The course takes an integrative approach providing an overarching umbrella of intervention possibilities. For those already working with families, this program is rich with new tools and methodology. For those about to establish a career in child and parent coaching it will become the bedrock of your practice.
-  J. Peters. Health Services
Thanks for letting our corporation deliver your vital program as an ongoing, in-house course for our working parents around the globe. The hugely popular course is consistently rated, by both management and staff, the most valuable training program they attend.
-  Chee. Global Head HR

The advanced program is organized in modular, manualized, knowledge sets, tools and practices.

The program combines scores of procedures into a flexible learning and reference system and uses expert-designed, easy-to-follow, case-studies and skill application notes to help design intervention plans to fit a child’s needs.

The extensive study pack provides clear step-by-step instructions, activities, example scripts, time-saving tips, forms, client explanatory handouts and practice worksheets for sessional work with children and their parents/caregivers.

The world recognized, fully Accredited, Credentialing, Self-Study Program includes:
  Comprehensive E-Course Professional Reference Library (See below page) - plus Video References / catalogue of coaching, discussion and analysis with world leading behavior change experts and practitioners.

Course Modules (See below page) contain Summaries and Exercises (plus answers).
Coaching Tool Kit includes; Change Methodology, Forms, Sample Intervention Forms, Practice templates, Checklists etc)
Certificate, Certified Graduate Coach Logo, ICC membership logo & Gold Seal Services Badge
Optional One Full Year Support and More

Dynamic Lessons, Coaching Inventories, Checklists, and Assessments,
Coach Checklists, Coaching Tips, Coach Starter Kit and Professional Coach Kit, Client Inventories and Checklists, Case Studies,
Resources - invaluable child behavior coaching, personal development and scientific resources and readings to draw from, Available Back-Up Support and Access to world’s leading coaching experts -these sessions support any practice needs...








Program Format Options:

Fast-tracked E-Learning for individual practitioners (20 to 50 hours -depending on course) with Full Certification.


For professionals working inside large organizations / learning institutions: Bi-Annual. 2 Day, Very Small Group, Campus Practicum Program. Training practitioners to deliver the course inside organizations to: a) support, retain and progress their working parents or, b) train staff who work with children.  
As both of these Programs are invitational there is:
No required Add-on coach training or mentoring hours
No assessment
No set Starting or Completion time -For Self-paced E-Learning
***Note: this Semester is about to close Full..

Average annual salary range

Child Behavior Coach -Entry Level

$USD 79,000 - $109,000       -  ZipRecruiter

  NOTE: This is not an open program to all people. As an invitation only behavior coach training course, Dr Zeus and his Student Selection Panel carefully select individuals who share the same caring values to children and can work at the highest level as specialist child behavior health advocates. 

See Registration Form below Curriculum..


Course Content

This comprehensive Program combines scores of behavior change procedures into a flexible learning and reference system and uses expert-designed, easy-to-follow, case-studies and skill application notes to help design intervention plans to fit a child’s needs.

The program manuals provide clear step-by-step instructions, activities, example scripts, time-saving tips, forms, client explanatory handouts and practice worksheets for sessional work with children and their parents/caregivers.

Plus Video Catalogue of coaching, discussion and analysis with world leading behavior change experts and practitioners.

LEVEL 1 Course. Master Certified Child Coach Certification:

The SKILLS required to be a Master Certified Coach
→ Professional Behavior Coaching
→ Coaching young children
→ Coaching teens / youth
→ Parent Training and Coaching
→ Family Coaching
→ Individual versus Group Coaching
→ Becoming a Behavioral Change Agent
→ Some Core Identities and Competencies of the Behavioral Master Coach
→ Your Coaching Style
→ Planning the Coaching Session
→ Dialogue, Questioning and Listening Skills
→ Establishing an environment of Trust
→ Dealing with Transference and Counter-transference
→ Steps to building a Child / Youth Coaching Program for an individual, family or group.
→ How to prepare, design and conduct a coaching session
→ Skills Intervention Coaching Model of Practice
→ Behavioral Coaching Structure and Program Map
→ The Behavioral intervention CYCLE
→ Types of Evaluation
→ Follow-up and Reporting

The Models and Tools underlying Science -Why it works!
→ Neuropsychology and the Brain
→ Achieving, sustainable, desirable Healthy Change
→ Building the Neuropsychological Change Bridge
→ Managing the Fear of Change
→ Building towards SELF-Integration
→ The Study of Personality
→ Personality Development
→ Function of Behavior
→ The evolution of the Brain
→ The Brain's Limbic System
→ How to establish new cells in the Brain
→ High Performance Brain Training
→ How to coach children to function in a zone of optimal well-being
→ How to replace negative, repressed Emotions
→ How to achieve Emotional Competence
→ How to release entrapped Energy in the Body
→ Heart and Brain relationship
→ Managing Emotions and Feelings
→ Health and individual performance
→ How to establish an enhanced Mental Fitness Program
→ Body and Brain connection
→ The Need to use the Observer-Self
→ Deliberative Thinking and Witnessing Awareness
→ Changing Brain through Meditation and Mindfulness
→ Mindfulness and Positive Psychology
→ Difficulty of Changing Beliefs
→ Cognitive Restructuring
→ How to Anchor States of Mind
→ Becoming a Child Development Change Practitioner.
LEVEL 2 Course. Diploma in Child Behavior Coaching and Parent Coaching:
 -combines content of above Level 1 Course
Next Generation Coaching
-The Coaching Framework, Change Models,
Neuro X-ercises and Case Studies
Wellness, Child Development Psychology
→ Biohacking
→ Desired Future Change Model
→ How to build Emotional Fitness Programs for all
How to change our brain to become who you want to be
→ How to fulfil our Potential
→ How to replace Fearful, Negative Emotions
→ Optimum Wellbeing Coaching -Boosting health & productivity
→ How to use advanced Visualization techniques to build a healthier, brighter future
Working with Energy Renewal, Stress and Pain
How to help children overcome Anxiety
- the most destabilizing, negative force.
How to enhance Intuition
- the key intelligence factor for great success
How to work with the Past Self & Present Self to build a better tomorrow
How to help children attain true self-realization
   -"the secret of our life."

How to build Strong Neural Pathways
   - the key to increasing Critical Thinking Skills and Intelligence

How to increase mental acuity, IQ and EQ
→ Consciousness is in the Driver’s Seat
→ Methods of altering Consciousness
→ How to build and manage a thriving practice


LEVEL 3 Course. Dual Certificate Program for PROFESSIONALS
combines content of above 2 Courses PLUS

  Special Semester BONUS. If offered a place, you will also receive, at no extra cost, the below additional Professional Business Practice Services Resources Library (over 300 pages).
Value $us395.00

Steps to building a Corporate In-House Parenting Support Coaching Program.
proven marketing strategies (for practices and in-house programs)
- reference materials (important case studies, articles, papers) 

- practice guides, study materials and resource listings
Specialties and how to find yours
Developing a Practice Philosophy
Why you don't necessarily need university degrees in psychology, counselling or medicine
How to build a successful practice using the telehealth (video) service delivery model
How to use foundation seminars and workshops
How to respond to the most common client situations
How to refer clients to specialist medical and psychological practitioners if need be
How to establish commitment, trust and intimacy with your clients
Drafting and Proposing the Contract of Services
Preparing efficient and effective results based sessions
How to design, implement and measure successful programs
How to prepare, design and conduct individual, group and peer-to-peer coaching sessions
Starting the Session
Do’s and Don’ts
The structure of the client conversation
How to develop your Practitioner Style with your clients
Producing Measurable Results and How to measure the results
...and Guide Notes, Case Studies, Example Interventions and Exercises..

  See below Course Rates links..
Professional Recognition
The accredited, Master Coach and Diploma courses are recognized world-wide plus graduates automatically become members of the International Coaching Council (the world's leading professional coaching accreditation body).

Career Opportunities and Outcomes
Students undertake core subjects in the areas of: professional and personal skills required to be a successful practitioner; understand the underlying science to the advanced behavior change models, tools and techniques and; learn best-practice intervention planning and sessional skills. For professionals, this will you enhance your career advancement opportunities as a highly employable specialist across both the private and public sectors.

Dual Certificate Partial Scholarships
The Institute understands that people, in some regions of the world, may need a helping hand and are proud to offer regional scholarship programs that can help them pay for the Dual Certificate course fee.




  BONUS: Dual Certificate Course Graduates are qualified to:
1. become a
Certified Parent Educator and use the Institute's parenting support training courseware to conduct parenting classes (1to1 or group).

2. Dual Certificate Graduates can also apply for regional licensing rights to deliver the above child behavior certification courses in their region/market.

Registration Form
& Course Rates:


Note: Strictly Limited Number of Child Behavior Coach Training Program Places Available per Semester per region.

International Student Selection Criteria
Limited Student Quota per semester

The Institute’s advanced, internationally recognized coach training courses are invitational and not an open program to all. For over 25 years the Institute has maintained an exceptionally high level of student post-course success due to the high quality of our courses and control over our student enrolment profile by enforcing high entrance standards.

Student entry standards and quotas are imposed to ensure graduates: (a) are able to represent the Institute’s name (via our professional coach certification) at the highest level and, (b) possess a high degree of professionalism, competency and commitment to helping children and their families build a bigger, brighter future.

 1. Admissions selection is administered by the Institute’s International Student Selection Panel.

 2. To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for consideration. The Panel may request to speak with an applicant by phone and/or ask for additional references or support material to confirm their suitability.

3. For our student's comfort and peace of mind we only accept course payments made by secure bank to bank transfer/wire.





- Application Form for invitation
into the Program

Note: Applications Closing Soon!
Places are strictly limited!



   Step 1.-Select Course     
Step 2. Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page
..then Submit.




  A Legacy of Commitment..
For more than 30 years, BCI and I have remained committed to providing the world’s leading, accessible, behavior coach training programs.
World best-class, academic quality and enhanced student outcomes are at the center of everything we do.
We provide our select students with bre
akthrough, transformative knowledge and tools to meet their current and future client demands and to stand above their peers.
Dr Perry Zeus

- Master Certified Child Coach Course.
- Advanced DIPLOMA in Child Behavior
 and Parent Coaching Course.


Learn to use proprietary, proven Intervention Models employing the latest: evidence-based methodology from neuroscience, neuropsychology and allied behavioral sciences.





- Due to demand, International Scholarships for this Semester  available to USA and Canada students. (About to close)


30th Anniversary International SCHOLARSHIP SPECIAL
- This Semester Only !!

Over 25% OFF standard course rate.
- International Scholarships provided by Dr Zeus's Scholarship Foundation.
  Self-Study / Self-Paced, E-Learning Format for Professionals, New Practitioners, Caregivers...
*Note: Strictly Limited Number of Places Available.
Level I.
  Master Certified Child Coach Course (15 -20 hours):
Graduates receive Master Certified Kids Behavior Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MCC. Behavior".
Business Rate $us1695   Individual Rate: $us1295.00
$us950 (International Scholarship Rate)*
Level 2.
 Diploma in Child Behavior Coaching Course (30-40 hours)::
Graduates receive a Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior"
Business Rate $us2295   Individual Rate: $us1895.00
  $us1395 (International Scholarship Rate)*


Level 3.
   Dual Certificate.
- Special ICC Board Accredited
Professional Program (40-50 hours):

- Above Level 1 and Level 2 courses combined ie:
Diploma Course plus Master Coach Foundational Knowledge and Skills from the Master Coach in Child Behavior Coaching Course.

Graduates receive the above Diploma PLUS Master Certified Child Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior" and "MCC. Behavior". Having a dual qualification stands you out as a professional in your field and opens more opportunities.

Business Rate $us2850   Individual Rate: $us2250.00



Dual Certificate
International Scholarship Program Rate



- Due to demand, International Scholarships for this Semester  available to USA and Canada students (about to close).

$us1650 (Includes below Bonuses. Strictly Limited!)
YES! -
Please accept my application for this International Scholarship Rate. I understand course payment is made in USD (or USD equivalent) via secure bank transfer to Dr Zeus's International Scholarships Program.
- Note: Same Course and Certification as provided at Standard Business ($us2550) or Individual ($2150) Rates.

 - Save $us1540 compared to undertaking Master Coach and Diploma courses separately at above Standard Individual Rates. 

  Request Call -with a Senior Faculty Member. (Optional)


PLEASE NOTE: There is strictly a limited number of International Scholarships places we are able to provide each Semester. This Offer will shortly close


Plus below BONUSES for students enrolled at International Scholarship Rate (This Semester Only!)


Receive FREE the supplementary Parents / Family Coach Training Package. (Normally $us495)

Plus Free Perpetual Certification and Registration including Course Updates.


  PLUS: Yes!  If offered a Dual Certificate Course Place at the International Scholarship Rate, I would also like to receive, at no extra cost, the latest Professional Coach Tools and Practice Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us595.00





  For professionals working in large organizations / learning institutions.
Very Small Group
, Invitational, 2 Day Campus Learning Format. Same Course Content as above E-Learning program.     Note: 2025 Dates Closed Full.
Training practitioners to deliver the course inside organizations to: a) support, retain and progress their working parents or, b) train staff who work with children.
Level 3. Accredited Dual Certificate Practicum Course for Learning & Development / HR Professionals in organizations.
Next location and dates to be scheduled..
2025 Dates -Closed Full.
-New York, USA.
Class of 8-10 persons. N.Y. @ $us3,950. Full.
Class of 3 persons. N.Y. @ $us4,850. Full.
-Sydney, Australia.
Class of 8-10 persons.  (Sat, Sun) @ $A3,450. Full.
Class of 3 persons. (Sat, Sun) @ $A4,250. Full.
Note: Accommodation not provided. Luncheon and teas provided. Requires some pre-course reading/preparation  by student.

- l am also interested in licensing use of one, or all three courses:
- to train coaches / deliver to clients -in my region
- as an in-house training program in my organization.
-Yes! Please book me a telephone interview with a Senior Faculty Member to discuss.
Note:- Course places are required to be paid by secure Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit (EFT).



    - OPTIONAL (Post-Course) Practice Mentoring with Dr Zeus, Dr Garcia or Dr Tracy.
    -Yes, l would like to also book some private, 1to1 videoconference sessions focusing on my specific practice / needs. $u350 per session (typically 1 hour).
 # of sessions:
-1, -2, -3, -4, -5,

 Yes!   -Please submit my Invitation Application
to the Institute's Selection Panel

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses  
           Google Search ,  Reference, Dr Perry Zeus's Books, Other

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   


  Email -Business:   

       Please re-enter Address :


Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Business Name :   


Type/Size of Business:



 I am looking to use the Program's Intervention Coaching Models :


- As a parent / caregiver
- Externally (in a practice)
- Internally (inside my organization)


Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Why you should be considered for this Program?


Yes, I understand that a course place is
 required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.


     - Reference or
- Referral? eg; Course Graduate, BCI Faculty Member etc: 






                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2022. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division
Disclaimer: This coaching children certificate is an educational program - not a licensing program. Successful completion is based on completion of required course material and exercises. Those who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate confirming such. Successful completion does imply the meeting any of country or state licensing or regulatory requirements and does not entail any special status, rights, duties, or privileges.