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Kids Behavior Coach Training Courses 




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Certified Master Coach and Diploma Kids Behavior Coach Training Course -Some Notes:
Kids Behavior Coach Training Course:
Achieving Behavior Flexibilty ©


  Kids Behavior Coaching
-Achieving Flexibility and Performance.

A major barrier to improving kid’s behavior and/or performance is rigid thinking or habitual responses they have formed from previous experience. Parents, teachers and professionals working with kids need to recognize when a child is persisting with a rigid behavioral pattern and how to help them to adopt a different approach.

The need for Kids Behavior Coach Training Courses
-The Science
Cognitive and behavior flexibility is a core adaptive function of the executive control system in the human brain. An excessively rigid adherence to a predetermined behavioral pattern prevents a child from appropriately responding to changing environmental situation.

Performance / task impairments
Children who have behavior inflexibility present a limited range of self-generated behaviors (reactions, feelings and actions) that frequently leads to a breakdown in task functioning, and in many cases -stress and acceptance of lower levels of accomplishment or failure.

Mental Strength
Perseveration (repeated behavior), in its broadest conceptualization, can occur at a variety of levels from simple motor behaviors -verbal utterances, and perseveration of affect in mood and anxiety disorders. Hence, the need for children to learn how to flex from a wide behavioral pattern, dependent on the situation.

Whether at home, the classroom or with friends, children need to look at situations from multiple perspectives. Here are two examples:

1) If a child is attempting a challenging maths question, do they try to solve the problem using different strategies? Students will frequently attempt to solve a problem using the method they know best. If they can’t solve the problem with that strategy, they may state that the problem is impossible.

2) A child might have a play date arranged at a friend’s home. But, at the last minute the date is cancelled due to the friend’s illness. For those children who struggle with cognitive flexibility the cancelled date is not easy to accept or adjust to. Children with rigid thinking may become emotional and distressed as they struggle to understand that they can reschedule and do something different and still have fun that day instead.

The ability to use different thinking strategies and mental frameworks.
Behavior flexibility indicates nimble, divergent thinking, developing new approaches, the ability to see and leverage new connections, and the propensity to work well across a range of situations. Children who have learnt behavior flexibility readily learn from experience and recognize when habitual approaches don’t work.

Children with low behavior flexibility can suffer higher levels of stress, less growth and optimism. Conversely, individuals with heightened behavior flexibility exhibit enhanced resilience to change and self-efficacy. Clinical studies have shown that children with very low levels of flexibility exhibit increased psychopathology characterized in affective, anxiety, and mental disorders.

The good news is that behavior flexibility can be heightened in most children to help them progress to their next level of success and beyond. To create a safe space that allows all children to shine and be successful requires they develop a flexible behavior repertoire.

Behavior flexibility is about:
- Having the ability to change the actions you have, when they don’t deliver the outcome you are looking for.
- Trying to do things differently when you discover they don’t work, or because you are not getting the results you are looking for.
- Taking the time to step beyond your comfort zone.
- Ultimately, behavior flexibility is about saying “how can I change my behavioral drivers that will result in a different and improved outcome?”

It is our ability to flexibly undertake new challenges that is the greatest source of sustainability. Like learning to walk, forcing ourselves out of balance as we step is the only way in which we can move forward. And it is the only way that human flourishing can be enhanced.

It’s simple really. If we desire to have children get the best results possible then it’s time to teach them to explore variations on their behavior and reach new levels of success by adapting and adjusting.

Ultimately, it’s about learning who you really are. Developing behavioral flexibility provides a journey of self-discovery for children for exploring their personalities, their potential, their lives, and the human condition.


Flexible / Modifiable Behavior versus Fixed Behavior
Today, there is a “new alliance” between the behavioral sciences, neuroscience and psychotherapy..

Be part of the future
Today’s next generation behavior coaches surpass yesterday’s first-generation coaches knowledge, skills and practice standards.

The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s courses are acknowledged as the global leaders in Behavioral Coaching.
- Behavior focused coaching Change Models and Tools
By using the latest behavioral sciences and psychology from the fields of neuroscience and neuropsychology the Institute’s students learn how to assist children to refine their mindset, emotional control, behavioral patterns and way of thinking.

The Behavioral Coaching Institute (established 1994 -world's first professional coach training School)
The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s (BCI's) internationally, recognized Coach training courses meets the critical needs for people development practitioners to be trained in the use of a range of validated, reliable, behavioral change models, tools and techniques with a user-friendly, coaching delivery model.

The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s range of specialist courses include; easy-to-follow, accelerated, step-by-step, intervention protocols and an extensive, proprietary Behavioral Development Toolkit. Measured, sustainable positive results are typically generated by clients of our graduates within just several coaching sessions.

The key to success in any child, youth and parent coaching initiative is the selection of the appropriate Kids Behavior Change Model to fit the client's specific needs. For over 25 years the Behavioral Coaching Institute's industry-proven, accredited Diploma and Certificate Coach Courses (world's top-rated professional behavior coach courses -ICAA Survey) has meet the critical needs for coaches to be trained and mentored in the use of a range of validated, reliable behavior based coaching models, tools and techniques.

See: -The Institute's, internally recognized, invitational, fast-tracked, Child, Youth and Parents Certified Master Coach and Diploma courses (Self-study, Campus or Distance Learning Format). 







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Content: Content: Behavior Child Coaching, Behavior Change, how to become a child behavior coach,  teen behavior coach course, teen behavioral competencies, behavior and children and psychology, child behavior and  how do you become a child behavior coach, child behavioral change models and kids behavior coaching tools and techniques, child behavior coaching and psychology coaching  and youth behavior coaching techniques, parent coaching and kids behavior coaching and child psychology, youth behavior training,