Contents:   Energy Coaching Course, Wellness Course, COACHING, Diploma of Energy, WELLNESS COACH COURSE, wellness coaching, Energy Certified Coach Course Modules, Wellness Coaching Course, Energy Practice, Certified Coaching Coach Course, Health and Anxiety Course, Stress and Anxiety Coaching, Certified Wellness Coach, Energy Course, Anxiety and Stress, Diploma of Health and Wellbeing,



Dr Perry Zeus's            





     Diploma and Master Coach Courses - CONTENT.

   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

     Executive Coaching Course 
  COURSES     High Performance Behavioral Coaching 
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Corporate Coaching Course 
   LICENSING of BCI Courses    Energy Wellness Coaching Course 
   Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus    NeuroCoaching Course   
   Articles    Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

   Coach Trainer Accreditation Program

Contact Faculty

   Group Coach Training







Masters level training and globally recognized certification in Energy Wellness Coaching..

This unique course provides people developers an advanced, easy-to-learn, evidence-based Coaching Energy Toolkit that empowers clients to become the best functioning person they can, to fulfil their potential and show the world what they are truly capable of.



* 1,200 + Leading Practitioners and Enterprises
 around the world use our Scientifically
  Proven, Energy Coaching Tools

        As independently verified by ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google, Amazon and Microsoft) - Dr Perry Zeus's Behavioral Coaching Institute is a long established, successful business with revenue of $us5 mill + and employs over 25 people worldwide.    

We are entering the new golden age
 of quantum science


Quantum Physics + Wellness
Quantum Energy Coaching

Learning how to harness the Quantum Energy in and around us.
  Quantum Energy lessons and the quantum energy tools that can enrich, inform and positively change people's daily life.  
We’ve been conditioned to believe our life visions and goals are often unattainable―until now. The science of Quantum Physics -specifically the Quantum Law of Possibility offers a revolutionary approach to living the life we choose.

With today's ongoing, revolutionary research in quantum energy we can clearly see that the founding fathers of quantum physics are less like physicists and more like therapists.

Most people have adopted the worldview where they see themselves as insignificant specks living in a mechanical universe. However, quantum physics shows us that our universe is, in fact, a vibrantly intelligent reality composed of energy which we are connected to and a part of. 
In this unique course you will learn how to help people integrate a quantum worldview into their everyday lives, allowing them to transcend their limitations and open to infinite possibilities.

The Quantum Law of Possibility contains the core tenet of quantum physics ―unlimited potentiality. This central scientific tenet provides a Energy blueprint and roadmap for all people how they can live the life they choose, free from any ailments and mental and physical wounds they were previously burdened with. 
Creating Energy Waves of personal change and desired outcomes
By undertaking this powerful program you will be able to show clients that they are not imprisoned by their genes, brain chemistry, or past traumas. Example;
Anxiety, stress, depression and a fulfilled life of unlimited potential can be overcome through a quantum energy shift of mind..





    The Brain-Mind-Body coaching approach is about empowering people to become the best version of themselves.

Helping all people move from where they are now to who they are capable of being, so they can consistently express the best version of themself each day, enhance their well-being and health levels, perform under pressure, and become resistant to anxiety, stress, sabotaging negative emotions and limiting mindsets.

Students in this specialist course learn how to teach their clients to use highly effective and proven neuro-energy techniques to build sustainable, optimal wellness outcomes and a richer, more happier and healthier life (mentally and physically).

We now have easy-to-learn-and-use proven, quantum tools that can help us actualize an infinite number of enriching, transforming life experiences that produce a happier, more successful and fulfilling existence.
Coaching Bottom Line: Through a quantum lens, we can find happiness, purpose, fulfilment, and a better sense of our humanity.

The Science of Changing our Life

Based on an understanding of neuroscience and human behavior, we know that information and advice alone are not effective at producing behavioral /emotional wellness change. In fact, our neurobiological makeup does not support the straightforward utilization of information as the basis for change.

For Professional Change Agents there has never been a more exciting time to work with science.
One does not need to be a scientist. But one must know how to access the relevant science, how it works and be able to translate it into actionable strategies that allow us to live happier, healthier longer lives. As professional practitioners ,we must become students of practical quantum physics, neuroscience and neuropsychology and identify/reject pseudoscience, misinformation and outdated wellness practices.



  Fast-tracked E-Learning (50-60 hours)
with Full Certification (see below page).

Note: As this is an invitational course for qualified professionals -there is:
No required Add-on coach training or mentoring hours
No assessment
No set Starting or Completion time...self-paced learning
Advanced Wellness Coaching is an applied specialty that draws from Applied Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, medicine, and other health and scientific fields.

Practitioners can be:
 - individuals who have their own existing private practice, be part of a group practice, plan to start-up a practice etc.

The special coach training course's unique, easy-to-learn and use knowledge sets and coaching toolkit can also used to complement many vocations.

                     Course Modules >
                    Course Registration Form (below page)


- for the Institute and its founder Dr Perry Zeus
  For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses. If you are looking for the best available source of coaching knowledge, tools and certification then his Institute’s international recognized, accredited courses are for you….Thanks again for inviting me into the course Perry!  

Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.




The Institute’s course provided our team a powerful framework to build an open, trusting, caring relationship with our people that provided deep foundations for their wellness, psychological safety and a brighter more secure future.”
- Pat Evans, CEO


  "Thank you so much. It has been a life changing journey (professionally and personally)."
 -H. Egberg



Behavioral Coaching Institute

- has delivered neuro-energy
change coach training courses to:


University Hospital Birmingham, Mount Royal University, Pfizer, Red Cross, Sing Health Polyclinics, World Vision, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and many other leading institutions.. 



Invitational Dual Certificate, Master Coach and Diploma Courses -Distance Learning
- Estimated 30-50 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style.

 Have instant access to the world's most valuable, comprehensive Coaching Practice Manuals! (Over 700 pages)



The world recognized, fully Accredited, Credentialing Course includes:

Comprehensive E-Course Manuals
Modules containing exercises (and answers). With Optional Video Support
Coach’s Tool Kit (Forms, Sample Client Contracts, Marketing templates, Checklists etc)
Regional Group To Interact With Other Coaches
Optional Practice Role Play Sessions
Certified Coach Logo, ICC membership logo & Gold Seal Services Badge
Optional One Full Year Support and More
  78 Dynamic Lessons
26 Coaching Inventories, Checklists, and Assessments.
22 Coach Checklists .
125 Coaching Tips.
Coach Starter Information.
24 Client Inventories and Checklists.
21 Case Studies.
Countless useful industry and scientific resources and readings to draw from.
Back-Up Support and Access to world’s leading coaching experts.
These sessions support any ongoing knowledge and practice needs...
Dual Certificate:




Note: Strictly Limited Number of Accelerated Program Places Available.

RESERVE your invitation now!

Why should you get certified by the Institute as a Professional Wellness Energy Change Coach?

Increase your confidence and achieve better results working with a wide range of interventions with clients from all positions, of all ages. A Diploma confirms that you have obtained the requisite scientifically advanced models and toolkit to work with even complex wellness issues.

Upgrade your expertise
Enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing how to provide world-best-class services, and from having obtained proven, evidence-based intervention tools and techniques to help your clients.

Amplify your professional credibility
With increased market visibility also comes increased scrutiny. This unique, course certification tells your clients and referral sources that you've achieved a high level of knowledge and mastery.

Student Selection
Criteria for Student Quotas in Courses

The Institute’s advanced, internationally recognized courses are invitational for qualified persons and not open to all. For over 30 years the Institute has maintained an exceptionally high level of student post-course success due to the high quality of our courses and control over our student enrolment profile by enforcing minimum entry standards.

Student entry standards and quotas are imposed to: (a) ensure graduates represent the Institute’s name (via our professional certification) at the highest level in the global marketplace; (b) confirm that a student’s work experience and academic requirements meets professional industry standards; (c) ensure student mix considerations, including equity considerations (e.g. sub-quotas for under-represented groups); (d) guarantee all students have the option for post-course 1-to-1 support by world best-class educators and: (e) align with ICC Behavioral Board policies and constraints, including the limitations imposed on awarding Course Certification Accredited by the ICC.

Note: Admissions selection is administered by the Institute’s International Student Selection Panel.

NOTE: To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to confirm their suitability.

* ICC -The internationally recognized International Coaching Council is the world’s premier professional accreditation body for professional workplace coaches (established 1998). All students upon the completion of the course automatically gain prestigious membership of the ICC.





- Application Form for invitation
into Course

Applications Close Soon!


   Step 1.-Select applicable Course Rate     
Step 2. Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page...then Submit. 




FAST-TRACKED, Distance Learning
- Master Certified Wellness Energy Coach Course
- Diploma of Wellness Energy Course


  Other Coaching Diploma Courses
  Learn to use proprietary, proven Intervention Models (employing the latest: evidence-based methodology from neuroscience, neuropsychology and allied behavioral sciences fields).  
Energy Management (Wellness, Anxiety) Coaching

- Self-Study / E-Learning Format
*Note: Strictly Limited Number of Places Available.

Level I.
  Master Certified Coach Course in Wellness Energy Management Coaching:
Graduates receive Master Certified Behavior Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MCC. Wellness".


Level 2.
 # Diploma Behavior Wellness Energy Management Course:
Graduates receive a Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Wellness".

Level 3.
# Special ICC Board Accredited Dual Certificate Course:
Graduates receive the above Diploma PLUS Master Certified Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Wellness" and "MCC. Wellness".
Having a dual qualification stands you out in your field and opens more opportunities.

This special Course includes Master Coach Foundational Knowledge and Skills from the Master Certified Coach Course. Save $460 compared to undertaking the two courses separately.

- l am also interested in licensing use of one or all three courses:
- to market in my region / supply to my client's.
- as an in-house training program in my organization.


    # BONUS: Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the latest Practice Tools and the additional Professional Coach Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00  


* Yes, I wish to apply for the subsidized, Regional Scholarship Course Rate (Inclusive) for Dual Certificate Course:
BCI Foundation awards a limited number of Regional
  Scholarships (maximum amount $us400) to qualified
 persons in need of financial assistance.

Dual Cert Course (MCC & Diploma) $̶u̶s̶2̶,̶350̶.̶0̶0̶   $us1,950.00
- Maximum 2 Places per Country (including USA) per Semester.
- Your Reasons for Scholarship Rate


Note:- Course places are required to be paid by Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit (EFT).



    - OPTIONAL Post-Course Mentoring with Dr Zeus, Dr Garcia or Dr Tracy.
    -Yes, l would like to also book some private, 1to1 videoconference sessions focusing on my specific workplace / client needs. $u350 per session (typically 1 hour).
 # of sessions:
-1, -2, -3, -4, -5,



1.Each application is subject to a review criteria and judgment of merit by the Institute's Selection Panel. Selection results are final and no discussion will be entered into other than with a successful applicant.
2. Students can begin and end their Self Paced, Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) at their time of choosing. Duration: typically 6 - 8 weeks part-time home study. The Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
. No assessment or post-course supervision / additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of this Form). Self-Study Course is for busy people developers who are time constraint, unable to attend a campus course for economic, distance or other reasons.
. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).




 Yes!   -Please submit my Course Application
to the Institute's Selection Panel

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses  
           Google Search ,  Reference, Dr Perry Zeus's Books, Other

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   


  Email -Business:   

       Please re-enter Address :


Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Business Name :   


Type/Size of Business:



 I am looking to use Energy Focused Intervention
 Coaching Models :


- Externally (in a practice)
- Internally (inside my organization)


Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


  Applying for a Dual Certificate Scholarship Rate / Financial Assistance?
- If so, please provide a statement as to the reason/s why..


Yes, I understand that a course place is
 required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.


     - Reference or
- Referral? eg; Course Graduate, BCI Faculty Member etc: 






                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2023. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division