Contents: online coach training courses,
COACH REFERRAL SERVICES, executive coaching, leadership coaching,
coaching, online coaching certification course, behavioral coaching,
online executive coaching course, coaching jobs, neuro-behavioral coaching, behavioral coaching, executive
coaching, performance coaching, coaching
course, coach certification, coaching diploma, diploma coach course, leadership coaching,
executive coaching, online executive coaching course,
coach refrra services, business and executive coaching
career, coach marketing, coach referral, |

Dr Perry Zeus established BCI (the world's first professional coach training
school) in
1994. |
Re: Coach Referral Services |
To: Prospective Students,
Businesses wishing to hire
our Diploma graduates |
From: Dr Perry Zeus (Faculty Head and Institute's
Founder) |
Diploma courses.
Graduates of The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Diploma Courses are
automatically eligible to receive
business coaching referral leads
generated from the 500 + visits each day from prospective
clients searching for qualified graduates on our websites.
The Behavioral Coaching
Institute (BCI) does not charge a coaching referral fee.
We have an ethics clause in
our policy not to compete with our graduates in the supply
of coaching services.
BCI is strictly an educator
and prides itself as a global leader in learning and development
education for over
25 years with graduates in over 65 countries.
Our Diploma graduates obtain free
lifetime listing on our internal Diploma Graduate Coach Registry
which we use to match a client's needs and country location /
language requirements with a graduate's profile and location.
To maintain our long-standing reputation as a
learning center of excellence our highly valued, diploma coach credentialing programs are
not open-programs -but strictly invitational for
suitably qualified professionals only.
There are two student
Diploma intakes
each year in:
The number of available spots are strictly limited. The
small number of places are typically assigned in the first few
weeks at the beginning of a semester. Some
(limited financial assistance) are available each intake on a
regional and financial needs basis.
Prospective Students:
Enrolment (Request for an Invitation)
Prospective Corporate / Business Clients: See Below Coach
Services Referral Request Form.
Dr. Perry Zeus |
Services Request Form
'The State
of the Executive Coaching Profession':
Workplace Coaching today is a demanding discipline.
The professional coaching discipline has evolved dramatically over the
last few years and bears little resemblance to its earlier
predecessor. Today's organization needs to be
assured they are employing advanced-level, best-practice standards and
evidence-based, validated coaching tools and resources. |
Coaching, by nature,
is in a continual process of development and draws from a wide
range of behavioral sciences and psychological disciplines. Achieving measurable, sustainable
outcomes isn't a matter of simplistic goal setting and cheerleading but requires the skilful use of
validated, proven behavioral change methodology and learning tools
grounded in the behavioral sciences. The success of any modern day coaching
program is also dictated by the scientific
validity and measurability of outcome results..
For over two decades the Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI
-acknowledged as one
of the world's leading authorities in organizational coaching) has been teaching, developing and delivering proven
behavioral-based coaching practices that are
replicable and codifiable. These "world-best" standard
practices and business models have validity of use because
of their known, measurable, sustainable success.
Recent studies have
revealed the greatest challenge to any organization is to
change people's behavior. Of recent years, in the new
world economy, there has been
a growing demand from coaches and their clients for an
industry-proven, modern day, coaching best-practice based on scientifically validated
methodologies. |
For the last twenty
the Institute has
worked with many of the world’s leading organizations engaged
in coaching to realize outstanding business outcomes through
successful validated, world-best-class initiatives. Our trained
and certified professional coaches have
produced real solutions and real results and continue to be
ahead of the rest of the coaching marketplace.
Dr Perry Zeus's
best-selling, coaching text books (published
and distributed in multiple languages by McGraw-Hill
International -Education), contain input from our clients worldwide,
and document many outstanding success stories of our students.
By working with
hundreds of American, UK , European, Australian and Asian
organizations, our team of expert facilitators
understand the unique regional organizational coaching
challenges and support requirements faced by our corporate,
government and private clients. Equally, as the world's
leading researcher and developer of coaching technology and after training and
certifying thousands of coaches around the world, we intimately understand the
and technical needs and ongoing support necessary for
organizations and coaches to
continued coaching success.
Today, the behavioral coaching model,
pioneered over the last decade Dr Zeus and Dr. Skiffington
(The Institute's Founders), integrates
the most advanced research on adult development and human
systems theory into an elegantly simple and highly
effective validated coaching model of practice. This
industry-proven process is taught to the Institute's select
students so they can effectively apply it in their
practice to achieve sustainable, measurable, world
best-standard results.
Content |Registration
Form |Books
etc |Coaching
Network |
© Copyright 1998 - 2024 The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School.
New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
All logotypes and content are the sole property of
the 1 to 1 Coaching School ™.
All rights reserved
1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI),
'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr
are all registered trading/business names
BCI's Global Head Office:
Singapore -International Courses Division |
Contents: coach referral
services, online coach training
course, executive coach course, business
coaching, leadership coaching, coaching jobs, online executive coach training
courses, business coaching leads, coaching jobs and leads,
executive coaching, performance coaching, online coach training course, behavioral coaching,
coach referral, neuropsychology coaching, coach marketing, coaching
diploma, master certified coach course, coach
certification, coaching diploma, online executive coaching courses,
coach referral services, executive coaching jobs, marketing coaching
services, coach referral services, |