Content: executive coaching course, behavioral coach, coach training course, master coach, executive coaching, emotion coaching, coach training course, behavioral neurocoaching, neuro-behavioral coaching, diploma in executive coaching, MASTER COACH CERTIFICATION,  MASTER coach COACHING COURSE, EXECUTIVE coaching, performance coach training course, executive coach training course, executive coach course, BEHAVIORAL COACHING course,

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Dr Perry Zeus


  Invitational Master Level Courses For Select Professionals







How to get ICC internationally recognized Accreditation for :


  - Coach Trainer  - Your Course/s  - General Course Trainers / Facilitators  

** Coach Trainers Rights of Use of Master Coach
 Course Content/Material





30th Anniversary Special Dual Certificate (Master Coach & Diploma)
Rates up to 50% OFF end of this semester!
Executive Coaching Course 

Child Behavior Coaching Course 
NeuroCoaching Course 

Energy Psychology Coaching Course 





BCI’s professional executive coach toolkit contains, by far, the most powerful development growth tools available to executive coaches.”
ICC Coaching Report  - Executive Coach Training Report

  Learn how to achieve rapid, breakthrough behavior change.  
  Using latest Applied Behavioral Science.  
Being a behavioral change coach is like being an engineer. You're trying to help people build the best version of themselves.

In the Institute’s coach training courses, you’re going to acquire a series of easy-to-use, powerful, science-based tools that will empower all people how to best manage themselves and become more successful and happier.

Some of the coach training courses are currently 50% off.

"The most important Behavioral Change Tools and Skills every professional coach needs!!"




Learn how to unlock behavior to
 maximize well-being and performance levels.









The Institute's elite credentialing programs
 are delivered:

ONSITE by our Global Corporate Education Division,
Professional Development Division
- based in North America
ONLINE by our International Scholarships Division
-based in Asia Pacific
 (covering 60 countries including USA)





Diploma & Master Coach
ICC Accredited Courses -

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Kids & Parents Coaching - 50% OFF
  NeuroCoaching Course   
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Energy Psychology Life Coaching Course
 LICENSING of BCI Courses   Wellness Coaching Course 
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
  Quantum Bioenergetics Therapy Course
  Executive / Workplace Coaching Course 

1-to-1 Mentoring 
1to1 (Private and Exclusive)
Coach Training

  Anti-Aging Coaching Course
  Advanced Corporate Coaching Course 
   Sports Coaching Course
   E-Sports Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

  ICC Accreditation for Coach Trainers
        & Courses

Contact Faculty






Our world / our life is rapidly changing!


.People are tired, stressed and anxious in the
 new world environment.

We all need to move forward to a safe space
 where we're comfortable with where we are.

To get to that security zone, people need
 guidance, they need to learn how to adapt
-they need a specialist, trained behavioral
 coach to help them navigate past the
 behavioral stress bumps and be their best!

Dr Perry Zeus (Institute Founder & Author) is dedicated to
 bridging cutting edge Neuroscience, Behavioral Science, and Neuropsychology, with an easy-to-use coaching delivery platform,
 that delivers breakthrough applications in human performance
 and well-being.

For over 30 years Dr Zeus and his team have trained
 and certified thousands of Coaches, in over 65 countries
 and in many of the world’s leading organizations, that
continue to help people maximize their potential.



Publications: “12 works in 56 publications in 4 languages and 721 library holdings”
-World Library Catalog





Join professionals from Citibank, Amazon & McKinsey
 in accredited, ONLINE, FAST-TRACKED,

        As independently verified by ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google, Amazon and Microsoft) - Dr Zeus's Institute is a long established institution with revenue of $us7 mill + and employs over 35 people worldwide.    


1,200 + Leading Enterprises Use Our Scientifically Proven,
Neuro-Behavioral Tools & Knowledge Sets


  Study your way; anywhere, anytime !!


No Set Starting or Completion Time !!


  The Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI) premium brand
- Training and Certifying the world's top Coaches since 1994
The Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI) has always been positioned at the top-end of the global coach training marketplace. Our Fortune 500 clients see the Institute’s integrity as partly being due to the fact that we are very low-key, we don't do things like advertise and we don't do a song and dance about ourselves and promote a big public profile. "Part of our brand image is quiet excellence” explains Dr Perry Zeus the Institute’s founder.

BCI is a specialist premium coach educator known and recognized by the world’s leading companies and people development groups.
Our large corporate clients have aligned with us for over 25 years because we continually provide the best available, scientifically proven coaching toolkit and knowledge sets in our coach training courses. Mainstream coach training brands continue to aggressively advertise mass-market, generic course offerings (ultimately worth very little to the user) in order to cash in on the trend for workplace coaching and the need for novice coaches to market themselves as a member of a coaching federation.

Many coach training course providers claim to provide evidence-backed courses but on closer inspection are just re-badged, simplistic counselling models or dangerous pseudo-science practices.

Note: Anyone engaged in dubious, outdated first generation coaching and not next-gen, science-based, neuro-behavioral coaching is simply putting themselves and their career at risk.

Disregard for proven, science-based coaching is made even more dangerous when it comes from a seemingly reputable service supplier or in-house trainer. Practitioners of questionable coaching practice risk endangering their client’s mental health at worst and hindering personal / professional development at best.

Living up to our elite brand image
Our premium brand coach training course offerings share four primary characteristics: 1) they offer proprietary knowledge and tools you can't get anywhere else; 2) the course toolkit and methodology produce unsurpassed results; 3) they represent world-best standard and are used by high profile, successful companies, hospitals, learning institutions, and government agencies; and 4) they provide a strategic means for our clients to elevate themselves in their marketplace.

The world’s leading companies trust BCI to help them produce breakthrough results in human capital management.
- Our clients consistently achieve amazing results.
- We are innovators and developers of world best-practice coaching tools that continue to change the world of people development and define best-standards of professional practice in the coaching discipline..
- Our clients are primarily referrals and we maintain a very strong connection with senior people both in government and in private business.

The challenge to today’s workforce is to help people best think, react, perform and learn how to adapt to what the future brings.
- BCI provides a people performance strategy, for all persons, that’s based on today’s proven, cutting-edge behavioral science.
- Our elite coach training courses help you understand people’s needs today and build tomorrow’s next-level performing workforce and successful leaders.






Behavioral Sciences Board Accredited, Invitational, Credentialing Courses


 - Accelerated Distance Learning FOR QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS
who do not have time to waste

Fast-tracked courses enable you to fit study around your schedule.
- 35 to 50 hours casual study
No assessment or post-course supervision.
No required additional training or mentoring hours.

Dr Perry Zeus and Dr Suzanne Skiffington, acknowledged coaching psychology pioneers, established the world's first professional coach training institution (BCI) in 1994. 
-Training Industry Journal





    MASTER COACH COURSES available in:  
    Executive Coaching, NeuroCoaching,
Wellness Coaching
Your Venue or via Group Videoconference. Customized Course to fit your group's learning needs




What Graduates Are Saying About Dr. Perry Zeus
and his Institute's Courses

    …For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses. If you are looking for the best available source of coaching knowledge, tools and certification then his Institute's international recognized, accredited courses are for you….Thanks again for inviting me into the course Perry!      

Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.


“Dr Zeus uniquely brings the latest behavioral sciences and practice of coaching together into easy-to-use, proven coaching tools and models generating exceptional lasting results within just 2 sessions.”
Journal of Mentoring and Coaching

members from respected universities, such as Harvard and Oxford,
anyone who doesn’t have this Master Coach certification is not providing quality
coaching to their client
Dr. Greg Roper, PhD (Master Coach Graduate)

"Thank you so much. It has been a life changing journey (professionally and personally)."
 -H. Egberg (HR Director) 

"A credential and toolkit that sets you above the rest"

  Private Practice Worldwide Marketing Opportunity!
The Institute refers clients to our graduates through their listing (including email address) on the Master Coach Graduate web page (viewed by over 500 people per day) and via our extensive social media networks.



Course Menu Links   

                          (Below Page)



      **Strictly Limited Number of Accelerated Credentialing Program Places Available.

E-Learning (Distance Learning) New Semester Open.
BOOK your invitational spot now and jump the Wait List!
Few places still available until next semester.

Entry Criteria:
Applicants should possess a relevant workplace record and professional development experience to be considered for a strictly limited, invitational place in the below Masters Level Courses.

Note: The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Certifications available via the Accelerated Credentialing Program Format to applicants who already possess an appropriate level of people development experience. It follows that the Institute receives a large number of applications competing for a very small number of course places (we typically receive several applications per available place). To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Section Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming the person's suitability.

* ICC -The International Coaching Council is the world’s premier professional accreditation body for workplace coaches (established 1998).





   .   Step 1.  -Select the Course and delivery Format from below page
Step 2.   -Next, follow link and complete the Registration Form...then Submit.





-As a
UNF Sponsor, the Behavioral Coaching Institute's Foundation is proud to provide a small number of SCHOLARSHIPS each semester.



MCC Graduate Logo

.  Diploma Coach Courses
Master Coach Certification Courses

- For qualified professionals!
Register for your Invitation today!




 Executive Coaching, Workplace & Life:
E-Learning / Self-Study Format

Workplace / Executive Coaching



                        Coach Credentialing Courses

  Diploma in Executive Coaching.
           - Receive "Dip Exec C." Letters after your name!
    M.C.C. Course: Executive Coaching
Including Workplace Coaching, Life Coaching
    - Receive "M.C.C." Letters after your name!

      - With prestigious, world recognized ICC Accreditation and Membership*
  - World Best-Class Coaching using proprietary, proven Models of Behavioral Change (employing the latest: evidence-based, behavioral change methodology to achieve sustainable, measurable quick results).  

   *Note: Strictly limited number of Fast-Track Coach Certification E-Learning Places
 *Currently only 2 places left this semester! * 
    Jump the queue and secure your place today!

This Month's Sign -Up Bonus:

 - G
raduates gain the prestigious ICC Accredited Coaching Services Gold Seal
    and a free Toolkit (value: $us1,295)



( Go here for Videoconference Format. Class of 1. Live instruction Quote )

Course Content: 4 Modules including extensive, easy-to-read: Behavioral Science Knowledge Kits, Behavioral Change Toolkit, Practice Management, Step-by-Step Instructions, Exercises & Case Studies.
-See: Course Content- 


Other Specialist Coach Credentialing Courses



-  E-Learning Format






  Diploma High Performance Behavioral Coaching Credentialing Course      
- Receive "Dip HPBC." Letters after your name!

Be part of a new era in workplace and life coaching services where the latest neuro-behavioral sciences is driving the development of behavioral performance to previously unreachable levels of sustainable success and widespread application.
 - Today’s world is typically a high pressure environment with competing demands. This special program provides the proven blueprint and high performance enhancement tools to create and support a healthy, highly productive and happier environment for people to best function in.

- Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.





CORPORATE Coaching :
- Campus or E-Learning Format






  Diploma + MCC Coach Credentialing Course      
- Receive "Dip. Corp. Coaching plus MCC" Letters after your name!

Double Certification Program includes Executive Coaching. Suitable for experienced Senior Leaders.
 - Today's breakthrough brain-mind-body science is providing unmatched coaching models of change and tools that generate unmatched results.

Includes a comprehensive, easy-to-learn and use Behavioral-Focused Toolkit.
  - Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.

  - Workplace Coaching





NEUROCOACHING : E-Learning Format .






  Diploma or Neuro Master Coach Credentialing Course  
- NeuroCoaching Self-Study Program
- receive "Dip NeuroC." or "MCC NeuroC" Letters after your name!

Coaching for all people no matter their age or position. Traditional Coaching is rapidly been replaced by NeuroCoaching. The emergence of neuroscience and new cognitive (way we think) therapies is generating a new breed of generalist coaches  —the Neuro Coaches.
Includes evidence-based Neuro Tools and Models of Change
- Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.

- Executive Coaching, Life Wellness Coaching, High Performance Coaching.






Wellness Coaching : E-Learning Format .






  Diploma and/or Master Coach Credentialing Course
- Wellbeing Coaching    
- Self-Study
Receive "Dip. Well" or "M.C.C. Well" Letters after your name! 
Includes proven Models of Behavioral Change, Resources and Tool to achieve sustainable, measurable, lasting positive lifestyle changes.

- Wellness Coaching, Health Coaching, Life Coaching.
Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.




 Anti-Aging & Health Coaching:






    Longevity Graduate Diploma Coach Credentialing Course  
.Students are taught how to use the latest NeuroCoaching and Self-Care Coaching, methodology to build a longer, happier, healthier life for their clients.
- Includes Performance Coaching. For individuals and organizations.
 - Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership





-  E-Learning Format






  Diploma Sports Psychology Coaching Credentialing Course      
- Receive "Dip Sports Psych." Letters after your name!
- For Sports Coaches and individuals looking to self-coach!

Be part of a new era in sports coaching where the latest neuro-behavioral sciences is driving the development of performance to previously unreachable levels of sustainable success and widespread application.
 - This special program provides the proven blueprint and high performance enhancement tools to create and support sustainable high performance for individuals and teams.

- Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.





Neurofeedback Coaching : E-Learning Format






   Neurofeedback Master Coach Credentialing Course  
Learn how to use the latest Neuro Behavioral Change methodology in conjunction with Neurofeedback technology (hardware).

- Executive Coaching, Life Wellness Coaching, High Performance Coaching.
- Full Certification plus prestigious ICC membership.





-Small Group Course Format



On-site / In-House or via Group Videoconference
Master Coach or Diploma Coaching Course
  - CUSTOMIZED Course to fit your group's learning needs.



Go here for Quote >    


              Campus Australia -Special Learning Partner Course: 1-to-1 Format .
                       with Dr Perry Zeus
-acknowledged as a founder of the coaching
                            discipline and
World’s Leading Authority in Behavioral Coaching


Chartered Behavioral Master Coach Course   
 - One Instructor (Dr Perry Zeus) and one student. (2 students optional). -  Gold Coast, Australia


 * This special 1-to-1 Course trains the student to become an Accredited BCI Learning Partner and personally facilitate Master Coach campus classes
Instruction : 3 Days intensive 1-to-1 role-playing with Perry Zeus.
 P.O.A. -by negotiation -depending on assigned exclusive region/territory. 

Go here for >  Licenses to provide Master Coach Course ONLINE

                       Campus Singapore -Special 1-to-1, Customized On-site Class.
               (Blended Learning -Self-Study, Videoconference and Campus Format)


Master Coach Certification:  For busy, professional people developers who are time constraint and prefer personalized instruction. Blended Learning.

-Program mix of: Pre-class Self-Study; Private 1-to-1 Class with facilitator (focusing on role-playing change models relating to students workplace needs) and; 1-to-1 Videoconference pre-course and post-course support with facilitator.
Some 1-to-1 class dates still available. Optional Small Class of 2 to 4 persons.







 Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Course
-   E-Learning / Self-Study Format Scholarships available  

                                       - Skills Coaching -
Entry level. Business and/or Life Coaching.
Content: Foundational Coaching Knowledge & Tools
-See: Course Modules 1 & 2  

            *Note: Strictly Limited Number of Course Places Available.
          - The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited C.P.C Certifications available via the Accelerated
                Credentialing Program Format to qualified persons only.
                             Special Note:
- Completing the CPC Course is not a pre-requisite for entry into the Master Coach Course!
                                                    However, if you submit Application Forms for both the CPC and MCC Courses you are eligible
                                                    to apply for the Special Scholarship Course Rates.

            Select Course Rate then Complete Form below page:
- Standard CPC Course -Self-Study Rate: $us1,195.00.  
- International Scholarship -CPC Course Rate: $us595.00.
-For entry level practitioners who require financial assistance
                   ** Please note that there 3 regional Scholarship places available per semester.
(One Scholarship left this term)
                  -Each application is
subject to a review criteria and judgment of merit by the Institute's Selection Panel. Selection results
                   are final and no discussion will be entered into other than with a successful applicant.

-Plus (optional) 1 pre-course and 1 post-course 1-to-1 videoconference mentoring ($us250.each) -with option
                    of further.

The CPC Certificate is forwarded to the student upon their notifying the Institute the completion of their Self-Study.
1. There is no evaluation/assessment/exam. 2. The Certificate is recognized internationally and accredited by the ICC
                        (International Coaching Council).

      Yes! -Please submit my below details to the Institute's Selection Panel

 CPC Course Registration Form

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses?     

          a) Referral Ad: ( Quote Affiliate Name or Promotional Code )          

          b) Google Ad

c) Dr Perry Zeus's books
- Yes, I have read one of Dr Zeus's books eg; such as the introductory-level text book 'Behavioral Coaching -How to build sustainable personal and organizational strength' (Publisher; McGraw-Hill, New York). 
Note: Coaching can be different things to different people. This best selling book is required reading in over 100 renowned, international higher learning institutions (eg; Harvard, Oxford, Toronto, Sydney, Beijing and JFK Universities etc) -who provide business-related degree courses, such as MBA and Psychology degree courses containing a coaching component.

   Personal Details  



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

            > Please re-enter your address to
      ensure it is correct >
Email Personal  

  Email Business:

Web Site :   

  Your Profile  

Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I am looking to use Skills
Change Models :   

- Internally (inside my organization). - Externally (in a practice).

Professional / Educational Background:


Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


Applying for a special Scholarship (Self-Study) Course Rate?
- If so, please provide a short statement as to the reason/s why..


     - References (Biz or Personal): -Yes > Name/Contact Details:

     - Referral eg; Affiliate Code, CMC Graduate, BCI Partner etc -Yes  > Details:

       . Yes! - I am interested in the Institute's CourseWare Licensing Program available for graduates of Master Coach course.
                     -eg; Delivery Rights of Use of the 'Manager / Leader as Coach' Course and/or the 'Certified Professional Coach' Course  




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                             Faculty | Certification |Courses Content |Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News





                                © Copyright 1998 - 2020 The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                               New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                               All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                     All rights reserved
                                         1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                         are all registered trading/business names 
                             BCI's Global Head Office: 
 Email: BCI Global
                           Singapore -International Courses Division