Course Content: Executive Coach Course, coach training, workplace coaching, certified executive coach course, videoconference, 1to1, coach training course, executive coach, coach course, certified coach, videoconference coach training, certified executive coach, tailored course,



           -World's first professional coach training course.
                                    Established 1994.







Courses Graduates can License

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    1-to-1 Customized, Videoconference Coach Training Courses
Live Instruction with your own Teacher.
3 Day Accelerated Learning Courses with Post-Course Mentoring. (Full Certification)


Accelerated, Tailored, Short-Course, Credentialing
 Program for qualified professionals

- No Assessment or post-course mentoring required!
- Receive Certification on Day 3 of course completion!

    Admission Process

 Step: 1
 Submission of
  below Registration Form:

For over twenty five years the Behavioral Coaching Institute's Graduate School has offered a small number of 1-to-1 (one student, one teacher) available course places by invitation to qualified, accomplished individuals invited to work us.

 Step: 2

- The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Coach Certifications available via the Accelerated Coach Training Credentialing Program Format to applicants who already possess an appropriate level of people development experience and workplace achievement.

It follows that the Institute receives a large number of applicants competing for a very small number of coach training course places (we typically receive several applications per available place). To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Section Panel for consideration.

The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming the person's suitability.
* ICC -The internationally recognized International Coaching Council is the world’s premier professional accreditation body for workplace coaches (established 1998). A course graduate automatically gains prestigious membership of the ICC.

  Step: 3

  Confirmation of

Criteria of 

he Institute's Selection Panel meets each week to consider submitted applications for the limited number of available invitations to join a Diploma coach training course. A successful applicant is chosen not only on their: suitability for the course, relevant professional background/organizational experience but also their commercial opportunity to successfully apply the coaching knowledge and tools from the course.  

*Note: In fairness to all pending qualified applicants, to secure one of the strictly limited course places, a successful applicant is required to remit full payment (via bank wire) for the course within 5 working days of receiving their Acceptance Letter/Email.



Course Details and Registration Form

      Step 1.   - Select applicable Course.  
Step 2.   - Next, complete the Form below page...then Submit. 


 . E-learning plus 3 Days 1-to-1 Videoconference Format 
ICC Accredited DIPLOMA Coach Course
tailored to student's needs


-With ICC Accreditation and membership*

 *Note: Strictly Limited Number of Course Places Available.
            Currently only 2 places left this semester

 For experienced, people developers who for time constraint or logistical reasons are unable to attend a Campus course.

Same course content / certification as course format - but customized by Facilitator to specifically meet the learning need of the student!

 Head Trainer: Dr. Tracy. Faculty Head - BCI North America.
 Course Structure
Step 1. Pre-Course Preview Reading of Course Manuals forwarded to student.
Step 2. Pre-Course 1:1 Mentoring with Facilitator to discuss your course needs etc
Step 3. Student sets course dates for 3 Days -Videoconference 1:1 Instruction with Facilitator
   -Includes Customized Role Playing Exercises with Facilitator (simulated coaching situations -using the course's advanced behavioral change tools and models).
a) The videoconference course dates/times are flexible and are established directly with the Facilitator eg;  the 3 days instruction can be broken down into smaller sessions over a week or so to fit the students time  schedule.  
b) The course is customized to fit the student's learning needs eg; practicing skills learnt via role-plays with  the facilitator relevant to students workplace.
c) No evaluation / assessment / exam or further training hours required.
d) The Certification is forwarded to the student on completion of Day 3.
Step 4. Optional Post Workshop 1:1 Mentoring (sessional -by the hour)
Step 5. Optional Practice Support
  Customized Course Tuition : $us4,650.00 (1-to-1 with your own exclusive, highly qualified Instructor/mentor (all BCI facilitators have a PhD and extensive global coaching experience).
- Plus 1 pre-course mentoring session with Course Facilitator to establish learning goals / agenda of customized course @ $us295
 - Nominate preferred Week/Month for Instruction:
- Plus any Optional Post-Course Mentoring. Select # of sessions.
         -1  -2  -3  -4  -6  -10    ** $us295 per session.

       As Recession Bonus -I wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional
            Coach Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00

  Workplace / Executive Coaching    - Course Details
  High Performance Behavioral Health Coaching    - Course Details
NeuroCoaching     - Course Details
Emotions Coaching     - Course Details

 I would like to schedule a call with a Course Facilitator to answer a few questions I still have before my application is processed.

Please confirm my application and next steps..

    Yes! -Please submit my course application to the Institute's Selection Panel. 


      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                              Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

                   > Please re-enter Email:  

  Email Business:

Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   

I am looking to use Behavioral Change Models:


- Internally (inside my organization).
- Externally (in a practice).

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


     - References (Biz or Personal): -Yes > Name/Contact Details:


     - Referral BCI Graduate, BCI Client/ Partner etc:






                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2024. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division