Contents: master coach course, gold coast, australia, certified master coach course, dr perry zeus, master certified coach course, dr perry zeus


           -World's first professional coach training course.
                                    Established 1994.





     Diploma and Master Coach Course Content.
  COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive Coaching Course   Course Fee
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate    Organizational Neuropsychology  Course Fee
   LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses    Emotion Coaching Course   Course Fee
   NeuroCoaching Course    Course Fee
   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus

   Anti-Aging Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

   Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
   Onsite Coach Training (your venue)


         Learning Partner Program
      Chartered Behavioral Master Coach Course
       Campus Format: Gold Coast, Australia      
Class size: 1-2 students only.

 Course Registration Form
 Course Modules >



- Chartered Behavioral Master Coach Course

      Step 1.   - Nominate Course Date     
Step 2.   - Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page...then Submit. 

For other Course options see: Courses:


 Gold Coast, Australia
Campus Course 1-to-1 Format with Dr Perry Zeus


Chartered Behavioral Master
Coach Course

            *Note: Strictly Limited Places -Gold Coast, Australia.
                   One Instructor (Dr Perry Zeus) and one student. (2 students optional).

  .Trainer: Dr. Perry Zeus only facilitates this specialist course (subject to availability). The graduate can cite that they have been personally trained by an acknowledged world expert on coaching / behavioral change models and one of the original founders of the modern coaching discipline.

Over the last two decades, Perry has published more than 2,000 pages on the subject of coaching and behavioral change. Today, Perry specializes in translating brain science research into simple, actionable strategies for peak performance, creativity, mental health and wellbeing. His books are required reading in over 100 renowned, international higher learning institutions eg; Harvard, Oxford, Toronto, Michigan, Sydney, Beijing and JFK Universities.


         * This special 1-to-1 CBMC Course also trains the student to become a Licensed BCI Learning Partner
            and teach BCI's flagship Master Coach Course (campus or videoconference format) in their exclusive

CBMC Certification -The highest and most prestigious coach certification.
Separate yourself from the rest -and brand yourself as the best in your field!!
- Training Venue -Location: Gold Coast, Australia

Step 1.  - Enrolment in the qualifying Master Coach Course -Self-Study/E-Learning Format
(Special Discounted Rate: $us895.)
-I have already completed the Master Coach Course   

Step 2.   CBMC Course -Instruction : P.O.A  -depends upon assigned exclusive territory to deliver BCI's
                                  Master Coach Course.

Includes 2 Days intensive 1-to-1 role-playing with Dr Perry Zeus plus
                                  1 pre & 1 post-course telephone mentoring session.

  Note: Course rate is inclusive. Accommodation not included.

- Nominate preferred Course Date (week, month, year):


* The student is trained to how to facilitate the Master Coach Course plus they receive a 2 year, (value $us6,950 per year), exclusive, Regional Provider License -Renewable thereafter -standard Yearly License Fee then applies. (Note: Partner's Master Coach Course Student fee sharing formula: 76% to Provider, 24% to BCI.). Plus -development support available.
 -For more details on Partnering and Licensing: -Read 

            To arrange a telephone interview with Dr Perry Zeus complete the above and below Forms..       



    Yes! -Please submit my application for the C.B.M.C Course to the Institute's Selection Panel. 

      Your Contact Information




  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

            > Please re-enter your address to
      ensure it is correct >
Email Personal  

  Email Business:

Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I wish to deliver the Course:   

- Internally (inside my organization). - Externally (public).

Your Position :


- and/or Title:

Owner               Vice President
Director             Manager           
President/CEO  Associate      Other:



Decision Making Process:

I am the final decision maker.
I have influence in the decision making process.
I may make a recommendation for a purchase.
The Name of the Final Decision Maker is:  



Your Organization's Annual Revenue is approx':  


<$250 thousand   <$500K  $500k -1 million  $1-5 million
$5-10 million    $10-25 million  $25-50 million $50> million

Number of employees:      Years in Business:  

1. Please provide a short Professional Bio.
2. Brief description of your business: -for example if business: history,
 organizational structure, type of services/products provided, geography covered,
 marketing expertise etc .



Your Relevant Qualifications: 3. Your people development experience?
4. Your experience in managing training events?
 5. Your qualifications to present a course that has a psychological foundation etc.?
6. Please also provide 2 relevant references for yourself:



    7. What do you want to achieve through providing coaching educational services?
8. Which country/regions are you interested in targeting?
9. When are you looking to begin and do you have the requisite working capital required?
10. Would anyone else be working with you as an investor/partner?



  - Yes! -I have answered all of the above questions

     - References (Biz or Personal): -Yes > Name/Contact Details:

     - Referral eg; Affiliate Code, CMC Graduate, BCI Partner etc -Yes  > Details:



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Bangkok Thailand, Master Coach Course, Bangkok, Asia, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Master Coach training, MCC Course, Bangkok Thailand Coach Course, Thailand coach training

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                                © Copyright 1998 - 2021. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division