An explanation provided by Dr Perry Zeus (Founder of BCI and Faculty Head) |
Dr Perry Zeus's
ground-breaking, best-selling text-books helped define the modern coaching discipline
and provide a structure for the academic development
of coaches. His
now-classic book, Behavioral Coaching (first
published 15 years ago) gave shape to the behavioral coaching
discipline that we know today. |
_________________ ___________________ |
Difference between whole child behavior coaching and
generic mental skills or cognitive coaching. |
It is important to note that whole child,
science-based, behavior coaching is a blanket
term incorporating whole brain, mind, body
approach. Whereas mental / cognitive
coaching focuses on the mind only and first level
coaching focuses on the body.
Why we take an
integrative holistic approach..
The course's proven, brain-mind-body intervention
models incorporate the latest, evidence-based
methodologies and best practices from Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and
Neuropsychology. This scientific, holistic approach is all
about producing rapid, sustainable, measurable, behavior
change results. |
Helping young people express their whole
self and tap into their unique, inner resources, creativity,
and genius..
Brain, mind, body & heart wholeness
is simply a state of unity and
integration of mind, body and spirit.
When a child’s thoughts, intentions
and actions seamlessly align. It not
only has powerful effects on their
mental and emotional health,
stability and resilience, but also
on their physical health, immune
system, sleep quality and overall
energy levels.
When a child is in a state of
‘wholeness’, they are honest with
themself, accept the facts and their
feelings, and take aligned powerful
are 12 major benefits of guiding a child
to live in a state of wholeness from
mental, emotional and physical
Feeling Whole
2. Feeling Unity with themself and the
Deep Inner Peace
Decreased Stress
Increased Energy & Vitality
Enhanced Creativity
Emotional Intelligence & Mastery
Greater Resilience
Solid Mental Health
Improved Physical Health
Deeper Emotional Connection with
themself and Others
Improved Quality of Life Overall
All the factors described above impact
every area of a child’s life. Life
becomes lighter, richer, deeper, more
joyful and meaningful. And the more of
this richness a child has, the more they
want, naturally creating more joy,
energy and vitality. It’s who the child
is -with our help.

Dr Perry Zeus |
_________________ ___________________ |
- Science-based Child Coaching
How to coach
all children towards a life of achievement,
success and happiness..
Today's Advances in Child Behavior Development
Neuroscientific advances demonstrate that all
children have a critical window for both learning and teaching,
which must involve the development of emotional competence and the
growth of self-regulation as a foundation for long-term academic,
personal and social success, promoting mental health and well-being.
Child / Youth Behavior Change
- recovery, relapse, and recurrence and the need to take a measured,
science-based, whole person approach.
A number of recent children's mental health surveillance reports have found that
with non-science-based, child wellness coaching interventions most children
experience a recurrence of behavioral symptoms within a year.
Fava and Ruini (Well-being therapy: conceptual and
technical issues) further state that practitioners tend to
misperceive response to treatment with recovery.
The Science of
Children Wellbeing
Coaching -with supportive empirical evidence.
- In today's new world providing
proven, scientific validated neuro-behavioral and mindset support models to
raise a child's well-being levels consistently and
permanently is absolutely critical to any
intervention's success.
Achieving Optimal Functioning.
- Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Well-Being
Previously, achieving
meaningful, sustainable behavior change remained
extraordinarily challenging for child development practitioners.
Today, the ability to effect a child's behavioral change – and more
specifically neuroplasticity – is essential for families to thrive.
It follows, there is an insatiable and ever growing
demand for parental assistance in this exciting field.
Achieving neuroplasticity in order to change
Neuroplasticity is the capacity of our nervous system to learn new
things – to change. Achieving neuroplasticity is a critical step to
optimizing our brain to effect behavioral change.
The latest findings of neuroscience coupled with the art and practice of
neuropsychology now offers us a remarkable array of
specific, actionable, easy-to-learn tools to effect meaningful and
enduring enhanced personal growth, wellness and health.
The behavioral approach
of these special courses
is at the forefront of
cognitive therapies. The
Cognitive Change Tools
integrate components of: Behavioral change
therapy, Emotional
realignment therapy,
Neural shaping, Gestalt
therapy, The Psychology
of Selves and, Positive
Memory Reconstitution.
The objective of the
targeted, short
interventions, taught in
this special Program, is to have
the child achieve
accelerated, perceptual
self-awareness and learn
powerful, easier-to-use,
brain-mind change
techniques to meet their Behavioral Need Goals
within just a few
coaching sessions.
that if they want to meet the behavioral needs
of children in today’s challenging environment, they
require more than yesterday's outdated, coaching / training
models to ensure sustainable, positive
behavioral change.
Enhancing a child's
mental skills,
or helping them change a
behavioral pattern
or their
level of wellness
requires a holistic, brain-mind-body approach
using the latest, neuro-behavioral development
Happier and Healthier
Children and Families.
The Institute's unique courses provide students scientifically proven, Next-Generation,
Science-based Children's Coaching Models that generate well-being levels, creativity, intuition, IQ, EQ, smart
decision making and output levels well beyond
yesterday's, outdated counselling, training and generic
coaching approach.
Blocks of
Behavior is context-dependent and while certain
general principles may apply, there are no
“one-size-fits-all” approaches to effective child
behavior change programs.
The Whole Child Future Program uses a
multicomponent strategy.
We view child behavior change programming as
a scientific, multimodal process involving a
series of
best-fit to the child and their needs,
complementary behavior building blocks which
sequentially flow from program inception to
evaluation. By attending to each building
block in detail and applying a scientific
approach throughout the process, results are
rapid and program success is amplified, thus
maximizing positive, lasting, behavior
The multicomponent
strategy employs elements of a number of next
generation, behavioral change models that are each
supported by substantial evidence. The documented
strength of multicomponent, behavioral change
methods for children and parents cannot be over
participants learn how to integrate the latest,
behavior science-based, building blocks affecting
rapid positive change in just a few sessions
compared to lengthy interventions using outdated
practice. |
The Psychological imperative..
-understanding patterns of child behavior |
When children are hurled into a state of unknowing, insecurity
and anxiety they need psychological
anchoring. This unique
program provides professionals and parents an
advanced, easy-to-learn,
evidence-based Coaching Toolkit
that produces
a psychological safe road for
children to
become the best
functioning person they can and
build a bigger, brighter
Is being aware
of all recent
findings from
the behavioral
sciences another
demand for
child coaches?
No! -However,
knowing the
essential facts
about the brain
and the latest
psychology of
knowledge for
child coaches
how to best
design their
programs and
select the right
behavioral tools
to facilitate
the task of
change rather
than add to its
burden. |
Today's Applied
Today, all
child developers
can learn
short but very
exchange exercises
which replace
maladaptive behavioral
drivers for better
suited drivers that
meet the child's
change goals. |
" The
pandemic was a game changer for coaching children
and Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Programs has
become the next-generation well-being strategy.
" |
As a certified child behavior coach and
for the child, you will be able to help the
child's parents by providing the Institute's
Parents Training Support Program as a Certified
Parent Educator.
Why Caregiver / Parent Coach Behavior Training
also Matters
What is Parent Coaching ?
The coach works with the parents to define the
parenting challenges, clearly articulate behavioral change goals and develop strategies
and a plan of action.
While the work of a certified child / youth
behavior coach can significantly help
improve the life of children, in many
engagements it’s extremely beneficial that this progress
continue beyond regular sessions with the coach. Not doing
so, in some cases, could compromise or delay the
development process and make it harder to reach behavioral goals. Studies
also indicate that having
as part of an overall family coaching strategy makes it easier for
the child to retain positive behaviors.
coaching partnering process
can also improve
parents’ communication with their children,
which can help them build a closer bond and
cultivate a better sense of well-being and
mental health, lessening the worry or concern
they may have about their children engaging in
negative behaviors in various environments. The
independence that a child may develop can also
help shorten the behavior coaching program.
Child Behavior Course Graduates can now apply to
use the
Parent Training Support Program.
Parent Coach Training Package
In parent coaching training, the certified
child behavior coach teaches the parents how to
become a coach and exclusively provide child
coaching or continue
re-enforcing the coaching process provided by
the child behavior coach in
t-to-1 or family coaching sessions at home or the
community. These later tactics maintain the same
strategic coaching structure, allowing the child
to retain a sense of familiarity with the
process. This familiarity, in turn, facilitates
the child’s engagement in the same positive behaviors
outside the sessions with the families behavior
This form of
parents as coach
training isn’t
exclusive to parents as the principles apply to
all caregivers, such as grandparents, siblings,
or teachers. That said,
rather than enter into a shared coaching
arrangement with a coach, some parents decide to
undertake the child behavior coach training
course and undertake the role of the coach themselves,
whilst still other families prefer to hire a certified
child behavior
coach to exclusively provide coaching.
On completion of the course,
you will be able to:
Identify and anticipate recommend a systematic approach for
a child's assessment and management.
Utilize knowledge from
specialized, proven disciplines in the application of
effective behavior development programs.
Demonstrate effective
consultation and communication processes.
Implement customized,
individual or group growth-oriented, self-development
Provide case support to children in emotional need and
deliver 'anti-stress' programs for all.
Implement education and information family programs to
promote a more productive, healthy and happier environment.
You will have an
opportunity to complete authentic learning tasks via case
study examination, practical exercises and support when
required (during or post-course).
will be able to deliver bottom line, beneficial results to
the child including;
- Children power boosting their mindset and exchanging
negative, maladaptive emotional drivers affecting behavior
with sustainable, lasting positive change.
- Children’s anxiety, stress levels and emotional well-being
will improve.
- Children’s EQ, IQ, confidence, resilience, intuition and
self-esteem will be enhanced.
- Children's school, sports and personal PERFORMANCE levels
will improve.
line beneficial results for parents include;
- Parents emotional well-being will improve.
- Family pride and happiness levels boosted
- Parents obtaining positive parenting / coaching strategies
and enhanced parenting skills (see below).
Note for professionals: You
will also have the opportunity to gain crucial lifelong
learning and transferable generic skill and knowledge sets
and be able to apply them to a range of employment
opportunities and life situations to complement your
disciplinary base.
up to the Behavioral Coaching Institute's elite educational
global reputation.." |
" The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s large, institutional
global clients have aligned with them for over 25 years
because they continue to be the world’s leading source of
the best resourced and ethical behavioral coaches. The
invitational, behavior coach training courses for select
individuals have consistently been rated the world’s top
behavior coach credentialing programs.
The Institute's premium brand child behavior coach course
offerings share four primary characteristics: 1) they
offer proprietary knowledge and child behavior change tools
you cannot obtain in other child coach training programs; 2)
the course methodology produces unsurpassed, proven lasting
results; 3) they represent world-best standard and are used
by high profile learning institutions, government agencies
and health agencies to train in-house child development
professionals; and 4) they provide a strategic means for
students to brand themselves the best equipped at what they
Today's revolution in on-site and virtual
Child Behavior Health
Coaching Services.
cannot expect children to thrive when
they are struggling personally.
Resources and attitudes about
children's behavior health has changed significantly in
the last few years. Even before today, children's behavioral health
problems were
widespread, constituting a leading cause of diminished
well-being. In today's challenging new world environment
there is now a global movement by parents and caregivers to
seek out and engage behavior coaches with
credentials, training and toolkit
in advanced, behavior science-based, child
coaching." |
#24 |
The Behavioral Coaching Institute's vital child
behavior training course is also available to
organizations, and businesses as well as for
learning institutions / schools to host
Organizations (government and
business) use the Dr Zeus designed child
behavior program either to; a) support, retain
and progress their working parents or, b) train
staff who work with children.
Semester Special: If your
organization is interested in hosting this
training as an ongoing program see: Campus
Course Format in Registration Form for
training your nominated, in-house course
facilitator to deliver the courses. |
Behavioral Coaching Institute
has delivered behavioral
change coach training
programs to: |
University Hospital Birmingham,
University of Washington,
Mount Royal University, Pfizer,
Red Cross,
Sing Health Polyclinics,
World Vision,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,
Siemens Medical
and many other leading institutions and government
agencies around the world (see list below page).. |
We value transformation, therefore we
provide courses and tools to facilitate
transformations in the lives of children,
improving their quality of life and success. |
We value innovation, therefore we seek out
new ways to add value to the lives of our
graduates and their clients. |
We value holistic care, therefore we tailor
our intervention models for the whole
person, taking brain, mind, body and heart
into consideration. |
We value excellence, therefore we provide
our students with gold-standard courses and
strive towards continual improvement. |
Learn how to empower children to be healthier,
happier, more creative and productive! |

A.24-4, 2024:
- Using a TELE-COACHING and/or
IN-PERSON client service delivery model.
Level 1: Master Certified Child Coach
Level 2: Advanced DIPLOMA in Child Behavior Coaching and Parent
Level 3: Dual Certificate Course for professionals (above 2 Courses)
Empowering ALL children
to be healthier, happier, more creative and productive!
The Institute's unique, easy to follow, Behavioral Coaching Models provides you the scientifically
proven, intervention
methodology and tools that
enhances individual and group
health, resilience, well-being, productivity, IQ, EQ, creativity
and intuition.
The course's proven, brain-mind-body intervention
models incorporate the latest, evidence-based technologies and
methodologies from Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and
Today, the exciting field of neuro-behavioral coaching provides
us powerful, safe and easy-to-learn tools to generate
positive, life-enhancing change in the brain-mind-body
continuum that produces real, sustainable, measurable
Children’s Behavior flexibility
and Performance.
A major barrier to improving a child’s behavior and/or performance
is rigid thinking or habitual responses they have formed from
previous experience. Parents, teachers and professionals working
with children need to recognize when a child is persisting with a
rigid behavioral pattern and how to help them to adopt a different
The Science.
Cognitive and behavior flexibility is a core adaptive function of
the executive control system in the human brain. An excessively
rigid adherence to a predetermined behavioral pattern prevents a
child from appropriately responding to changing environmental
Performance / task impairments.
Children who have behavioral inflexibility present a limited range
of self-generated behaviors (reactions, feelings and actions) that
frequently leads to a breakdown in task functioning, and in many
cases -stress and acceptance of lower levels of accomplishment or
This special, ICC Accredited
program takes a whole child (brain-mind-body)
approach to address positive developmental needs
whereas a
generic, trained practitioner must stay away from the mental
physical domains and the psychological change models they
were not trained in.
Whole Child Future program teaches a customized, behavioral developmental
program for all children.
also complements qualifications / experience in:
Education /
Psychology / Sport Science / Counselling / Physiotherapy / Exercise Science
/ Health /
Medicine / Nutrition or Injury Prevention and Safety.
Suitable for:
Persons wishing to establish a child coaching practice,
or already in a coaching practice.
- Professionals working with
children and families including :
Psychologists, Health Care professionals, Educators, Child Care
Staff, Child & Youth Care Workers, Counsellors, Social Workers,
Home-based Workers etc..
- Parents or caregivers who wish to become an agent of change
in a child's life. |
______________________ _______________________ |
Master Certified Child Coach Certification
(10-15 hours) |
Diploma in Child Behavior Coaching |
Dual Certificate
- MCC & Diploma Courses
(30-40 hours) |
(40-50 hours) |
Dr Perry Zeus
- Behavioral Coaching Institute Founder and
Faculty Head. |
Dr Perry Zeus has
published more than 2,000 pages, advancing and
defining the modern understanding of the coaching
discipline. His now-classic book, Behavioral
Coaching (first published 15 years ago) help
transform the coaching profession into how we know
it today.
Dr Zeus has developed neuro-behavioral
interventions and tools that are used in over 60
countries; taught coaching psychology to
psychologists, clinicians, physicians, educators and
to people in business; worked with CEO’s of major
companies; helped his clinical clients manage the
triumphs and lows of life; served as an advisor to
senior management in major hospitals, learning
institutions and government departments; and,
facilitated courses to more than 5,000 people across
North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. |
Establishing fidelity processes is an important step
in the continuing development of child behavior
Accurate referencing, naming of interventions,
theories, methods, outcome measurement and
terminology underpinning the coaching interventions
is required to gain the support and confidence of
the family.
Ensuring fidelity in the delivery of advanced behavioral
interventions is also essential to gain confidence in the
interpretation of program results. Hence why it is important
for practitioners working in this specialist behavioral
sciences field to be taught not only how to use the latest
intervention models, tools and techniques etc but also to
understand the underlying science so they can clearly and
simply articulate to children and parents why and
their interventions work so effectively.
Referral Service
to begin next
All new, Level
3, Dual
graduates will
now have the
option to be
listed on a
special Dual
Child Coach
Public Referral
Service to be
provided on our
global website.
Because of the
Coach Training
reputation in
producing the
world's top
coaches, we are
frequently asked
by prospective
clients to
graduates. This
has always put
our Faculty
Staff in the
position of
recommending one
graduate deemed
to be the “right
fit” above
others. In fact,
this last year's
increased demand
for referrals
has just got too
big a
distraction for
our Faculty.
Henceforth we
have decided
that all new
Dual Certificate
holders will
have the option
to have their
name and contact
details featured
on our global
.com website
that receives
visitors a year.
A listing on the
website can
publicly confirm
a graduate's
and also serve
as an invaluable
marketing tool.
For a
nominal listing fee, a graduate will be
able to have their picture (with an
optional link to their website), email
address, location and, any age
speciality in coaching children placed
on a high-profile International Child
Coach Referral webpage. |
members from respected universities,
such as
Harvard and Oxford,
anyone who doesn’t
this certification is not providing the best
available coaching to
their client."
Greg Roper (Graduate) |
All my clients have significantly improved their quality of
life from participating in my coaching sessions
using the tools and best practices from your invaluable
H. Jenson (Graduate
Practitioner) |
for letting our corporation deliver your vital program as an
ongoing, in-house course for our working parents around the
globe. The hugely popular course is consistently rated, by
both management and staff, the most valuable training
program they attend."
- Chee.
Global Head HR
100% |
100% |
Recommended by
course graduates |
Recommended by
organizations who trained their
staff to be child behavior coaches
and/or parent educators.. |
Each of the below coaching levels
provides a specific style of coaching
support and depth of practice knowledge
and tools.
1st Generation Coaching:
- Borrowing from sports coaching, this
first generation of coaching focuses on
solving problems and achieving
performance goals.
- This narrow approach creates
significant challenges for coaches as
their knowledge gap and toolkit is very
- This first level coaching approach
typically uses the Grow Basic Skills Change
- Coaching is typically on-the-spot and
- Results are inconsistent. Typically a
short-term boost -dependent upon the skill
level worked on.
2nd Generation Coaching:
- The second generation of coaching
focuses on a cognitive approach (how we
think) and being present in the moment.
- The flow of a child’s self-experience
and perception is used as a means to
deepen self-awareness.
- Children can learn how to navigate
challenging life situations.
- This second level of coaching uses
Prochaska's transtheoretical
(psychological) model of change and
evidence-based psychology tools.
- Interventions are typically over a
number of months.
- Results can be measurable and lasting
-depending upon the depth of the issues
worked on.
Next (3rd) Generation coaching:
- Next generation child coaches help
young people express their whole self
and tap into their unique, inner
resources, creativity, and genius.
- Brain, mind, body & heart wholeness is
a state of unity and integration when a
child’s thoughts, intentions and actions
seamlessly align. This has very powerful
effects on a child’s mental and
emotional health, stability and
resilience, but also on their physical
health, immune system, sleep quality and
overall energy levels.
- When a child is in a state of
‘wholeness’, they are honest with
themself, accept the facts and their
feelings, and take aligned powerful
action. Life becomes lighter, richer,
deeper, more joyful and meaningful. It’s
who the child -with help from their
- Complementary Behavior Building
Blocks. This advanced, multimodal coaching
employs elements
of a number of next generation, behavioral
change models
(based on the behavioral sciences
such as neuropsychology and
neuroscience) with neurocoaching as the
service delivery platform.
- Structured, coach-led interventions
(across a wide behavior range of
applications) are typically short eg;
just a few weeks. Children are empowered
to self-coach themselves, on a
need-to-basis, with very short, but
powerful, imagery
anchoring exercises.
- Typical outcome change results: rapid, lasting, measurable,
high level of success across a wide range of behavior
^ |
This children coaching certificate is an educational program - not a
licensing program. Successful completion is based on completion of
required course material and exercises. Those who successfully
complete the program will receive a certificate confirming such.
Successful completion does imply the meeting any country or state
licensing or regulatory requirements and does not entail any special
status, rights, duties, or privileges. |
COACHING, behavior, Diploma of kids and Parent Coaching,
Child Behavior Coach Course, child Coaching course, child behavior coaching, Certified
Child Coach Course,
Child Behavior Coach Course, kids behavior coaching course,
Diploma of Children Behavioral Coaching,
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Certified Child Life Coach Course,
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kids behavior coach, child behavior coaching course, Child Behavior Coaching, Diploma
in Child Coaching, child behavior training. |