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  Personal Development

Child Coaching is Personal Development

Behavior based Coaching for a child's personal development, success and self-improvement..

Children living in today’s Alienating, Challenging, Dangerous world --and Need for trained specialist Child Coaches in the use of the latest evidence-based, Behavioral Change Models and Tools.

ehavior based coaching for children, whether it is to enhance personal performance or achieve greater satisfaction in one's personal life, involves personal development and growth. Such development typically occurs within the context of self-knowledge and self-awareness. 

Personal development and coaching children
Clearly, coaching belongs in the contemporary landscape of personal development methodologies. Its aim is for the individual to become more self-aware, to assume more responsibility for his or her life design and to grow and develop as an individual.

Never before has empirical data given us a clearer window into the mind of a child. So… now what?

To-date, human brains have been forged by the process of natural selection and other uncharted processes that are still being explored. But how is our generation’s pace of change and challenge putting unprecedented demands on an “ancient” neurological infrastructure? How does a child's brain react to the quantum overload of life in the 21st Century? Not very well unfortunately!

The modern world is in the grip of a crisis of self-identification and meaning. More children are anxious, confused, depressed, alienated, lost, than any other time in our history.

Today’s profound cultural, social changes and political polarization continue to provoke widespread malaise and ultimately prompt a reconstructed view of what it means to be human.

Meanwhile, suicide, depression, and anxiety are on the rise both in adults and children in the modern world we now live in. We’re facing a new, contemporary “crisis of meaningless.”

We seek meaning, but increased social alienation, smaller families, and a declining belief in religion make it extremely difficult for many of us.

In order to keep existential anxiety at bay, children need direction how to find and build a meaningful life. Humans are a species that strives not just for survival, but also for significance. We want and need our lives to matter. It is when children are not able to maintain meaning in the world ,as they are see it, that they are most psychologically vulnerable.

Today, behavior based child coaching answers some of the questions that remain unasked or unanswered by the traditional, outdated coaching models and the myriad number of pseudo-scientific and amateur child development programs that are still widely used.

  A Child's Personal Development and Behavior
Longitudinal research on development through the life span suggests that our behavior is both stable and subject to change. As child coaches, we need to recognize that the child's behaviors that can be modified through coaching and those that are immutable. Fortunately, there is is now a growing body of behavioral research into models of child behavioral change that are both evidence-based and prove highly effective.

Behavior based child coaching presents research-based and scientifically validated means of instilling new optimism about achievable personal change. 

The following nine areas of a child's personal development are integral to the behavior based coaching model:

  • self-knowledge
  • self-responsibility
  • self-esteem and self-efficacy
  • self-regulation of emotions
  • a sense of control
  • self-transcendence 
  • the authentic self and its relation to meaning, purpose and values

Whole Brain-Mind-Body Approach to self-growth.
The challenge of living in a modern, ever complex and challenging society is to re-establish ownership of our body, its connection with the mind and brain — of our self. It is critically important for a child to feel free to know what they know and to feel what they feel without becoming alienated, lost, unvalued, overwhelmed, enraged, ashamed, or collapsed. This involves learning how to become calm and focused, learning control over one’s emotions, engaging the right mindset and be fully alive and engaged in the present.

In an important sense, a child's psychological well-being can be seen as the ‘end point’ of their journey of self-discovery of where and who they are. Age-appropriate, guided perceptual, self-awareness can provide important openings where a child can identify, embrace, and integrate theirr Healthier Future Self to produce a better, brigther life with purpose and meaning.

  The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Child Behavior Coach Training Courses:
A safe, trusting relationship with a qualified, specialist "caretaker" or "advocate" can fast-track a child's self-development. The first task of the Child Behavior Coach is to help children build a secure, trusting base to work together from. Essential to this attunement between the coach and child is subtle interactions in which the coach as caretaker makes them feel attended to and understood.

The child's secure attachment with their Behavior Coach combined with the cultivation of competency builds an internal locus of control, the key factor in healthy coping throughout life.

All children need confidence that others will know, affirm, and cherish them. Without that adolescents especially can’t develop a sense of agency that will enable them to assert: “This is who I am and what I believe in; this is what I stand for; this is what I will devote myself to.”

Once children have established their "Selves" those who love them can better identify, reach out and embrace them. When a child feels their primary Self is safely held in the hearts and minds of those they love they can climb mountains and cross deserts and stay up all night to finish projects. Children will do anything for people they trust and whose opinion they value. But, if they feel abandoned, worthless, or invisible, nothing seems to matter. Fear destroys self-development, curiosity and playfulness.

Creating a healthy environment for children
As Child Behavior Coaches we need to first create secure spaces for a child to safely learn and develop themselves in. To help all young people (from age 6 to 24) establish who they are, what matters to them. To help them find meaning, purpose and a direction in their life. The outside, modern world offers little space or facility for self-exploration and growth.

Behavior based coaching is the key to sustainable personal development in children.
The Behavior based coaching approach to achieving personal change is based on the behavioral and neuroscience sciences, which seek to explain why individuals behave the way they do. It presents replicable, reliable and validated methodologies for managing behavior and effecting lasting personal and neurological change. 

The key to success in any personal development change initiative with children is the selection of the appropriate Behavioral based change model to fit the child's specific needs. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's (Graduate School of Applied Behavioral Science) Master Coach Course (world's top-rated coach training course -ICAA Survey) meets the critical needs for child development professionals to be trained in the use of a range of validated, reliable personal change coaching models, tools and techniques. See: -Behavioral Coaching Institute's invitational, fast-tracked, Child Master Coach course (international Self-Study Format available).  


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Content: child personal development, child development, behavior change, child  coaching programs, child coaching, child development models, tools, personal development program for children, child coaching personal development plan, child behavior, child personal development, child coach, personal development plan for children, child change programs, child development programs, coaching. child development and behavior, coaching and child's personal growth,