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quantum field, mind-set,
what is visualization, coaching, executive
coaching, business coaching, workplace coaching and visualization, Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla and coaching visualization,
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- Using
a Brain-Mind-Body Approach |
“Empowering people to move to a desired state of
well-being, health and productivity”
extensively covered in the Behavioral Coaching Institute's NEURO-BEHAVIORAL
Fast-tracked E-Learning with Full Certification.
- No
required ADD-ON
coaching or mentoring training
- No
set Starting or Completion time
from Course Module: How to use Visualization and
the right Mindset for success. |
greatest coaching breakthrough is the re-discovery of how
Advanced Visualization Techniques and the right Mind-Set can
help everyone in just three short sessions." |
"Recent studies
have confirmed that level one visualization practices -positive
thinking, affirmations etc fail dismally and have no empirical
support." |
Some Background
Visualization / Guided Imagery.
The power of mental imagery is unparalleled. Our inner images
reflect our beliefs which in turn spark the birth of our outer
reality. The images that we conceive and perceive internally affect
our external world.
Imagery is a unique mental process that is naturally integrated with
our physical functioning as a biological-mental unity. It can show
us new ways to know ourselves and build our life and also provide a
vehicle for self-healing.
Note: A coach will typically use the term "guided imagery" as he/she
is guiding the client through the process. However, once a client
has learnt how to use the technique themselves it is usually
labeled "mental imagery" or ‘visualization”. Guided by a
professionally, qualified neuro-behavioral coach, a client quickly
becomes proficient in their ability to create spontaneous, powerful
Tesla openly acknowledged that it was his ability to use visualization to accomplish
what he did
in the field of mechanical invention.
In an interview with M. K. Wisehart, published in the American
Magazine of April 1921, and in O’Neill’s book, Nikola Tesla
describes his faculty as follows:
“During my boyhood...I began to take mental excursions beyond the small world of my
actual knowledge. Day and night, in imagination, I went on journeys
— saw new places, cities, countries, and all the time I tried hard
to make these imaginary things very sharp and clear in my mind. I
imagined myself living in countries I had never seen, and I made
imaginary friends, who were very dear to me and really seemed alive.
“This I did constantly until I was seventeen, when my thoughts
turned seriously to invention. Then to my delight, I found I could
visualize with the greatest facility. I needed no models, drawings,
or experiments. I could picture them all in my mind . . .
that faculty of visualizing, I have evolved what is, I believe, a
new method of materializing inventive ideas and conceptions. It is a
method which may be of great usefulness to any imaginative man,
whether he is an inventor, businessman or artist.
“Here in brief, is my own method: after experiencing a desire to
invent a particular thing. Whenever I feel like it, I roam around in
my imagination and think about the problem without any deliberate
concentration. This is a period of incubation.
“Then follows a period of direct effort. I choose carefully the
possible solutions of the problem I am considering, and gradually
center my mind on a narrowed field of investigation. Now, when I am
deliberately thinking of the problem in its specific features, I may
begin to feel that I am going to get the solution. And the wonderful
thing is, that if I do feel this way, then I know I have really
solved the problem and shall get what I am after.
“The feeling is as convincing to me as though I already had solved
I have come to the conclusion that at this stage the actual solution
is in my mind subconsciously though it may be a long time before I
am aware of it consciously.
The second stage of the visualization process aided Tesla to work out the details
of an invention.
“Before I put a sketch on paper, the whole idea is worked out
mentally. In my mind I change the construction, make improvements,
and even operate the device. Without ever having drawn a sketch I
can give the measurements of all parts to workmen, and when
completed all these parts will fit, just as certainly as though I
had made the actual drawings. It is immaterial to me whether I run
my machine in my mind or test it in my shop.
“The inventions I have conceived in this way have always worked. In
thirty years there has not been a single exception. My first
electric motor, the vacuum tube wireless light, my turbine engine
and many other devices have all been developed in exactly this way.”
Visualization -a tool to help design a future.
Other great innovators in their field -such as Albert Einstein and Elon Musk have also used the power of visualization / their ‘mind’s
eye’, images of what they choose to see and work on.
Nikola Tesla Describing Quantum Entanglement In 1891.
“Nature has stored up in
the universe infinite energy. The eternal recipient and transmitter
of this infinite energy is the ether. The recognition of the
existence of ether, and of the functions it performs, is one of the
most important results of modern scientific research. The assumption
of a medium pervading all space and connecting all gross matter, has
freed the minds of thinkers of an ever present doubt, and, by
opening a new horizon—new and unforeseen possibilities"
Quantum mechanics was developed after
Tesla's time but Tesla
often acknowledged what he learned by tapping
into the "Ether" / Quantum (cosmos) Field.
Today, many other scientists, artists and musicians also acknowledge
this powerful, all knowing, timeless field.
When we experience
a moment of 'Collective Unconscious' described by Carl Jung or the
'Universal Mind', time is simultaneous, not linear. All information
is expressed (and available for access) in each and every quantum
Today, many people want to know just how Elon Musk managed to amass
so much change, innovation and success in such a short amount of
time. In particular, what mental tools does he use and how does he
motivate himself to create such a work ethic he is now known for.
In the book; Elon Musk & the Quest For a Fantastic Future -the
author (Ashlee Vance) provides us a number of informative comments
by Musk.
At five and six, Musk was already able to block out the outside
world and concentrate on a single task.. “It seems as though the
part of the brain that’s usually reserved for visual processing –
the part that is used to process images coming in from my eyes –
gets taking over by internal thought processes...I
can’t do this as much now because there are so many things demanding
my attention."
Elon's parents brought a young Musk to the doctors to test if he was
deaf because he would go into such a deep thinking process that he
would block out all external distractions. In fact Elon was just
The visual way in which Musk’s mind works.
Musk can see images in his mind’s eye with a clarity and detail that
we would associate with an engineering drawing.
“For images and numbers, I can process their interrelationships and
algorithmic relationships. Acceleration, momentum, kinetic energy –
how these sorts of things will be affected by objects comes through
very vividly.“
"That is essentially how I experience my reality.
I focus on whatever I want, and I imagine it as vividly as I can, as
often as I can...If
you know anything about my history, you know it is filled with
unlikely events that somehow conspired to get me everything I want.
My experience violates everything that humans typically assume about
reality. And that’s just the stuff you know about."
Walt Disney is another example of someone who used visualization to
create his entertainment empire. He called the process "imagineering."
Disneyland is built on "the dream that you wish will come true."
After Disneyland and Disney World were completed, someone remarked
to Mike Vance, the Creative Director of Walt Disney Studios, "Isn't
it a shame that Walt Disney didn't live long enough to see this?"
Mike Vance replied, "But he did see it. That's why it's here." Walt
Disney may well have been the world's greatest creative visualizer.
They are many examples of great innovators / creative people who
successfully developed the art of advanced visualization. Steve Jobs is
another one.
Note: Simplistic positive thinking and affirmations will fail a
person in trying to reach their goals. It’s a twisted logic that
belongs in fairy tales and has no empirical support.
new perspectives
via Visualization.
is also a powerful tool for connecting to the
quantum field and the means
to explore the power of
our consciousness and the thoughts and emotions driving
our actions.
As a student Musk was
inspired by Richard Feynman, the American physicist
who pioneered quantum mechanics, he told Physics
World in 2007.
"Of necessity, physics had to
develop a framework of thinking that would allow understanding
counterintuitive elements of reality," he said. With quantum
thinking you attack problems from a different angle, potentially
making much better decisions.
Elon studied
quantum physics at Stanford university and has applied
elements of quantum mechanics in all of his
companies today.
Many other scientists, artists and musicians also
acknowledge the power/energy they source from the
Quantum (cosmos) Field.
It's all Now.
The Greater Spark of Mind/Energy Flash, "predictive
dreams", Synchronicity, Déjà vu. It's all available
through the portal of our consciousness that can
connect us to the Quantum Field. Now, if we
tune in properly.
The Institute's
course provides the
easy-to-follow steps
and easy-to-use tools how to best align our unique
frequency to interact with the frequency of the
greater Whole/Quantum (Cosmos) Field, to see our
true personal shape, level of development and all
possibilities and knowledge available to us.
thinking provides
us a revolutionary approach to understanding the human
mind. Utilizing principles of quantum science the
Institute's students
learn how to guide their clients to view themself
and actions from different sides -to see
possibilities from various perspectives—even when those
perspectives may contradict one another.
As shown by the above examples, visualization needs to be performed
in 2 Stages.
First stage is painting a detailed picture of your Self,
establishing the required Mind-Set and a specific destination in the
The second, more lengthy stage is all about using the visualization
tool to create the nuts-and-bolts and blueprint necessary to create
the Future. The first part in this process is the necessary
knowledge gathering in the subject matter / future desired location,
followed by the design process using imagery.
The key to success in any intervention using visualization is the selection of
the appropriate brain-mind Change Model. The Behavioral
Coaching Institute’s internationally recognized Coach training
courses meets the critical needs for practitioners to be trained in
the use of a range of validated, reliable, neuro-behavioral change
models, tools and techniques with a user-friendly, coaching
delivery model.
The Institute’s invitational, courses include; easy-to-follow, accelerated,
step-by-step, intervention protocols and an extensive,
Measured, sustainable positive results are generated by clients of
our graduate coaches within just three, short
coaching sessions.
The proven, easy to learn, evidence-based techniques taught in the
Course are based on the principles of cognitive neuroplasticity
therapy, which resets a person's mindset and their brain's limbic
system to strengthen the required neural pathways to build the
desired Future.
See Course Details>
what is visualization, Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla and coaching
behavioral model change, coaching
visualization, psychology, guided imagery, Elon Musk and Nikola
Tesla, visualization, coaching, mind-set, guided imagery, what is
visualization, coaching, executive
coaching, business coaching, workplace coaching and visualization, neuropsychology coaching,
visualization workplace, Psychology, neurocoaching, mindset, visualization
and guided imagery,, Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla, guided imagery, coaching
and visualization, Neuroscience, Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla, behavioral change,
Neuropsychology, coaching, neuroscience, visualization course,
visualization in the workplace, neuropsychology coaching, psychology
and visualization, coaching, mind-set,