professional coaching discipline has evolved dramatically over the
last two years and bears little resemblance to its fuzzy
first-generation coaching models and practices are still taught by
most coaching schools
- Even today, most coach training
providers still teach old practices and offer few
second-generation methodologies and techniques that can facilitate
real change. Achieving measurable,
sustainable outcomes isn't a matter of simplistic goal setting,
personality profiling and cheerleading but requires the skilful
use of validated, proven behavioral change methods and learning
tools grounded in the behavioral sciences. The success of any
coaching program is dictated by the program's resources depth,
scientific validity and measurability.
Many so-called
"coaches" churned out by the "coaching
associations" are simply doing more harm than good.
Meantime, many large, high-profile coach training schools are still
teaching simplistic models of coaching that employ
re-labelled, old performance counselling strategies or, in
some cases, scientifically unproven fuzzy techniques.
Most coaching models still use a "problem solving approach" and
rely on the coachee's "self awareness" of the behavioral issue
to generate change. However, this outdated approach will not
provide a sustainable, positive outcome -as it fails to
acknowledge the underlying causal Emotions / Feelings, Beliefs, Values
and Attitudes.
Institute's acclaimed proprietary
One of the objectives of
the Behavioral Coaching Institute's Masters-Level Course
is to not only show coaches how to select and use valid instruments to identify
and assess a person's behavioral aspects but also to help coaches develop a set of
'diagnostics' to begin to look at the "why" of another
person's behavior. Coaches learn how to select and use appropriate proven
methodologies to guide the coachee to discover their master
control switches and other critically important information
about him or herself that will assist them to move in the positive
direction they have chosen. Coaches have the professional
capacity to help bring about important personal and professional
changes for individuals and groups. Most of their clients
are success-oriented and are in transition to a higher
level of development and some are in stressful or personal
situations which may render them vulnerable and possibly
dependent. All of these occupational conditions require coaches
to have access to appropriate psychologically-based methodology
and processes.
Many organizations and coaches
claim to use behavior-based coaching simply because they
claim they are dealing
with behavior. On closer scrutiny, however, they are merely
attaching a new name to the old workplace counseling model; that
is, the "coaching" is remedial, occurs on an as-needs
rather than an ongoing basis, involves little monitoring or
evaluation and does not attend to preventing slippage.
Furthermore, some professionals claim to practice behavior-focused
coaching simply because they employ personality profiling.
3 Types of Coach
A Coaching Tool Master -this person has possession of, or has
obtained limited technical mastery of one
specific change and learning tool or
model etc
2) A
Coaching Toolkit Master -this practitioner has possession of, or
has technically mastered the use of a number of
general change and learning tools and models in
their specific toolkit.
The Master Coach -this specialist change agent/coach has
received the highest level of individual/personal
instruction available in the use of a wide range of industry-proven
coaching practices relevant to their area of practice. The
Master Coach has undertaken 1-to-1 practical role
plays with an experienced facilitator (educator/coach/behavioral
scientist) -learning how to use the latest,
validated behavioral change and learning tools and models.
To obtain masterful experience
in the application of their new skills and learning -this professional
coach continues their professional development in
"real-time" via a 1-to-1 post-course
mentoring/support program (with their original instructing
facilitator who has now become their mentor). With
this back-up professional support and their personal,
advanced-level training and experience the Master Coach
is also able to select the appropriate behavioral
change models and tools for a
specific client intervention and deliver an accountable,
measured successful outcome.
Many vital practice protocols,
behavioral change techniques and assessment instruments a professional coach requires are only
available to coaches trained and mentored by a facilitator who is also
a licensed clinical psychologist. The Institute's
industry-proven, fast-tracked,
Master Coach Course (Self-Study, Campus or Distance
Learning Format) meets the critical needs for business
and executive coaches to
be trained and mentored in the use of validated, reliable psychology-based
tools and techniques.
. |
Science of Coaching:
behavior (what we do or say)
is the most important challenge for businesses
trying to compete in a turbulent world, says John Kotter,
a Harvard Business School professor.: "The central
issue is never strategy, structure, culture, or systems.
The core of the matter is always about changing the
behavior of people."
achieve successful change and/or learning, it is now evident
that the behavioral aspects which underlie a person's
actions are the critically important
elements which require assessing and management
Technology (CT)
is a scientific, systematic and systemic approach to the
structure of coaching using a wide range of validated tools,
techniques, interventions, protocols, templates and models that
are drawn and developed from many disciplines and fields of
learning such as the behavioral sciences. CT is the
'science of coaching'. The 'art of coaching' is achieved through
systematic practice and mastery of the science -after completing
personalized training in the selection and use of the technology
and follow-on mentorship by an experienced
practitioner, credentialed educator and scientist (clinical
psychologist etc).
Coaching and Neuroscience
Neuroscience provides us many hidden keys. (Behavioral
Neuroscience covers a range of relevant, proven biological and neural
sciences and is concerned with the study of behavior and the
brain and nervous system -and should not be confused with NLP).
the knowledge economy it is brains that give organizations their
competitive edge.
The new field of
Neuroscience explains how we
all can
increase our Critical Thinking
Skills and even Intelligence.
The recent discovery of the on-going "re-wiring" or malleability of
the brain has caused us to question traditional learning methods.
Recent breakthrough studies have proven that specialist coaching
exercises can enable a person (in a relatively short time) to change
their brain's physical structure, alter their mind's perceptual
experiences and effect lasting changes in behavior, expectations
and choices etc.
Neuroscience holds
tremendous promise for coaches..
Current research in genetic
determinism suggests that "Leaders are born, not
made". Everyone has "natural," genetically-defined
tendencies that support or undermine their ability to lead and
to be effective interpersonally. However, those natural
abilities don't completely define the results of our
actions. Neuroscience shows us how we can all (regardless of
position and age) continue to learn, adapt and improve
ourselves. Some individuals may be born with a genetic head
start, but all truly effective leaders are made, not
born.Today, many of the
practices we employ in coaching, leadership development and
learning are effective because they're consistent with--and
take advantage of -the way our brains function. At the same
time, neuroscience not only provides us with some new and
exciting change tools but can also tell us which coaching
practices, tool and techniques are ineffective and need to be
updated or replaced. Clearly we are at a point where all
people involved in people development need to incorporate
neuroscience into their practice.
Coaching using the Institute's
By selecting from a range of easy-to-follow, structured behavioral
change models change agents can rapidly develop a client's key cognitive skills to enhance
their capacity
to succeed.
This remarkable power we all possess to transform our brain
has far-reaching implications in workplace coaching..
and Psychology
As professional coaches we are well aware that only validated
behavioral tools and techniques can achieve genuine,
sustainable, measurable results. Changing behavior with the
right techniques and delivery mechanisms can have a dramatic,
beneficial influence on human dynamics, the cultural and
environmental context of an organization, and the output of the
system - the organization's performance. However,
changing behaviors is hard work and can even cause fear to
those faced with changing a lifetime’s habits. Some behavioral
change can even affect how a person views themselves and others
around them. It is therefore imperative as responsible
coaches that we understand how to professionally use the
behavioral tools and techniques that relate to our specific
niche area of practice or specialty.
(what we do or say)
is learned. Behavior is not a person's innate Personality
Behavior-based or Psychology-based
coaching integrates
research from many disciplines into a validated, user-friendly
model of practice. It incorporates knowledge from psychology
(behavioral, clinical, social, developmental, industrial and
organizational), systems theories, existential philosophy,
education and the management and leadership fields.
One of the reasons why behavioral
techniques are employed by professional (full-time) coaching
practitioners is that they allow for data to be gathered on
specific, targeted behaviors impacting the application of a professional
skill. By using appropriate validated, behavioral change
instruments, these targeted behaviors can easily be measured and
evaluated in a rigorous manner. Behavioral coaching, with its
emphasis on research and evidence, provides individuals and
organizations a validated and proven system that greatly
increases their chances of effecting lasting behavioral change.
Our experience as coach educators has shown, time and again,
that coaches require further training in the use of behavioral
techniques. Indeed, our invitational,
Masters-Level Coach training
developed out of this demand.
qualified coaches we not only have to be knowledgeable about the
techniques we employ but also how to competently and responsibly
use them. Understanding the psychological foundations of
techniques and knowing how, when and why the technique works
also allows us to give a clear rationale for its use to the
practitioners we also need to distinguish the differences in coaching
which emphasizes operational
mastery (hard/technical/positional skills) and coaching which aims to develop
and enhance personal mastery skills (soft skills). Yet the
psychological foundations of the two types of coaching differ only
in degrees. Certainly, coaching to enhance soft skills focuses on
exploring and working with values, beliefs, emotions and
resistance etc. However, even when the coaching focus is on hard
the same psychological processes are at play albeit to a lesser
degree. Coaches, regardless of their specialty niche, also have to be skilled in recognizing and working with the
psychological processes of the individual and the organization.
training, learning and development is of course not restricted to
coaches. Professionals in other areas such as law, medicine and
psychology are required to undergo a period of internship and
supervision. Furthermore, given that the motto of coaching is
‘life long learning’, coaches themselves are expected to
pursue continuous learning. Learning
means a change in behavior as people change by learning
an alternate way of thinking and behaving
--and coaches are in the behavior-changing
business. Ongoing mentoring and supervision,
especially in the use of the coaching tools and techniques that have a
foundation in the behavioral sciences,
should be a coach’s number one priority.
The Coaching Model -the critical Road
Map for coaches
In the professional coaching industry,
business coaches require two central coaching models to build their
programs around -a Process Model and the Core Behavioral Model: The
Institutes Master Coach course graduates are taught how to construct
successful coaching programs by using the below proven,
primary coaching models:
1. The Process Model
differs significantly
from traditional, simplistic and theoretical coaching approaches
as it only uses validated, robust psychological, definitive modeling
proven in the real-world workplace. This critical difference
allows its users to achieve geniune, lasting, measurable
change and growth. The Process Model is an industry-proven,
process/structural Step-by-Step Model that describes
the clear tasks that are undertaken.
2. The Core Behavioral
Aspects Model predicts behavioral/learning
change by identifying the core behavioral aspects (thinking,
beliefs, attitudes, values etc) that control the outcome. The
Core Model differs
significantly from traditional, simplistic coaching approaches
as it only uses evidence-based behavioral change techniques and
tools to provide behavioral feedback and a action plan.
two decades, the Behavioral Coaching
Institute's elite course has been
selected by the world's top organizations
and learning institutions for coach
training and
of their key personnel involved in people development."
Today |
Tools -How to ensure you are
always in possession of the latest coaching technology:
What you measure is
what you stand for. What gets measured gets done. You
can't change what you can't see.
We live in the age of assessment and diagnosis. From
satellite imaging to the MRI to genetic mapping,
diagnostic excellence drives individual, social and
organizational progress. Today's coaching solutions must
be rooted in cutting-edge coaching technology, hard facts, leadership
science and proven best practices.
Good coaches know that
valid, accurate behavioral information and insight
are the building blocks of great decisions. The question
isn't whether the right information and insight are
essential. The question is how to get it.
The Behavioral
Coaching Institute (our parent organization) is
internationally recognized as the leader in building
the next generation of coaching models and diagnostic
coaching tools to help you generate the information and insight
necessary for you and your clients/people to make
great decisions and real progress. Whether the question is
identifying and improving leaders, establishing
personal and organizational alignment, understanding a
team's performance, or enhancing executive skills, insight
etc, -these behavioral models and coaching tools provide
the answers you need to drive exceptional performance.
First and foremost
Behavioral Coaching Institute is a private educator but we are also:
world's leading developer and supplier of leading-edge,
psychological-based coaching tools and techniques
and spend over 50% of our revenues on
research and development.
As a graduate coach of the
Certified Master Coach course, you obtain immediate access to the newest validated, behavioral-based learning and change materials and
coaching tools
institute is also the leading advisor to Professional
Associations and private and public learning
institutions in the design and delivery of
quality coaching professional development and
accreditation programs to their members/students.
The Institute not only: a) develops
cutting edge professional coaching tools, techniques and
resources but also, b) conducts research which includes
investigating the latest case studies; interviewing
leading practitioners in their field as well as their
clients to gain early insights; listening to the industry
leaders in their field who have established coaching
programs and; compiling and testing best practices,
techniques, processes and practical models.
This ongoing,
intensive research, development and testing program allows
us to continually update/upgrade our Master Coach Certification
Program -ensuring our worldwide graduates receive
the best-of-the-best in world-standard professional
coach education, follow-on support and resources. See:
Coach Course Content
Research and Development.
We constantly
refine our curriculum, models and tools so our graduates
can stay way ahead of their competition.
use an extremely rigorous scientific approach to research,
develop, test and validate coaching principles, models,
techniques and coaching tools. To find the hard data studies
we continually look at hundreds of research studies.

Center for
Applied Behavioral Coaching -Developer of Life Sciences
Institute's Center for Applied Behavioral Coaching (CABC)
evaluates the effectiveness of coaching
interventions, tools, techniques and processes. It
represents a "Center of Excellence" dedicated to
data collection and objective research consulting. In
addition, our Behavioral Laboratory develops
proprietary behavioral change models and conducts important
research that serves to capture the issues, attitudes and best
practices of coaching at work both from the
practitioners' and clients' perspective.
We provide
our research and development resources to
all of our corporate and private clients. The leading-edge
research also strengthens the Institute's educational services by
constantly updating our advanced Masters-Level
course content.
We also provide introductory-level
coaching knowledge via our best-selling text books. These
books enrich the knowledge base for the international
coaching community in general.
To ensure our graduates and their clients are using the
latest, cutting edge 'coaching technology' (and be ahead
of their field) we also provide an extensive Continuing
Professional Development Program.
(See also above page Partner
Opportunities tab)
coach's knowledge of
quality, proven coaching tools and
processes is critical to the success
of any coaching outcome: |
is the first coaching educator to provide (to
qualified coaches) a world standard, validated, professional coaching tool
package. The cost of these instruments would be at least $3000
in total. These invaluable workplace tools are now included, at
no extra cost, in our elite
Coach Course -Content. During
the course invited participant's also learn how to:
use and select the right validated instruments
in your coaching practice
understand the principles of validity and
determine which instruments you will and won't
add to your own tool kit, and be taught
the uses, benefits and timing of various
select students are also provided and shown how to use actual
check sheets, forms, and procedures developed over several years
by some of the world’s the top coaching practitioners who work
with Dr Skiffington. Graduates can customize and re-brand these
valuable coaching tools, techniques and templates to build a solid
structure for their own practice (external or in-house).
The advanced-level,
Coach Course
(plus optional follow-on 1-to-1 course mentoring
with acknowledged world experts) also prepares the participant to plan,
implement, and/or evaluate the results of an assessment for an
executive coaching intervention. -For example; methods of
structured interviews, standardized surveys, 360-degree feedback
instruments and interviews, and other organizational behavioral
assessments are introduced.
"You can't
improve or change an outcome without measuring it"-
-BCI's Master Coach Course Toolkit:
of the Toolkit's Assessment Coaching Tools /
- A Structured
Interview - a comprehensive assessment for executive coaching
Leadership profile: self-awareness, interpersonal skills,
thinking skills
A personality profile
A vision/mission profile
A work/life balance profile
A learning profile
A biographical profile
A values profile
A mini-360-degree competence profile
A job analysis profile
A work performance profile
A team member's profile
Assessing for change
A business owner's profile
- work/life balance
A life balance profile
A self-assessment profile for the coach

The Need to Measure Coaching
Results: |
may be the wave that carries the future of corporate
training and development.
But if that wave is ever to crest,
corporations must be able to determine a financial return on
their investment. Only if adopters can truly demonstrate an
ROI in dollar figures will coaching wash over corporate
culture and change its landscape."
HR Today |
is an "accountability crisis" in coaching today:
it has been difficult to demonstrate an increased value of a
company's human capital.
in the last few years clients
have increasingly become frustrated by the lack of rigorous methods
employed by coaches for measuring
the impact (the ROI - return on investment, the bottom-line
increases in business activity, production and profitability) of
their work.
people development investments.
Clients are now better educated about
coaching and require
coaches to better justify the methodologies they employ and
provide real, clear statistical evidence of
the bottom-line value of their work.
such, management has become frustrated by the inability of the
many coaches who are unable to be sufficiently quantitative about
the value of their traditional coaching initiatives. Coaching clients want to see a
scorecard -the measurable results that coaching has brought to
their organization.
programs are being held to the same standards
as other business initiatives. It's becoming "Show me the
monetary return or I'll close the door."
and more HR, Learning and OD leaders are requesting proven
processes to determine ROI. This is placing greater emphasis on
learning from ROI evaluations and using the data to continuously
improve how coaches best design and deliver coaching programs.
Today, management
responsible for people development programs will no longer make
their budgeting decisions on faith or exhortation. It
follows that business and executive coaches are
now required to
prove the measurable value and return on their client's
investment in coaching.
measuring carefully the results of coaching and tying coaching to
the strategic metrics a company uses to measure its business
success, a coach must be able to demonstrate the financial
return on the coaching dollars spent. Coaches
who use behavior-based models, tools and techniques are
uniquely able to build a business case that empirically
justifies human capital investments to all relevant stakeholders.
They can also identify the particular coaching programs that
will have the greatest affect on the bottom line.
The Institutes
Certified Master Coach course
is the only
coach training program that provides personal
instruction in how-to-use the necessary validated tools for
obtaining and measuring lasting behavioral coaching outcomes and
producing a ROI scorecard.
(return-on-investment ) - By using behavior-based tools
participants in the Certified Master Coach course you
learn how to:
- develop an evaluation (ROI) architecture that includes business
goals, initiative objectives, and evaluation objectives
- calculate the ROI and ROE
- use various types of hard and soft data collection plans
- use intake and outcome assessments
- calculate ROI
for both observable (behavioral) and inferable (developmental)
- convert data to monetary, production values and,
- identify direct bottom-line program effects and flow-on
intangible benefits etc..
Note: Most
vital coaching models, practice protocols, techniques and
assessment instruments a professional coach requires are only
available to coaches trained and mentored by a facilitator who is
also a licensed clinical psychologist. Our elite
Master Coach Course meets the critical needs for
business and executive coaches to be trained and mentored in the
use of validated, reliable psychology-based coaching models, tools
and techniques.
More >....
Coach Credentialing Course |
Register for your Invitation today!