Contents: QUANTUM ENERGY HEALTH, HEALING COURSE, CONSCIOUSNESS, SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS, self healing energy psychology health, master healer training course, diploma in energy healing, healing, healing energy course, CONSCIOUSNESS energy course, QUANTUM, CONSCIOUSNESS, self healing energy, quantum healing energy, healing consciousness course, healing energy course, healing, health and healing training course, self healing energy,  CONSCIOUSNESS, quantum energy healing training course, energy healing, quantum energy psychology, quantum consciousness healing course, diploma in healing energy, SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS, self healing energy course, QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING, QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS ENERGY THERAPY COURSE, healing energy, health and healing consciousness course,




- by wakening the Power of your
 Quantum Infinite Potential!!











Discover how to use consciousness to expand and renew energy across four wellsprings—the brain, mind / emotions / thinking, body and spirit..

Obtain easy-to-use practice toolkit and knowledge to guide people how to Self-Heal and rapidly achieve sustainable emotional / physical health and wellbeing.









Perry is a best-selling author, behavioral scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in human potential.







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Diploma & Master Certified Courses  

Quantum BIOENERGETICS -Energy Healing Therapy
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(see below page)

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  Quantum Energy Healing, Medicine, Health -The Science
  Quantum Energy Psychology Life Coaching >>




Teaching Quantum Energy Self Directed Healing for Everyone -including Families!




-using consciousness to connect to the infinite knowledge and healing energy of the universe..


We are experiencing a great transition
 in human consciousness.


The relationship between physics and consciousness.
Welcome to the next frontier in personal health and well being where our mind and consciousness is the healer.

  Do you desire to rapidly and permanently heal yourself and/or guide others who are struggling with persistent health issues or emotional turbulence?



Do you seek a scientifically proven, 21st century, natural mind-body health approach that provides rapid results that goes beyond the classical Newtonian physics of Material Realism? If so, our Quantum Energy Healing Master classes are designed just for you.
Many health and wellbeing practitioners still think strictly according to classical physics even after the advent of quantum physics. The fact is reality is not independent and separate from consciousness. The causal role of consciousness in healing is the critical element for success of any intervention.

There is no limit to the range of issues that 'Hands-Off' Quantum Energy Healing is effective for, from healing the deepest trauma to creating a healthier, happier life.

The brain-mind-body continuum can self heal by its very design. Everyone can enable their body and mind to do the very thing it was built to do - heal itself.

Our current medical system rarely addresses the origins or regulation of energy systems, hence why Quantum Healing is a vital compliment.

The therapist / coach / healer / health practitioner empowers the client how to take responsibility for their mind and body and self-heal. A whole range of professionals involved in healthcare and people development can add value to their practice by guiding people how to use the power of their quantum energy and electromagnetic energy to heal themselves.

These special career building courses in holistic Health uniquely provide graduates a world recognized, respected qualification as a Certified Quantum Mind Energy Healing Practitioner (Hands Free).

Note: Some of the research findings we see in quantum physics are arguably not new but many thousands of years old, stemming from eastern philosophy. What is new and revolutionary are today's quantum mechanics and neuropsychological tools that provide us a proven, easy-to-learn healing process of using our superconsciousness to access and work with the Quantum Energy Field in and about us.

These very special courses employ the latest quantum science research and evidence-based psychology to provide rapid, transformational life change methodology.

Are You Ready for a Mind and Life Altering Journey into the 21st Century? 



Who is this 'Hands-Off' Self Healing Course for:

People battling various health issues who want to heal themselves

  Individuals who want to generate a high income by offering professional training sessions (in person or remotely using Video Call) teaching people, dealing with a wide range of health issues, how to 'self-heal'.

  Businesses / Professionals who want to offer individual and group "how to heal yourself" coaching / training programs.



Medical Daily. July 26, 2024

  The world's first image of quantum entanglement (where an object can exist in multiple subspaces), unveiled on July 13, 2024 by scientists from the University of Glasgow in Scotland captures entangled particles in an interlinked state. They're interacting deep in space and - for a brief moment - sharing physical states.  It reveals how particles separated by vast distances in space can instantaneously affect one another. The image vividly illustrates the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, providing, once again, empirical evidence of entanglement. This milestone will further revolutionize quantum fields like quantum energy healing.   

The photo clearly shows entanglement
 between two photons - two light particles.


Human existence - Conscious beings.
We all seek greater understanding of the universe and our place in it.

It is a central dilemma of human life—more urgent, arguably, than the inevitability of suffering and death. Where does consciousness arrive and how do we best use it in our short lifetime? Physics has now revealed that we live in an outmoded model of reality. Everything is perceived through consciousness, including spacetime.

Perception versus our everyday reality.
I explain to my students that Physics has confirmed that consciousness is fundamental and we, and everything else, are "objects of consciousness". Only when consciousness perceives something is there -does it exist. Looking through the lens of Universal Consciousness humans are perspectives of consciousness.

Quantum Physics life-changing discoveries about consciousness.
These special Self-Healing courses are built upon today's key principles of consciousness / quantum energy. The learning program's revolutionary quantum self change technologies are so powerful and life changing it’s really important that we ensure that their benefits are broadly distributed globally.

  March 24, 2024
-Dr. Perry Zeus




 - Some Scholarships still available (see below page)!




Behavioral Sciences Board
Approved Credentialing Courses








  Diploma: Quantum Energy Healing Therapist
Diploma in Quantum Energy Healing Graduates receive a Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip QET." This advanced course is science-based with an evidence-based neuropsychological approach. (Approx. E-Course: 42 hours study time)





Master Certified Energy Healing Practitioner Course
      Master Certified Quantum Energy Graduates receive Certification, badge and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MCEP" (Approx. E-Course 36 hours study time)



  Fast-tracked, Learning with Full Certification
- for busy, qualified professionals..
  No Assessment or required ADD-ON training hours!!
  No Set Start or Completion time!

Average annual salary range

Healer Therapist -Entry Level

$AUD 95,000 - $130,000       -  HealthWorkforce
$USD 80,000 - $175,000       -

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job growth for related career fields such as Energy Therapy will enjoy a 18.3% job growth rate through 2032, which is much faster than average for other careers combined.


    Note: Strictly Limited!- Scholarship Rates % 25 OFF Standard Course Fee.     -See below page ..




Dual Certificate Graduates can apply for regional licensing rights to deliver the Master Certification Course in their market.


1to1 Learning Option:
 - to be personally taught 1to1 by Dr Perry Zeus

    Creating Transformational Change through Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Applied Behavioral Science. For over 30 years, Dr Perry Zeus has lectured and coached tens of thousands of people across the world how to achieve phenomenal personal and well-being change breakthroughs.
  Quantum Energy Healing Course Content Modules >  



Life Transformation Tools




BIOENERGETICS: - What is Quantum Energy Self-Healing?

The operating principles of Quantum Bioenergetics / Energy Healing have been developed over recent years primarily from the field of evidence based psychology, neuroscience and quantum science.


We are standing on the brink of a scientific revolution – the emergence of new transforming science that dismisses everything we once believed about how our world and our bodies work.

 We have entered the domain of the Quantum Energy Field. This dynamic energy field engulfs us completely, it is essentially a central operating engine that directs the growth and development of our being.


The energetic facts of life.

Quantum Science informs us that the quantum field is the underlying fabric of reality. We are not limited to flesh and bone but are multi-dimensional energetic beings. We are beings of light in constant reception of packets of energy that then feed the choices we make. Most people are simply living so much less than who they truly are by unknowing how to harness the energy in and around them to build a healthier and brighter future.

Einstein once said: “. . the field is the only reality.”

Quantum Physics

The talented pioneers of quantum physics discoveries (including Albert Einstein) were extraordinary and transformational. They challenged the then revered, basic laws, physics and biology. Through their scientific experiments they were able to show that indeed, the Quantum Energy Field is an essential life force that streams through us and the universe continuously. Their vision is life-enhancing for all of us.


We now know that we are not on the outside of the universe. Rather, we exist within this vast intelligent energy web as a vital, connected part of it. And this includes how our mind develops, our body undergoes healing and our future.  




Instructing and supporting clients how to use conscious intent and deliberate action to elicit a favourable and beneficial energetic, emotional, and, ultimately, physical response.
The majority of people could not reasonably be expected to study complex quantum physics and learn how to affect quantum energies to positively influence our biology.  Fortunately, our Superconsciousness has the capacity to do this.
There is no mystery how to access quantum information / knowledge that holds all the answers we need to heal our bodies. It is not a force outside ourselves — it is something within all of us. The energy in and around us is responsible for the seemingly mysterious and miraculous healings: accelerated recoveries, spontaneous remissions, and unexplained disappearances of incurable diseases. 
When our consciousness communicates with our bodies electromagnetic energy and the quantum energy, in and around us, we can see the enormous influence we have over the information we provide to our cells that ultimately influences our genes.
In the absence of new information, our life energy system will default to the existing programs, messages defined by our current brain-mind-body connection and our inherited DNA.

The expression of our DNA is what actually makes a difference in the physical world.

Epigenetics -learn how to make changes that affect how your genes work.

Our genetic expression also directly impacts the health of the brain and our ability to think well. This is an important factor when it comes to cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Conveniently, quantum physics research show us that Energy operates like a language and we can communicate with it via learning how to move through levels of consciousness and focused visualization.
Quantum Shifts and Jumps
Our Higher Self / Super consciousness is able to access information / knowledge carried by energy that can fast-track our health and well-being. It is awaiting our instructions.
Why the need for these unique Courses?
Empowering People to Take Charge of their Life..

We are all members of the Quantum World where most of us have yet to learn how to unlock our quantum energy powers..

Imagine a realm where limits to your health potential.
How to use a Quantum Shift to unlock the power of your Future Self and elevate your reality.. 
Here are some examples of the unlimited range of quantum leaps people aim for:
How to fulfil your health and personal potential.
How to use the transformative power of your own energy to heal yourself and others.
How to harmonize your powers, emotions and energy for a revitalized life.
How to develop a limitless mindset.
How to cultivate a vision that transcends the ordinary.
How to unleash trapped energy/strength within.
How to become the person you wish to be.
How to find balance and prioritize self-care -nurture your well-being.

Ultimately the goal for all of us is to live our best life—physically, mentally and spiritually.

In today's troubled world, there is a growing collective need by people to learn how to empower themselves to a healthy, purposeful, fulfilled existence.






  Mental Reality and Physical Reality (Parallel Realities).
  Awareness and aligning Intention and Attention -the bridge between stimuli and consciousness.

The task of the quantum energy practitioner is to guide their clients how to  use consciousness (defined as awareness) to build a bridge to their next level of physical and mental well-being. This very special course shows you how to customize easy-to-use, quantum-neuro experiential exercises to facilitate each clients connection with the quantum (cosmos) healing field (the matrix of all possibilities).

'Self-directed neuroplasticity’.

Energy itself is just a modified expression of our consciousness. As we are consciousness, to best manage ourselves and our destiny, we need to manage energy at its source and synchronize our intentions and actions with the best suited energy fields available to us.

NOTE: Limited Course Places. Enrol today to help all people (from 7 to 70+) transform their life by building a bigger, brighter better future.,




"Everything is energy and everything is because of energy” is the key to understanding all of life and how to change it.


  See: Quantum Energy Healing Course Content Modules >  
    Perry's life changing course showed me how the infinite potential to the human spirit is based on virtual states and potentialities of quantum phenomena that underlie and support the tangible empirical world and all living thinking matter. I learnt how to harness quantum energy -a realm of infinite possibilities, potentiality. The awakening power of ideas and knowledge that you feel is transcending. I was given a framework that not only explains the potentiality-realization process but the knowledge how to change my tangible world and life situation. Outstanding! Thanks for the invitation!

- J. Leigh (Diploma Graduate)
  Quantum Energy Therapy Healing Courses

Fast-tracked Learning for individual practitioners with Full Certification.





BONUS!! Have instant access to the world's most valuable Practice Manuals!
 (7 Comprehensive Professional Practice WorkBooks -over 1,000 pages)

MCEP Course: Distance Learning. Estimated 34-36 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style.

QEP Diploma Course: Distance Learning -Estimated 40-42 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style. Similar course structure as MCEP Program -but greater depth.

The world recognized, fully Accredited, Credentialing Courses include:
  Comprehensive E-Course Manuals
Modules containing exercises (and answers). With Optional Video Support
Practice Tool Kit (Forms, Sample Client Contracts, Marketing templates, Checklists etc)
Regional Group To Interact With Other Practitioners
Certified Quantum Energy Logo, ICC membership logo & Gold Seal Services Badge
80 Dynamic Lessons
24 Practitioner Inventories, Checklists, and Assessments.
22 Healing Checklists
152 Practice Tips
Practice Starter and Practice Biz. Management and Marketing Information
24 Client Inventories and Checklists
15 Client Hand-Outs

20 Case Studies
Countless useful industry and scientific resources and readings to draw from.
Back-Up Support and Access to world’s leading experts
These sessions support your knowledge of both theory and healing techniques, enriching your practice and cohort discussions.



  Some Course Outcomes:


Who are these powerful courses for?

  • Individuals who are looking to improve their own health and well-being on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
  • Allied & medical health professionals such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists and nutritionists wanting to access more holistic methods of healing for themselves and their clients.
  • Healing practitioners, such as Reiki practitioners or massage therapists, and those with many more modalities who want to expand their skill set and incorporate Quantum Self Healing techniques into their practice.
  • Mental health professionals, such as counsellors or therapists, who are interested in exploring the mind-body connection and want to incorporate mind-body techniques into their practice.
  • Fitness professionals who would like to have the additional knowledge & skills to provide a holistic plan for their clients that goes beyond the body transformation & into the mind and spirit transformation.
  • Spiritual seekers who want to deepen their understanding of consciousness and explore the intersection of spirituality and science.
You will be provided the science and art of how to unlock Quantum Energy -the force field of our life.

You will acquire an easy-to-follow personal development roadmap and tools that provides unlimited benefits for individuals who are seeking to realize their health potential, pursue peak performance and live a full life on purpose.

Quantum Energy Self Healing allows you to explore the critical impact of energy on motivation and willpower. Inefficient thinking and action helps cause stress and lowers energy levels.

You will learn how to teach and support clients using easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological techniques that boosts targeted energy levels, associated neural patterns and better aligns their brain-mind-body mechanisms.

Clients report, after just a few minutes of regular use, decreased impulsivity and anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood, and a host of other health, performance and well-being benefits.

Obtain advanced, easy-to-use Quantum brain-mind-body, self healing tools that have been consistently reported in the latest research to be most effective available for generating lasting, powerful life change.



Rapid transformational change within 14 days.

When your clients unlock their Positive Energy Powers, even in the most challenging day, their experience of the world immediately becomes profoundly more vivid, exciting and fulfilling in every way. And, from that moment forward, they will be able to experience: greater self awareness, control of their future, perspective, accomplish more in less time, improved emotion regulation, enhanced physical and mental health and be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing..


We hear more often these days that many of the "diseases" within our bodies or mental "afflictions" can heal when conditions open up in us. Our nature is to be well, and nature is always looking for opportunities to release suppressions, to flow and thrive. 

We all, at times, need to make space for our consciousness to reveal the path for our mind and body to flow with vital healing energy available in and around us. To renew our well-being and allow a fresh clearing breeze and lightness return to us. A changed disposition to something that we felt threatened by, but now dissipated. As a result, we feel taller, stronger, more grounded, more in our center as our true nature gets to be at play in life.  

A Self Healing Session:
Energy underlies one‘s basic health, well-being and symptomology. A healthy body or mind is never really lost no matter what the ailment.

Moving through levels of consciousness, a client identifies the parts of their physical and mental Self that are not functioning optimally. By connecting to the universal Quantum Energy field and their Electromagnetic Energy field the client accesses the necessary Aware Energy to establish a more healthy balance.

The process involves the client moving through deep levels of their superconscious as they let go of patterns that inhibit health and vitality. The client experiences sensations as they discharge highlighted negative energy and replace it with corrective, adaptive positive energy. This transforming change process can be characterized by clarity, awareness, vivid imagery and altered perceptions. As the disruptive patterns shift, the client experiences a sense of knowing, integration, peace and strength in their body, mind and spirit.

Note: Quantum Energy Self Healing first needs to be delivered by a qualified practitioner who not only understands the underlying basic science to design effective interventions but also to explain to the client why the intervention will work for them and how they can self-heal themselves.

More than ever, there is a critical need for life change practitioners today to update their toolkit, knowledge and skills sets and take a contemporary, science-based approach  – e.g. awareness of the whole person including the brain-mind-body connection, energy continuum, all levels of consciousness and unconsciousness, and the ability to engage with the past, present and future (as now used by Harvard and Stanford Universities) versus employing unproven or outdated context.


  Since 1994 Dr Perry Zeus has helped tens of thousands of our graduates around the world achieve success by applying the scientific principles and methods of the applied behavior sciences to the development of instructional content and tools.  
More specifically, we use leading-edge, learning and development exercises, goals and specific measurable objectives to teach the discriminations necessary to ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.
Making a difference!!

You too, can obtain the latest evidence-based, best-practice development strategies and tools and internationally recognized certification to place yourself ahead of your peers.

"Are you ready to help clients tap into the limitless possibilities of the quantum field and also create a profound transformation in yourself?

Apply for a strictly limited place in our invitational courses today! Some regional scholarships still available.


 Students Course Content Modules >
Course Application Form (below page)

  BOOK Personal 11o1 Training with Dr Perry Zeus >>





Global Distance Learning Division..


Dr Perry Zeus's
Clients include:






      Admission Process

RESERVE your place now!

Note: - The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Quantum Self Healing Certifications available via this Accelerated Credentialing Program Format.

Why should you get certified and accredited as a Quantum Energy Practitioner?

Increase your confidence and achieve better results working with a wide range of interventions with clients from all positions, of all ages. A Diploma in Quantum Energy Self Healing equips you to use advanced life change tools with the competence required to even work with complex issues.

Upgrade your expertise
Enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing how to provide cutting-edge, world-class services, and from having obtained proven, evidence-based change tools and techniques to help your clients.

Amplify your professional credibility
Quantum Energy Healing is acknowledged as the leading, science-based healing model by the healthcare industry. With increased visibility and use, also comes increased scrutiny. When you get certified, it tells your clients and referral sources that you've achieved a level of knowledge and mastery. And it will be easier to get business.

Note: Strictly Limited Number of Course Places Available per Semester per region.

International Student Selection Criteria
Limited Student Quota per semester

The Institute’s advanced, internationally recognized credentialing courses are invitational and not an open program to all. For over 30 years the Institute has maintained an exceptionally high level of student post-course success due to the high quality of our courses and control over our student enrolment profile by enforcing high entrance standards.

Student entry standards and quotas are imposed to ensure graduates: (a) are able to represent the Institute’s name (via our certification) at the highest level and, (b) possess a high degree of professionalism, competency and commitment to helping all people build a bigger, brighter future.

  Admissions selection is administered by the Institute’s International Student Selection Panel and Dr Perry Zeus.

Note: To reduce the application processing time for these very popular Quantum Energy Healing Courses (we receive dozens of applications and inquires from around the world each day) a small number of select international applicants are invited to participate in a telephone interview with Dr Zeus before their application can be submitted to the Institute's Section Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming the person's suitability.

* ICC -The internationally recognized International Coaching Council is the world’s premier professional accreditation body for professional coaches (established 1998). A Quantum Master Coach graduate automatically gains prestigious membership of the ICC.




Call Request Option


- Below Application Form for Course Invitation -

  **Special Semester
25% Off Scholarship Rate



   Step 1.-Select applicable Course Rate (FULL Certification -no exam or post-course supervision required)     
Step 2. - Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page...then Submit.




Self-Paced, Fast-Tracked Learning

- Master Certified Energy Healing Practitioner Course - "MCEP"

- Diploma Course: Quantum Energy Therapist -"Dip QET."

  Learn to acquire easy-to-use, proprietary, proven Quantum Bioenergetics Healing Models of Self Change (employing the latest: evidence-based change technology from the fields of Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and Neuropsychology).
: The Self Change Models and Tools provided are only available through this course.

   Accredited Full Certificate Courses: 

 *Note: Strictly Limited Number of Fast-Track E-Learning Places Available.
 - The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Quantum Master Healer and Diploma
 Certifications available via this Accelerated Credentialing Program Format.




2 Day USA Camp
us Learning Format.

Master Certified Energy Healing Practitioner 'MCEP'
Very Small Group, Invitational.
Same Course Content as below E-Learning program.    

2025  - June & Nov - 3 Day Group Class.
Class of 8 persons @ $us5,950 p.p.  Both Full.
Class of 3 persons @ $us7,850 p.p.  Both Full.
Note: Accommodation not provided. Luncheon and teas provided. Requires some pre-course reading/preparation  by student.

E-Course Options
-conducted by our International Distance Learning Division









Strictly Limited number of International SCHOLARSHIPS available.
Scholarship to the value of 25% off Course Rate (Same Course & Certification as above USA (New York) Campus Course).

*** Please note that Course Places at the
 International Scholarship Rate will shortly close 'full'.





Master Certified Energy Healing Practitioner
(Approx' 36 hrs Self-Study.
No fixed Starting or Completion time)




  - Includes Practice Fundamentals plus Healing in the Electromagentic (EM) Field -Thinking, Emotions and in the Quantum Energy Field (QF) -Super consciousness  

$us2350.00 Scholarship Rate

* Receive Certificate, badge/logo and the post-nominal letters: "MCEP" - Master Coach,


E-Course Study plus



Quantum Energy Therapist Diploma 'QET'

-  Approx' 42 hours Self-Study. No fixed Starting or Completion time.



-1to1 with Dr Perry Zeus


* Plus -with Dr Perry Zeus

 Includes 1-to-1, pre-course or post-course mentoring session and a 1-to-1 practice support session (role-playing nominated case scenarios) with Dr Perry Zeus -via private, live videoconference.
-- Also includes above Master Coach Course Modules plus additional Quantum Consciousness Course Study Modules.

 $us4850.00 Standard Rate. For Medical and Health Care Professionals working in Businesses / Organizations. Private Health Bodies, Hospitals, Government Agencies, Educational Institutions etc.
 $us3650.00 Special Scholarship Rate.
For New or Established Private Practitioners -Course covers client life / well-being / health change interventions plus delivering client career/professional development interventions plus practitioners own professional development plans plus proven steps to establishing and building a successful practice. (See course content page)

Your internationally recognized, Board Certified QUALIFICATIONS AND DIPLOMA

Receive a Certificate acknowledging your 1to1 training with Dr Zeus, Diploma badge/logo, ICC Life Membership and the post-nominal letters:  "Dip QET" - Diploma Quantum Energy Therapist.



Our 30th Anniversary BONUSES
  BONUS 1: Yes!  I wish to receive FREE : -
(over 300 pages - Library only available to Course students). -Where your healing craft becomes your healing business. Includes: marketing strategies, reference materials (important case studies, articles, papers), best practice guides, latest tools and techniques, study materials and resource listings etc    Value $us1,295.00


FREE BONUS 2:.Yes! Please add the latest NeuroCoaching Change Models/tools and Energy Psychology Life/Work Coaching Modules with my Course Toolkit: Value $us850.00



BONUS 3:  Yes! I would like the option to apply, in the future, for a License to teach the Master Certified Energy Practitioner Course in my region. License fee depends on the size of territory applied for.


BONUS 4: Upon completion of the course the student automatically becomes a prestigious lifetime ICC Member.




    YES! I wish to book a private telephone call with Dr Perry Zeus to introduce myself and my learning goals before my application is submitted to the Institute's Student Selection Panel for consideration.  
   NO, I do not require an introductory telephone call with Dr Zeus before my application is submitted for consideration!



 - Your Short Statement/Reason why you have requested the
above Scholarship



*Note: For your security, Course Fees are made by Bank Transfer/Wire. 






1.Self Paced Study. No set starting or completion time. Students can begin and end their Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) at their time of choosing. Duration: typically 4-6 weeks casual home study. Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
2. 1to1 Sessions with Dr Zeus are optional. There is no assessment or post-course supervision / additional training hours required as this is an invitational (via submission of this Form) accelerated learning Program for busy people developers who are time constraint and have a track-record of people development..
. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).




    Yes! -Please submit my Quantum Energy Self Healing Course
 Application to the Institute's Selection Panel

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses  
           Google Search , Dr Perry Zeus's books, Past Graduate Other

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Business Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone :   


Email -Personal :   


          Email -Business :

               > Please re-enter :


Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:  


I am looking to use Quantum Energy Self Healing Models -



- Private Use.
- In a practice.

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Yes, I understand that a course place
 is required to be paid by secured Bank Transfer / Wire.


- References (Biz or Personal):

     - Referral eg; Institute Graduate, BCI Partner etc:








                                © Copyright 1998 - 2025. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School ™.
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office
                                Singapore -International Courses Division