Contents: what is anxiety, neurocoaching, coaching, mind-set, neuropsychology coaching, anxiety symptoms, workplace, Psychology, neurocoaching, anxiety treatment, Neuropsychology, coaching, neuroscience, anxiety symptoms, anxiety course, workplace, neuropsychology coaching, anxiety psychology, coaching, mind-set, work, anxiety treatment, coaching, Neuroscience, anxiety symptoms, behavioral change, mind-set, Anxiety treatment, what is anxiety, anxiety coaching, executive coaching, business coaching, anxiety symptoms, coaching skills, anxiety treatment, behavioral model, anxiety change, coaching anxiety, psychology, coaching,






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- Using a Brain-Mind-Body Approach






“Empowering people to move to a desired state of well-being, health and productivity”


'ANXIETY in the WORKPLACE' - extensively covered in the Institute's NEURO-BEHAVIORAL COACH TRAINING COURSES:

  Fast-tracked E-Learning with Full Certification
- No required ADD-ON coaching or mentoring training
- No set Starting or Completion time


Extracts from Course Module: Mindset and Emotion Self-Management Program.
  "The greatest medical breakthrough for the treatment of Anxiety isn’t the creation of a new drug —it’s the discovery of how we can help everyone who is affected by anxiety in just three short sessions."  

"Numerous recent studies have confirmed that traditional coaching and old-school, stress management and relaxation techniques fail dismally to treat Anxiety."



Researchers have long confirmed the relationship between anxiety and performance. Although the prominent view is a "dark side," where anxiety has a negative relation with performance, a "bright side" of anxiety also presents itself.

Anxiety is the most common destabilizing influence on workplace performance, creativity, job longevity and an individual’s health and well-being. It affects all of us at different times in our workplace. Yet, typically we seek no help for assistance and are not offered it.

Workplace anxiety generally leads to debilitative and facilitative job performance. Numerous research studies on anxiety, resource depletion, cognitive-motivational processing, and performance, confirm the debilitative and facilitative nature of dispositional and situational workplace anxiety such as; emotional exhaustion, self-regulatory processing, and cognitive interference as processes underlying the relationship between workplace anxiety and job performance.

Some Symptoms for Anxiety include:

Physical symptoms. Headache, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, light-headedness and feeling faint can all occur.
Emotional symptoms. Feelings of fear, anger, helplessness and disappointment are common emotional responses to anxiety.
Behavioral/Cognitive symptoms. Difficulty concentrating, thinking negatively about oneself or a situation are common symptoms of anxiety.

Psychological Affects include:
Poor coping skills (e.g., rigidity/inflexible problem solving, denial, avoidance, impulsivity, extreme self-expectation, negative thoughts, affective instability, and inability to focus on problems) are associated with anxiety. Anxiety is also linked and perpetuated by the person's own pessimistic outcome expectancy and how they cope with feedback negativity.

Suffering from workplace anxiety can be debilitating, it is something that people find difficult to talk about but is also something that affects people during their working careers.

Most people know and understand the cause of their anxiety eg; job insecurity, a boss they do not get on with, they feel they are undervalued, tight work schedule to meet, upcoming important presentation etc. Obviously they cannot change certain things about their job. But, they can change how they react to anxiety and relieve the self-imposed pressure and stress so they can get on with feeling better within themselves and therefore be more relaxed and focused on being better at what they do -and ultimately change the stressful position they are in.

Note: Most positive psychology interventions are designed to help make people improve their mood. However, just trying to raise the mood of people who are anxious may make them temporarily feel better, but it tends to lead to poor performance because it doesn't make their anxiety go away.

Today, positive psychology carries a simplistic message of "positive thinking."
In recent years, critics have become concerned that this simplistic form of positive psychology can do more harm than good. It's "the tyranny of the positive attitude," says Barbara Held, a psychology professor at Bowdoin College. Research bears that out. Numerous recent studies have shown the danger of following this trend. It can even threaten your health and happiness.

A recent publication by the American Psychological Association showed strong concern over the widespread and overblown confidence in the power of the positive, including the misperception that people can reach their goals by this simplistic, one dimensional approach. To help people feel and be better requires attending to their underlying anxiety.

Emotional self-regulation / management is a critical condition that shapes workplace anxiety and job performance.

Learning to manage our negative emotions and our feelings enables us to make better decisions and also recognize when anxiety is taking over and negatively affecting us.




The “bright side" of anxiety that presents itself is that anxiety can easily be remedied with spectacular positive results for both the individual and organization they work in. In fact every organization, small business and even sport clubs/bodies alike have the opportunity to reframe the negative energy of an individual or groups anxieties into positive energy generating a cascade of sustainable, measurable, long-term benefits.

When people experience anxiety, the Self is organized as scared and vulnerable because of the activation of emotion schematic memories of harmful and painful experiences in the absence of protection and support. As a result, people do not internalize self-soothing strategies and instead develop negative ways of relating to the Self and modulating emotions. People end up worrying in an effort to protect the Self from falling apart because of an inability to cope with the underlying painful feelings of fear, sadness, and shame etc.

A person who has undertaken training as a Neuro-Behavioral Coach first builds a personal/trusting alliance and then a case formulation.

The below coaching delivery model process steps and tasks (NeuroCoaching and Self-Care Coaching) generally occur in parallel and are woven through-out the intervention process by a trained and certified neuro-behavioral coach.

Neuro-Behavioral Coaches certified by the Behavioral Coaching Institute.
All ICC Accredited, Neuro-Behavioral Coaches are trained in the use of advanced Self-Change Models and techniques -such as the below Steps of the Neuro Self-Transformational Change Model utilizing Neuro Metacognition X-ercises ™ (Deep level / subconscious Metacognition Role-playing incorporating Direct Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive Memory Reconstitution and Mindfulness).

(a) Working with a client to experience disclaimed painful emotions and develop an understanding of the story or narrative to make sense of events and their impact.

(b) Working with a client on identifying and changing the negative ways in which they relate to the Self using an easy-to-follow Neuro Self-Transformational Change Model.

(c) Working with a client to transform painful maladaptive emotions by healing past emotional injuries experienced in key events in interaction with significant others and to resolve unfinished business.

(d) Working with a client to develop capacities to self-soothe using imaginal transformation via Self dialogues to resolve emotional suffering.

The coach may choose to focus on one of these tasks more than the others at different times in the coaching process. The end goal is building a stronger sense of Self, but the process remains fluid.

Labeling their emotions, learning to regulate and modulate their intense feelings of distress, and transforming core painful maladaptive emotions enable clients to acquire the capacities to regulate and express their emotional experiences more optimally and develop more positive ways of caring for the Self.

The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s internationally recognized Coach training courses.
The Neuro Self-Transformational Self-Change Model detailed in the Institute's courses have consistently proven to help a person adjust the way they react to stressful life events and triggers, as well as the scale of the reaction. The proprietary techniques ( X-ercises ™) used with the Self-Change Model focus on exchanging the emotions and feelings driving limiting distorted thinking and negative thoughts.

Benefits include; enhanced well-being, productivity, a healthy disposition, improved vitality and outlook on life etc. Measurable, positive results are typically generated by the client within just three short coaching sessions. The client is empowered how to maintain control over anxiety and typically does not require any further help.

The key to success in any anxiety intervention is the selection of the appropriate brain-mind-body Change Model. The Behavioral Coaching Institute’s internationally recognized Coach training courses meets the critical needs for practitioners to be trained in the use of a range of validated, reliable, neuro-behavioral change models, tools and techniques with a user-friendly, coaching delivery model.

Note: The Neuro Self-Transformational Change Model can also be used for groups/teams to remove any pre-task anxiety that affected their past performance in a similar endeavor.

The Institute’s Courses include an easy-to-follow, accelerated, step-by-step, anxiety intervention protocol and extensive ToolKit. Measured, sustainable positive results are generated within just three, short coaching sessions.

The proven, easy to learn, evidence-based techniques taught in the Course are based on the principles of cognitive neuroplasticity therapy, which resets a person's mindset and their brain's limbic system to strengthen the functional neural pathways affecting their disposition.

See Course Details>



Neuro-Behavioral Coach Training Courses
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Content: anxiety coaching, executive coaching, business coaching, anxiety symptoms, coaching skills, anxiety treatment, behavioral model, anxiety change, coaching anxiety, psychology, coaching, anxiety management, anxiety is the workplace, anxiety research, behavior change model, change anxiety manage anxious, stress coaching, psychology, coaching, worry management, worry is the workplace, anxiety research, behavior change model, change emotions, manage emotions, executive coaching, business coaching, emotional intelligence coaching skills, coaching and emotions, behavioral model, emotional change, coaching anxiety and emotions,