Quantum Energy Coaching
- Internationally recognized Diploma
and/or Master Certified Coach Credentialing Courses
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program, emotion coaching |
Self-paced Study
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No assessment. Full Certification.
- No fixed commencement or completion time..
Our courses
are easy to understand..and all tools are easy-to-learn and
easy-to-use!! |
COURSE -Some Science:
motion focused coaching
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coaching, emotion, emotion
coaching course
“You are not IN
the universe, you ARE the
universe, an intrinsic part of
it. Ultimately you are not a
person, but a focal point where
the universe is becoming
conscious of itself. What an
amazing miracle.”
– Eckhart Tolle |
Here are some
Key Principles to Quantum Consciousness:
1. The physical element, “matter”—what we see,
hear, touch, observe, measure, and experience.
It is the physical existence. It consists of
what one can observe and measure, such as
mass, spin, charge, relationship, finance,
career, body, electrons, gravity,
electromagnetic field, etc.2.
Energy—is what moves and changes matter, such as
Information—what gives form and shape to the
matter and energy
The basic constituent of everything is the quantum
vibrational field, which carries matter, energy, and
Quantum energy vibrations extend over spacetime. They
are the basic constituents of everything. They exist by
themselves and are not carried by anything.
The universal vibrational energy quantum field
exists not only within the brain, but also encompasses
the whole body and indeed the entire universe.
Everything is part of this field and
can access it.
Consciousness is a quantum phenomenon.
Our conscious internal experience can be viewed
as a kind of quantum reality.
Quantum physics shows us that everything arises
from a vibrational field carrying matter, energy,
and information, which can be mathematically
described in terms of wavefunction.
Conscious experience occurs through the
activation and application of body that can
receive vibrations via resonance or information,
energy, and matter.
Consciousness relates to awareness. It is a
subjective, nonpredictable experience of
internal and external worlds. Consciousness is
associated with a sense of self,
feelings, choice, free will, control of
voluntary behavior, memory, thought, language,
and imagination.
Our conscious thoughts
and emotions directly affect our physical world
while our higher levels of consciousness and
intentions actively interact with and shape the
Quantum Field.
Our superconsciousness (our 'Higher Self') has
the potential to influence the fabric of reality
in ways we're only beginning
to grasp.
Note: Our Brain’s Neural Network is a
Quantum Information System which quantum
computers are being designed to replicate.
That said, there are still many aspects to
consciousness that still remains a mystery.
We are all connected and a part of the timeless Quantum Universe
through our consciousness providing a bridge to:
a) flashes of energy we sometimes receive in the form of ideas, Deja
vu, synchronicity, inspiration, knowledge, awareness, sensations
b) energy we can learn to shape with the course's Q Energy Codes to
design desired future events.
Quantum Field doesn't just give you access to ideas, knowledge and
the means to shape your future, it gives you access to answers to
deep questions. There is a teacher within and about us, waiting to
be asked.
Through this unique course you will learn the underlying science to
Quantum Energy Coaching (in basic language) and be provided with
easy-to-use change models and tools to
empower clients how to direct Energy Fields, in and around
themselves. Some of the unlimited number of client benefits include:
Creating a new, desired reality.
Self Knowledge. Potential
fulfilment. Sustainable High Performance. Reduced Stress, Anxiety.
Better Health, Well-being. Self-Healing. Becoming the best person
you can be. |
"There is no limit to the range of
client needs that Quantum Energy Coaching is
effective for, from healing ourselves to creating
the life we would prefer."
(Graduate) |
As Albert Einstein, (famous
physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1921), once
said: “There is no place in this new kind of
physics both for the field and matter, for the
field is the only reality.”
Thus, we entered the domain of
Quantum Physics. |
Our Brain
has two Energy Networks - the Electromagnetic
Field (EM) and
(Cosmos) Field (QF).
Working in the Electromagnetic
Energy Field
to clear our current state of mind of any
maladaptive emotions, fear. anxiety and insecurity.
We are all least insightful when we are held down by
negative emotions, feelings, beliefs, attitude.
To connect to our superconsciousness / Higher Self and
access the Quantum Field of possibilities and knowledge
we first need to have a positive, clear state of mind.
Background Notes:
The Human Body produces a limited (4-5 feet/1.5m)
Electromagnetic field
Our “bodies” are actually made up of four distinct
energy parts— emotional, mental, spiritual and of course
It's the electromagnetic vibrational phenomena that
moves our muscles and powers our heart and brain.
Electromagnetic energy
in the brain enables brain matter to create our
consciousness and our ability to be aware and think.
When feel
or do any action which is connected with our mind, our
mind and heart gives off EM waves.
The bio-magnetic fields of the body, though extremely
tiny, can be measured. The
study of the body's biofield is an active area of
research with potential applications in fields such as
Emotions and follow on thoughts carry
energetic frequencies / vibrations.
and Emotions have waves and produce electromagnetic effects.
Emotions are energy. Thoughts are energy. Energy has weight
and movement. Emotions and thoughts have weight and
Using positive emotions helps
the brain release chemicals that support healing and
By increasing awareness of what we are “feeding” the command
center, we can be intentional about what we allow in, what
we give permission to spread to the rest of the body,
To upgrade our potential and get different results, we
must change the emotional drivers for our thoughts and our
view of ourselves. To ask ourself - ‘What
Energy Field is driving my
thinking and actions? "
human body is also made entirely of quantum (cosmos) fields,
just as everything else is made entirely of quantum fields.
Humans are made of “quanta” (highly unified energy bundles)
with the EM field holding things together.
Quantum (Cosmos) Energy Field.
The Quantum Field (QF) is
the underlying fabric of reality.
the heart of quantum physics lies the
concept of the Quantum Field. This is not merely
a theoretical construct but a foundational aspect of our
Recent research suggests there are 24 or more
fundamental quantum fields (depending how they are
What is the Quantum Energy Field?
- A sub-atomic world full of endless potential states; multiple
dimensional subspaces spinning in synchronicity that
hold an infinite number of possible representations
of alternate, reality actions / events / results
including powerful, seemingly better versions of
ourselves in desired future outcomes. In the
timeless Quantum Space all possible, alternate
future space capsules / moments of a person's life
exist. Each of us has the power through our super
consciousness and associated actions to acuate a
desired future.
Our basic physical reality is in fact an illusion.
Through Quantum Physics we are able to see behind the
curtain of the physical world, our reality. Space and
time are a singular construct.
It’s space x time. Quantum space time
is a superposition: a quantum superposition of an
infinite number of space times, all happening at the
same time.
Quantum superposition shows us that our single
universe, on a super sub-atomic level, is actually
part of an infinite number of universes (in the
past, present and future) which exist at the same.
Each one of them has different things that are
happening at some microscopic level. If we were are
able to zoom out from our microscopic human
perspective and view the infinite quantum world we
would see certain patterns like space and time and
matter emerge.
Superposition is a fundamental attribute of the
quantum energy field that allows for the
possibility of quantum parallelism -the
condition in which an object can exist in
multiple states / subspaces or configurations
Interference can be used to amplify certain
states and thereby suppress others.
an object is in a superposition of multiple
states, these states can interfere with each
other leading to constructive or destructive
interference. This interference can be caused
when a particular state /outcome is observed.
For example: Interference can be caused when our
super or quantum consciousness is used in
various ways to observe/access a particular
desired future / subspace from alternate
parallel related subspaces.
Quantum Law:
At any point in earth time, an object exists in
an unlimited number of multiple, parallel
quantum states / subspaces.
Steps to using Quantum Consciousness (our super
consciousness) to energize a desired future:
Clearing space in our electromagnetic field
to provide a path to the infinite Quantum
Field of possibilities
Using a systematic, fast-tracked process to
move in and out of the layers of our
Using visualization, metacognition and our
perception along with our super
consciousness to open a gate to the Quantum
Field in and around us.
Selectively observing, say; a desired future
snapshot of yourself in a particular time
zone / situation / outcome to actualize
Supporting the successful collapse of your
desired future snapshot into reality by
associated physical actions
Repeating the above process until the chosen
subspace / desired future collapses into
reality and all other alternate subspaces /
outcomes end.
In the quantum realm space and time just doesn't operate
the same way as in the visible, physical world.
Human beings have very specific points of view ie; a
singular point of view when they observe the
superposition. We reside in just one of an infinite
number of subspaces that hold all possible alternate
moments of our life
It's about perspectives.
Humans share the same perspective, the same view on
reality, how we see the world. But you wouldn’t
know other perspectives / alternate realities exist
unless you’re able to flick between different realities.
It's like reading a book with multiple endings, where in
this case, you can choose the ending. Our perspective
or point of view subsequently changes as we learn to unfold
a desired subspace into our physical world.
singular, perspective frame by frame rate of the
human mind is so low in speed compared to the
manifold frame rate contained in the infinite
Quantum Space where all possible equations reside in
the quanta/atomic invisible world. The universe is
operating at like 100 million billion frames — while
we watch our life movie at say; 100 frames per
The world
is fundamentally governed by quantum rules.
Such as;
is an infinite field of possibilities, potentialities
and probabilities.
Quantum biology explains how the mind affects matter,
Our bodies and minds
are governed by a confluence
of classic and quantum laws of physics.
Consciousness originates at the quantum level inside
neurons, rather than the conventional view that it is a
product of connections between neurons.
Recent research confirms
that our conscious experience first has its origins in
quantum phenomena in our brains.
According to
physics, only fields are real. You and I are made up
entirely of quantum fields.
Our brain's quantum–light waves
are part of a foundational energy
matrix that permeates every corner of the universe
(one field/oneness/infinite wavy energy, in tally with
the string theory of the universe).
From this vibrating sea of
potentialities, every particle, every wave, and, indeed,
all known and unknown facets of our reality emerge and
Whereas the
electromagnetic field or electric field our body
generates corresponds to a limited or finite projected
wave (finite wavy energy).
vibrational field—which is mathematically described by
the wavefunction—determines all of one’s qualities and
behaviors, including its detectors and processors of
information, energy, and matter.
We are the creators of our own
Quantum science also demonstrates that the most
fundamental substratum of reality is an infinite field
of possibilities, a kind of giant attractor field that
is both the source of all that is and the “glue,” that
holds all potentialities together.
Everything is potentiality in movement, even the
within space and time that seem to be solid, fixed
and stationary.
Everything in the universe emanates
vibrations, is frequency specific, whether high or low.
We’re interconnected with everything at a
quantum level.
Thoughts are vibrational phenomena. Light is
vibration in radiant friction. Sound, waves, all
vibrational phenomena. Atoms are not solid, they are
merely coherent patterns of vibration and spin.
Electrons don't "exist", they blink in and out of
existence continually.
When we experience a moment of 'Collective
Unconscious' or the 'Universal Mind', time is
simultaneous, not linear. All information is
expressed (and available for access) in each and
every quantum location. If
time is simultaneous, all exists Now, past, present,
future all "knowable" in the Quantum (cosmos) Field.
The intersection between quantum
theory, metaphysical spirituality and philosophy
has an established place in literature and
science. Some of the terms used to describe the
invisible world of the Quantum Field include; “Akasha”, “ether”,
“Alayavijnana” to name a few.
Nikola Tesla
labelled it the; "..luminiferous ether, which is
acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative
force, calling into existence, in never ending
cycles all things and phenomena.”
Quantum mechanics
was developed after Nikola Tesla's time
(1856-1943) -but
the prolific inventor often acknowledged what he
learned by tapping into the "Ether" / Quantum
Elon Musk studied quantum
physics at university and openly acknowledges that
he has applied elements of quantum mechanics in all
of his endeavours.
Many other scientists, artists and musicians also
acknowledge this powerful, all knowing, timeless
field as a source of knowledge and a connection of
the 'Self' to the universe. |
The connection between our consciousness and
the holistic realm, referred to as Quantum Reality by
Quantum physicists.
The Greater Spark of Mind/Energy
Flash, "predictive dreams", Synchronicity, Déjà
vu. It's all available through the portal of our
consciousness that can connect us to the Quantum
Field (QF). Now, if we tune in properly...
This unique course provides easy-to-follow steps
and easy-to-use tools how to best align our unique
frequency to interact with the frequency of the
greater Whole / Quantum (Cosmos) Field, to see our
true personal shape, level of development and all
possibilities and knowledge available to us.
Energy Coaching Course
Content Modules >
Message from Dr Perry Zeus (Institute's
Founder and author of several best-selling
books on Behavior-based
Coaching).. |
Recognition and Awards:
- Acknowledged by the International Coaching Council (ICC) and
International Coach Federation (ICF) as one of the founders and
pioneers of the modern coaching disciple and top Master Trainers
in Coaching in the world.
- Recipient of numerous
awards for his contributions to the coaching
profession, including the ICF Lifetime
Achievement Award.
- Featured in Forbes Magazine
as one of the "Top 10 Most Influential
Coaches in the World." |
Quantum Energy Coaching is the culmination of a
lifetime of searching for the most effective way to
help a client find who they are and reach their
When I established the Institute in 1994 my goal was
to develop an elite coach training school providing
world best-class behavioral change coaching
methodology. Today, my Faculty Team and I are proud
to be the acknowledged world leaders in our field.
Through the ongoing extensive research and
development program of our Center for Applied
Behavioral Coaching Department (together with
our global Global Partners and Faculty) we are able
to provide a Quantum Energy Coaching Toolkit for our
students containing the most current, scientifically
proven set of powerful tools, techniques and
best-practices available." |
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Course Master Coach Course content, health coaching course, Wellness
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Emotion Course Coaching Program, Certified Quantum Coach Course, QEC
Emotional Health Coach Course |