Content: Energy Coaching, Coaching Model, ES Behavioral Change Model,
Energy Coaching Model, Dr Perry Zeus, Zeus's ES-Model, coaching,
Dr Perry Zeus's ES-Model, emotional intelligence coachings, energy coaching and emotions,
Coaching Model, behavioral model, emotional change and energy,
Zeus's ES-Model and coaching emotions, energy psychology,
coaching and behavior change model and emotion, energy emotion , behavior
emotion change model,
coaching change, behavior change model and
coaching change, ES-Model and emotional intelligence, coaching and emotions, behavioral model,
Dr Perry Zeus's ES-Model and change, coaching change behavior, behavior
change model
Quantum Energy Coach Training Courses
- Course Notes
From: Master Certified
Energy Coach &
Diploma Energy Coaching Courses |
- Introduction: |
Our universe and brain
obviously require energy. Energy is described in many
ways and comprises chemical, metabolic, radiation, and
many other types. In quantum physics, energy has been
noted as having one peculiar feature—ups and downs. This
wavy form of energy covers our entire universe,
including our body and brain.
Matter Is an illusion or
can appear as either particles or waves. Our physical
universe (finite wavy energy) has no border and is part
of an infinite wavy energy/universe and, thus, the noted
physical universe expansion could in fact be a
consequence of our brain activity, which has partial
consciousness (always sees waves or energy as
In essence, a person with
limited brain consciousness cannot reach the border of
the universe and/or what substance the universe is
expanding into. In fact, this illusionary universe and
the brain itself is regarded as a projected vortex,
which shall always notice the expansion of finite and
angulated projected waves or the illusionary universe.
According to new quantum
physics principles, our brain is thought of as having
two types of brainwaves or energy: (1) quantum–light
waves, which permeate and interact with the whole
universe (one field/oneness/infinite wavy energy,
related to macro and micro brain anatomical energy or
brain particles which are viewed as waves, in tally with
the string theory of the universe), and (2) the
electromagnetic field or electric field (related more to
brain physiological energy), which corresponds to a
limited or finite projected wave (finite wavy energy)
with a larger evoked response when stimulated. Thus, the
brain can be regarded as an incomplete mirror to our
Research has shown that
human behavior can’t be fully explained by traditional
or “classical” psychology. A new research field
called “quantum thinking or quantum cognition” has
arisen within the area of cognitive sciences that is the
basis of the new model of coaching called Quantum Energy
Though our lives can feel
predictable at times, when we zoom in to the quantum
level, nothing can be assumed or predicted because
things change instantaneously. Quantum thinking applies
that same concept to everyday life, challenging us to
consider all possible outcomes of a situation rather
than defaulting to our usual—and frequently limiting—way
of acting..
Coaching Bottom Line: The
field of Quantum Science has proven everything that
exists in this world is made up of energy. From things
that are seen, like people, objects and plants, to
things that cannot be seen, like air, gravity, and
emotions…everything that exists in the universe, at it’s
most basic form, is just energy.
Emotions are energy.
Thoughts are energy. Energy has weight and movement.
Emotions and thoughts have weight and movement.
Edited Extracts From: 'Quantum and Electromagnetic
Fields in Our Universe and Brain: A New Perspective to
Comprehend Brain Function' published in Brain Science
(2021 Apr 28)
Coach Training Course>> |
Master Coach Course -
Behavior Change Model
Coaching Some
Introductory Notes:
ES Model
- Behavior Change Model and Coaching
-The need for better coach training in the use of
Behavior Change Models
to help people change
(includes extracts from new text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and
Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
coaches require two central
Behavior Change Models
to build their coaching programs upon:
Behavior Change
The Process Model
- The Behavioral Coaching Process Model
(BCPM) differs significantly from traditional, simplistic and
theoretical coaching approaches as it only uses validated, robust
psychological, definitive modeling proven in the real-world workplace.
This critical difference allows its users to achieve genuine, lasting,
measurable change and growth eg; Zeus's Revised Behavioral Coaching
Process Model (BCPM) (2009).
Behavioral Coaching Process Model BCPM:
provides a comprehensive, complete description of the step-by-step
component parts
provides a) the 4-Stages of Change, b) the 6-Forms of Coaching and,
c) 7-Steps Coaching Process
builds towards a predictive outcome
applies to all coaching situations
Behavior Change
Model: The
Core Behavioral
Aspects Models
–A Framework of proven Models and Techniques (see following pages) eg;
Zeus's ES (Emotion)-Model -to be incorporated
within Zeus's Revised Behavioral Coaching Process Model (BCPM) (2009).
Core Behavioral Aspects Model CBAMS generate:
building -personal and professional skills
achievement of lasting, measurable self-development and performance
enhancement in the individual, group and organization.
The above two coaching structures help the individual strive for a
healthy, rewarding, interdependent existence by playing an integral,
productive part in an organizational environment engaged in the process
of continual renewal and success.
Emotion Focus -The ES
The ES-Model uniquely cuts through the language and various negative
forces at play which entangle people into laborious, often futile
attempts to change. Through intrinsic motivation, relaxation,
visualisation, experiential exercises, emotion regulation and anchoring
-clients learn how to make healthy contact with thoughts, feelings,
memories, and physical sensations that have been misplaced, feared and
avoided. Clients can quickly and effectively gain the clarity and skills
to reconnect with themselves and develop the ability to self-change
and live a more happy and fulfilled life.
Zeus's ES-Model (develop by Dr Perry Zeus -a renowned author and
expert in the field of coaching and behavioral change) provides proven
steps of how to guide the coachee/client to arrive at the critical
moment when they make the decision to change (their behavior
via their emotions) and then continue the
change process forward.
Dr Perry
Behavioral Coaching Institute's Master Coach training Program takes an Emotion-focused
coaching approach.
Through the latest research from the field of neuroscience, it is
now clear that emotion influences modes of processing, guides attention,
enhances memory and that much of our behavior is controlled by how
we are attached to and can regulate our emotions. It follows that
emotion is now understood to be a key driving force in human motivation
and action.
The Certified Master Coach
Course has taught participants, for over 22 years, how to use evidence-based psychological methodologies:
vital behavioral-based change models, tools and techniques and
assessment instruments a professional coach requires to work with
behavior are only available
to coaches trained and mentored by an educator who is also a behavioral
change expert.
The Behavioral Coaching Institute's
(Dr Skiffington -Founding Director of Education)
Master Coach Courses (Self-Study, Campus, or Distance
Learning Format) meets the critical needs for professional people
developers to be trained and mentored in the use of validated,
reliable psychology-based behavioral change tools and techniques.
Behavioral Coaching Institute
the Institute's
unique Course shows that rather than trying to control or avoid
emotions, clients can learn from their emotions and bodily reactions
and begin to act sensibly on them. Professional people developers
are taught how to help their clients (in a short time frame) change their emotion in ways that are appropriate to context.
Rich in practical guidance
and case study illustration, this course provides empirically
supported models of training clients to attain emotional regulation,
transformation and wisdom."
B. Fitzgibbons |
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Content: ES Behavioral Change Model, Dr Perry Zeus and Skiffington, Zeus's ES-Model, coaching,
coaching and emotions, behavioral model,
Dr Perry Zeus's ES-Model and change, coaching change behavior, behavior
change model,Dr Perry Zeus's ES-Model, emotional intelligence coaching skills, coaching and emotions, behavioral model, emotional change,
Dr Perry Zeus's ES-Model and emotional intelligence coaching skills,
Zeus's ES-Model and coaching emotions, psychology,
coaching and behavior change model and emotion, emotion coaching research, behavior
emotion change model,
coaching change, behavior change model and
coaching change, |