Notes on Quantum Medicine, Health & Healing
- Internationally recognized Diploma
and/or Master Certified Coach Credentialing Courses
emotion coaching
program, emotion coaching |
Self-paced Study
hours) -
No assessment. Full Certification.
- No fixed commencement or completion time..
Our courses
are easy to understand..and all tools are easy-to-learn and
easy-to-use!! |
Quantum Energy Coaching marks a
groundbreaking fusion of quantum mechanics and
the behavioral sciences. This exciting field
exploits the latest quantum science research and
applied behavioral sciences tools in
revolutionary ways. Pioneering techniques
like Q Energy Code tools showcase the potential
to achieve faster and far more efficient life
Today, Quantum Energy Coaching is pushing
the boundaries of what’s achievable. |
"This very special course book is about how to
gain control of your life and health. It
explains how we communicate with the atoms of
our body and the universe we are a part of.
Everything is made up of atoms, so if you would
like to be given tools to help yourself and
others recreate who they are through the atoms
of our body, then this course is for you."
-ICC Coaching Report 2024 |
Energy Coaching Course
Content Modules > |
emotion focused
coaching course, emotion coaching, emotion course,
emotion coaching, emotion,
emotion coaching course
evidence based psychological approach..
Medicine, Health & Healing
" What the universe is and what you can be requires
a quantum answer."
Our inner
potential makes us who we are. |
Everyone's life is guided by an inner
Our deep need to actualize it are what makes
us human.
Quantum physics is
the psychology of the universe and shows
that we only exist because an underlying
invisible field of energy defines our potential.
Our infinite potential energy.
In simple, practical terms, we are all able to
the Quantum
Field's energy potentiality that we are part of
and acting in us. Through
using our levels of consciousness we can
construct a desired quantum self-image and
quantum future-image.
Essentially we are
creating our 'selves'. Of course,
spiritual teachers of all times have told us
that God is in you. But to discover today's
science’s description of the invisible Quantum
world redefines the playing field.
Emerging research shows that quantum
mechanical processes take place in our cells.
This new world is the missing link that you’re
searching for, whether you’re a health
practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your
own health and your family’s.
Coaching Bottom Line: Quantum energy coaching
capitalizes on today's revolutionary quantum
science and tools enabling us to process
changes in rapid, novel ways.. |
solution how to best understand Consciousness
and it's connection to the Quantum Energy Field
requires a “psychophysical" approach to the
relationship between mental/mind and
physical/matter processes. To this end our
course includes relevant new research findings
from the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience
and neuropsychology.
In order to help
people move to who they wish to be, what SELF they
wish to occupy and their desired future, we must
help them to become observers and designers
of their particular ways of being.
1. Quantum Physics.
What scientists discovered is nothing less than astonishing!
At the very core of our human bodies, we are NOT essentially
a group of chemical reactions, but a being of coordinated
charges within a Quantum Energy Field.
2. The Present and our Future
Today's rapidly changing world is putting
unprecedented demands on us. Increasingly, people are simply
not reacting very well to the quantum overload of life
The modern world is in the grip
of a crisis of self-identification and meaning. More and
more people (of all ages and positions) are becoming
emotionally drained, stressed,
tense, anxious, overwhelmed, lost in over thinking, worried,
depressed, alienated and becoming run-down through low
resilience levels etc.
are all signs
that the brain-mind-body connection is being weakened by
loss of energy and disrupted circadian rhythms.
Today's revolution in understanding the way our
consciousness works and the nature of consciousness. The
mysterious nature of consciousness has profound importance, with
human development, productivity, creativity and existential,
medical and spiritual implications.
Consciousness is not generated by the brain
nor is it a by-product of the brain. However, our conscious
experience first begins in the brain.
More and more consciousness researchers, brain scientists,
psychologists, and psychiatrists uphold the concept that
Consciousness exists beyond the brain.
The brain is a macroscopic quantum system that is
connected to the universal consciousness / quantum field., yet
most people have only been taught how to use it exclusively as a
biochemical system.
There’s a fundamental part of reality that is not
just mind (e.g. thoughts) nor just matter (e.g. physical
Energy is Life!
- And, the energy source we use directly affects
the quality of our existence!!
Our conscious thoughts
and emotions directly affect our physical world
while our higher levels of consciousness and
intentions actively interact with and shape the
Quantum Field.
Our superconsciousness (our 'Higher Self') has
the potential to influence the fabric of reality
in ways we're only beginning
to grasp.
Through this unique course you will learn the underlying science to
Quantum Energy Coaching (in basic language) and be provided with
easy-to-use change models and tools to
empower clients how to direct Energy Fields, in and around
themselves. Some of the unlimited number of client benefits include:
Creating a new, desired reality.
Self Knowledge. Potential
fulfilment. Sustainable High Performance. Reduced Stress, Anxiety.
Better Health, Well-being. Self-Healing. Becoming the best person
you can be. |
Background -THE
Our Brain has two Energy Networks - the
Electromagnetic Field (EM) and
(Cosmos) Field (QF).
Working in the Electromagnetic
Energy Field
to clear our current state of mind of any
maladaptive emotions, fear. anxiety and insecurity.
We are all least insightful when we are held down by
negative emotions, feelings, beliefs, attitude.
To connect to our superconsciousness / Higher Self and
access the Quantum Field of possibilities and knowledge
we first need to have a positive, clear state of mind.
Background Notes:
The Human Body produces a limited (4-5 feet/1.5m)
Electromagnetic field
Our “bodies” are actually made up of four distinct
energy parts— emotional, mental, spiritual and of course
It's the electromagnetic vibrational phenomena that
moves our muscles and powers our heart and brain.
Electromagnetic energy
in the brain enables brain matter to create our
consciousness and our ability to be aware and think.
When feel
or do any action which is connected with our mind, our
mind and heart gives off EM waves.
The bio-magnetic fields of the body, though extremely
tiny, can be measured. The
study of the body's biofield is an active area of
research with potential applications in fields such as
Emotions and follow on
thoughts carry
energetic frequencies / vibrations.
and Emotions have waves and produce electromagnetic effects.
Emotions are energy. Thoughts are energy. Energy has weight
and movement. Emotions and thoughts have weight and
Using positive
emotions helps the brain release chemicals that support
healing and well-being.
By increasing awareness of what we are “feeding” the command
center, we can be intentional about what we allow in, what
we give permission to spread to the rest of the body,
To upgrade our potential and get different results, we
must change the emotional drivers for our thoughts and our
view of ourselves. To ask ourself - ‘What
Energy Field is driving my
thinking and actions? "
human body is also made entirely of quantum (cosmos) fields,
just as everything else is made entirely of quantum fields.
Humans are made of “quanta” (highly unified energy bundles)
with the EM field holding things together.
Quantum (Cosmos) Field.
The Quantum Field (QF) is
the underlying fabric of reality.
the heart of quantum
physics lies the concept of the Quantum Field.
This is not merely a theoretical construct but a
foundational aspect of our universe.
Recent research suggests there are 24 or more
fundamental quantum fields (depending how they are
The world is fundamentally governed by quantum rules.
Such as;
is an infinite field of possibilities, potentialities
and probabilities.
biology explains how the mind affects matter,
Our bodies and minds
are governed
by a confluence of classic and quantum laws of physics.
Consciousness originates at the quantum level inside
neurons, rather than the conventional view that it is a
product of connections between neurons.
this new science / methodology,
our consciousness enables a “transcendent function”
through which a person can connect with both physical
and metaphysical realities.
The brain-mind-body
relationship between conscious thoughts and physical
The evolved physical brain, according to
neurophysiologists, is not a deterministic machine. The
science of the mind-brain system informs us that choices
can be made on analyzing alternate paths. The
brain becomes a mixture of different developing
possibilities until the super consciousness awareness
state is reached where, clarity and new information is
obtained by our conscious mind which then jumps to new
forms/understanding and a choice occurs of action and
Creating a Desired Future.
-Helping a Client receive guidance and self-knowledge
from their Higher Self and the Quantum Field.
guided role-play, using selected case scenarios, the
Quantum Energy Coach directs the client through
different layers of consciousness and time (from the
present, past and future and back to the present). These
experiences, via Visualization and Self-Dialogue, are so
sensory that when a person comes out of it, they know
what they next need to do and what will happen because
they have already lived it/experienced it with all
their senses.
one with the unified Energy Field (where everything is
connected as per
Einstein’s Unified Field Theory).
Note: Energy is eternal and that nothing ever truly
disappears — it just changes form.
As we raise our energy levels, we open the
door to to becoming one with the unified field.
This energy, in turn, attracts more of the same energy,
It’s important to remember that the power of
the mind is just one piece of the puzzle. We also need to
take follow-on action in the physical world to actuate our
desires into fruition. By combining the power of our
thoughts and emotions with purposeful action, we can create
the life we truly want. |
Yourself and your Clients to the Next Level and Beyond!!
Everything is energy and everything is because of
energy” is the key to understanding all of life.
Simply put, Energy means that:
Ultimately everything is interconnected –
nothing is truly separate or isolated within the whole
Everything that happens does so because
there is an energy making it happen – there is nothing
random, by chance.
We are energetic beings with energy
passing through us 24/7 and we possess a sixth sense
that is constantly feeling everything.
Every choice has a
consequence – our body's energy levels are affected by
our behavior and
vice versa.
To realize our potential and find a
higher path to our life requires being aware of the
quality of energy we are choosing to live from – for it
is this which gives us the quality of our thoughts,
movements, behavioral patterns and choices.
Some popular practice specialities of our
graduates include (in no particular order): |
Medicine, Health, Healing (see below
Well-being, Anxiety, Stress, Fear
Children and Youth
Leadership, Executive, Workplace
Enhancing Performance, Productivity, Creativity
Consciousness Expansion
Accessing our Energy Fields by our
superconscious state (our highest level of
consciousness) connects us to a higher state
of being and physical functioning. For
instance, when you find yourself in a
flow-state or “in the zone” you are tapping
into the superconscious potential. This is
the space where rapid personal growth and
physical health transformation occurs. It is
a guide/roadmap to our desired Future Self.
very special course shows you how to
customize easy-to-use, quantum-neuro
experiential exercises to facilitate each
client's connection with the quantum
(cosmos) field (the matrix of all
As the client raises their energy levels,
they open the door to becoming one with the
unified electromagnetic and quantum energy
fields. This powerful 'aware' energy, in
turn, attracts more of the same energy.
How it Works in Practice!
decoding experiential coaching sessions.
Guided by the Practitioner / Quantum Energy Coach the
client moves through different stages of
consciousness enabling the brain and quantum
information processing system to develop and
anchor new neural internal connections
empowering desired behavioral patterns /
future outcomes.
Empowering the Client to Self-Coach
Upon conclusion of the experiential sessions
the client is taught how to easily reinforce
and practice the new Self/Behavior to
actuate the desired Future.
In Quantum Medicine a change in
consciousness can produce a profound healing
of the body, such as spontaneous remissions
(see below page).
These extraordinary forms of healing are
related to understandings of quantum physics
and of consciousness.
Quantum Medicine |
Quantum Medicine, Quantum Health,
Quantum Healing.
- How to
transform the
Human Body and shifting your viewpoint from the
physical to the quantum. |
- A form of mind-body medicine -
Tuning into your vital energy in order to heal your
body. |
How does it work? |
In the name of progress,
the medical scientific paradigm must constantly
evolve. Medicine / Health sector is a
transdisciplinary field that is constantly updated
with the latest knowledge from other scientific
Energy, the driving force behind
good and ill health
"Lack of energy is a
typical symptom for most major diseases, like
heart disease, many types of cancer, autoimmune
diseases.." -Harvard Medical School. It follows that
a growing body of scientific research is beginning
to confirm that “all disease is lowering of one’s
energy.” A low psycho-emotional state affected by
negative emotions actually causes our life energy to
Background Notes:
Quantum medicine is considered energy medicine. Our
body is not only matter but also vital energy. If
that vital energy is disturbed or blocked, it will
not only cause mental and physical discomfort but it
can also bring diseases into the body.
In Quantum Medicine a change in
consciousness can produce a profound healing of the
body, such as spontaneous remissions. These
extraordinary forms of healing are related to
understandings of quantum physics and of
Quantum physics provides a scientific
explanation for the manner in which deep
transformations in consciousness produce
extraordinary forms of healing in the body.
Traditional medicine is based on a
biochemical exchange. In quantum medicine, it
is the communication of electromagnetic information
between the cells that can determine our health.
Quantum Medicine is
very real. Therapeutic actions of biophotons, redox
molecules are part of effective medicine. A large
part of modern medical treatments and imaging
techniques are based on quantum physics eg; MRI and
PET scans. Through the use of quantum dots, it is
possible to detect intracellular events, track cell
migration, map tissue and demarcation to name but a
few of their capabilities. Thanks to the advent of
nanotechnology, which is used to create the quantum
dots, there are new ways to detect diseases and
treat them.
The Quantum World is
quickly becoming the "next big thing"!
The quantum supercomputer, which harnesses
the power and complexity of the atomic realm will
enter our lives over the next several years and
be just as revolutionary as the transistor and
microchip once were. It's unprecedented gains in
computing power herald advancements that could
change every aspect of our daily lives. There is
not a single problem humanity faces that
couldn’t be addressed by quantum computing.
Meanwhile, quantum science is bringing more and more
other quantum elements to our lives. Thanks to
quantum physics, we now have the use of products
like iPhone, smart televisions, lasers, quantum
energy generators, space navigation and many more.
There is a worldwide revolution taking place as more
and more people learn how to tune into the quantum
universe of infinite knowledge.
This unique course translates the latest science research in quantum
energy into simple, actionable strategies for achieving individual
fulfillment, peak performance, creativity, optimum mental health and
enhanced wellbeing.
Quantum Energy Coaching
is a third wave psychological approach (looking forward and not
backward) to achieving sustainable, positive change in a short time
The operating principles of Quantum
Energy Coaching
have been developed over recent years primarily from the field of
evidence based psychology, neuroscience and quantum science.
For over 25 years, Dr Zeus's Institute has been internationally recognized
as the leader in building the next generation of science-based,
coaching change models and tools.
Energy Coaching Course
Content Modules >
working with maladaptive emotions at
play in a person's electromagnetic
field and using the
superconsciousness to actuate a
desired future outcome.. |
A complementary approach to existing
medical treatment.
A growing number of people who are fighting
cancer or a wide range of other health
issues with a conventional medical treatment
program are also using Quantum Energy
healing as part of a holistic mind-body
Understanding the molecular biology of
cancer is already revolutionizing the way
that cancer is treated and how people
respond to treatment.
Some Background Notes:
All oncologists' report seeing spontaneous
remissions and have a number of patients who
have done very much better than expected.
There are many testimonies on the internet
and in the media of people whose cancer went
away by itself once they decided to change
their mindset, diet and lifestyle.
Many medical practitioners regularly note
that spontaneous remissions almost certainly
result from the immune system's balance
shifting toward less inhibition and more
aggression with respect to the cancer.
There's always inhibition against attacking
one's own cells. There are also triggers for
recognizing when cells have become
cancerous, so that those cells can be
destroyed. Sometimes something “wakes up” an
immune system.
So how to bring about deliberate
spontaneous remission of the cancer?
From the Quantum medicine perspective one of
the most important things to do is
address any and all life issues so that any
emotional reactivity ceases. Other noted key
factors can include; radically changing the
diet, embracing social support and
developing strong reasons for living.
The 2 key steps in taking control of
our health is:
Increasing positive emotions and
exchanging or releasing maladaptive or suppressed
negative emotions.
Observing the 'Self' from multiple
perspectives and accessing the
Quantum Energy Field to create a
desired reality.
Another key to any successful
transformation is for the person under
treatment distances themselves from any
people looking to adversely affect them.eg;
removing offending persons from their life
who have negative power / a toxic influence
over them.
Note: A number of recent Studies have
confirmed that persons with a categorized
low in emotional acceptance, awareness,
clarity, or strategies to manage emotion
were less likely to be fully remitted. This
underscores the importance of a person’s
positive reactions to new viewpoints/ideas
versus fixed perceptions. Further studies
have also found that persons who have
difficulty managing stress, fear, anxiety,
depression, loneliness, sadness, anger will
have a lower chance of remission. Hence the
need for those persons to first engage in
emotion regulation exercises ie; working in
the electromagnetic energy field.
Today, Quantum Medicine is very real.
Therapeutic actions of biophotons, redox
molecules are part of effective medicine. A
large part of modern medical treatments and
imaging techniques are based on quantum
physics eg; MRI. Thanks to the advent of
nanotechnology, which is used to create
quantum dots, there are new ways to detect
diseases and treat them.
Meanwhile, science is bringing more and more
quantum elements to our lives. Thanks to
quantum physics there is a worldwide revolution taking place
as more and more people learn how to tune
into the quantum universe of infinite knowledge.
This unique coaching course translates the
latest science research in quantum energy
into simple, actionable strategies for
achieving individual fulfilment, peak
performance, creativity, optimum mental
health and enhanced wellbeing. |
TM |
Moving energy imbalances is the KEY to
unlocking our BRAIN-MIND-BODY connection. When a client
learns to access and move energy in an intentional way,
through using the Q Energy Codes, they can create a real and
lasting shift in their life into life mastery. Creating a
new version of themselves.
Q Energy Codes are a set of proven principles and practices
from Quantum Physics.
Energy Codes will help your clients build the
new neurocircuitry to activate
their higher brain centers, creative wavelengths and mind
and body energy.
Q Codes build the neurocircuitry to sustain this new
Self through activating the key brain centers for
generating higher level thinking and understanding.
In each course module, Dr Zeus provides
easy-to-follow steps that equips you with a complete
understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you
need to help your clients activate their Energy Codes within
just two transformational coaching sessions.
Course Objectives:
By gaining a limited place in this special course, you will
How to use proven, cutting-edge Quantum Energy Change Models
and Transform the lives of people!
Learn how to use evidence-based and research-tested behavior
change models to: regulate and exchange behavior drivers,
change unwanted behaviors, and stabilize positive behaviors
that leads to greater life satisfaction.
Quantum Energy Coaching Course's experiential QCODE Tools
and Exercises
provides the structure to instantly
establish a foundational platform to tune into the Quantum
Field and receive its intelligence / knowledge..
Course Methodology
includes the below Q Energy Tools:
Q-Neuro Xperiential X-ercises™:
Q Code™
Q-Neuro Xperiential X-ercises ™
- for the Brain and Mind.
Utilizing Q-Neuro Metacognition
X-ercises ™
(Deep level / subconscious Metacognition Role-playing incorporating
Direct Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive Memory Reconstitution
and Mindfulness).
NOTE: Carl Gustav Jung’s revolutionary views of the human
mind are in perfect agreement with the discoveries of Quantum
Physics, which, during the last century, also came as a shock,
because they revealed the fundamental errors of Classical
Physics and led to a radical change in the Western view of the
world. |
Carl-Gustav Jung’s Analytical Psychology, embodied in the
archetype structure, leads us to the view that there is a part
of the world that we can’t see, a realm of reality that doesn’t
consist of material things but of non-material forms. These
forms are real even though they are invisible, because they have
the potential to appear in our mind and act in it.
This view of the world is identical with the ontology of Quantum
Physics and is the foundational basis of Quantum Energy
"Helping clients create a
field of
expanded possibility -accessing their highest potential and mode
of living." -Dr P. Zeus
Coaching Bottom Line: There is a “new alliance”
between QUANTUM SCIENCE and coaching that is now
taking place. We place our students at the
forefront in the coaching world marketplace by
providing them with world-best-class,
cutting-edge, proven change models and tools
that can help all people (no matter their age or
position) transform their life by building a
better future. |
QEC Quantum
Course, QUANTUM Coach Course, quantum coaching certification Coach
Course, QEC coaching and emotion coaching course contents, Emotion
Course Master Coach Course content, health coaching course, Wellness
coaching quantum course, QEC Coaching Emotion Course, emotion course
coaching module, emotion coaching contents, Quantum Coaching
course, emotion, certified quantum coaching skills and knowledge,
Emotion Course Coaching Program, Certified Quantum Coach Course, QEC
Emotional Health Coach Course |