Contents: Singapore coach training course, executive & business coaching and coach training, for Malaysia, China, India and Thailand, singapore coach training course, coaching course, coach training executive coaching techniques, singapore coach training course, Asia and Singapore Coaching Course, coach training, coaching, singapore coaching tools, singapore business coaching, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India and Thailand executive coaching tools, Singapore coach, coaching course, coaching models, Singapore coaching and coach training course, Master Coach Course, behavioral coaching, China, India business and corporate coaching, Singapore Certified Master Coach, 





  -World's first professional coach training course. Established 1994.


Advance Coach Training Certification

  Master Certified Coach Courses - SINGAPORE




Diploma & Master Coach
ICC Accredited Courses -

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Kids & Parents Coaching -
  NeuroCoaching Course   
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Energy Psychology Life Coaching Course
 LICENSING of BCI Courses   Wellness Coaching Course 
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
  Quantum Bioenergetics Therapy Course
  Executive / Workplace Coaching Course 

1-to-1 Mentoring / Coaching 
1to1 (Private and Exclusive)
Coach Training

  Anti-Aging Coaching Course
  Advanced Corporate Coaching Course 
   Sports Coaching Course
   E-Sports Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

  ICC Accreditation for Coach Trainers
        & Courses

Contact Faculty


Coach Training Certification


Diploma and Master Certified
     E-Courses (Self-Study)  






Admission Process

: 1
 Submission of
  below Registration Form:

The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Graduate School is a private, international, accredited educational institution. For over twenty years we have offered a small number of available course places each year by invitation to qualified, accomplished individuals invited to work us.

 Step: 2

Note: Strictly Limited Number of Accelerated Credentialing Program Places Available.
- The ICC* restricts the number of Accredited Diploma Certifications available via the Accelerated Credentialing Program Format to applicants who already possess an appropriate level of people development experience and workplace achievement.

It follows that the Institute receives a large number of applicants competing for a very small number of course places (we typically receive several applications per available place). To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Section Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them in confirming the person's suitability.

Step: 3

  Confirmation of

Criteria of 

The Institute's Selection Panel meets each week to consider submitted applications for the limited number of available invitations to join a course. All selection results are final and no correspondence will be entered into. The Institute's office emails each applicant either a formal 'Acceptance Letter' or an offer to be wait-listed or considered for another future course. A successful applicant is chosen not only on their: suitability for the course, relevant professional background/organizational experience etc, but also their commercial opportunity to successfully apply the knowledge and tools from the course. An applicant's learning goals, professional profile and practice is also matched against other selected course participants.

*Note: In fairness to all pending qualified applicants, to secure one of the strictly limited course places, a successful applicant is required to remit full payment (via bank wire) for the course within 5 working days of receiving their Acceptance Letter/Email.

** --All information received is strictly confidential and will not be viewed or shared with any third party.

 Singapore Coach Courses >

    Singapore Campus 2 Day Accelerated,
 Customized, Learning Course

 1:1 or Small Group (On-site -in your Office with associates)
   Diploma in Executive Coaching

  Using Coaching as a Framework of Learning with proprietary, proven Models of Behavioral Change -that employ the latest: evidence-based, behavioral change technology from the fields of neuroscience and brain-based learning with an emotion focus -to achieve sustainable, measurable quick results. Note: The Behavioral Change Models presented are only available through this course.    


Trainer : Marion Neubronner is Singapore based and has led the Institute's Asian Faculty for over a decade. She is an applied psychologist with over 20 years experience in the human resources field and L & D training -and has a Master’s in Education in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard, USA.  


          Singapore -Diploma in Executive Coaching
                              -Personalized, Accelerated Learning

Strictly limited number of places available for this special short course format.
                - Invitational -for busy, professional people developers
who are time constraint.


                  Blended Learning
. This unique, customized course (to the students specific learning
                  needs) has a number of components:

- Course Manuals and Study Guide Information received by student with contact details of
                        Course Facilitator.
- 1-to-1 Videoconference, pre-course, support session with Facilitator  -to discuss your course
learning goals, Self-Study guidelines and 1-to-1 Class date etc
- Pre-Class, Self-Study of Course Manuals and completion of exercises by student. Completed
                      in student’s own time and pace
(a few hours -to fifteen or so hours -depending on experience
                      level of student)
- Private, 2 day (on-site / your office), 1-to-1 Accelerated, "in-person" Instruction -focusing
                      on: a) role-playing
use of behavioral change models & tools relating to student's workplace
                      needs and,
b) Self-Reflection and Practice Exercises
- 1-to-1 Videoconference post-course practice support session with course facilitator. # Additional
                       Post-Course Instruction or Mentoring available.

BONUS: Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional Coach .
                                  Practice Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00

            COURSE FEES: (All course rates are inclusive.)
-  One person
Rate: SGD$3,950.00 -On-site (your offices).

                                                               Special Needs Scholarship Rate: (P.O.A.) 
                                                                     -for persons who require financial assistance
Statement Required (on below Form). Only One
                                                                     Scholarship awarded per country per semester.

-  Group Rate -On-site Class with your fellow work colleagues (2, 3 or 4 person Rate):
2 persons SGD$3,450 per person,
3 personsSGD$2,950.p.p ,
4 personsSGD$2,650.p.p. 

- If more than 4 persons we will provide you a Quotation.  

                         Instruction Course Date/s. Nominate preferred month of delivery:

            # - Plus.  Any additional Post-Course Instruction or Mentoring hours (via 1-to-1 videoconference).
                 Select # of sessions.

             -1  -2  - -4 hours.  * SGD250 per hour.

NOTE:-This is not an open program eg; participation is through; 1) registration/submission of this Form and, 2) the          Institute's Selection Panel then selecting suitable participant/s. It follows that there is no end-of-course assessment.      Certification is presented at the conclusion of the 1-to1 Class and the student's name listed on the internet via the global Coach Register accredited/administered by the ICC. 



    Yes! -Please submit my application for the Diploma Course to the Institute's Selection Panel. 


     - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses

         a) Google Ad

         b) Referral: (Affiliate Partner, graduate, Faculty Member, one of our Regional Partners etc)   

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   

   Email -Business:  

Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I am looking to use Behavioral     Change Models :   

- Internally (inside my organization). - Externally (in a practice).

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


If selected On-site, Small Class with fellow colleagues
-please provide names and brief statement of their professional b.g.


Applying for a Scholarship Course Rate for financial reasons?
- If so, please provide a short statement as to the reason/s why.


     - References (Biz or Personal): -Yes > Name/Contact Details:

      .. Yes!  - I am also interested in...

         ....-the Institute's CourseWare Licensing Program available for graduates of the course.
-eg; Delivery Rights of Use of the 'Manager / Leader as Coach' Course and/or
               the '
Certified Professional Coach' Course  







| Faculty |
Alternate Course Format Details and Registration of Interest Form




Copyright © Behavioral Coaching Institute. All Rights Reserved.

 Contents: singapore coach training course, asian coaching course, Bangkok, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, India and Thailand and Singapore business coaching and coach training, asia executive coaching techniques, Bangkok, asia and singapore coach training course, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, China, and Thailand and Singapore Coaching Course, coach training, Bangkok Coaching, singapore coaching and coach training course, Master Coach Course, corporate coaching, Singapore Certified Master Coach, coaching tools, singapore business coaching, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India and Thailand and executive coaching tools, Singapore coach, Bangkok coaching course, coaching models,