Contents: sports coaching course, sports coach course, sports coach, sports science, sports coaching certification course, sports psychology course, sports science, sports coaching course, sports coaching, sports psychology coach course, sports coach, coaching course,


- with over 6,000 members in 60+ countries worldwide



Dr Perry Zeus's








    Diploma and Master Coach Courses - Content

   Executive Coaching Course   Course Fee
  COURSES     High Performance Behavioral Coaching
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate    Organizational Neuropsychology  Fees
   LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses    Emotion Coaching Course   Fees
   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff    NeuroCoaching Course    Fees
   Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus    Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Kids & Parents Life Coaching Course 
   Sports Psychology Coaching Course
   Coach Referral Services    Accreditation for Providers & Courses
   Contact Faculty    Group Coach Training

        As independently verified by ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google, Amazon and Microsoft) -BCI is a long established business with revenue of $us7 mill + and employs over 35 people worldwide.    

  The Institute’s Graduate School of Psychology Coaching is the only sport and performance psychology learning institution in the world that offers an internationally recognized, accredited Diploma Certification program to qualified professionals.  


  A transformed life is taking your dream and making it real!
Learn how to teach your athletes to increase their mental skills & energy levels and unleash their new found power to gain what they truly want, self-heal and break through any fears and uncertainty.

Behavioral Sciences Board Accredited
 Sports Psychology / Mental Skills
 Coaching Credentialing E-Courses



Numerous research studies have now proven that many traditional coaching techniques don’t actually work.

Learn coaching techniques validated by neuroscientific research, equipping you with proven, transformational tools that you can trust to achieve accelerated, sustainable results.




Acquire cutting-edge, Neuro-Behavioral methodology and tools to position yourself atop of your field! 




Diploma in Sports Psychology / Mental Skills Coaching
Diploma Graduates are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip Sports Psych."



Sports Master Coach Course
Graduates receive Certification and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MCC Sports."


For  - Sports Coaches (new and established)
-Athletes transitioning to become a coach
             - Self-coaching for athletes


For busy professionals who do not have time to waste
Fast-tracked E-Learning with Full Certification
No required ADD-ON coaching, supervision or mentoring training
No set Starting or Completion time
            Course Modules >
             Course Registration Form (below page) v


We equip our students with the best skills, knowledge and scientifically proven tools to position themselves at the top of the sports coaching field.

The exciting new field of Neuroscience provides us an understanding of the underlying mechanisms of mental skills coaching and important insights how to fast-track development.

These important insights provide sports coaches a blue-print for scientific coaching processes that are incredibly easy to use and generate exceptional, sustainable results.

The course reviews critical findings and latest studies that provides students the neural differences between the modern approach to sports coaching and yesterday’s sports coaching model.

Neuro-Behavioral Coaching activates networks and regions of the brain that are associated with big-picture thinking, engagement, motivation, stress regulation, and parasympathetic modulation. Whereas the brain areas responsible for analytic thinking, used in the traditional coaching approach, exist in tension with the brain regions essential for emotionally connecting with self, others and being open to challenge and development.

Neuroscience findings provide us a map to creating a culture of modern coaching in sports and fast-tracked individual and team development.

At the conclusion of each Manual there are sections where we discuss how these latest insights and tools from neuroscience help the coach to achieve consistent, sustainable performance results for all their athletes.



- for the Behavioral Coaching Institute and its founder Dr Perry Zeus

   “…For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses. If you are looking for the best available source of coaching knowledge, tools and certification then his Institute’s international recognized, accredited courses are for you….Thanks again for inviting me into the course Perry! ”  

Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘The Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.



“Dr Zeus uniquely brings the latest behavioral sciences and practice of coaching together into easy-to-use, proven coaching tools and models generating exceptional lasting results within just 2 sessions.”
Journal of Mentoring and Coaching


"With faculty members from respected universities, such as Harvard and Oxford, anyone who doesn’t have this Master Coach certification is not providing quality coaching to their client." 
-Dr. Greg Roper, PhD (Master Coach Graduate)

"Thank you so much. It has been a life changing journey (professionally and personally)."
 -H. Egberg (HR Director) 


Behavioral Coaching Institute

has delivered neuro-behavioral

coach training courses to:


Mount Royal University  Sony  Real Madrid   McKinsey & Co  AFL  Citibank  Intel  Howard Hughes Medical Institute  Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Sing Health Polyclinics  Storm  Pfizer  Department of Defence  LA Raiders  Red Cross  Alcatel   Motorola   ANZ   Saatchi & Saatchi NY   BHP Billiton  Saudia Aramco  Nextel  World Vision  BAE   University Hospital Birmingham  


Diploma Course: Distance Learning -Estimated 40-60 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style. Similar course structure as MCC Program -but greater depth.

MCC Course: Distance Learning. Estimated 30-40 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style, it generally requires 1-2 hours of work for each module.       



Have instant access to the world's most valuable, comprehensive
 Coaching Practice Manuals!
 (Over 700 pages)

The world recognized, fully Accredited, Credentialing Courses include:

Comprehensive E-Course Manuals
Modules containing exercises (and answers). With Optional Video Support
Coach’s Tool Kit (Forms, Sample Client Contracts, Marketing templates, Checklists ETC)
Regional Group To Interact With Other Coaches
Optional Practice Role Play Sessions
Certified Coach Logo, ICC membership logo & Gold Seal Services Badge
Optional One Full Year Support and More
  82 Dynamic Lessons
28 Coaching Inventories, Checklists, and Assessments.
22 Coach Checklists .
150 Coaching Tips.
Coach Starter Information.
25 Client Inventories and Checklists.
23 Case Studies.
Countless useful industry and scientific resources and readings to draw from.
Back-Up Support and Access to world’s leading coaching experts.
These sessions support your knowledge of both theory and coaching techniques, enriching your coaching and cohort discussions.
  Read More: Course Content >
  The market opportunity in today's advanced Sports Psychology / Mental Skills Coaching.

Neuro enhancement / fitness is the poor cousin to physical health.

Most athletes are left alone to develop their mental skills and capacity, thinking and feeling beyond the introductory level taught by many sports coaches and sports psychologists. Yet, today's athletes  function in an increasingly competitive and challenging world that repeatedly demands their consistent best or next level to succeed.

Neuro-behavioral coaching can be likened to giving your athletes or team their own private brain-mind-body gym.

The brain is like any other organ in the body. If you exercise it, it performs better.  An efficient brain can accomplish more, with greater accuracy, in less time.  

With repeated exercise, just as muscles respond and gain strength, the brain similarly learns to self-regulate more and more optimally. Neuro-behavioral coaching is highly effective because it helps athletes improve a wide range of brain functions. 

Much like working out in a gym, you will be able to teach your athletes easy-to-use techniques to strengthen specific neural patterns. The more they practice activating a specific area of the brain the stronger and more capable that area becomes.


Time and attention is important. Neuro-behavoral coaching is an accelerated method of achieving enhanced performance compared to traditional coaching efforts.

  Neuro-behavioral coaching falls under the umbrellas of natural health (including physical health – as our physiology can be re shaped by our thoughts) and mental / emotional fitness.

  Neuro-behavioral coaching interventions are designed to open “windows of plasticity” and target specific domains of the brain’s structure and reset them to form greater connectivity and oversight. The objective of the targeted interventions is to have the participant achieve perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, state of mind techniques for self-improvement.

Neuro-behavioral coaching allows you to explore the critical impact of energy on motivation and willpower. Inefficient thinking helps cause stress and lowers energy levels. Our brain uses about 20% of the body’s energy.

  With neuro-behavioral coaching you’re working with metacognition (‘knowing about knowing’).

Teach your athletes easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological techniques (to practice once a day for 15 mins) that change and redirect associated neural patterns to activate targeted innate brain-mind-body mechanisms.

 Latest studies report, after just a few minutes of regular use, decreased impulsivity and anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood, and a host of other side benefits.

Neuro-behavioral coaching is suited for professional sports coaches who want to use evidence-based strategies to help others flourish and reach their goals.

Applying neuroscience, neuropsychology and working with the brain-mind-body continuum legitimizes the work of a professional sports coach.

NOTE: Your athletes will be empowered to self-coach themselves and engage in regular neuro practice exercises anytime they have 10 free minutes. Significant, lasting, measurable, performance improvement occurs in just 2 to 3 weeks.

Peak Performance Coaching -as taught in the Course.

-How to move into the Flow Zone at will.

  Neuro-behavioral coaching provides a number of benefits for individuals who wish to pursue fast-tracked, peak performance training.

  Neuro-behavioral coaching is used to ‘tune’ well-functioning brains to enhance a person’s mental abilities and allow them to perform at their peak.

  An athlete's ability to focus and concentrate is hindered when stress and tension is carried in the body. Neuro-behavioral coaching increases resilience and an individual’s ability to deal with stress. It improves mental clarity, decision making capabilities and focus. Bottom line performance, competency and efficiency are enhanced. 


  COURSE BONUS: Learn how boost your athletes Energy Levels for a more productive and healthier Future!

A common complaint of athletes is: "I feel so tired at the end of my training day," and "Why do I feel so blah?"

- Learn how you can integrate Neuro-Bioenergetics in your coaching sessions to restore your athletes energy quickly and effectively.
- Learn how our Energy Field becomes disrupted and negatively affects health, well-being and performance.
- Learn how to discover the root cause of your athletes discomfort and restore their energy with the groundbreaking science of Neuro-Bioenergetic.

Course Modules >




Application Process:

Note: Strictly Limited Number of Accelerated, Credentialing Program Places Available.

There is a restriction on the the number of Accredited Coach Certifications available via the Self-Study, Accelerated Credentialing Program Format.

Some benefits to holding internationally certification..

Increase your confidence and achieve better results working with a wide range of interventions. A Diploma in Sports Psychology Coaching equips you to use an advanced, performance enhancement process in depth and with the competence required to work with even complex issues.

Upgrade your expertise
Enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing how to provide world-class services, and from having obtained proven, evidence-based change tools and techniques.

Amplify your professional credibility
Neuro-behavioral coaching is acknowledged as the leading edge coaching model by the modern day psychological profession. With increased visibility and use, also comes increased scrutiny. When you get certified, it tells your world that you've achieved a level of knowledge and mastery.

Currently, our diploma trainings are only open to professionals who have had prior experience in sports coaching.

To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Section Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to confirm their suitability.

* ICC -The internationally recognized International Coaching Council is the world’s premier professional accreditation body for professional  coaches (established 1998). A BCI graduate automatically gains prestigious membership of the ICC.

*Note: In fairness to all pending qualified applicants, to secure one of the strictly limited course places, a successful applicant is required to remit full payment (via bank wire) for the course within 5 working days of receiving their Acceptance Letter/Email.






Application Form for Course Invitation
One intake a year
Applications Close Soon!


Step 1.-Select applicable Course Rate.
(FULL Certification -no exam or further add-on training hours required).
Step 2. Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page
...then Submit.



 FAST-TRACKED, Distance Learning Format
Diploma in Sports Psychology / Mental Skills Coaching
or Sports Master Coach Course

  Other Master Coach Course Formats

 -With ICC Membership*.

  - Learn to use proprietary, proven Neuro-Behavioral Intervention Models (employing the latest: evidence-based methodology from neuroscience and allied behavioral science fields).

→ Note: The proprietary coaching toolkit is only available through this program.


    DIPLOMA Special Coaching Course Rate :
Dual Certificate Course (includes Master Coach Course)

   Group Course Rate:
         - Please forward quote for:
2 - 4 places 5 + places 
- l am also interested in licensing this course to use
  as an in-house coach training program in my organization.


    Individual Course Rate: $us2,685.00
       - Less $500 Subsidy for persons who require financial
         assistance (see below)..

    * Currently only 2 places left in this Semester's Intake!* .


NOTE: DUAL CERTIFICATE COURSE for current semester only!
Graduates receive both the Diploma and Sports Master Coach (MCC) Certification -This special
Course also includes Master Coach Foundational Knowledge and Skills from the Sports Master Coach Course.  Save $2,195 (MCC Sports Course fee). Having a dual qualification stands you out in the field and opens more opportunities.

 - Optional. Telephone interview / call with Faculty Member.-Yes!


  MASTER Certified Sports Coach (MCC) Course ONLY
Individual Course Rate: $us2,195.00
   - Less $500 Subsidy for persons who require financial
     assistance (see below)..


    RECESSION BONUS: Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional Coach Practice Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00.

.Plus please also include the easy-to-use Neuro-Bioenergetics (Energy) Change Model and tools with my Course. Energy Psychology has been called the Future Of Performance and Well-Being.        
  * Subsidized, REGIONAL, Scholarship Course Rate (Inclusive):
 BCI Foundation awards Open Scholarships (value up to $us500 depending upon region and financial status) to qualified persons who require financial assistance.

Diploma in Sports Psychology Coaching $̶u̶s̶2̶,̶685̶.̶0̶0̶   $us2,185.00
Sports Master Coach Course  $̶u̶s̶2̶,̶1̶95̶.̶0̶0̶   $us1695.00
- Maximum 2 Places per Country (including USA) per Semester.
- Your Reasons for Scholarship Rate



*Note: Payment for this global course required to be made
 by Bank Transfer.






1. No set starting or completion time. Students can begin and end their Self Paced, Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) at their time of choosing. Duration: typically 4-6 weeks part-time home study. Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
2. No assessment or post-course supervision / additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of this Form) for busy people developers who are time constraint, unable to attend a campus course for economic or distance reasons and already have a track-record of people development..
3. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).


Plus any optional 1-to-1 videoconference mentoring sessions focusing on your specific workplace issues/case study work.

-1 pre-course and 1 post-course 1-to-1 mentoring session ($us295.each) -with option of further.
*Note: -Mentors are all internationally recognized coaching experts with a PhD eg; Dr Tracy, Dr Garcia, Dr Law etc.


    Yes! -Please submit my Course Application
 to the Institute's Selection Panel

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses  
           Google Search ,  Google Ad, Dr Perry Zeus's books, Other

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:

Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s -Landline:   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :


   > Please re-enter   


      >Email Business: 


Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Your Business Name :   

Type/Size of Business:   


 I am looking to use     
 Performance Models :   

- Internally (inside my organization).
- Externally (in a private practice).
- Self-Coach myself
1to1 Coaching
Team Coaching

Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in Sports Coaching :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in any specific niche area?


Applying for a Scholarship?
- If so, please provide a statement as to the reason/s why..


     - Two References (Biz or Personal)
Name/Contact Details:

Yes, I understand that course payment
 is required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.


     - Referral? eg; Graduate, BCI Faculty Member etc:






                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2021. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division