Content: Master Certified Coach Course, master coach, executive coaching certification, professional
development and coaching, leadership and executive coaching
certification, leadership coaching training and development, executive coaching
training and development, Master Certified Coach training, executive coach training and
development, coach certification and post-course development,
master certified coach
professional development, executive coaching course, mcc professional development and coaching,
master coach training and continuing development
Certified Coach Course for executive coaching, leadership coaching and
business coaching
- Some
Introductory Notes:
Master Certified Coach (MCC) -Continuing
Professional Development
- Coaching Mastery Program
Coach Practitioner Level:
6 Tiered Designation Hierachy - Level
of Practice
Accredited Coach Practitioner Level:
Level 1 (Basic Level): - The student has obtained a Certificate
of Completion for the Master Coach Course thereby acquiring the
requisite coaching knowledge skill sets, processes, models and
techniques to master use of.
Level 2 (Advanced Level) : - A BCI graduate can be
nominated to receive this level of recognition by a BCI Faculty member
if they have completed a specialist BCI Diploma Course (eg; in
Performance Coaching, Neurocoaching, Emotion Coaching, Anti-Aging &
Health Coaching, Organizational Neuropsychological Coaching etc) and possess: a) advanced professional qualifications and
significant, successful coaching experience or, b) advanced level of
competency demonstrated to a BCI facilitator during role-playing -
via Videoconference or Campus course.
Level 3 (Expert level -Chartered BCI Graduate): - A
BCI graduate has completed
the latest revised version of the Master Coach Course and a specialist
BCI Diploma course, written a Coaching
Case Study Article published online and, a) engaged in Post-Course
Mentoring with a BCI Facilitator or, b) under direction of a Course
Facilitator, assisted students in
role-playing exercises during a BCI Course or, c) during a BCI Course exhibited a high level of competency when role-playing case
study exercises with a their Instructor/Mentor or, d) endorsed by a
Senior Faculty Member.
Note: A Level 3 Master Coach is eligible to be nominated for a "Regional Network
Leader" position (assisting local graduate's in their post-course development)
-plus receive any available local business coaching referral leads from BCI.
See below Chart for all 6 levels:
Coach -Confirmation of
Competency -Level of Practice:
- Each graduate practitioner's name is listed on the Institute's public Master Coach Registry
on the internet.
- This high profile registry is used by the general public and
potential clients to confirm the level of training and competency of
a coach.
- The
graduate can advertise their Level of Competency to prospective
clients and public alike.
- Only upon the Institute’s Academic and Business Advisory Board
receiving; (i) a nomination letter from a BCI Faculty member and,
(ii) a evidentiary submission / letter by the applicant -can a
graduate coach have their published ‘Competency Level of Practice’
- Any upgrade in designation is confirmed by the graduate coach
receiving a new Certificate by the Institute.
As coaching is an evolving discipline the Master Coach Course is
significantly revised each year to provide the latest proven
knowledge and skill sets available. It follows that a graduate who
completed a course a few years ago has not received the same level
of training as a recent graduate.
Behavioral Coaching Institute therefore encourages our graduates to
update their knowledge and skills sets every 3 to 4 years.

The Certified
Master Coach
Course - includes
the latest training in the use of
4 Primary Behavior
Change Models to effect
lasting individual behavior change and learning:
Behavioral Coaching
fast-tracked Course (Self-Study,
Campus and Distance Learning Format) meets the critical needs for
professional behavioral change
agents and other professional people developers to be trained and mentored in the use of validated,
reliable behavioral change tools and techniques.
Behavioral Coaching Institute
Note: Any Certificate of Completion of Training provided
by a training body is not an endorsement or certificate of competency.
Master Certified Coach Course, mcc professional development and coaching, master
certified coach coach
training and continuing development, leadership coaching training and
development, business coaching training and development, executive coaching
training and development, executive coach certification and post-course development,
executive coach professional development, coaching certification, professional
development and coaching, leadership and executive coaching certification,
Institute's Faculty
Coach -Course
Content |
Master Coach Course Registration
of Interest Form