Archive Coaching Articles 2008. Contents: international coaching federation coach training,  international coaching federation, icf, behavioral change, change agent, executive coaching, coaching federation and business coaching, techniques, international coaching federation and executive coaching, ICFexecutive coach course, international coaching federation, coach, coaching behavior change, international coaching federation, ICF Certification, coaching association, icf coaching federation, international, exceutive coaching course, international coaching federation and change agent, international coaching federation certified coach, international coaching federation, international coaching federation, change agent, international coaching federation and business coach, international coaching federation and training, icf and behavioral change





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Presented by Suzanne Skiffington, PhD - at the International Coaching Federation (ICF) International Conference.
-Business Coaching, ICF Certification

Change and executive coaching. Are we truly specialist change experts? -By Suzanne Skiffington, PhD 

The Behavioral Coaching Model -Achieving Behavioral Change with validated Coaching Techniques -  by Zeus and Skiffington  

International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Executive Coaching Accreditation and Certification issues and How to select the right executive coach training course more

Change and executive coaching -Are we truly specialist change experts?


1. Background:
"The purpose of exceutive coaching is to produce behavioral change and growth in the coachee for the economic benefit of the client."
- Harvard University, Business Report

The 4 New Principles of Organizational Change:

1: All people and systems are dynamic -changing throughout time.
Continually changing external market forces and internal performance requirements mean any organization to survive and thrive must inturn learn how to grow and to engage in ongoing internal change. 

2. To change any organizational structure or process or result requires a change in people. 
Learning means a change in behavior as people change by learning an alternate way of thinking and behaving.

3. Behavioral coaching is the vehicle for successful, lasting personal and professional behavioral change.
mplementing any organizational change first requires a learning review (coaching assessment) by behavioral change experts (coaches). 

4. Successful implementation of the learning review insights can only be achieved by employing a validated, scientifically proven, behavioral change program with leaders and executives who want to learn and lead by learning.

Change is at the heart of coaching. It plays a critical role in helping individuals and organizations to create, adapt to, and accept change as a challenge rather than an obstacle. The process and positive, results though can be a difficult to achieve if evidence-based behavioral models, tools and techniques are not employed.

The coach’s role as a change agent, either internal or external, in an organization can assume the following forms:

The internal or external coach who is introducing a coaching program to an organization, that is, working to establish a culture of coaching
- The coach who is working with executives to develop and enhance their leadership skills such as leading change.
- The coach who is working with leaders or managers to adopt a coaching style, for example, a ‘manager as coach’ program.
- The coach who is working with an executive or leader to enhance his or her personal or operational mastery skills within an organization.

2. As professional coaches we have to examine our ability to survive the challenges other groups present as they encroach upon our ground.

Coaching is informed by and borrows from other disciplines, but it is a stand-alone discipline. We must lay claim to our distinction which, is that we are specialist behavioral change agents. To sustain the momentum of executive or business coaching we must ensure sustained, measurable change.

Some issues:
  • Coaching involves bringing about change in the individual’s thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. It is a psychological-based process and coaches, therefore requires an understanding of the psychology of change.

  • Coaches need to establish criteria for ‘change readiness’ and for ‘coachable coachees’.

  • How do coachees learn? Coaches have to be familiar with learning styles, with methods of Accelerated Learning and what might interfere with the learning process, such as ‘proactive inhibition".(an interference with learning that occurs when the way we currently do things is different and conflicts with new knowledge). ‘New Learning’ takes this knowledge protection mechanism into account and coaches would benefit from familiarity with models and techniques that prevent this interference and reversion to old patterns of behaviour.

  • As specialist change agents, coaches must measure and evaluate change. We have to ‘operationalize’ what we want to measure, employ multiple ratings and generate statistical data on coaching outcomes.

  • Research has to establish acceptable levels of change – what criteria do we use?, e.g, the coachee’s, the coach’s or the organization’s?
    How do we measure internal change as against perceived change? How do we measure transformational change?

  • Research on coaching has to develop criteria for evaluation so we can benchmark coaching outcomes.

  • How do coaches maintain change and prevent slippage? Coaches require models and strategies to prepare for the end of the coaching intervention, to maintain and generalize change and prevent relapse into old ways of behaving and thinking.

  • Coaches need to establish the ideal time frame for specific coaching interventions.

  • Coaches need to understand clearly the comparative benefits of face-to-face versus telecoaching versus other means of delivery. We must ensure that the coachee is receiving the most appropriate and effective vehicle of delivery that will produce the greatest level of sustained change.

  • Resistance to coaching is under-explored and rarely discussed. If we are true experts at change then we must be experts at recognizing and dealing with resistance to change. Not everyone is coachable and some coaching interventions are unsuccessful. We need to establish whether resistance is a function of personality, of fears (of failure, success, loss of identity etc), the coach’s lack of expertise, poor assessment and diagnosis, lack of personal or organizational support or other factors. If coaching is to maintain its momentum and credibility, we can no longer continue to play cheerleader and assume that change will occur.

  • In Summary 

    Coaches as Change Agents
    A coachee works with their coach to bring about a desired positive change in themselves (skills and behaviors). During this intervention -change is a process and a coach needs to understand how the process works and how to best facilitate the process. The coach also needs to know about the different types and levels of change. For example; Behavioral-based coaching can be used both for remedial change (for persons who are in trouble, have plateaued or are falling behind) and generative change (for successful persons to continue the process of personal and professional development).

    Coaching is about change and change is a psychological-based process. We believe that coaches do not need to be psychologists. However, we strongly advocate the need for coaches to be trained by a coach training school whose faculty members are trained professional psychologists and coaching practitioners ie; professionals who are expert practitioners and instructors in the methodologies, tools and techniques that truly bring about sustained behavioural change more
    Dr Skiffington (Founding Education Director of the Behavioral Coaching Institute)


The Behavioral Coaching Model:
- Achieving Behavioral Change with validated Coaching Techniques
(includes some extracts from text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -
copyrighted by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing)

The term "behavior" is frequently misused in training and coaching literature/programs, with little attention made to methods of actually changing behaviors and insuring that these changes are lasting.

The definition of behavior to which behavioral coaching subscribes is: the actions, responses and reactions of an individual, team or organization. Behavioral coaching can also be defined as the science and art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of the individual or team, which in turn assists the growth of the organization. The overall goal of behavioral coaching is to help individuals increase their effectiveness and happiness at work, study and/or in a social setting.

Everyone involved in personal and professional development needs to understand and appreciate basic behavioral processes and how these relate to individual functioning and organizational performance.

Many organizations and coaches claim to use behavioral coaching simply because they are dealing with behavior. On closer scrutiny, however, they are merely attaching a new name to the old workplace counseling model; that is, the "coaching" is remedial, occurs on an as-needs rather than an ongoing basis, involves little monitoring or evaluation and does not attend to preventing slippage. Furthermore, some professionals claim to practice behavioral coaching simply because they employ personality profiling. Behavioral coaching goes beyond false promises about change and examines what we can and cannot change. It presents research-based and scientifically means of instilling new optimism for coaches and their clients about achieving change.

Behavioral coaching integrates research from many disciplines into a validated, user-friendly model of practice. It incorporates knowledge from psychology (behavioral, clinical, social, developmental, industrial and organizational), systems theories, existential philosophy, education and the management and leadership literature.

One of the reasons why behavioral techniques are so widely accepted is that they allow for data to be gathered on specific, targeted behaviors impacting the application of a professional skill. By using appropriate validated, behavioral change instruments, these targeted behaviors can easily be measured and evaluated in a rigorous manner. Behavioral coaching, with its emphasis on research and evidence, provides individuals and organizations a validated and proven system that greatly increases their chances of effecting lasting behavioral change.

Changing behavioral patterns cannot be achieved by using the many simplistic, outdated models of coaching still widely promoted in the coaching industry/literature. Many so-called "certified coaches" churned out by the "coaching associations" are simply doing more harm than good. Meantime, many large, high-profile coach training schools are still teaching simplistic models of coaching that employ re-labeled, old performance counseling strategies or, in some cases, scientifically unproven fuzzy techniques. 
Because coaching is still a developing discipline, there is no agreed-upon, all-embracing model of the coaching process and practice.
A coaching model cannot be procrustean. It requires an in-built flexibility and adaptability so that coaching programs can be tailored to fit the specific needs of each client and coachee. For example, a coach needs to take into account their own, as well as the coachees', differences in personality, knowledge, skills and abilities. Coachees also vary in motivation and preparedness for change.
As well as individual factors, each coachee exists within various systems, both personal and professional. These affect how a coaching program is conducted, as do factors such as the organizational culture and structure, available resources and the organization's business objectives.
The behavioral coaching model emphasizes the following aspects of behavior and learning:
  • Much of our human behavior is learned.
  • All behaviors result in positive or negative consequences for the individual and those around him or her
  • Individuals are systems within systems, and each individual affects and is affected by these systems and the constant changes they are undergoing
  • Defining individuals' current status and developmental progress in terms of their behavior, rather than personality traits or personality styles
  • Specifying the target behavior impacting on say; a professional skill, position task etc
  • Measuring the target behavior
  • Exploring and changing core values, motivation, beliefs and emotions -which can result in significant behavioral change
  • Assessing covert behaviors (e.g., limiting beliefs, anxiety) in relation to overt actions (e.g., speaking at a meeting)
  • Accessing and assessing emotional events
  • Assessing environmental events and the interactions between behavior and environment
  • Employing validated behavioral techniques
  • Providing statistical proof of beneficial change/learning acquisition and ROI
  • Employing sufficient follow-through monitoring and coachee self-coaching strategies

"Formal training in leadership and interpersonal skills and follow-up behavioral coaching, has been shown to increase productivity by 30% in the first year, as related to that area of training. Continued improvement in performance is seen with feedback and behavioral coaching. Without such follow-up, the performance level is just slightly higher than before the training. 

Behavioral coaching
has consistently been shown to result in the perception of enhanced leadership effectiveness by 99% of those observing the person. Also 99% of individuals who follow the prescribed program improve by at least one full point on a six-point scale as determined by their co-workers."
-Personal Leadership Development Study. Michael Woods MD, Welyne Thomas PhD

Successful executive, organizational, business coaching is not a suitable domain for employing outdated, un-scientific, unproven, simplistic: coaching models, user-fits-all personality profiling, questioning techniques etc. Only validated, behavioral scientific models, accelerated behavioral change techniques, competencies and behaviors identified in robust industry studies are used in the Behavioral Coaching Institute's fast-tracked Accredited Coach Training Coach courses for select professional people developers.

- Dr Skiffington -BCI Founding Director of Education


- International Coaching Federation (ICF)
 - Executive Coaching and Accreditation and Certification issues

Presented at the US International Coaching Federation (ICF) - International Conference
- International Coaching Federation (ICF)
.. more


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ICF : Recent studies have shown the average earnings for business/executive coaches to be over $120,000 p.a. A well trained and experienced external coach should aim to place themselves amongst the top practices earning $250,000 plus.
Comparison Note:
What ICF coaches earn:  Almost 4 in 10 earn less than $10k. Over 50% said it took them up to 2 years of marketing to get their first paid coaching client. Fifty percent said that they are only working with one to six clients per month. -ICF published findings of its membership survey.

Copyright © 2008, Behavioral Coaching Institute. All Rights Reserved.



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Contents:  international coaching federation coach training, international coaching federation certified coach, coaching techniques,  international coaching federation, icf, behavioral change, change agent, action international coaching federation and action international, techniques, international coaching federation and executive coaching, ICF, international coaching federation membership, coach, coaching behavior change, international coaching federation, change agent, international coaching federation and business coach, international coaching federation and training, international coaching federation, ICF Certification, coaching association, change agent, coaching federation, intern
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