Contents: icc accreditation, accreditation for my course, trainer accreditation, learning and development accreditation, international coaching council, course facilitator accreditation, certification, certificate of accreditation, accredited course, accredited trainer, course accreditation


The International Coaching Council
Established in 1994









How to obtain internationally recognized ICC Accreditation for
coaching course facilitators
 / trainers ..

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

 1-to-1 Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

Coach Referral Services

Contact Faculty

  Contents: icc accreditation, accreditation, coaching trainer accreditation, accredited facilitator, accredited trainer,  international coaching council, course facilitator accreditation, accredited coach trainer, certification, certificate of coaching accreditation, accredited course, course accreditation, trainer accreditation, facilitator trainer accreditation, accredited trainer, coaching, coach, accreditation


 Steps to becoming an ICC internationally recognized
 Accredited Coaching Educator / Course Trainer
 / Coaching Facilitator ..












Coach Training Course


Coaching Course Providers/Coach Training Business/School etc-


-See below page

Plus Free Rights of Use of Master Coach Course Content/Material  




  Foundered in 1998, the ICC is recognized as the world's leading coach training accreditation body. Not to be confused with the mass-market training marketplace, the ICC has a long-standing reputation as the premier educational body representing the higher end of the global learning and development market. The ICC stands alone worldwide as both an internationally recognized professional coach training accreditation body and a coaching and training industry membership group (from over 65 countries).

The ICC has exclusively authorized the Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI) to act as its international agent and assign the international stamp of training excellence (ICC's elite Accreditation stamp) to world best standard training coaching course trainers / course facilitators.

Effectively, accreditation of an educator is third-party validation from an independent body at a higher position of industry authority and knowledge than the course facilitator, course developer or training agency. The Accreditation body is impartial and able to confirm the level of national and international industry standing and competence of the facilitator in their performance of specific training activities such as coaching.

Member's of the ICC Accreditation Panel (led by Dr Perry Zeus) include respected industry leaders, best-selling coaching authors and internationally renowned coaching knowledge makers.

Here are the Steps to a coaching course facilitator internationally accredited by the International Coaching Council.

Naturally, most prospective students wish to confirm the level of knowledge and skills of their course facilitator.

To become an ICC Accredited Course Facilitator, an applicant (or their corporate sponsor) needs to: 

1. Confirm their training, learning and development expertise.

2. Confirm their experience and advanced relevant subject matter knowledge.








Use of the two ICC Accreditation logo stamps and ICC Certification for marketing and sales purposes.

This unique, ICC credentialing program provides dedicated professional trainers a marketing banner that declares they practice teaching courses at a world best-class standard.

Great course facilitators/trainers inspire and engage learners to achieve their learning and development goals by delivering training programs that challenge the status quo and motivate action. The ability to create a learning journey with influence and create a lasting impact on students is a key to any successful learning experience.

Note: Certification is usually granted to a person by a professional association or a credentialing body on completing a course. Accreditation is granted by an industry representative body (such as the long established, globally recognized ICC), to a individual or group based on their possessing certain professional standards and benchmarks.

By becoming an ICC Accredited Trainer / Facilitator confirms that you are:



  and, that courses you facilitate:

   • contain up-to-date subject-matter content, methodology and technology,
   • meets world standard quality assurance requirements,
   • meets established industry, enterprise, educational, professional development need, and
   • provides appropriate competency outcomes and assessment.


Who can apply for ICC Facilitator Accreditation?

Professional and personal development course facilitators / trainers (new and established) across the world can apply to become ICC accredited.

The ICC Facilitator Accreditation is inclusive, and available to all coach trainers whatever their background, training, and experience. Note: The ICC does not require knowledge tests, enrolment in continuing professional development programs, hours worked etc as a criteria for approval.

Naturally, most prospective students wish to confirm the level of knowledge and skills of their course facilitator / trainer.

To meet this need, to become an ICC Accredited Course Facilitator, an applicant (or their corporate sponsor) can confirm their own training, subject matter and learning and development expertise by two options:

1. Possessing a Completion Certificate of BCI's ICC Accredited, internationally recognized, Master Coach Course (MCC *).  The invitational Master Coach Course is available via Self-Study Format. A Special Scholarship for a MCC course place is available for applicants seeking ICC Course Facilitator Accreditation. The fast-tracked MCC Course can be completed within a 4-6 weeks and there is no requirement for further training/mentoring etc. 
2. The Facilitator (or their Sponsor) can confirm their training qualifications, expertise, experience and advanced relevant subject matter knowledge.





How much does it cost?


1. There is no upfront fee charged for research, review and assessment of application.

2. To be fair to all applicants, from all countries, the cost of accreditation is based on the USD equivalent Income of the applicant (see below) and the type of coaching courses delivered, clientele, fee structure, size of practice, local currency etc.

 Income Categories

2 years

6 years

 Tier 1 ($USD100,000 plus)



 Tier 2 (66,000- 99,999)



 Tier 3 (33,000 -65,999)



 Tier 4 (0- 32,999)







The ICC will establish the accreditation fee (licensing use of ICC Facilitator Accreditation logos) based on the information submitted by the trainer and verified through research by the ICC Accreditation Panel. As mentioned above, the licensing fee for the two ICC badges will be tailored to: the region/country that the coach resides in, their income, the type of coaching courses provided, clientele, student fee structure, local currency etc.

Use of the ICC Facilitator Accreditation logo stamps for marketing and sales purposes.

Typically the accreditation fee is payable for a period of 2 or 6 years. The ICC maintains the right to revoke any membership to protect its valued name in the world marketplace.

Timeframe for coach accreditation / processing of your application.
 - Typically within 3-4 days after our receipt of the below completed Accreditation Request Form. However, timeframes may vary according to the information provided in the submission.


1. Your submission of below Application Form.

2. Our Office then contacts you to establish a mutually convenient time for Dr Perry Zeus (Head of the Accreditation Selection Panel) to call you. During the interview Perry will be able to discuss your accreditation needs, confirm the appropriate accreditation fee and answer any question/s. Subject to a mutually satisfactory outcome of the interview, he will then present your application to the Institute's Accreditation Selection Panel.

3. Within 24 hours following the Interview you will be emailed a decision and, if approved, the appropriate coach accreditation license fee required to be paid via bank transfer or direct deposit within the next 5 days.

4. When the relevant license fee is remitted, two ICC Accreditation Seals of Approval/logos and ICC Certification are then issued to the Facilitator to use for general purposes.


Accreditation as an approved Coaching Course Provider/Coach Training Organization
Accreditation of a Coaching Course
Coach Accreditation

> Complete Application Form for Individual Trainers/Facilitators Accreditation bottom of this page..







Interview Request Form for Coaching Course Facilitator Accreditation


-Yes!  - I would like to become an internationally
recognized / accredited ICC Course Facilitator:



Full Name:






Tel. #'s:


Email Addresses:


   I teach / coach :   

- Internally (inside my organization).
- Externally (in a practice). 
-Your Position/Title:  

     - References (Biz or Personal):


If a Sponsoring Business/Organization -
What are your Facilitators name/s, professional background
 -and qualifications?


Experience in People Development


Course/s Taught: Name and type:


The Course/s Brief Description


Course/s Duration and Cost in USD per student? 


Estimated number of times the course/s are/will be
conducted per year?


Class size? 


Other Comments
Referral/s etc



Please Note: BCI will contact you within 48 hours of you sending this Form!





 BCI Story and our Faculty |   Master Coach Course Registration Form  

Contents:  icc accreditation, accreditation for my course, coaching, executive coaching, course accreditation, certificate of accreditation, facilitaor accreditation, learning and development, international coaching council, behavioral coaching institute, business coaching, certification, accredited course, course accreditation, coaching, facilitator accreditation, executive coach, coaching course accreditation, executive coaching course, coaching accreditation, business coaching course, executive coaching,