Contents:, coach training courses for license, courseware licensing, executive coach training business, executive coaching business, life coaching franchise, coaching franchise territory, coach training license, franchise coaching, coach training courses, executive coaching franchise and life coaching franchise business, executive coaching franchise, coaching franchise territory, coach training business, courseware licensing, coaching brands for license,





-Established the world's first professional coach training program in 1994






Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Child Behavior Coaching Course 
  Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses   Organizational Neuropsychology  Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Emotion Coaching Course   Fees
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Sports Psychology Coaching Course

Coach Referral Services

  Accreditation for Providers & Courses

Contact Faculty

  Group Coach Training



Delivering World Best Standard Learning across the globe











- for both small and corporate businesses..


  The Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI), founded in 1994 by Dr Perry Zeus, is proud of our long standing reputation as the world's leading developer and supplier of behavioral change methodology and best practices.

Internationally recognized as the world leader in behavioral coaching science, research, education and coach practice tool innovation, BCI is best positioned to offer cutting-edge knowledge, methodology and world recognized prestigious certification to our selected global partners.

BCI's  advanced, internationally recognized, Master Certified Coach Courses are designed by Dr Perry Zeus, the world’s foremost authority in Applied Behavioral Science Coaching.

BCI is a founding member of the International Coaching Council (ICC) and has sole worldwide rights to assign/license ICC's name, international stamps of training excellence and logos.

The International Coaching Council is an international organization (established in 1998) with the mission of leading and supporting the development of learning and development, coaching, mentoring and training globally.

The ICC is uniquely both an internationally recognized professional training accreditation body and a coaching / learning and development industry group. ICC's mission is to elevate the quality of the coaching and training profession. The ICC name is recognized globally by its prestigious brand and/or accreditation stamp on select coaching and training courses that reach the highest level of professional trainer / coach education and practice standards supported by the latest behavioral science in people development and learning.

"Vastly increased our brand visibility and provided extensive national reach."
-Peterson Training Group.

.-Licensing BCI Courses and the ICC brand is all about forging key partnerships with licensees in countries and regions that allows us to best reach and service a wider global audience. The licensing of Brand and Courseware content to a third party is governed by a formal, signed course agreement stipulating conditions and terms of use.


Unique Profitable / Business Growth Opportunities!


Note: Strictly Limited Number of Partnerships Available



Some Licenses available in: BRAZIL, INDIA ,CHINA, SOUTH AFRICA. - For an up-to-date list apply below to receive latest market availability in your area..



Partner's Master Coach Graduation Class

    "Recognized brand names and products typically have shown a consistency in product quality that has contributed to the evolution of the brand... Successful brand names are synonymous with trust, loyalty, respect…Aligning your business with an already developed strong company brand by carrying their desired, market-proven products leads to more sales (and profit) and long-term business benefits."
- Entrepreneur Magazine



  Best Suited for:
Coaches, Trainers, Training businesses, Entrepreneurs/New training business, Educational Institutions, Companies (for internal training) etc..
To:    1. Plug BCI's Courses with logos into an existing suite of courses.
       2. Co-brand -with your brand name.  
   3. White label -plug course content without logos into own course.

Dr. Perry Zeus
 (BCI Founder) 


"We take our partnerships seriously and evaluate each potential licensee on a case-by-case basis to ensure we select only the most qualified individuals and training institutions."

To become a Behavioral Coaching Institute Partner or ICC Licensee and represent our respected name/s in your territory you must:


Share the same values as well as passion for the learning and development industry and consumers.

Have a track record of business success.

Understand your region’s training needs.

Build, develop and deliver professional educational products.

Be able to effectively market and communicate with private clients, corporate clients, educational bodies etc.

Provide accessible and efficient customer service.

Fulfil financial and licensing obligations to BCI / ICC.




-to a wide range of educational products..



ICC ENDORSEMENT = Branding and Marketing Power!

By attaching the ICC's powerful, prestigious brand/logo to your educational / training products:

Gain the consumer awareness and marketing benefit of an internationally renowned brand.
Enhance authenticity, credibility and business profile.
Reduce In-House sales and marketing costs while increasing sales.
Reach a wider pool of consumers.
Examples (See below License Application Form):
ICC brand/logo/name (only) -rights to attach to a specific product/service (see below Form)
ICC Accreditation Stamps/logo to use on your own developed course.  ->read more
ICC Accredited Facilitator Logo for general sales/marketing use. ->read more
ICC Accredited Course Provider/Coach Training Logo etc for general use. ->read more
Exclusive National (country) rights to ICC Brand -including right to resell (see below Form)
Exclusive Territorial Rights : Business Sector or a specific Region of a country to the ICC Brand. (see below Form)







Inform and inspire your clients in every step of their
coaching journey of discovery and fulfilment.

  Some benefits to licensing BCI's world recognized, prestigious courses:  
    High Quality: You get world class, state-of-the-art course content. BCI's courses are developed by Dr Perry Zeus -
  • Acknowledged by the International Coaching Council (ICC) and International Coach Federation (ICF) as one of the founders and pioneers of the modern coaching discipline and recognized as the leading Master Trainer in today's Science-based Coaching.
  • Recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the coaching profession, including the ICF Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Featured in Forbes Magazine as one of the "Top 10 Most Influential Coaches in the World."
  Cost Savings: Realize significant savings on having to develop your own courseware. Best of Class courseware takes many months sometimes years to develop!
 Resource Utilization: Give your trainers the chance to shine with the latest coaching science and change models.
  Program Customization: "Build your own Course". Option available for you to tailor the courses to your specific needs, market, culture, and strategic objectives.
  Course Certification and Accreditation: Provide your students the highest level of certification and professional accreditation that stand them out from others.




Our below Specialist Global Campus Partners
 have BCI course licensing rights to: -

    - Deliver select BCI first level Courses:
Certified Professional Coach
(CPC )
Parent as Coach (to children)
Sports (Psychology) Coach,
E-Sports Coach

    - Add BCI's Master Certified Coach Course Content in your own courses.    


(Regional, Level 1 or Country, Level 2) 


- Exclusively market the internationally recognized, prestigious
Master Certified Coach Course in Workplace / Executive Coaching and/or
Master Certified Coach in NeuroCoaching Course and/or
Master Certified Child Behavior Coach Course
 & other ICC Accredited Certified Courses.


 Level 2 


 Level 1

 Level 1





Level 1. As a qualified BCI Strategic Regional, level 1 Partner you can deliver (in a defined region) BCI's three premier Master Certified Coach Courses: in  Executive / Workplace Coaching and/or NeuroCoaching and/or Child Behavior Coaching.

Level 2.
Level 2 National Partners are awarded the ICC Accredited Master Coach Trainer designation and BCI Approved Master Coach designations (see details in below License Request Form).

The prestigious qualification, importantly allows you to train others as Master Coaches in a wide range of specialities (using the core modules of BCI's Master Certified Coach Course in Workplace/ Executive Coaching with additional specialist content provided by yourself). Example; you can (according to your expertise and background training) conduct courses to become a Certified Relationship Master Coach, Certified Emotions Master Coach, Certified Career Master Coach, Certified Health Master Coach, Certified Health and Wellness Master Coach, Certified Business Master Coach, Certified Executive Master Coach, Certified Sports Master Coach etc...

  "Perfect for entrepreneurial new or established training businesses, coaches..!" -HuffPost  
  For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses.

Any coach trainer that delivers less than the upper end of today's matured market needs is simply being left behind. Perry's unique BCI Partner Program is designed to brand you as a leader in the field of evidence-based, coach training and to distinguish yourself above the rest of the marketplace. Thanks again for inviting me into this invaluable program Perry!


Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School.
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.
An internationally recognized expert in applied brain science and expert guest for CNN, Fox, NPR, The New York TimesWashington Post, Harvard BusinessSchool, C ForbesFortune, Business Insider.




Just complete the below CONTACT FORM and our Partnership team will contact you.

Note: We will also notify you if further support material or references are required to present your Licensing Application to the Licensing Board for approval.



        1. - Firstly, are you a BCI Master Coach Course graduate ?  

    -Yes!   Details/Graduate Year
-Not Yet! THIS SEMESTER BONUS ONLY. If you are approved to license a Course you can also enrol in the same course with BCI as a student for FREE -plus upon completion of the course receive your graduate's Certification and ICC membership.
        -  Currently, I do not provide any professional or personal development courses
  -  I am an existing Training/Educational Provider


  ICC Partner Program -Request to License..
  Select/Click Rights to use (2 Years):
Note: POA (Price on Application) - varies according to requested terms of use..
 -   ICC brand/logo/name (only) to your product/service.
  -     ICC Accreditation Stamp on your own developed course/s.
  -       ICC Accredited Course Facilitator -can be used at all times regardless of what course you are presenting
  -   Exclusive Country rights to ICC Brand -including right to resell to other regional providers.    - The territory I am interested in reserving is:
  -   Exclusive Territorial Rights : Business Sector or a specific Region of a country to the ICC Brand.

- Define Territory (Small Country, City, Business Sector etc):


Please provide full, details of how you would use the above selected 'Brand' so we can
 determine applicable license fee / Licensing Agreement Form. Upon receipt we will
 contact you if we require further information before submitting your Request for a
to our Licensing Board to review, approve and set an applicable License Fee.



   BCI Courseware Partner Program..

    A) Training Partner  

  - YES! I wish to apply for a license to deliver (online or/and campus format) the:-
 - Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Course
- Parent as Coach (to Children)  (PC) Course
   - Sports Psychology Coach (SPC) Course
    - E-Sports Psychology Coach (E-SPC) Course
   For 2 Courses
 - Solo License (1 license holder):
2 years  -$us2,650 (depending upon size of territory/market)
4 Year License: $us3,950 (depending upon size of territory/market)

  Note: The Licensee can 'White-Label' the courses (plug course content without logos into own course or label as own course). Coach Certificate of Completion is provided by the License Holder -with own logo (as the provider) with option to also include the BCI logo (as the course developer) and ICC Accredited Course stamp (as the Accreditation Body). 

  B) Alliance Partner  
  -YES! Please submit my application for:
- 2 years right to use and modify, attributed content from the Master Certified Coach (MCC) Course within my own course/s. Note this does not provide rights of use to deliver the MCC Course -only the use of MCC Modules within your own course which you provide your own Certification for:
   - 2 years -From $us3,450 (depending upon size of territory/market)
 - 4 Year License -From $us4,650 (depending upon size of territory/market) Includes rights for license to be held in 2 names / business partners.
 FREE LIMITED BONUS this Semester:
Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional Coach Practice Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages) that I can also select and attribute content from to be included in my own course/s..
 (Value: $us1,295.00

   - NOTE: ICC Accreditation of your own developed course is not included.

C)  Strategic Territorial Partner
     -Level 1.

 - Telephone Interview Required with Dr Zeus.



- Yes! 
I wish to apply for a renewable License which exclusively provides me (within my designated territory) sole use to deliver the below BCI course/s..

Note: Master Coach Certificate of Completion is provided by the License Holder -with own logo (as the provider) and BCI logo (as the course developer) and ICC Accredited Course stamp (as the Accreditation Body).

World's #1 top coach training course -the Master Certified Coach Course in Workplace / Executive Coaching.
Internationally acclaimed Master Certified Coach in NeuroCoaching Course.
Internationally recognized Master Certified Child Behavior Coach Course.

Note: The licensee's Master Coach graduates are eligible to have their names listed on BCI's Global Online Master Coach Registry which bestows them ICC membership.

One of the above Courses.
2 years: From $us3,650 (depending upon size of territory/market)
4 years: From $us6,650 (depending upon size of territory/market)

  2 years: From $us6,250 (depending upon size of territory/market)
   4 years: From $us10,650 (depending upon size of territory/market)

All three Courses.
  2 years: From $us8,250 (depending upon size of territory/market)
   4 years: From $us14,650 (depending upon size of territory/market)

- Yes!  I also wish to register my interest in licensing the advanced Diploma / Dual Certificate versions of the above courses. I understand that license applicants for these higher level courses need to confirm they possess the required professional background to teach the curriculum.

  - Territory/State/Region/City or Business Sector etc looking to deliver course in:


  C)  Strategic Territorial Partner
     -Level 2.

Yes!  I wish to apply for a National, level 2 Partner License and be exclusively awarded ICC Accredited Master Coach Trainer and BCI Approved Master Coach Trainer designations within a designated region/market. These prestigious qualifications provides the license holder rights to include any content (such as the key Foundational Coaching Knowledge Sets and Change Models) from BCI's Master Coach Course in Workplace / Executive Coaching along with their specialist content into a maximum of 3 specialist Master Coach Courses they build.

FREE LIMITED BONUS this Semester Only:
Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, BCI's Professional Coach Practice Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages) that I can also select / attribute content from to be included in my own Master Coach course/s..
 Retail Value: $us1,295.00

 Note 1: Certificate of Completion is provided by the License Holder (with own logo and ICC Accredited Course stamp).

         2: All of the License Holder's Master Coach graduates are eligible to have their names listed on BCI's Global Online Master Coach Registry which bestows them ICC membership.

2 years: From $us4650 (depending upon market size)
4 years: From $us6950 (depending upon market size)

               -Nominated Region/Market to exclusively deliver courses in:




Full Name:


Business Name:




State & Country:


Tel. #'s:

Home:   Biz:


Email :

Biz: Personal:

Website :

Profession /  Position :


Your Professional / Educational Background / 'People Development Experience':



Your Annual Revenue is approx' :  


<$250 thousand   <$500K  $500k -1 million  $1-5 million
$5-10 million    $10-25 million  $25-50 million $50> million

Number of employees :        

Years in Business:  

 Brief description of your business /services..
-for example: history, organizational structure, type of services/products provided,
  geography covered, marketing expertise and any other appropriate profile information etc .



What are your business goals in providing coach training courses?


Any further Information etc?:



Any Faculty Sponsor or other Referral Names etc to support your application: