Contents: 1to1 coach training by videoconference, master coach course, Diploma Coaching Course, Coach Training with Dr Zeus, 1to1 Executive Coach Course by videoconference with Dr Perry Zeus, business coach training, workplace coach training course, business coaching Course, 1to1 business coach training course, 1to1 executive coach training course, executive coach course, 1to1 executive coach course, videoconference coach training course,  executive coach course, videoconference, business and executive coach course, neurocoaching 1to1 coach training course, neurocoaching coach training course, videoconference, executive coach training course, neurocoaching coach course, videoconference, coach course, neurocoaching course, 1to1 coach training, neurocoaching coach course, 


             Established 1994










World's first professional coach training course. Established 1994.




Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses   Organizational Neuropsychology  Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Emotion Coaching Course   Fees
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
       NeuroCoaching 1to1 Videoconference
       NeuroCoaching Course Content 
       NeuroCoaching E-Course Reg'n


  1to1 (3 Day) Private, Videoconference Course Application -see below page  
NeuroCoaching Course Modules >
Alternate Format: E-Course / Self-Study Course Application - No set commencement or completion date.(40 - 60 hours) >

Elite, 1to1 Coach Training
Accelerated, Focused Learning  via Videoconference
Customized Course to fit student's learning goals
Student works exclusively 1to1 with Dr Perry Zeus
(Publications: “12 works in 56 publications in 4 languages and 721 library holdings”
-World Library Catalog.
"Internationally recognized as a founder of the modern coaching discipline"
-Training Industry)

- Strictly limited - 



Acquire mastery of the latest applied behavioral change tools
  to maximize well-being and generate sustainable high performance levels..


 Accredited Dual Certificate
(Master Certified Coach and Diploma)
  Professional Coach Training
 Neurocoaching Course



Exceed Your Goals with One-on-One, Personal, Expert Coach Training with Dr Perry Zeus (best-selling author and founder of the modern coaching discipline).

    Dr Perry Zeus is internationally acknowledged as a founder of the modern coaching discipline, best-selling author of several coaching text books and today’s foremost developer of science-based, human behavior coaching methodology. He is also the Founder of BCI.

Recognition and Awards:
- Acknowledged by the ICC and ICF as one of top Master Trainers in Coaching in the world.
- Recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the coaching profession, including the ICF Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Featured in Forbes Magazine as one of the "Top 10 Most Influential Coaches in the World."


Personalized coach training accelerates your development and reaching your learning goals more efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the power boosting advantages of one-on-one training with Dr Zeus and why it may be the right choice for you.

1. Personalized Attention

Receive uninterrupted attention from Dr Perry Zeus. Together you will create a very specific and tailored coach training program based on your individual goals and professional development level. Learning 1to1 in a psychologically safe environment to take risks and freely express yourself is a proven method to accelerate knowledge and skills uptake.

2. Motivation and Support

You can count on Dr Perry Zeus to be there for you..and just you. Having your own dedicated coach trainer who knows your strengths and weaknesses will help you acquire the latest scientifically proven skills and change tools to achieve results you never thought possible. Perry will also be there by your side to provide encouragement, support, and inspiration. He will challenge you in new creative ways and teach you new skills to help others reach new high, sustainable levels of performance and well-being.

3. Faster Results via Customized role playing  

One-to-one personal coach training with Dr Zeus will power-boost your learning retention and self-confidence in the knowledge you have been taught by an acknowledged world leader in the field how to use world-best human development technology. Perry will ensure that you are able to perform the customized, 1to1 role-playing case exercises (based on your working environment needs) using the latest neuro-behavioral change tools that generate lasting, powerful results in just a few coaching sessions.

4. Professional Standing

Upgrade your expertise and amplify your professional credibility. A big advantage of one-on-one coach training with Dr Zeus is about professional integrity and respect. Perry will ensure that you are able to build and deliver (at a world-best standard level) people development programs using an advanced toolkit including the latest neuro-behavioral change tools. Also, being able to cite that you were personally trained one-on-one with Dr Zeus will certainly enhance your professional standing to clients and your peers.

Wherever you are based in the world... now you can acquire the latest science-based knowledge and coaching industry 'know-how' by working One-one-One with one of the acknowledged founders of the modern coaching discipline.

Perry has developed behavioral change methodology that is used in over 60 countries. For over 25 years he has taught coaching psychology to psychologists, senior management in organizations, clinicians, physicians, sports coaches, lawyers, government officers, and to politicians; worked with CEO’s of major companies, on their personal and professional development; helped his clinical clients manage the triumphs and lows of life; served as an advisor to senior management in major hospitals, learning institutions, sports organizations, law firms and government departments; and, facilitated courses to more than 5,000 people across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

This is a unique opportunity to work 1-one-1 with Perry to: accelerate your professional development; gain cutting-edge industry knowledge and tips; access business case studies along with the latest Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Human Development Studies and,acquire an advanced, evidence-based, world-best coaching toolkit.

To Apply -just submit the below application form and get started on this journey together!



Gain elite, professional recognition like our graduates from Citibank, Amazon & McKinsey..


 “…For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses. If you are looking for the best available source of coaching knowledge, tools and certification then his Institute’s international recognized, accredited courses are for you….Thanks again for inviting me into the course Perry! ”

  Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.

“Dr Zeus uniquely brings the latest behavioral sciences and practice of coaching together into easy-to-use, proven coaching tools and models generating exceptional lasting results within just 2 sessions.”
Journal of Mentoring and Coaching

"The 1to1 Program with Perry was beyond transformed my personal and professional life"

Dr. Julian Peterson, PhD







Pre-Covid, Group Coach Training with Dr Perry Zeus. Note: Dr Zeus no longer personally conducts In-person, group training.


Personalized 1to1 Coach Training
 with Dr Perry Zeus.




  "Thanks Dr ZeusI! Our coaching ROI metrics have TREBLED! Our coaches personally trained 1to1 by you have turbo-charged our business results to a record year."
-H. Egberg (HR Director) 
     NEUROCOACHING Course Notes:
  Neuro enhancement / fitness is the poor cousin to physical health.

Most of us are left alone to further develop our mental skills and capacity, thinking and feeling. Yet we live in an increasingly competitive and challenging world that demands our consistent best to succeed.

Neurocoaching can be likened to giving your client their own private gym.

The brain is like any other organ in the body. If you exercise it, it performs better.  An efficient brain can accomplish more, with greater accuracy, in less time.  

With repeated exercise, just as muscles respond and gain strength, the brain similarly learns to self-regulate more and more optimally. Neuro coaching is highly effective because it helps to improve a wide range of brain functions. 

Much like working out in a gym, you will be able to teach your clients easy-to-use techniques to strengthen specific neural patterns. The more they practice activating a specific area of the brain the stronger and more capable that area becomes.


Time and attention is important. Neuro coaching is an accelerated method of change compared to traditional coaching efforts.

Neurocoaching is ideal for professional change agents who understand the importance of helping their clients best manage; attention, habits, intuition, resilience, and self-belief.

Neurocoaching is the means for professional people developers who want to gain unique insights into the brain-mind-body connection, brain plasticity, emotion, attention, and peak performance.

Neurocoaching falls under the umbrellas of natural health (including physical health – as our physiology can be re shaped by our thoughts) and mental / emotional fitness.

Neurocoaching interventions are designed to open “windows of plasticity” and target specific domains of the brain’s structure and reset them to form greater connectivity and oversight. The objective of the targeted interventions is to have the participant achieve perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, state of mind techniques for self-change.

Neurocoaching allows you to explore the critical impact of energy on motivation and willpower. Inefficient thinking helps cause stress and lowers energy levels. Our brain uses about 20% of the body’s energy.

With neurocoaching you’re working with metacognition (‘knowing about knowing’).

Clients are taught easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological techniques (to practice once a day for 15 mins) that change and redirect associated neural patterns to activate targeted innate brain-mind-body mechanisms.

Clients report, after just a few minutes of regular use, decreased impulsivity and anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood, and a host of other side benefits.

Neuro coaching is suited for professionals who want to use evidence-based strategies to help others flourish and reach their goals.

Applying neuroscience, neuropsychology and working with the brain-mind-body continuum legitimizes the work of a professional people developer.

The modern world is in the grip of a mental health crisis. More people are anxious, stressed, depressed and medicated than at any other time in our history -they need our help.

-How to move into the Flow Zone at will and be more productive, creative, intuitive
in a relatively short period of time

Neurocoaching is used to ‘tune’ well-functioning brains to enhance a person’s mental abilities and allow them to perform at their peak.

Focus and emotional balance is the key to peak performance in all areas. Peak Performance occurs when a person is totally alert and focused while maintaining a relaxed physical body.

A person’s ability to focus and concentrate is hindered when stress and tension is carried in the body. Neurocoaching increases resilience and an individual’s ability to deal with stress. It improves mental clarity, decision making capabilities and focus. Productivity, competency and efficiency are enhanced. 

COURSE BONUS: Learn how boost your clients Energy Levels for a more productive and healthier Future!

The most common complaints people bring to health care professionals are: "I feel so tired at the end of my working day," and "Why do I feel so blah?"


how you can integrate Neuro-Bioenergetics into your practice to restore your clients’ energy quickly and effectively.
how our Energy Field becomes disrupted and negatively affects our health, well-being and performance.
how to Discover the root cause of your clients’ discomfort and restore their energy with the groundbreaking science of Neuro-Bioenergetic.
which tools are proven to be most effective for change according to neuroscience research, and how we can use them.


1to1, Private Videoconference Course Registration (See Below Application Form) $us11500 Semester Special $us7650. (3 Day)

NeuroCoaching Course Modules >

Alternate Format: E-Course / Self-Study Course Application - No set commencement or completion date.- $us3690.
Semester Special $us1845.
(40 - 60 hours) >>




Neuroscience provides us an understanding of the underlying mechanisms of coaching and provides important insights how to facilitate development. These important insights are discussed 1to1 by Dr Perry Zeus with the student on how they can use the knowledge and the course's advance change tools to build a highly effective, interactive coaching process that is fluid, responsive, and centered on the client.

Dr Zeus reviews critical findings and latest studies that provides students a clear understanding of the the neural differences between the modern neuro-behavioral approach to coaching and yesterday’s dated coaching model that promises all and delivers limited results.

Neurocoaching activates networks and regions of the brain that are associated with big-picture thinking, engagement, motivation, stress regulation, and parasympathetic modulation. Whereas the brain regions responsible for analytic thinking, used in the traditional coaching approach, exist in tension with the brain regions essential for emotionally connecting with self, others and being open to challenge, new ideas and learning.

This advance, unique, personalized course provides the student a personal blueprint to creating a culture of tomorrow's modern coaching today in organizations and how to fast-track and power-boost personal and professional development.

At the conclusion of each Course Module Dr Zeus enrols the student into 1to1 role-plays relevant to the their work environment and discusses how they can use the presented latest insights and tools from neuroscience to help them achieve consistent, highly beneficial, lasting results for all their clients.

1. Pre-Course Study
The student receives the Course's comprehensive Manuals to review and prepare for the Program.
2. 1to1 Coach Training
The Student books mutually convenient commencement times with Dr Zeus for 3 separate or concurrent days of accelerated, customized 1to1 learning.
2. Dual Certification
As this is a limited program for select professionals there is no course assessment / test or required post-course mentoring. The graduate receives MCC and Diploma Certification, is listed on the Institute's online Graduate Register and automatically gains ICC membership.

Admission Process
    NOTE:  Admissions selection is administered by the Institute’s International Student Selection Panel.  

1. Submission of below Application / Request for a limited 1to1Place with Dr Perry Zeus.

2. To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for consideration. The Panel may request to speak with an applicant by phone and/or ask for additional references or support material to confirm their suitability.

3. For our student's comfort and peace of mind we only accept course payments made by secure bank to bank transfer/wire.




 - Application Form for invitation
into the Program





Videoconference 1to1, Dual Certificate Coach Training Course with Dr Perry Zeus.


Having a dual qualification stands you out in your field and opens more opportunities.

* NeuroCoaching Dual Certificates
This unique 1to1 Dual Course includes Master Coach Foundational Knowledge and Skills from the Master Coach in Neuro Coaching Course plus the more advanced Neuro-Behavioral Change Coaching tools and knowledge from the Diploma Course.




Board Accredited Dual Certificate* Course:
 Graduates receive a Diploma PLUS Master Certified Coach Certificate
 and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters
"Dip. Neuro. C" and "MCC Neuro C".

Standard 1to1 Course Rate : $us11,500.00

    Yes, I wish to apply for the Anniversary Special
 33% Reduction Rate -
$us7,650.00 (Inclusive)
Save $us3,850

    Plus Semester Bonus -I wish to receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional Coach Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00 

.Plus please also include the easy-to-use Neuro-Bioenergetics (Energy) Change Model and tools with my Course. Energy Psychology has been called the Future Of Performance, Well-Being and Health.  
  I wish to have my application directly submitted to the Student Selection Panel. (Note: Meantime, you will be placed in contact with our Global Support Team.)

- or -

  I wish to first have a telephone interview with Dr Perry Zeus to confirm my suitability to apply and discuss the program.


If you want this special, all-inclusive Scholarship Offer provided by our International Learning Division.. need to submit your Request for a place now!
   - 1 place left!
Additional charges and standard course rates apply next semester!

 - Your short statement/reason for receiving the
Special Scholarship Rate


*Note: The above special, celebratory Anniversary Rate
is required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.

Personal / Business Profile:


Full Name:


Business Name:


Address & Zip:


State & Country:


Tel. #'s:

Home/Mobile:   Biz:


Email :

Biz: Personal:

Website :

Profession /  Position :


I am looking to use Change Models :


- Internally (inside my organization).
- Externally (in a practice).


Professional / Educational Background:


Your experience in People Development :




 Current Coaching Services Provided:



What are some of your primary Course Objectives / Reasons
for wishing to work 1to1 with Dr Zeus?


     - Optional. Two References (Biz or Personal)
Name/Contact Details:



     - Referral? eg; Graduate, BCI Faculty Member etc:


Additional Information:


Applying for a 50% Scholarship?
- if you haven't provided a short statement above
 as to the reason/s why please use the below box ..


Yes, I understand the special Scholarship course rate
 is required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.








Registered as an Education provider from the State Board of Behavioral Sciences, California.
Founding Board Member of International Coaching Council


2023 Behavioral Coaching Institute.  Graduate School of Master Coaches.  Graduate School of Neuroscience