brain gym, mind gym, meditation, neuro coaching, mindfulness and coaching, neurofeedback training course,
mind gym, |

as an Education provider from the State Board of Behavioral
Sciences, California.
Founding Board Member of International Coaching Council |
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coaching, brain fitness, meditation course, mind gym, neurofeedback, eeg and
mindfulness, high performance and neuro feedback, neuro coaching,
life wellness course, eeg, high-performance course,
neuro course, high performance, |
In |
Relaxed Awareness = the GATEWAY
to the future!? |
How to help clients get to where they |
want to be..and who they want to be!! |
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Behavioral Coaching Institute's Graduate School of Master Coaches
was the world’s first professional coach training school
(established 1994).
Today, our
Graduate School of Neuroscience
continues the Institute's tradition
providing cutting-edge, scientifically proven coaching tools and
courses. |
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The role of any coach, in a coaching
session, is to first guide their client to a state of relaxed
It imperative
that "clouds" containing negative emotions, stress, anxiety etc be
removed from the client/coachee’s mind when they begin their coaching
The Internal
dialogue e.g.; thoughts, feelings and programs in the mind must be
replaced by a state where there is silence and a “space” where the
client can get “in-contact” with themselves so they are able to
productively work with their coach.
The Master
Coach traditionally tries to promote relaxation via breathing
Mindfulness can only be truly achieved though relaxation techniques
such as meditation and focusing.
- Mindfulness is a VITAL KEY for successful self-examination and change
Building the
Gateway for Change to begin. Training the Brain.
For the purposes of self-exploration and discovery the Master Coach
needs to have the client move to this place/space so they can take
effective action with awareness, openness, and focus.
Bottom Line:
In just a few minutes, powerful Neurofeedback
technology can guide the user to a deep state of meditation and mindfulness.
1. Meditation and
Mindfulness changes the structure of our brains, boosting the areas
that help us focus, remember things and be self-aware, while
reducing the areas that can make us feel anxious and stressed.
2. Meditation and Mindfulness permits the training of the brain by triggering
changes in neural network.
Today, meditation and mindfulness can be power boosted in a matter
of minutes through the use of the latest Neurofeedback technology
while the user sits in a chair monitoring their brain on a Smart
phone APP.
Meditation practice has just been super charged and also made available
to anybody within minutes of using the latest wearable Neurofeedback
technology! |
Phill Allen (Neuroscientist) |
The market opportunity in Wellness Coaching.
-Emotional Pain.
Conditions: Anxious. Helpless. Nervous. Can’t be calm. Sad.
Angry. Lost. Feel like crying. No support. Alone with no plan.
Emotional health is the poor cousin to physical health.
In today’s times most of us are left to deal alone with the
emotional problems we face.
Most people cannot afford to pay for a course of regular sessions
with a psychologist at $200 per hour and engage in therapy that may
or may not work.
It was revealed in recent research that GP waiting rooms are crammed
across the world full of patients with mental health problems.
Emotional pain is being treated with six-minute medicine by
time-poor GPs struggling to meet demand in a system woefully
ill-equipped to deal with the mental health challenges of modern
life. Their band-aid solution is a prescription with no back-up
support or guidance.
The modern world is in the grip of a mental health crisis. More
people are anxious, depressed and medicated than at any other time
in our history.
Meditation and mindfulness is not a cure for all mental
health issues, but combined with a neuro coaching model, it has been proven, time and time again to provide
a wide range of mental health benefits.
Neurofeedback coaching
is a non-invasive, safe, pain-free process that provides a quick
and easy means to obtain an enhanced, deep level of meditation and
mindfulness in just 3 minutes..
Clients report,
after just several minutes of regular use, decreased impulsivity and
anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood,
and a host of other
benefits without side effects.
NOTE: The client is trained to self-coach themself and engage in
regular neurofeedback practice anytime they have 10 free minutes eg;
at work, before sleep, at school etc
The market
opportunity in Performance Coaching.
Peak Performance
-as taught in the NMC (Neuro Master
Coach) Course.
How to move into the Flow Zone at will and be more productive,
creative, intuitive etc
Coaching provides a number of benefits for individuals who are
pursuing peak performance training in a relatively short period of
Neurofeedback Coaching is used to ‘tune’ well-functioning brains to
enhance a person’s mental abilities and allow them to perform at
their peak.
Focus and emotional balance is the key to peak performance in all
areas. Peak Performance occurs when a person is totally alert and
focused while maintaining a relaxed physical body.
A person’s ability to focus and concentrate is hindered when stress
and tension is carried in the body. Neurofeedback increases
resilience and an individual’s ability to deal with stress. It
improves mental clarity, decision making capabilities and focus.
Productivity, competency and efficiency are enhanced.
performance training using Neurofeedback can be likened to training
in a gym.
brain is like any other organ in the body. If you exercise it, it
performs better. An efficient brain can accomplish more, with
greater accuracy, in less time.
repeated exercise, just as muscles respond and gain strength, the
brain similarly learns to self-regulate more and more optimally. Neurofeedback coaching is effective for performance
because it helps to improve a wide range of brain functions.
like working out in a gym, we use brainwave training to strengthen
specific brainwave patterns. The more you practice activating a
specific area the stronger and more capable that area becomes. |
Why Neurofeedback enhanced Meditation & Mindfulness + Neuro Change
Coaching Models = Unlimited Benefits |
I’ve been to a
few meditation workshops ..but the problem is I and my instructors
could not see inside my brain to best guide me. Through your courses
technology and teaching I can now instantly open a window inside my
brain to guide it to go to the next level of peak performance. I now
coach a growing list of clients how also to go their next level. Many,
many Thanks! |
Lao (Trainer) |
emergence of brain science is generating a new breed of coaches —the
neuro coaches.
Harnessing new powerful, clinically proven
technology Neuro coaches can quickly and easily help people of all
ages and position become aware of their brains and reactions,
elevating their level of performance and quality of thinking,
innovation and well-being that far surpasses the results of
coaching efforts which are more costly and time-consuming.
-HR News
enhanced technological driven meditation within a few minutes
the user is calm, alert, focused and ready to train their brain!! |
This game-changing coach
certification program provides the tools and easy-to-follow steps to
create breakthroughs for people to discover their real self that
will propel them forward to greater success in nearly every area of
their life.
The Institute's unique course provides scientifically-proven, proprietary, life transforming,
that helps
clients go to the 'NEXT LEVEL' and maximize their performance and
Teach your clients (in-person or via video call) step-by-step, how to Retrain their Brain by
utilizing the latest evidence based technologies and methodologies
from Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology.
Your clients will also discover the natural laws that will make
their life easier than ever before as they learn who their True Self
is and fulfill their potential.
The benefits of this unique course are far-reaching and profound!
Your clients will be never be the same!! |
In-Person or both.
-and expand your client reach across your
country…even to the rest of the world!
Neurofeedback coaching your clients can be easily done from the
comfort of your home with a video call to the client’s
computer, tablet or secondary smart phone as they use their primary phone APP
to guide and monitor brainwave activity. |
“The brain can be retrained,” My Neuro Coach said. People think
it can’t, but it can. I’ve proved it.
Before I couldn’t go to sleep without the TV on. The
minute it was quiet, my brain would explode with activity. Guided by
my Coach I've learnt in just one session how to calm
my mind. “Neuroplasticity”is real. And using your technology I’ve
formed a good, lasting habit of calmness, peace of mind and focus.
I’m a new much better improved, happier version of myself. Thanks! |
Peterson (Lawyer) |
Message from Dr Perry Zeus (School's Faculty Head,
one of the acknowledged Founders of today's
coaching discipline and author of several
books on Behavior-based Coaching).. |
The American Society for Training and Development,
the professional and trade association for corporate
trainers and consultants, recently granted formal
recognition to the category of "brain training"
at its international conference.
Our unique Neuro Master Coach Training Course
does not take a Cognitive training approach only.
Recent studies show that most commercially sold
brain training programs that focus just on cognitive
training provide only a modest boost to regular
daily cognitive activities and do not impart
knowledge –in particular knowledge about yourself
and how to continually self-coach yourself to higher
levels of performance and enhance your well-being.
Today, the new fields of neuroscience and quantum
science provides us a blueprint how to quickly and
easily coach people to access and exchange their
primary Behavioral Drivers to obtain more
sustainable, favourable outcomes.
Taking just a cognitive approach (via training,
coaching or therapy) in behavioral change exercises
only provides limited results (50% to 60% success
rate even when delivered by qualified
The Desired Future Change Model
Neurofeedback (cognitive training) quickly and
easily provides us the
gateway to positive changes in our daily lives and
however, it is the coaching component (Neuro
Change Models and coaching process) that delivers
our clients the lasting, measurable, positive
results. |
Course Graduates can also apply for a Licence to teach our course in their region. |
The Institute's
Graduate School of Neuroscience
is currently experiencing unprecedented
growth due to the fast growing worldwide market. Fact
is, we cannot possibly service such a huge, rapidly expanding,
marketplace so we have established a Global
Regional Partner Program
to help train new coaches.
For over 20
years, we
have provided world recognized certified courses
and shown students how to build and grow a highly
successful coaching practice or work as an in-house
To continue the successful migration of our courses around the world our preference
now is
to establish an ongoing,
strong business
relationship with a few, select, highly qualified and
well-positioned graduate students to become regional 'Strategic Partners'.
To best support our
existing global License Holders there is a
restricted License Release of
only 12 new territories per year. Depending
upon the size of a country we award multiple licenses
per country/region/city according to the size of the
marketplace that one License Holder can supply. |
Dr Perry Zeus (Institute Founder) at an
Invitational Training Event in Singapore |
Our course's
technology is also used by researchers and clinicians at over 100
institutions worldwide including: |
Can you rewire your brain in two weeks and create a
healthier, happier and better you? The answer is—yes. Your NEURO
course proved it!
All my clients remark how relaxed and at peace they now are with the
world around them. Many have been promoted at their work and have
found people that weren’t attracted to them before now want to know
All thanks to your coach training course! |
Hibbs (Consultant) |
Obtain world recognized Board
Accredited Certification.
- ICC Gold Seal Board Accreditation
Board accredited
certification demonstrates a coaches expertise in neurofeedback
coaching for life wellness and peak performance practice.
Certification by the world's leading coach accreditation body, the
International Coaching Council (ICC) Board, involves confirmation of
rigorous course instruction, role-playing and evaluation that is
designed and administered by instructors who are world recognized
experts in the field.
Coach Training Certificate Course
cerebral workout program (and how to establish a practice) developed
by Dr Perry Zeus. |
Training in Neurofeedback
Coaching focuses on 5 key areas:
1. First, is understanding the Brain Science (why it
works) necessary to practise successfully and educate the
client/coachee. ie; brain based learning, mindfulness,
meditation and breathing and how the coaching program will
work for them. |
2. The user-friendly technology.
Students use their own hardware and APP/software eg; Muse. Even 11 year olds
can be taught how to use the technology. |
Change Coaching Model. How to design the coaching
steps in a typical session -including how to
measure/evaluate results.. |
Training the Brain. Using the Neuro Model students are taught how to
guide a client to access their subconscious mind and
practice a specific Physical, Mental, Emotional or
Spiritual benefit they choose to obtain.
Students also learn how to empower the client to
themselves. |
Practice. How to establish
a successful neurofeedback
coaching service (ie; a) marketing and selling the service
and, b) the client relationship. Note: The 'practice' can be
public or inside organizations. |

1. |
Building a healthy lifestyle, happier
life and better relationships.
your own biofeedback technology (eg;
Muse) and the Graduate
School's proprietary Neuro-Behavioral
Change Models students are taught how to
guide their clients to enter a state of enhanced meditation
within a few minutes. This state of
calmness, clarity and purpose cascades
countless benefits. |
See: Below Page Course Dates
your place (limited
number of places available).
....2. |
Accelerated Transformational
Using your own biofeedback technology
(Muse)and the
Graduate School's proprietary Neuro-Behavioral
Change Models students learn how to
coach their clients to release their potential and become the
person they want to be in just a few sessions of practice. |
Learn how to coach people to climb their
performance ladder and go to their
next level of performance and beyond. |
High Performance Neurofeedback
safely, easily and quickly guides
the client to use more optimally functioning
that emanate from the misplaced
parts of their higher performing self. As used
by some of the world's top sportspersons,
business leaders and military special forces. |
See: Below Page Course Dates
your place (limited
number of places available).
Note: This course focuses on the fields of life wellness and peak performance
coaching. Only an appropriately-credentialed health care professional should
work on medical or psychological disorders. |
Submission of your application to the Institute's Selection
Panel for approval.
The Panel may request
additional references or support material from an applicant to assist them
in confirming the person's suitability.
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