Accreditation for
Professional Coaches in all types of specialties..
This fact sheet explains the process to
obtain internationally recognized accreditation by the
International Coaching Council.
What is ICC coach accreditation?
ICC coach accreditation is a process by which a professional coach
is peer-reviewed by expert members of
the profession. ICC coach accreditation recognizes
best practice learning and development within the context and scope of coaches
delivering coaching interventions/services either internally in organizations or
in private practice.
Why obtain the elite ICC Coach Accreditation badge?
Clients today are confused by the wide range of credentials /
coach certification presented by professional
The ICC Accreditation badge provides accredited coaches with a
competitive advantage in stature and trust. It represents a
prestigious recognition of their expertise and practice
For over 25 years, coaches worldwide, have sought ICC world-best
accreditation. ICC accreditation provides coaches unquestioned
credibility, instant respect and the ability to market their
services to a wider audience.
ICC Accreditation, beyond a coaches certifications, delivers
many professional benefits.
These include:
providing an extra dimension to your credentials by
obtaining recognition by the world's leading, long
established (over 25 years), independent coaching body.
being reassured that ICC's name and global position instantly
confirms your coaching services are of the high professional
standard and rigor.
demonstrates to your clients that you are internationally
recognized as a leading professional developer of people.
Who can apply for ICC Coach Accreditation?
The ICC Coach Accreditation is inclusive, and available to all
coaches whatever their background, training, and experience.
Note: The ICC does not require knowledge tests, enrolment in
continuing professional development programs, hours worked etc
as a criteria for approval. We examine each applicant's
submission for Accreditation based upon the coaches particular
merits, history and experience within their regional
marketplace. The ICC provides a unique umbrella Accreditation
program with an open pathway to all busy professionals who have
obtained coach certification from a wide range of coaching
providers (from universities to local schools to online courses
and in-house coach
training programs etc).
ICC provides use of the
internationally recognized ICC
coach accreditation logos for marketing and sales purposes.
The aims of ICC Coach Accreditation are:
To encourage coaches to adopt best
practice standards when delivering their services.
To encourage ICC members’ commitment to
EXCELLENCE in their own self-development.
To provide the opportunity for ICC
members to stand above their competitor’s and position themselves as
best in what they do.
Who Can Apply?
Professional and personal development
Coaches (new and established) across the world can apply to become ICC accredited.
Note: The ICC does not require knowledge tests,
nor enrolment in continuing professional development
programs, hours worked etc as a criteria for approval.
How much does it cost? |
1. There is no upfront fee charged for
research, review and assessment of application.
2. To be fair to all applicants, from
all countries, the accreditation/licensing fee is based on the
applicant's region/country they reside in, the type of coaching services provided,
clientele, size of practice, local currency etc.
The ICC will establish the
accreditation fee (licensing use
of ICC Coach Accreditation logos) based on the information submitted by the
coach and verified through research by the ICC
Accreditation Panel.
Use of the ICC Coach Accreditation 2 logo
stamps for marketing and sales purposes.
Typically the accreditation fee is payable
for a period of 2 or 6 years. The ICC maintains the right to revoke any membership
to protect its valued name in the world marketplace.
for coach accreditation / processing of your application.
- Typically within 3-4 days after our receipt of the below
completed Coach Accreditation Request Form.
However, timeframes may vary according to the information provided
in the
1. Your
submission of below Application Form.
2. Our Office then contacts you to establish a mutually
convenient time for Dr Perry Zeus (Head of the Accreditation
Selection Panel) to call you. During the interview
Perry will be able to discuss your accreditation needs,
confirm the appropriate
accreditation fee and answer any question/s. Subject to a mutually
satisfactory outcome of the interview, he will then present your
application to the Institute's Accreditation Selection Panel.
3. Within 24 hours following the Interview you will be
emailed a decision and, if approved,
the appropriate coach accreditation license fee
required to be paid via bank transfer or direct deposit
within the next 5 days.
the relevant license fee is remitted, two ICC Accreditation Seals of
Approval/logos are then issued to the Coach to use for general