What is a Workplace Safe Haven, safe space in workplace, recession, Performance Coaching,
psychological safety, behavioral coach, behavior, workplace performance coaching,
behavioral coaching,
performance coach, performance coaching and business
coaching, executive coaching
performance management, business coaching business
coaching, psychological safety, executive performance coaching, recession
coach, workplace performance
coaching, workplace coaching, behavior coach, performance coach, safe
haven workplace,
Background Burnout, stress, and anxiety were already issues in the workplace
prior to the pandemic and recession. With the pandemic's mental
health impact now into the mix work-related stress is reaching
staggering high levels. Business leaders are now bracing themselves
for ongoing aftershocks and looking at ways to meet a dramatically
heightened need for behavioral support services.
The latest Census Bureau survey showed that more than one-third of
Americans have displayed clinical signs of anxiety, depression, or
both since the coronavirus pandemic began. A key point is that only
50% of employees are comfortable discussing mental health issues.
Numerous studies show that the economic crisis is an important
stressor that has a negative impact on workers’ mental health. Most
of the studies document an increased rate of mood disorders,
anxiety, depression, distress, and low self-esteem all negatively
affecting bottom-line performance. Fear of illness and financial
security for self, loved ones and friends are key negative emotional
drivers of behavior.
As many recent studies have confirmed, despite the efforts of most,
well-intentioned people development professionals their coaching and
training efforts do not produce sustainable changes in behavior.
Performance is simply the manifestation of a person's behavior and
associated action. The performance bottom line is that most
companies today are still stuck in yesterday’s ways of doing
business that has created spaces
which are completely psychologically unsafe. In these unsafe spaces people are
experiencing stress, emotional turmoil, burn-out, toxicity and low
morale affecting their performance and well-being.
What is a Workplace SAVE HAVEN? The Safe Haven Behavioral Coaching Model is about helping all
individuals find their way along the right path of guidance and
support they require.
A workplace safe haven is a place where people feel protected from
outside dangers and 100% safe and free to be themselves.
A Save Haven is a Safe-talking and Safe-being space built and
overseen by qualified, accredited, performance behavioral coaches
(internal or external).
One or more qualified, performance behavioral coaches oversee the
Safe Haven space and freely provide guidance and counsel on a
private, one-to-one or group basis. Workers report that it for helps
restore hope, direction and confidence in both their working and
personal life.
- In large organizations
managers / leaders as coach and/or a team of performance behavioral coaches
(full or part-time) provide encouragement, positive advice and
importantly make no judgment on their client’s behavior.
- The responsibility for overseeing behavioral health and performance
for most smaller businesses is typically outsourced to a certified
behavioral practitioner (external accredited performance behavioral
coach) rather than an extra member of staff.
All personnel (leaders and workers alike) are encouraged by their
performance behavioral coach towards what they can achieve with no limits
or boundaries. The performance behavioral
coach is by their side in both the good times and tough times
-empowering them to perform at the highest level, fulfil their
potential and enhance their overall wellbeing and happiness.
The performance behavioral coach provides performance
/ behavioral
health resources and uses neuro-behavioral tools that increase
everyone’s emotional, physical and mental well-being.
High Performance Behavioral Coaching is a developmental program for
all persons and not remedial focused.
For example; it is used to
‘tune’ well-functioning brains to enhance a person’s mental
abilities and allow them to perform at their peak.
What is High Performance Behavioral Coaching? Mainstream / generic workplace coaches are trained to be goal and
skill focused. Whereas, High Performance Behavioral Coaches (in the
workplace, educational institutions, healthcare etc) are focused on
the person's environment affecting their performance and well-being.
Both work successfully together, however, the High Performance
Behavioral Coach uses a brain-mind-body approach to address
developmental needs whereas the generic coach must stay away from
the mental / physical domains and the psychological change models
they are not trained in. From the client's point of view, it's
simply about the kind of assistance they need eg; brain-mind-body or
positional skills coaching or both.
Today, the exciting fields of neuroscience and the behavioral
sciences provides us powerful, safe and easy-to-learn tools to
generate changes in the brain-mind-body continuum that produces
real, sustainable, measurable, positive physiological and mental
changes. This “new alliance” between neuro-behavioral sciences and
coaching places the Behavioral Coaching Institute’s students at the
forefront in the world people development field by providing them
with cutting-edge, proven, neuro-behavioral performance
interventions, tools and accredited, internationally recognized
credentials. |
-The Safe Haven Behavioral Model
The Safe Haven allows people to articulate thoughts they may
otherwise hesitate to say -from fears to personal troubles. A
safe-talking and safe-being space empowers people with confidence to
express concerns that won’t ruin their working relationships or
their career. At the same time, the coaches commitment to
withholding judgment let’s the coachee feel safe in being
People must feel welcomed and that their wellbeing is truly a
priority for their behavioral coach.
A Save Haven is a safe space where people honestly believe that they
can be themselves and reveal their fears, doubts, worry, sef-limiting
emotional drivers affecting their well-being and performance etc.
Safe spaces don’t coddle people or blind them from the realities of
our world. They offer all people an opportunity to be vulnerable and
let down their guard without fear of judgment or harm.
Safe spaces allow people to build resilience so they can be the
strongest, most authentic versions of themselves and engage
confidently and maturely with their peers.
Most importantly, safe spaces allow people to practice self-care so
they can make thoughtful, productive contributions to enhancing
performance and raise difficult discussions that need to be had.
There’s something powerful about not having to apologize for being
who you are, what you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing or what
you’ve done. When you feel free to express yourself and confident
instead of regretful and defensive, you feel less afraid. And when
you feel less afraid, you are capable of processing and working
towards productive change more freely..
A Safe Space is established on the understanding that everyone at
various times may struggle with behavioral / mental health and
performance related issues. If people know that they are not alone
and that their peers and colleagues are also having to deal with
their own behavioral issues, they are more likely to seek out and
become an active participant in a safe space.
One of the reasons a safe space is so impactful is because it
provides a sense of reliability. It’s not uncommon in the workplace
for people to say things and make promises they have no intention of
keeping, so honesty and accountability are especially important in a
safe space.
When we think about safe spaces in the context of mental health,
it’s obvious how they can be a beneficial — and an essential — part
of everyone’s life.
A Save Haven is high on psychological
safety and bottom-line performance results.
Psychological Safety
Today, more than ever, leaders, managers and people developers need
to know their people beyond the basic level. Many managers / leaders
/ coaches simply miss opportunities with their people because they
have not been trained how to go beyond the first level coaching
dialogue they have been taught to use. Is the coachee's dialogue revealing?
Was the communication open, honest and revealing about their doubts,
fears and self-limiting behavior?
What do most generic workplace coaches want?
The great majority have simply been trained to accelerate skills and
team IQ. What most coaches miss is the opportunity to provide
psychological safety – a safe space where people can freely
communicate what negative emotional drivers are affecting their behavior/performance. Fear-stricken people give you their hands,
some of their head, and certainly none of their hearts.
Some Example BENEFITS of a converting a
work space into a Safe-Haven.
Innovation and Creativity
Safe-spaces are places where people can share ideas. People can
sometimes feel inadequate and insecure if they share their ideas,
suggestions, solutions etc. This is also a world where senior
members offer their mentorship.
Psychological safety, the freedom to
authentically be yourself at work, is increasingly recognized as a
key driver of engagement and innovation.
Safe-spaces are also a place where people can challenge the
status-quo and take-on old-winning habits with proven new-pathways.
Its action-led where robust discussions are held and different
points of view explored. Even though conflicting opinions are freely
aired people feel secure enough to challenge each-other. An
organization which creates safe-spaces provides immunity from
oppression, victim-hood.
Equal Opportunity
A safe-space is where people can feel included, treated fairly and
listened-to. Its largely about affirmations, acceptance, nurturing
and growth. Its sometimes emotion-led due to the topics of
conversation. Psychological-safety and a low performance-pressure
environment welcomes all people here regardless of gender, title,
position, authority. An organization which creates safe-spaces
inclusive of ‘equal opportunity’ provides cross-pollination,
immunity from marginalization or rejection. Hence it becomes a
safe-space for people who may feel oppressed by their race, sexual
orientation etc..
Learning & Development
Many people privately feel exiled, outlawed, lonely and resourceless
to fight the demanding high performance-world they function in.
Organizations that create safe-spaces help address a person’s
behavioral challenges restricting their learning and development.
Providing a safe-space helps organizations rediscover themselves and
provide better training and coaching programs / solutions for their
When students or new employees/interns are thrust into finding their place in a new learning environment it can often
become a pressure cooker as they try to figure out how to make the
grade and take care of themselves. A safe space makes students, new
interns or new employees feel welcome. Learners require a space
where their mental health is supported so they can comfortably
continue engaging in the daily mental challenges they are confronted
Learning environments are uncomfortable and challenging, not just in
academic ways, but mentally. People can feel vulnerable and scared.
If they can come out on top, as more deeply experienced
human beings, they are better for it.
Emotional Self-Discovery
Safe-spaces encourage people to engage in self-awareness.
Safe Spaces are designed around experiential interventions that
increase empathy, relatedness and compassion which are especially
important in increasing emotional awareness. This in turn helps
create psychological-safety within individuals and teams.
Through experiential individual and group exercises positive emotions such as; pride,
joy, gratitude, hope/optimism, and feeling of interconnectedness are
explored and used to replace maladaptive negative emotions.
The workplace is a stressful place for everyone at various times and
in various degrees.
The sound of anger.
People with lower patience thresholds may experience sudden
bursts of anger or become easily irritated by minor incidents. Their behavior may seem irrational at first, but genuine anger, in most
cases, stems from the inability to be heard. Chances are their behavior is greatly influenced by the office environment
/ space they are working in. They need a safe place to be listened to -and they
appreciate that!
Leadership Development
A psychological safe-space is a by-product of a leader’s
Handling psychological discomfort and creating psychological safety
doesn’t simply happen when a leader commits to being a nice-person.
The climate, organizational culture or psychological safe-space is a
by-product of a leader’s emotional-awareness. The first step is to
engage in performance behavioral coaching followed by training as a
performance behavioral coach for their people. Leaders need to
freely telegraph the journey of their emotional awareness to their
workers and the benefits that can follow to all that engage in the
same process.
Actions speak louder than words.
Leaders who step up and embrace the challenge of their own
self-development and creating work environments that meet these
fundamental needs will have the chance to make a substantial
contribution not just towards their people’s long-term well-being
but also to the organization’s bottom-line performance, productivity
and future.
The role for leaders is clear.
-The path from uncertainty to clarity and security.
Rather than tweak the old rules to help business more productive to
stem losses, smart business leaders are using this opportunity to
develop new growth development models for themselves and their
people —to enable a more resilient, caring and generative
relationship between business and workers.
Productivity boosting behaviors is not about using outdated
training, executive and team coaching models of change. To perform
at a consistent, high level requires the use of today’s,
evidence/science-based, brain-mind-body approach using
neuro-behavioral growth models and techniques.
The need to rebalance priorities.
Business resilience and productivity, over time, is a function of
caring for the major input to the business—its people.
Calling a space a safe space is not enough.
Neither is building the space and encouraging those that come to it
to speak up and take risks. The leader as behavioral coach needs to
create a culture of trust that welcomes openness. Only when someone
feels they have the strength to open up and be free will a safe
space serve its true purpose.
Real change in business priorities will always face headwinds, but
that’s where leadership comes in. The starting place requires taking
advantage of this moment, and making people development decisions
that will serve well into the future.
One of the primary goals of performance and behavioral coaching is
ensuring that employees feel safe to explore their behaviors to
become the best version of themselves and actually care about the
work they are doing. This not only helps a company by increasing the
level of output and quality during tough economic times, but it
encourages lengthy terms of employment so that a core talent base
can see a company through the important evolutions it must undergo.
changing economic conditions are simply a wake-up call for leaders
to challenge themselves and their teams to best manage their mental
self and achieve even more ambitious results through rigorous
self-awareness, self-development and the new possibilities that go
with it. Uncovering fears, doubts, worry and a range of
self-limiting behavioral patterns and replacing them with
higher-performing behavioral patterns and positive emotions driving
sustainable, performance boosting behavior is now a must for today's
leaders and managers to navigate through the choppy economic waters.
People want to do good work—to feel they matter in an organization
that makes a difference. Work can be liberating, or it can be
alienating, exploitative, controlling, and homogenizing. Despite the
changes that new technologies bring, the underlying forces of
people’s individual and collective behavior is the power that drives
an organization. And yes, to create an authentic organization that
fully realizes human potential at work is a challenge that some
companies today will fail at and therefore have a limited future.
Large organizations and
small companies alike are now learning how to harness
Behavioral Performance
Coaching by through building a Safe Haven. This is
all about the need to equip workplaces and places of
learning with the
neuro-behavioral tools to
introduce individual and group brain-mind-body 'fitness'
programs to create a more productive, innovative, healthier,
happier and collaborative environment.
For over 25 years the
Behavioral Coaching Institute has been
the world leader in the development and
delivery of workplace, behavioral and
performance coach training
The Institute's unique, online, High
Behavioral Coach training
teaches students how to best help all people be
more capable of dealing with change via
growth and/or disruption.
More >.
Behavioral Coaching Institute
High Performance Behavioral
Coaching >
What is a Workplace Safe Haven, recession coach, workplace performance
coaching, behavioral coaching,
workplace coaching, behavior coach, performance coach, safe haven
workplace, safe space in workplace, recession, Performance Coaching, performance coach, performance coaching and business
coaching, executive coaching
performance management, business coaching business
coaching, psychological safety, executive performance coaching,
psychological safety, behavioral coach, behavior, workplace performance coaching,