
Content: behavioral change models, cognitive skills training, brain training, behavior based coaching, intelligence in workplace, change intelligence, coaching techniques, coaching in the workplace, business coaching and behavior and Intelligence, cognitive coaching, Psychology and coaching tools and techniques, change, cognitive coaching, executive coach course, coaching techniques, behavioral change models, behavior based coaching, executive coaching course, change, coaching techniques, intelligence and brain in workplace, cognitive coaching, brain training, cognitive skills, intelligence in workplace, business coaching, brain, executive coaching and intelligence, coaching intelligence in the workplace, executive coach, business coach, coach, change behavior change intelligence, executive coaching course


EXECUTIVE COACHING COURSE: Certified Master Coach Course -Some Preliminary Guide Notes: Intelligence and Behavioral Cognitive Coaching:
Intelligence and Behavioral Cognitive Coaching in Workplace:
-Executive Coaching : How to enhance Workplace Intelligence via Behavior based Cognitive Coaching ©
Behavior, Cognitive Coaching and Intelligence -extracts from 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington by McGraw-Hill, New York).. Executive Coaching



Intelligence Changes With Age
-The below ground breaking research was funded by the US National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation

A study of adult intelligence (from neuroscientists at MIT led by Dr. Hartshorne), published in the journal Psychological Science, challenges some common assumptions about age and intelligence —including the idea that mental acuity, like athletic prowess, always declines with age. Together, test data from nearly 50,000 subjects provided a very clear picture that showed each cognitive skill peaking at a different age.

For example; the speed with which participants processed information appeared to peak early, around age 18 or 19 then “drops off a cliff,” and continues to decline.

Short-term memory (working memory) improved until around age 25, levels off for several years, and then begins to drop around age 35. Then it moves from center stage. That’s when our ‘emotional intelligence’ kicks in.

The ability to assess people’s emotional states peaks around age 40 and doesn’t decline until our 60s. This form of wisdom, the ability to guess people’s internal states from very little information, is highly useful in the workplace whether it be in the boardroom or a sales meeting. “The difference between a 20-year-old and a 40-year-old is just huge,” Dr. Hartshorne said.

The researchers also included an accumulation of facts and knowledge / vocabulary test, which serves as a measure of what is known as crystallized intelligence. The results re-confirmed that crystallized intelligence peaks later in life, but this new data indicated that the peak occurred when participants were in their late 60s or early 70s, much later than previously thought.

The critical need for Behavior-based professional development programs in the workplace
It’s not yet clear why these skills tend to peak at different ages, but previous research suggests that it is due to changes in gene expression or brain structure as we age. Hence the importance of targeted High Performance Brain training (cognitive skills training) in the workplace. For example; a) to help mitigate the loss of some cognitive skills (eg; information processing and short-term memory) and, b) build emotional awareness and management skills with professionals from an early age all the way through to the later stages of their career..

Note: Age is not a predicator of Intelligence and Mental Performance especially for people who work inside organizations that provide stimulating cognitive based skills training via Behavior based coaching.

Q: Can an organization grow smart people?

A: The simple answer is;- of course we can. If we didn't think training programs could help people better perform their jobs, why would we spend billions of dollars a year on corporate training? That said, skills training is only the first baby step. Having people develop superior cognitive skills obviously makes them economically more valuable to the enterprise.

Today’s challenge therefore is how to redeploy much of the existing training investment in business, toward foundation personal skills (i.e. basic mental competence) rather than just teaching job position skills and 'feel-good', short-term buzz motivation programs.

Q: Can We Train Brains?
-Firstly. Here are two key myths that need to be acknowledged.

• Myth #1: Intelligence is basically fixed - a gift, or a genetic endowment that can't be changed. Your IQ defines your potential in life. And a person who arrives at young adulthood is about as smart as he or she is ever going to be.

• Truth #: The human brain is not a "finished product." Neuroscience has now taught us that we are all "works in progress" and capable of changing/developing our brain.

• Myth #2: Brain power is basically a matter of IQ. The higher your IQ, the more successful you'll be in life, and the lower your IQ, the less successful you'll be.

• Truth #: Brain power is only loosely connected with IQ. Brain power is the capacity to learn how to use one's mental resources - whatever they may be -to best advantage.

How Most Organizations Train Brains. Brain Exercises:
Currently, more organizations are flirting with the idea of cognitive-skill training (‘how we think’ --foundation skills training such as: brainstorming and creative idea production, information/mind mapping, understanding thinking styles, memory etc).

Standard training objective is that participants obtain basic knowledge of the brain and acquire and practice techniques in order to - better use their brain capacity, be able to learn faster and process information more effectively.

The American Society for Training and Development, the professional and trade association for corporate trainers and consultants, has recently granted formal recognition to the category of "brain training" at its international conference.

Meantime, the steadily increasing investment by Asian organizations in coaching as a developmental strategy has generated a local interest in the cognitive process. Many professional coaches use cognitive style profiles of various kinds and some are adopting cognitively based strategies and methods.

The key question about brain exercises is whether doing them makes you smarter, or just better at doing the exercises??

Recent studies suggest cognitive training provides only a modest boost to regular daily cognitive activities. Brain training also doesn’t impart knowledge –in particular knowledge about yourself and how to continually self-coach yourself to higher levels of performance and enhance your well-being.

Today, the fields of neuroscience and quantum science allow us to go well beyond just a cognitive approach (just changing how we think)!

A: -YES! We can train /change our Brain to drive new Behavior.
Exciting new findings from neuroscience can now be directly translated into learning and development strategies to make people smarter and better at what they do. Neuroplasticity and the "modular mind" concept provide us a much clearer and better understanding of the nature of the brain and how to train it.

The ongoing breakthrough research in the field of neuroscience provides us a blueprint how to teach people to easily access and exchange their primary behavioral drivers to obtain more sustainable, favorable outcomes. Traditionally change agents take a costly, time intensive cognitive approach (via training, traditional coaching or therapy) that only provides limited results (50% to 60% success rate even when delivered by qualified psychologists).

Building Smart Organizations -"Success is never final"
Is "organizational intelligence" the defining proposition for businesses that hope to survive through the coming decades?

Organizational intelligence can be defined as the capacity of an enterprise to mobilize all of its brain power and to focus that brain power on achieving its mission.

Bottom Line:

The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Master Coach Course is uniquely designed to show you how to transform individual intelligence and natural brain power into organizational intelligence and tangible bottom-line results through the use of proven, cutting-edge self-change/mental development tools/models (based in the behavioral sciences). Note: The learning platform is behavioral (from ‘behavioral science’) based coaching.

The first step is to recognize that developing a behavior based coaching program requires proven methodology to identify necessary key behavioral drivers to be enhanced or exchanged. See: Neuro-Self-Transformation

Our internationally recognized, invitational Master Coach Course (with graduates from over 60 countries) uniquely provides qualified people developers the necessary proven models/tools to:- release the potential of anyone, coach people to enhance their mental skills, exchange default behavioral drivers with positive, more effective ones and diagnose faulty thinking habits. And, we have trained many of the top organizations in the world how to achieve sustainable, measurable positive results.

Behavior based coaching is also a way for business to distinguish professional coaching practice grounded in proven science versus the simplistic, unproven coaching approach used by many ill-trained workplace "coaches". When an organization's people move into a zone of optimum, sustainable best performance, so does the organization.

The key to success in any coaching initiative is the selection of the appropriate behavior based change model to fit the client's specific needs. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's industry-proven Certified Master Coach Courses meets the critical needs for coaches to be trained and mentored in the use of a range of validated, reliable behavior based coaching models, tools and techniques.

Note: The Behavioral Coaching Institute's proprietary coaching techniques and tools are now being used by many of the world's top organizations engaged in the use of the advanced coaching model of learning and change.

For further details -see the Institute's invitational, fast-tracked Certified Master Coach Course Content webpage and Registration Form on how you too can be taught by world experts to use the latest breakthrough, next generation coaching tools and techniques (Self-Study, Campus or Distance Learning Program Formats).




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Content behavioral change models, cognitive coaching, brain training, cognitive skills, cognitive coaching, coaching intelligence in the workplace, executive coach, business coach, coach, executive coaching course, change behavior change intelligence, workplace, behavioral change models, brain training, behavior based coaching, intelligence in workplace,executive coaching course,  cognitive skills, behavior based coaching, intelligence in workplace, change intelligence, coaching techniques, intelligence in workplace, business coaching and psychology, behavior and Intelligence,business coaching, executive coaching and professional development and intelligence, coaching techniques, coaching in the workplace, executive coaching course