Content: Executive Coaching, Workplace Coaching Development, executive coaching theory,
executive coaching best practices,
coaching change models, executive coaching, tools and techniques,
business workplace coaching models, and psychology coaching, executive coaching
leadership workplace coaching, executive coaching, workplace coaching models,
workplace behavioral competencies, behavior and executive coaching in the
workplace, future of executive and business coaching theory,
workplace coach, professional development workplace coaching,

Coaching Development
and the Future of Workplace Coaching©
Business and Executive Coaching
(includes extracts from text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and
Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
Modern coaching theory is becoming increasingly complex.
New science
developments and best-practices mean that coaches and their
coaching programs have to be up-to-date to be effective and
competitive in an increasingly growing marketplace.
Given the behavioral competency changes that are needed
to become an effective leader today's well-trained, experienced coach has
become the perfect partner in the leadership and
organizational development process.
The marketplace has rapidly changed and clients are becoming
more educated and sophisticated in what they expect from coaches
and coaching. Today's clients want proven solutions,
strategies and change models. Clients hire coaches for their coaching
skills, their knowledge about people and specialist areas in
business, leadership and personal development and their ability to
understand the dynamics at play within the
client’s situation. It follows that today's
specialist professional coaches need to be better
equipped to help their clients reach their goals.
How Developing Coaching Theory and Technology is
Constantly Changing the Face of Coaching
Coaching is a new science and its theory is
developing quickly. Coaches naturally need to be subject
matter experts in their field and as such learn the current state
of coaching theory and how to best apply the theory to their own
practice. For example; coaching
effectiveness is largely affected by the quality of decisions made by
the coach. The observation of an individual or a group to
discover, assess and measure important behavioral aspects and
required skills etc., can be an unreliable, inaccurate and
incomplete process. Coaches need to acquire practical
accurate, cutting-edge assessment tools that can be used without
appreciably increasing their workload. Using valid and reliable
technology significantly increases the capability of the coach and
the chances of effective outcomes.
There are primarily two types of coaches --the
coaches who are comfortable with how they have been delivering
coaching, and the progressive-thinking coaches who want to be part
of that continual discovery and design process of adopting
coaching best-practice.
Coach training has quickly evolved from applying the
traditional just-in-time learning model
When coaches are left alone and do not continually upgrade
their knowledge with the latest methodology, technology and
best-practices, they invent matters that lead to disorder .
When coaches are trained using outdated, traditional coach-education
manuals, the results are greater myths and confusion rather than
improved clarity of knowledge. When these coaches have an idea or
experience that "sounds good" it is often promoted as
knowledge. If something "works" at least once in
an important setting, it is frequently repeated as a "valuable"
coaching procedure, despite completely ignoring all the times it may
not work. It also follows that when the coachee achieves some level
of success, this type of 'lone'/ill-trained coach will take credit and explain the reasons
for the success. However, if the coachee does not complete their
set goal, there can be a blame-game around what the coachee or
sponsoring client did to cause the unsatisfactory result.
Coaches need to understand the value in staying ahead of the
rapidly evolving process of coaching.
The only way to improve coaching knowledge is to change these unfounded
beliefs into valid ordered knowledge, that is, evidence-based, coaching
best-practice. The introduction of orderliness, if it is accepted,
reduces error.
Coaching results will remain disordered unless
best-practices and evidence-based principles are introduced to the coach's
knowledge base. A failure to keep abreast of expanding verifiable
knowledge and its implications for orderliness will halt progress and
remain or regress in error. When personal achievements are not advancing,
it is usually because disorder is being maintained or produced rather than
order being introduced and performance outcomes improved.
Coaches have the professional capacity to help bring about important
personal and professional changes for individuals and groups.
Most of their clients are success-oriented and are in transition
to a higher level of development and some are in stressful or personal
situations which may render them vulnerable and possibly dependent.
All of these occupational conditions require coaches to have access to
appropriate psychologically-based methodology and be strongly aware of
ethical questions.
Some Key
- Coach training schools responsible for educating coaches will
increase disorder in the profession if they fail to seek the
latest best-practices and evidence-based coaching principles as
the basis of education instead of "popular"
presentations that largely support the status quo.
- What was learned at a coaching school or a university is probably
now outdated and even in error. This is part of the expanding
entropy that occurs with time in a "stagnant"
coaching development.
- Coaches who fail to continually evaluate practices in an
accountable manner, are more likely to adopt erroneous coaching
- Coaches who do not embrace accountability in their coaching
practices, but "innovate" by doing original
practices, are more likely to introduce harmful and regressive
activities than beneficial ones.
- The coaching discipline is rapidly changing due to influences
from the fields of neuroscience and neuropsychology. In a year's time, many of today's coaching
best-practices will be outmoded.
Second generation
coaching is now employed by many organizations as a strategic
Second generation coaching maximizes the benefits
of coaching at a strategic level, rather than focusing purely on
individual development. Second generation coaching is also when
the organisational user takes a “quality control”
perspective and evaluates the effectiveness of the coaching
intervention. The recent shift to second generation
coaching is reflected in the need for coaching to be
based on
explicit psychological principles and grounded in a solid
evidence base and industry best practice. This shift has largely
come about as the major purchasers of coaching, typically Human
Resource and L & D departments, have sought to distinguish
between coaching offerings and
to employ coaching as a critical part of a
strategic intervention ie; a leadership development tool equipping leaders/management with
the necessary enhanced behavioral abilities and
professional skill sets so they are able to continually
improve business processes and the financial bottom line.
However many organisations are still
failing to capture the broad benefits of workplace coaching by seeing it
purely as an as individual change intervention rather than a
group developmental change program. This is
classified as first generation coaching with limited
organisational impact.
Third generation coaching
focuses on
the coach's own development and learning that propels
ongoing benefits of first
and second generation coaching. Third generation coaching harnesses
and disseminates the learning the coach gains about human
behavior and the
organization context, to the benefit of the business and its people,
thus realizing the maximum benefits of the coaching investment.
Organizational users learn with their coaches as they transform,
utilizing advanced coaching models and tools to its maximum benefit.
For over a decade the Behavioral
Coaching Institute has been acknowledged as a pioneer and global
leader in the development of coaching best-practice for business,
not-for-profit and executive coaching.
How to acquire scientifically proven, coaching
processes and knowledge/experience to accelerate you and your
client's success.
The Behavioral
Coaching Institute is not only internationally recognized as: a)
one of the world's leading
developers of cutting edge professional coaching tools,
techniques and resources but also, b) they conduct research
which includes investigating the latest case studies;
interviewing leading practitioners in their field as well as
their clients to gain early insights; listening to the industry
leaders in their field who are using the latest available
coaching tools and techniques and; compiling and testing best
practices, new coaching techniques and tools, processes and
practice models. This ongoing, intensive research, development
and testing program allows the Institute to
continually update their elite suite of Accredited, Coach
Training Courses. See:
Coach Course
More >....
Behavioral Coaching Institute
Content: professional
development workplace coaching,
change, coaching
development tools and techniques, business workplace
coaching, executive
coaching models and professional development and workplace coaching personal skills, executive coaching
theory and skills
training in
the workplace, workplace
coaching development, coaching theory, coaching best practices,
coaching change models, executive coaching, tools and techniques,
business workplace coaching models, and psychology coaching, executive coaching techniques,
leadership workplace coaching, executive coaching, corporate workplace
coaching models, workplace behavioral competencies, behavior and executive coaching in
the workplace, future of business coaching theory and psychology,
workplace coach, personal skills,