Content: executive coaching, change, leadership and behavior, neuroscience
and leadership change
behavior, managers coaching, neuroscience of leadership change program,
coaching, executive coaching change program, change, behavior,
executive change leadership thinking, leadership coaching change habits, change motivation,
executive coaching, neuroscience of leadership executive coaching and
leadership coaching, executive
coaching and business
coaching, executive coaching change, leadership and neuroscience executive coaching
research, executive coaching and emotions, neuroscience of
leadership, change thinking, change habits, change
motivation, behavioral change,
coaching, neuroscience of leadership coaching, executive coaching change behavior,
Yesterday's traditional coaching fails to deliver today!!
Why is change so painful?
Why doesn't the carrot or stick approach work very well?
Why doesn't persuasion work in the way leaders / managers /
supervisors typically
practice it?
Traditional coaching
techniques fail to take people today where they wish to go.
Inspiration, motivation and simple a
goal-setting strategy carried-over from 1950’s sports coaching don’t
take most of us very far. Our brain, mindsets and subconscious
experiences defines our goals and affects our success. Traditional
goal-focused coaching simply can’t help a person change their life
as they don’t account for the workings of the brain together with
the mind. What’s critically missing is the psychological
perspective, a brain-mind-body approach and the latest
neuro-behavioral tools and strategies to illuminate pathways to a
future of unlimited success.
Behavioral Coaching is a behavioral
science and evidence-based coaching model of positive growth that
has consistently proven effective in empowering clients (aged 7 to
70) in a wide range of work and life interventions to dramatically
exceed their change goals. There is a plethora of research studies
supporting Behavioral Coaching’s dramatic effectiveness compared to
the use of traditional coaching techniques.
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So, just why is it so hard to change?
-Because it's human nature to resist change!
Mastering the ability to change isn't just a crucial strategy for
organizations. It's a necessity for health. And it's possibly the
one thing that's most worth learning.
Today, most professional change-agents
understand that change doesn’t just happen by a 'Manager as
Coach' using the traditional carrot and stick approach and
promising to reward people with money or to penalise
them if they fail. And, it doesn’t happen even when we
tell people that if they don’t change, they’re going to die.
In a recent Fast Company magazine feature article it was
reported that Dr. Edward Miller, the Dean of Johns Hopkins
Medical School calculated that every year over 600,000
people in the U.S. who have coronary bypass surgery are told they
need to stop smoking, start walking, eat less, eat right
and cut down on alcohol. However, only 10% of those 600,000
people are able to sustain the lifestyle changes necessary to
avoid another heart attack. If 90% of coronary bypass
patients can’t change their actions to save their lives,
what does that mean about our ability to change ourselves or other
Changing executive and
leadership behavior (what
we do or say) is the most important challenge for businesses
trying to compete in a turbulent world, says John Kotter, a
Harvard Business School professor.: "The central issue is
never strategy, structure, culture, or systems. The core of the
matter is always about changing the behavior of people." As
individuals, we may want to change our own styles of work -- how
we coach subordinates, for example. Yet more often than
not, we can't. "
We only have to look at the
failed weight loss programs or unused gym equipment in the
homes around us. It is a fact that most people actually
lose motivation to change before they really even get
Using “facts” to convince a person to change
also rarely works.
What needs to change is the frame in which those facts are
being evaluated. In order to change someone's frames,
you need to be able to evoke positive experiences. Getting
people to exchange one mind frame for another is tough even
when you're coaching one-on-one, and it's especially hard
to do for large groups of people. Reframing alone isn't
enough, of course.
An interesting study recently
found that by focusing attention on something - a
particular problem or process -will cause a person to
develop new neural connections which if reinforced enough will
become part of their subconscious. If a person just
focuses on a "problem", he or she will start
developing new connections (also known as reasons) for why the
problem occurs. This however will do little to support
the process of change. That also means that
the "carrot and stick" approach to changing people's
behavior is flawed, as it focuses on the person's attention to
the problems that are causing the
unwanted behavior rather than on solutions for change.
Another consequence of this
finding is that people who are specialists in certain
fields -eg; sales, finance, engineering etc. -tend
to develop brain connections to handle their job with the
least amount of energy possible. This simply means that a person
in accounting and an engineer have their brains wired
differently. It follows that they will not see the world
the same way, even if they share some similar world views! Hence the case for a personalized approach to
coaching by a coach who has first-hand experience in the
specialist workplace he/she is working in.
power of attention is a central key to understanding
Our brains are reshaped by what we frequently think about. People's
expectations of what they experience can impact their experiences
- eg; the placebo effect. Insights are personal and
necessary. Being told is not the same as discovering it yourself.
brain pushes back when told what to do. This is attributed to
homeostasis, the movement of organisms toward equilibrium and away
from change. On the other hand, brains will release an
adrenaline-like rush of neurotransmitters when people figure out
how to solve a problem themselves rather than being told how to
solve it by others.
need to be guided by specially trained coaches how to develop new
mental models themselves through insight. They need to experience
the "ah ha" moment so they connect the dots. A
recent study found that if the brain has a "moment of insight"
coming from within (arriving at a solution/conclusion by
yourself), that moment is associated with a sudden
adrenaline-like burst of high energy that is conducive to
creating new links (change) in the brain. So, as coaches, if we
want to instil change, we need to focus people on solutions
instead of problems, let them come to their own answers,
and keep them focused on their insights.
Just as importantly, the motivation
to change has to come from within.
No amount of bribing or bullying or "being reasoned with" by
others will be enough to successfully steer you towards a healthier
life. Yes, support from others is important, but you are the only one
who can make the decision to change.
Discomfort is a big
Much of what inspires and motivates a person is extreme discomfort. People
typically choose to make a change only when they can no longer stand the pain
or discomfort. Then they have to take steps to make changes in
their lives.
Brain and Behavior are the same
Among the most significant developments
of the twentieth century is the recognition that aspects of human
behavior and experience are actually functions of a material
structure, the nervous system. Nothing effects behavior directly
except for the brain. However, because we allow the environment to
affect the brain, our behavior can be indirectly affected by the
environment. The mind is also incorporated into the brain. Also
associated with the brain there is our "sense of
spirit" and "sense of humour" which affects how we
Behavioral Neuroscience provides us the
hidden keys.
Neuroscience covers a range of relevant, proven biological and neural
sciences and is concerned with the study of behavior and the
brain and nervous system -and should not be confused with NLP ).
The new field of Neuroscience has now disproved the belief
that the brain is "hardwired" early in life and can't
change later on. Now researchers inform us that the brain's
ability to change -its "plasticity" -is lifelong. So, if we
can change, then why don't we?
Every person has thousands of habits
-such as how to use a pen, throw a ball -that have driven fixed
wiring/changes in the brain. For example, an experienced
executive has powers that a young manager doesn't have -eg; specialized
skills and abilities. A successful leader with specialist skills,
although extremely valuable for any organization, is difficult to create.
Furthermore, there is an inherent ‘rigidity' in specialization.
Professional coaches are well aware that the cumulative weight of a
person's experience actually
makes it harder for them to change.
How then, as coaches, can we overcome
these factors? The first key is ensuring that the brain's
machinery is geared for learning. "When you're young, almost
everything you do is behavior-based learning -it's an incredibly
powerful, plastic period," says Professor Merzenich of the
University of California. "What happens that becomes stultifying is
you stop learning and you stop the machinery, so it starts dying."
Unless you work on it, brain fitness often begins declining at around
age 30 for men, a bit later for women. "People mistake being active
for continuous learning," Merzenich says. "The machinery is
only activated by learning. Many people think they're leading an
interesting life when they really haven't learned anything in 20 or 30
It follows, that leaders and
executives require their organization to develop "a business
strategy for continuous mental rejuvenation and new learning," he
says. Ideally, he states, every executive should have deliberately
constructed new challenges to manage. For every individual, there
must be personalized new learning. Innovation, enhanced
performance, increased well-being comes about when people are
enabled to use their full brains and intelligence instead of being put
in boxes and controlled, Merzenich adds.
However, there is a strong force at work
in the brain that resists change and new learning. The brain is very
much wired to detect "errors" in its environment -perceived differences
between expectations and actuality. When an error is detected, it
triggers the fear circuitry in the most primitive part of our brain and
this basically hijacks our thinking and causes us to react emotionally.
Brain Hard-Wiring.
Trying to change a routine behavior sends out strong
messages in the brain that something is not right. These messages can
readily overpower rational thought. It takes a strong will to push past
such mental activity. Even with the best possible intention, a
coach who is trying to change a person’s behavior without being
trained in the use of appropriate psychologically-based change tools,
can cause the individual great discomfort. Our brain sends out
powerful messages that something is wrong, and the capacity for higher
thought is decreased. Change itself thus amplifies stress and
discomfort, and managers or coaches tend to underestimate the
challenges inherent in implementing change. So when a coach tries to
change someone's behavior their brain will start sending powerful
messages that something is wrong, thus decreasing their capacity for
higher thought. Change results in discomfort and stress.
Behavioral change happens mostly
by engaging people's emotions -their feelings.
In highly successful change efforts, coaches can find ways to
help others see the problems or solutions in ways that influence
emotions (not to be confused with 'emotional intelligence'), not just
thought. Unfortunately, that kind of emotional persuasion isn't taught
in business schools, and it doesn't come naturally to management who
pride themselves on disciplined, analytical thinking.
Let's look again at the case of heart
patients. The best minds at Johns Hopkins didn't at first know how
to get people to change. Now it is well-understood that a
change-agent must go beyond the facts. Coaches also need to
know how to bring in the psychological, emotional, and spiritual
dimensions that are so often ignored.
Supporting Change through
multifaceted Support.
People need a sense of confidence that their changes will be
aligned with the people and processes around them. This is where
some coaching culture efforts fail. Even when a change program starts at
the top (which it must), it can easily wither somewhere in the
middle. That's why most corporations engaged in instigating a
coaching culture hold "alignment coaching workshops" that
ask middle and line managers -the people who make processes work -to
better understand the nature and benefits of coaching and to outline
the ways its systems could inhibit the coaching agenda for
Some of the above listed new techniques
and insights into the nature of change may seem paradoxical or
irrational. Hence the further need for coaches to be specially trained
how to best understand and apply the new knowledge to their best

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Recent breakthroughs in the
behavioral sciences can help all workplace coaches influence
more effective, lasting change.
Although current knowledge does not completely make coaching a science, we suggest that many of the recent studies on
organizational and personal change can be drawn upon to make the art and
craft of professional coaching far more productive and lasting.
There's compelling science behind the
psychology of change -as it draws on important discoveries from the
behavioral sciences and the emerging field of neuroscience. To be
effective in today's demanding workplace, coaches now require new
insights and skills that up-end conventional thinking about human
potential and the process of change. Psychology and recent advances in
neuroscience hold some of the missing keys to accomplishing
this goal.
Is applying recent findings of the
behavioral sciences another demand in the professional
coach's job description? No! -However, knowing the
essential facts about the brain and the psychology of change
provides critical knowledge for coaches how to best design
their coaching programs and facilitate the task of change rather than add to its

Large organizations and
small companies alike are now learning how to harness
Behavioral Performance
Coaching by through building a Safe Haven. This is
all about the need to equip workplaces and places of
learning with the
neuro-behavioral tools to
introduce individual and group brain-mind-body 'fitness'
programs to create a more productive, innovative, healthier,
happier and collaborative environment.
For over 25 years the
Behavioral Coaching Institute has been
the world leader in the development and
delivery of workplace, behavioral and
performance coach training
The Institute's unique, online, High
Behavioral Coach training
teaches students how to best help all people be
more capable of dealing with change via
growth and/or disruption.
Behavioral Coaching Institute
Content: managers coaching, neuroscience of leadership change program,
coaching, executive coaching change program, change, executive coaching change, leadership and neuroscience
executive coaching
research, executive coaching and emotions, neuroscience of
leadership, executive coaching, change, leadership and behavior, neuroscience
and leadership change
behavior, change thinking, change habits, change
motivation, behavioral change,
coaching, neuroscience of leadership coaching, executive coaching change behavior, behavior,
execeutive change leadership thinking, leadership coaching change habits, change motivation,
executive coaching, neuroscience of leadership executive coaching and
leadership coaching, executive
coaching and business