International Coaching
Federation (ICF)
Change and executive coaching -Are we truly specialist change experts? | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Background: The 4 New Principles of Organizational Change: 2.
To change any
organizational structure or process or result requires a change in
people. 3. Behavioral coaching is the
vehicle for successful, lasting personal and professional
behavioral change. 4. Successful implementation of the learning review insights can only be achieved by employing a validated, scientifically proven, behavioral change program with leaders and executives who want to learn and lead by learning. Change is at the heart of coaching. It plays a critical role in helping individuals and organizations to create, adapt to, and accept change as a challenge rather than an obstacle. The process and positive, results though can be a difficult to achieve if evidence-based behavioral models, tools and techniques are not employed.
coach’s role as a change agent, either internal or external, in an
organization can assume the following forms: |
professional coaches we have to examine our
ability to survive the challenges other groups present as they encroach upon our ground. Coaching is informed by and borrows from other disciplines, but it is a stand-alone discipline. We must lay claim to our distinction which, is that we are specialist behavioral change agents. To sustain the momentum of executive or business coaching we must ensure sustained, measurable change. Some issues: |
The Behavioral Coaching Model:
- Achieving Behavioral Change with validated Coaching Techniques (includes some extracts from text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington - copyrighted by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing) The term "behavior" is frequently misused in training and coaching literature/programs, with little attention made to methods of actually changing behaviors and insuring that these changes are lasting. The definition of behavior to which behavioral coaching subscribes is: the actions, responses and reactions of an individual, team or organization. Behavioral coaching can also be defined as the science and art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of the individual or team, which in turn assists the growth of the organization. The overall goal of behavioral coaching is to help individuals increase their effectiveness and happiness at work, study and/or in a social setting. Everyone involved in personal and professional development needs to understand and appreciate basic behavioral processes and how these relate to individual functioning and organizational performance. Many organizations and coaches claim to use behavioral coaching simply because they are dealing with behavior. On closer scrutiny, however, they are merely attaching a new name to the old workplace counseling model; that is, the "coaching" is remedial, occurs on an as-needs rather than an ongoing basis, involves little monitoring or evaluation and does not attend to preventing slippage. Furthermore, some professionals claim to practice behavioral coaching simply because they employ personality profiling. Behavioral coaching goes beyond false promises about change and examines what we can and cannot change. It presents research-based and scientifically means of instilling new optimism for coaches and their clients about achieving change. Behavioral coaching integrates research from many disciplines into a validated, user-friendly model of practice. It incorporates knowledge from psychology (behavioral, clinical, social, developmental, industrial and organizational), systems theories, existential philosophy, education and the management and leadership literature. One of the reasons why behavioral techniques are so widely accepted is that they allow for data to be gathered on specific, targeted behaviors impacting the application of a professional skill. By using appropriate validated, behavioral change instruments, these targeted behaviors can easily be measured and evaluated in a rigorous manner. Behavioral coaching, with its emphasis on research and evidence, provides individuals and organizations a validated and proven system that greatly increases their chances of effecting lasting behavioral change.
Changing behavioral patterns cannot be
achieved by using the many simplistic, outdated models of
coaching still widely promoted in the coaching industry/literature.
Many so-called "certified coaches" churned out by the
"coaching associations" are simply doing more harm than
good. Meantime, many large, high-profile coach training schools are still
teaching simplistic models of coaching that employ re-labeled, old
performance counseling strategies or, in some cases, scientifically
unproven fuzzy techniques.
Because coaching is still a developing
discipline, there is no agreed-upon, all-embracing model
of the coaching process and practice.
A coaching model cannot be procrustean. It
requires an in-built flexibility and adaptability so that coaching
programs can be tailored to fit the specific needs of each client and
coachee. For example, a coach needs to take into account their own, as
well as the coachees', differences in personality, knowledge, skills and
abilities. Coachees also vary in motivation and preparedness for change.
As well as individual factors, each coachee
exists within various systems, both personal and professional. These
affect how a coaching program is conducted, as do factors such as the
organizational culture and structure, available resources and the
organization's business objectives.
The behavioral coaching model emphasizes the
following aspects of behavior and learning:
training in leadership and interpersonal skills and follow-up behavioral
coaching, has been shown to increase productivity by 30% in
the first year, as related to that area of training. Successful executive, organizational,
business coaching is not a
suitable domain for employing outdated, un-scientific,
unproven, simplistic: coaching models, user-fits-all personality profiling, questioning
techniques etc. Only
validated, behavioral scientific models, accelerated behavioral change
techniques, competencies and behaviors identified in robust industry studies
are used in the Behavioral Coaching Institute's fast-tracked
Coach Training Coach courses for select professional
people developers.
ICF : Recent
studies have shown the average earnings for business/executive coaches to
be over $120,000 p.a. A well trained and experienced external coach should
aim to place themselves amongst the top practices earning $250,000 plus. |
Copyright © 2008, Behavioral Coaching Institute. All Rights Reserved. |