Content: Online High Performance Mental Skills Coaching Course,
PSYCHOLOGICAL coaching , mental skills training gamers, performance
coaching, psychological skills training high performance course,
mental skills training course, high performance coaching, mental
skills, coaching, high performance skills program, Mental Skills Course,
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performance coaching, performance coach, mental skills coaching,
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performance coach coaching course
Online, internationally
High Performance Coaching Course
Over the
last few years, there has been an explosive growth of
scientific research in mental skills development. The
unique, comprehensive courses provide an easy-to-follow,
latest, proven, scientific methodology detailing, step-by-step, how to:
- help clients meet specific Performance Goal Needs,
- overcome any mental skills / performance blocks,
- how to consistently operate at the BEST SELF level and
- continuously grow, succeed and be more happier,
healthier and confident. |
entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, finance
professionals, managers, students, high potentials… anyone
who wants to improve their lives and achieve their
performance goals faster. (You can also use this proven
process to coach individuals or virtual groups!) |
with the latest Neuro-Behavioral
Science/methodology |
Background: |
The Psychological Demands for high
Today's growing trend of high-performing professionals
hiring their own personal performance coach to provide them an edge over their
competition and to continue pushing their performance envelope even
In today’s highly competitive, skilled marketplace what
separates out the good from the top and the top from the best is
more often the psychological component.
It is standard practice for performance coaches to sign
confidentiality agreements with their clients not to disclose the
work they are engaged in together. However, there are numerous
research studies published in leading scientific journals (cited in
our course) confirming the significant, sustainable results
generated by the evidence-based, techniques provided in our unique program.
The Need for Competitive Success -and the need to develop
superior mental skills.
The importance and nature
of performance or mental skills coaching varies markedly across different
professional vocations. A number of recent research studies have confirmed that many of today’s
high performing individuals are really struggling to consistently
perform in a challenging, new world economy.
Most professionals are well aware of level one
(foundation) mental skills (positive attitude, concentration,
self-motivation, goal setting etc). Unfortunately most professionals
still do not receive personalized training in the critical
Psychosomatic Skills (level 2) and Cognitive Skills (level 3)
relative to the demands of their position and their mental profile.
Self-made 'High Performers' tend to have high rates of burnout with
short career spans.
Neuroscience research has confirmed that elite level performance
requires some extreme mental abilities such as; attention,
sensorimotor skills and faster than normal brain processing speeds.
The research also found that a 'high level performer's' mental reaction times typically start to
decline from just 24 years old.
Professional needs to acquire the
advanced, high-level
mental skills necessary to reach
their highest potential.
Mental skills and psychological performance is all about
empowering people to improve their performances while also enriching
their lives. People who aspire to high levels of achievement need to pay attention and train their mental
skills as they would train their technical position skills and tactical
One of the most obvious psychological demands for high
performers is the continuos pressure to perform at an optimal level.
Managing emotions is a significant demand that all
professionals need to address -but don't.
Established performers with higher ranks tend to have higher
levels of mental toughness.
All persons who have a need to perform well need to understand their mental strengths and
weaknesses, and how to improve them.
High levels of self-awareness,
mindset management, mental toughness / resilience, emotional
control, focus /staying in the moment, stress management and
acceptance coping are just some of the many primary mental skills
acknowledged as the key psychological factors that determine success.
The Bottom Line:
Mental Strength – Creating the mental
capacity to transform potential into a process of being.
The need for ALL PERSONS DESIRING SUCCESS to: identify how their mental strengths and
weaknesses impact their performance and well-being; obtain new
mental capabilities and, learn how to boost their strengths and
strengthen their weaknesses.
As the world around us continues to quicken its pace, a
person (no
matter how naturally talented) will be left behind if they're not
continually developing their mental capacity to succeed.
The importance of mental skills development coaching >getting a power boosted edge
on the competition.
A number of performance coaches specialize in assisting the development of
their clients to reach a professional standard, some help clients
obtain even higher, consistent levels of performance whilst the
majority of performance coaches focus on helping the average performer continue to
raise to their
next level of performance.
The Performance Bottom-Line
The latest research confirms that people who engage in advance level
mental skills / performance coaching significantly enhance their results
and well-being. |
Some Definitions:
Technical Skills - similar to the "Motor Skill
Competence" -are the particular execution skills required to
be successful in a task.
Physical Skills - this set of skills are the raw
action skills that are needed to perform the technical
Domain Skills
- these are the knowledge-set skills required to be
competent in the pursued activity.
Mental Skills are tools for the mind and fall under
the umbrella of Personal and Professional Development. They
can also be viewed as internal capabilities that help a
person control their minds efficiently and consistently as
they execute performance-related goals. Mental skills
coaching provides an advanced toolkit (the methods and
techniques) to not only develop skills, but to also generate
positive, goal-producing behaviors.
Many of these skills are in tune with the human brain-mind-body union
that affect performance.
Mental Skills also incorporate:
a) Psychological Skills (often used to describe mental
skills). Psychological skills training refers to consistent
practice of mental skills.
b) Tactical Skills - like "decision-making ability" -these
are the "in-game" abilities to choose the right thing to do
in different scenarios.
A mental skill enables you to regulate thoughts, feelings,
physical sensations and actions/results.
The nature of the relationship between a person’s state
of mind and their performance depends on three prime
1. the strength of mind / mental skills and character /
personality of the individual performer,
2. the specific task at hand, and
3. the wider task environment.
Just as physical skills training is addressed on a regular basis -mental skills coaching
also needs to be practiced regularly.
Next-Generation, Mental Skills
Research has confirmed that increased use of advanced,
neuro-behavioral mental skill
techniques generate
significantly enhanced performance.
NOTE: "Mental
Skills high performance coaching programs must be tailored to the specific needs of
individual relative to the activity they are engaged in".
Generic, computer-based cognitive-training software are
simply low level brain games that provide little proven
benefit. The false promise is that if you adhere to a prescribed
regimen of the one-size-fits-all, cognitive exercises, you
will fundamentally improve your mind and brain.
A recent study by Stanford University objects to the
exaggerated and misleading claims about the benefits of
brain games.
Potentials vs. High Performers:
High performers
consistently exceed expectations and are the go-to people
for difficult projects because they have a track record of
success. However, they may not have the potential (or lack
the drive) to succeed in a higher-level role or to tackle
more advanced work.
High potentials
have demonstrated strong technical abilities and have future
potential for success. A high potential employee provides
nearly double the value to an organization, and they’re
three times more likely to be successful in the future,
according to Gartner research.
Each of these
categories requires a specific approach to their
development. The good news is that the Institute's High
Performance Coaching Course provides the blueprint, tools
and guidelines how to build and manage a customized high
performance development coaching program that will put them
on the path to success.
Very few existing corporate trainers or coaches today have had the
benefit of advanced mental skills training. The great majority
of trainers / coaches will readily
admit they have little or no
understanding or special training how to
implement a structured, customized, high
performance, mental skills
program specifically designed to fit the
user's needs.
High Performance
Skills Development has been
previously, predominately
provided by
general registered Psychologists trained
in the traditional, academic field of
psychology. Most psychologists still struggle
with using a therapeutic model of
development with their
corporate clients. Research has indicted that
business clients typically find this
counseling process too lengthy, remedial focused
and uninspiring.
For the great majority of
people getting regular access to a
psychologist can be a difficult and expensive
process. For those without
the resources working with a high performance mental skills development expert
is viewed as an impossible dream.
In the last few years advanced, Mental Skills Coaching
has become equal partners with technical
The current trend in the professionalization of
high performance practitioners has even begun to
trickle down to universities, high schools, and
middle schools eg; a growing number of schools,
with the guidance from accredited high
performance coaches, are now launching their own scientific based
high performance programs.
Students may not possess the same
mature abilities as the high performers in the
business or sporting arena, as they require a
far broader range of
elite mental skills to produce superior results. To accomplish this
unique set of mental challenges in the classroom, building mental
fitness has become a top priority for many
learning institutions.
Today, there is a huge, ever growing, global
demand from professionals and students alike to boost
their "soft skills" / mental or personal skills and
gain that edge to enter the
winner's circle. Another key factor in the popularization of mental
skills coaching is that the skills learnt can also be successfully
applied to other areas of life.
The Institute's unique,
accredited High Performance Course.
A new breed of high performance coaches
trained by BCI are now able to apply cutting-edge, knowledge,
skill sets and tools from today’s
evidence-based, neuroscientific technologies and methodologies
from Applied Cognitive Neuroscience.
High Performance Development
The specialist field of Advance Level, Performance Coaching
is a user-friendly service delivery model that
presents a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ career opportunity for qualified
individuals to establish a
highly rewarding, part-time or full-time private practice / career
(1-to-1 or teams via telecoaching and in-person).
High Performance Coaches:
- take a teaching, 'directive coaching'
approach versus a counseling style.
- focus on the now and future time space
(and not the past) in helping a person achieve
their Performance
Needs Goals.
- employ today’s advanced, science-based,
proven techniques.
- use accelerated learning (typically 2
or 3 brief sessions only) to empower a person to easily self-coach themselves and
practice selected, customized mental
exercises to fit specific Performance Needs.
The overwhelming
corporate and public demand for
today's game-changing, power-boosting, neuro-behavioral
Time and attention. Neuro-behavoral performance coaching
is an accelerated method of achieving enhanced performance compared to traditional
performance coaching falls under the umbrellas of natural health (including
physical health – as our physiology can be re shaped by our
thoughts) and mental / emotional fitness.
Neuro-behavioral coaching
interventions are designed to open “windows of plasticity” and
target specific domains of the brain’s structure and reset them to
form greater connectivity and oversight. The objective of the
targeted interventions is to have the user achieve perceptual
self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, state of mind
techniques for self-improvement.
Neuro-behavioral coaching
allows users to explore the
critical impact of energy on motivation and
willpower. Inefficient thinking helps cause stress and lowers energy
levels. Our brain uses about 20% of the body’s energy.

Perry Zeus
( BCI Founder, Faculty Head
and Course Designer
) |
Publications: “12 works in 56
publications in 4 languages and 721 library
-World Library Catalog
"Dr Perry Zeus established the world's first
professional coach
training institution in 1994"
-Training Industry
"..regarded as the
'Father of Behavioral Coaching',
Perry first published his
now-classic book, 'Behavioral Coaching' 15 years ago
which transformed the
psychology of coaching."
-Psych News
“…For over two decades Perry has proven to be an
extraordinary educator and coach with the
ability to apply his deep understanding of the
practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences
to build the world’s leading coach training
-Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard
Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘The
Neuroscience of Great Leaders’, ‘Life Unlocked’.
_________________ ___________________ |
Off-the-shelf, brain / mind training
games / programs focus on
cognitive training and completely ignore the brain-mind-body
union. This generic approach is not individualized, only provides a modest boost to routine mental activities, cannot affect
and does not provide knowledge about yourself
nor how to self-coach
yourself to higher levels of mental performance
and well-being.
Bottom Line:
Numerous research studies published in leading
scientific journals (cited in our course) confirm the
significant, sustainable
performance gains
in just 2 to 3 weeks
by the High Performance, Neuro-Practice Steps
as detailed in our unique program. |
Behavioral Coaching
Institute pioneered behavioral coaching and performance
coaching over 30 years ago and today is still the world’s
leading developer and supplier of cutting edge performance coaching
In line with today’s new challenges and opportunities, we provide
unique, world-best-class, coach training courses with a high
performance, neuro-behavioral coaching focus for individual and team
Today's Behavioral
Sciences have been significantly updated by powerful, life-changing
contributions from brain-mind-body medic ine, emerging neuroscientific technologies and the latest, evidence-based
methodologies from Neuropsychology and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience.
Note: Our Global
Faculty Team spans
all continents and has supplied our specialist Master Coach and Diploma
Courses to thousands of students and many of the world’s leading
teams in over 60 countries.
Course Content > .. |
Accredited, High Performance Coaching Course
Methodology: |
Cognitive neuroscience
is a relatively new field which bridges the gap between the
study of behaviors (psychology) and the study of neural
processes (neurosciences). |
One specialist area of
study by Cognitive Neuroscientists, which is a focus of our
course, is understanding how deep perception (accessing the
subconscious mind's theta brainwaves) through experiential,
perceptual meta-self-awareness exercises can stimulate
neural re-growth that generates bottom-line, sustainable, measurable
performance gain.
The cutting-edge, approach of the course is at
the forefront of high performance, psychological,
development methodology.
Note: The course's proprietary, evidence-based
techniques also
helps boost endorphin levels that stimulate and
balance the Immune system and promotes the repair of cells
and tissues to build a healthier and stronger version
of the brain and body.
Latest studies also confirm benefits such as : decreased impulsivity and
anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood,
and a host of other side benefits. |
The course's 3 Easy Steps employ cutting edge,
evidence-based, neuro-behavioral change models
that generate significant, positive, lasting
performance results
that can be measured.
Students learn easy-to-use, deep level
(subconscious) Metacognition skill building steps that
incorporate subconscious Metacognition Role-playing
using Direct
Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive
Memory Reconstitution and Mindfulness.
Harnessing the power of the Brain, Mind and
Body union to effect sustainable changes in performance and
→ The process of developing deep, self-awareness and
learning from one’s past, present, and future.
→ The ability to self-assess, self-change and
consistently perform at best levels.
In short, this advanced neuro-behavioral toolkit
(in easy to follow steps) will help your clients
(no matter their current performance level)
significantly enhance their success and
transform their personal life to a bigger,
brighter future. |
Each of the comprehensive Course Modules contain
Summaries and Case Studies
plus Scores
of Coaching Forms and Templates
-and as a
(this month only),
students also receive A Supplementary
Professional Coach
Practice Resources Library (over
300 pages) jammed
packed with professional
practice Tools, Assessments and
Practice Templates and Forms
$us1,295.00 |
As independently verified by
ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google,
Amazon and Microsoft) -BCI is a long established, global business with
revenue of $us7 mill + and employs over 35 people worldwide. |
Content: Online High Performance Mental Skills Coaching Course, PSYCHOLOGICAL coaching ,
psychological skills training course, coaching performance, high
performance coaching course, online coaching course, coaching,
high performance coach coaching course, mental skills training gamers, performance
coaching, high performance skills program, Mental Skills
Course, high performance, mental skills coaching, performance
coach, high performance coaching, performance coach, mental skills coaching,
training, psychological
skills training high performance course, mental
skills training course, high performance coaching, mental skills |