Contents: online coach training courses, emotion coaching,  anti-aging coaching, health coaching, leadership coaching, articles coaching, online coaching certification course, behavioral coaching, neuropsychology coaching, online executive coaching course, neuro-behavioral coaching, behavioral coaching, 2022 executive coaching, performance coaching, wellness coaching, coaching course, 2022 coach certification, coaching diploma, master certified coach course, anti-aging coaching, health coaching, leadership coaching, emotion coaching,  anti-aging coaching, online coaching course, 2022







Dr Perry Zeus established BCI (the world's first professional coach training school) in 1994.





Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive Coaching Course   Fees
  Kids & Parents Coaching Course 
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses   Corporate Coaching Course    Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Wellness Coaching Course 
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

Private Mentoring with Dr Zeus

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Sports Psychology Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  Emotion Coaching Course   Fees




-to speak with a Faculty Member


Dr Perry Zeus (Faculty Head)


"I just found a video demonstrating a relaxation exercise prior to an
actual coaching session with a private client.
Hope you find it interesting!















    From: Dr Perry Zeus (Faculty Head and Institute's Founder)  

Whether you are seeking professional development for yourself or your coaching panel, a good first step is to set up a 15- or 30-minute appointment with a Faculty Team Member to discuss your professional coach training goals and the best course, course format and support structure to fit your needs.

As you are probably aware the Institute's highly valued coach credentialing programs are for suitably qualified professionals only.

Entrance is by way of invitation ie; this is not an open-program.

There are two intakes each year. The number of available spots are strictly limited. The small number of places are typically assigned in the first few weeks at the beginning of a semester. UPDATE: A few spots are still open this semester.

Enrolment (Request for an Invitation) Process:
1. Upon our receipt of your Application
Form we will review your: stated course objectives (to confirm their alignment with the purpose of our program), personal and professional experience and background.

2. Vetted Applications are then directly submitted to the Institute's Student Selection Panel (subject to re-confirmation by yourself).

3. The special Selection Panel (comprising members of the Institute's Advisory Board) meets weekly to consider the Applications. If required, an applicant may be required to forward additional references and support material regards their professional background/experience. Within 24 hours following the meeting
all applicants are emailed the Board’s admission decisions.

4. It follows, in fairness to all pending applicants, to secure a limited place, a successful applicant is required to remit full course payment (within 5 days) upon receiving their Acceptance Letter/Email by the Institute’s Selection Panel.


Upon the conclusion of a mutually successful call please ensure that you have submitted a Course Registration Form containing your details and course needs.

Once we have checked your supplied information we will reply within 24 hours and re-confirm the Course Application Process Steps.


Perry Zeus



 Telephone Appointment Request Form


To speak to a Tutor/Mentor of the Course you are interested in -please confirm the below:

             - I have just submitted an Application Form for the below selected Course and would like to speak to one of the Course's Faculty Members about some questions I have..
            - I have yet to submit a Course Application Form as I first wish to speak to a Faculty Member regards the below selected course I am interested in joining:


Master Coach
    Child and Parents Coaching Course Form  


  Workplace / Executive Coaching Course Form  


  Wellness Coaching Course Form.


  Emotions Coaching Course Form.

  High Performance Behavioral Health Coaching Course Form.

    NeuroCoaching Course Form


    Corporate Coaching Course Form


Anti-Aging Therapy Coaching Diploma Course Form


Sports Psychology Coaching Diploma Course Form      
Coach Trainer Accreditation Diploma Program        

Other Services:

    Group Coach Training Course (Onsite or Videoconference)
  Licensing of BCI Courses / Partner Program
  Private 1to1 Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus

Full Name :

Address/Time Zone



Tel #'s: Direct Line

     Cell #' :



Email -Personal:

   Business : 






Please Note: 1. The Institute will contact you within 24 hours of receiving this Message to establish a mutually convenient day/time for one of our specialist Course Tutors to call!
                      2. All of our Tutors have: a PhD, published coaching articles and extensive international coaching/practice experience.






                             Faculty | Certification |Courses Content |Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News

                                © Copyright 1998 - 2020 The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                               New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                               All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                     All rights reserved
                                         1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                         are all registered trading/business names 
                             BCI's Global Head Office: 

                           Singapore -International Courses Division


Contents: online coach training course, executive coach course,  health coaching, leadership coaching, emotion coaching,  anti-aging coaching, emotion coaching, online executive coach training courses,  anti-aging coaching, health coaching, leadership coaching, articles coaching, executive coaching, performance coaching, online coach training course, wellness coaching, coaching course, behavioral coaching, neuropsychology coaching, neuro-behavioral coaching, master certified coach course, anti-aging coaching, behavioral coaching, coach certification, coaching diploma, online executive coaching courses, leadership coaching, emotion coaching