Contents: Quantum Energy Psychology Coaching Course Tools, Models of Change, Quantum Energy Course,  Quantum Consciousness, Quantum Coaching Course, What is Conscious Mind, What is Quantum Reality, Quantum Energy Psychology Coaching Course, consciousness, Quantum Energy Tools, Models, Quantum Tools, Quantum Coaching Course, Quantum Energy, Conscious Mind,  Quantum Change Tools, Quantum Energy Psychology Coaching Course, Quantum Course Tools, quantum coach training course,







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SOME EXAMPLE METHODOLOGY and KEY Quantum CHANGE TOOLS provided in the Dr Zeus's Quantum Coach Training Course to facilitate a person's successful quantum download (the collapse of a desired quantum subspace of a future outcome, result etc into the present / physical world).

uilding a bridge to the future with the fabric of the universe.

Stage 1. Using the course's proprietary Q tools to move through levels of consciousness from the Present Self to the Observer Self (Q Self, Higher Self, Future Self).
Stage 2.
A key to building a desired future is using transformational mental imagery/experiences to expand consciousness.
-Example: Using the 3P Quantum Formula
during brief states of super consciousness (quantum consciousness connected to the Quantum Field of possibilities) then visualizing a pictorial projection of potential in action during a desired future event.

Quantum thinking
Quantum thinking
is the mind's ability to hold multiple opposing thoughts at once and put the appropriate thought into action at the optimal time. Quantum thinking techniques provides us a means to break out of our preconceived notions and challenge our mindset to incorporate other perspectives.


Quantum Energy Coaching recognizes the power of the observer in shaping reality, and by tapping into this power, transformational quantum coaching can help reframe our perspective and shift our mindset in a more positive and empowering direction.

Opening new perspectives via Visualization (a powerful tool for connecting to the quantum field) and exploring the power of our consciousness and the thoughts and emotions driving our actions.

Quantum coaching provides us a revolutionary approach to understanding the human mind. Utilizing principles of quantum science you will learn how to guide clients to view themself and actions from different sides -to see possibilities from various perspectives—even when those perspectives may contradict one another.

Perspective and moving away from a default way of thinking and letting go of limiting beliefs.

When we better see a situation from other points of view we can evaluate it with more clarity and understanding and generate greater, positive actions/results. We empower ourself to choose the best, most rewarding paths that will help us grow and flourish. When we think in this way, we open ourselves up to new possibilities that allow us to evaluate ourselves and the world around us more fully.

Mindfulness and breathing techniques helps quiet the mind and evokes a state of awareness and presence. This preparatory step helps us clear our mind so we can employ powerful experiential exercises that allows us to tap into the quantum field and experience its energy.


Using quantum thinking combined with the course's tools and change models can help us see the BEST WAY FORWARD.
Steps when using the Dr Perry Zeus's Quantum Coach Training Course methodology and tools ie; using Quantum Consciousness (our super consciousness) to energize a desired future:
  1. Building the physical frameworks to facilitate a successful quantum download ie; supporting the successful collapse of your desired future snapshot into reality by associated physical actions.
  2. Clearing space in our electromagnetic field to provide a path to the infinite Quantum Field of possibilities.
  3. Using a systematic, fast-tracked process to move in and out of the layers of our consciousness.
  4. Using visualization, metacognition and our perception along with our super consciousness to open a gate to the Quantum Field in and around us.
  5. Selectively observing, say; a desired future snapshot of yourself in a particular time zone / situation / outcome to materialize.
  6. Repeating the above process until the chosen subspace / desired future collapses into reality and all other alternate subspaces / outcomes end.

Understanding behaviors and intentions..
We are a species that strives not just for survival, but we also need to find a meaning to our life, a sense of balance and order
and a roadmap to fulfil our destiny / potential.


Rapid transformational change within 14 days.

When your clients unlock their Positive Energy Powers, even in the most challenging day, their experience of the world immediately becomes profoundly more vivid, exciting and fulfilling in every way. And, from that moment forward, they will be able to experience: greater self awareness, control of their future, perspective, accomplish more in less time, improved emotion regulation, enhanced physical and mental health and be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing..


We all, at times, need to make space for our consciousness to reveal the path for our mind and body to flow with vital healing energy available in and around us. To renew our well-being and allow a fresh clearing breeze and lightness return to us. A changed disposition to something that we felt threatened by, but now dissipated. As a result, we feel taller, stronger, more grounded, more in our center as our true nature gets to be at play in life.  

A Typical Session:
Energy underlies one‘s ability to change / move forward and affects our ability to fulfil our potential and our health / well-being.
Moving through levels of consciousness, a client identifies the parts of their SELF and/or their life they wish to change. By connecting to the universal Quantum Energy field and their Electromagnetic Energy field the client accesses the necessary Aware Energy to establish a stronger, more positive energy balance thereby significantly boosting their ability to fulfil their potential.
The process involves the client moving through deep levels of their superconscious as they let go of patterns that inhibit their growth towards to a bigger, brighter, better future. The client experiences sensations as they discharge highlighted negative energy and replace it with corrective, adaptive positive energy. This transforming change process can be characterized by clarity, awareness, vivid imagery and altered perceptions. As the disruptive patterns shift, the client experiences a sense of knowing, integration, peace and strength in their mind, body and spirit.



STEP 1. Learning how to use our electromagnetic energy field (our bodies energy field).
Students acquire the methodology how to help clients align their behaviors with intentions and rapidly build required levels of Self awareness, emotional balance, and a clear, open mind to realize a desired future by harnessing their quantum field of energy.

  Quantum physics instructs us that emotions are derived from our perceptions of reality.
Note: Students also learn how to guide a client to use their electromagnetic energy field (our bodies energy field) to enhance performance, well-being, health and manage fear, anxiety, stress, depression and anger. In fact, the course's revolutionary life change methodology has an unlimited range of applications.

STEP 2. Working in the Quantum Energy Field.
The Language of Quantum Energy Metaprogramming -empowering our life code to rewrite itself.
What is the Quantum Energy Field and Superposition?
Superposition is a fundamental attribute of the quantum energy field that allows for the possibility of quantum parallelism -the condition in which an object can exist in multiple states / subspaces or configurations simultaneously.

The Quantum Field is a sub-atomic world full of endless potential states; multiple dimensional subspaces spinning in synchronicity that hold an infinite number of possible representations of alternate, reality actions / events / results including powerful, seemingly better versions of ourselves in desired future outcomes.

In the timeless Quantum Space all possible, alternate future space capsules / moments of a person's life exist. Each of us has the power through our super consciousness and associated actions to actualize a desired, probable future.

This process of endless potential states creates a quantum multiverse.

There are an infinite number of parallel universes containing every possible alternative choice you could have made or will make in your entire life (remember in quantum space time does not exist -there is no past, present and future). In fact, you are being constantly split at this very moment, fragmenting and splitting into subspaces containing an infinite amount of copies of you with every choice, every movement, and every action.

Why? Because essentially every interaction is at some level a quantum interaction ie; our conscious decisions leads to splits.

Note: It takes time for the brain to integrate all sensory inputs into a conscious experience of the world. Hence the need for most people to acquire a trained guide (quantum energy coach) to coach them how to:

  1. understand the quantum process of unlimited potential,
  2. learn how to use quantum methodology / tools and,
  3. provide support as they learn how to engage in their quantum life change process.


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Take Yourself and your Clients to the Next Level and Beyond!!
Everything is energy and everything is because of energy” is the key to understanding all of life.


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